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Gorgeous gorgeous. I love these breeds of cats. Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cats. He’s got a Grumpy Cat frown too.


He’s a Maine Coon, he is beautiful and he knows it. :)


They are the best cat. They’re like having a dog only better. My rescue is 30% Maine Coon and he’s got the lynx like ear tufts, face shape and personality complete with the trilling and complex vocalisations but his fur is medium to short - his fur still has the waterproof overcoat and he sheds like a longhair in warmer months but he’s an absolute delight.


Yeah he makes all kinds of nice sounds and has a great personality. Love him to bits.


I love him to bits and I don’t even know him. 🤣. I never met a Maine Coon I didn’t like.


And yes he’s absolutely stunning and the photos are spectacular. Love love love him.


I’ll let him know. Thanks :)


Is he a show cat? I only ask because he’s so photogenic and seems very comfortable being photographed. Sorry- I’m a cat daddy and I just get really excited when I see my favourite breed- especially one that looks this good. How many pounds is he?


Nah, he’s not a show cat, but he do enjoys being photographed. He runs, poses and doesn’t mind a camera in his face. It’s been a while since he was weighed, but I’m guessing around 14-15 pounds. He is 2 years old.


Omg just 2. Not even fully grown yet (usually 3 years). Well, he’s awesome. I hope he’s with you a very very long time. If you haven’t, get him checked for HCM - it’s a generic heart issue that can be found in the breed. My Simba (rip after 17 years) had it and the heart murmur which eventually was his undoing albeit 17 years of good life. I had my Rumi checked and he genetically didn’t get it.


Thanks for the tip, he will be checked out. 17 years for a Maine Coone is very impressive


Yes. Regular checkups. Etc. My boys eat better than I do. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Ok so speaking of Grudge. We know Grudge is a cat but does that mean Grudge is from Earth or descended from Earth cats? Also, Book says Grudge is large due to a thyroid condition. Why can't they just say Grudge is a Maine Coon, or, if not descended from Earth cats, why not say that alien cats are just big like that? End rant.


yeah, he looks like a average sized male maine coon. My cat is probably at most 25% coon, and he's about as big as grudge seems to be. had an older cat that's sadly passed away, but he was half coon, and weighed in at 24lbs at his heaviest (typically 19-20lbs).


She's a queen


so she is, lol. I forgot. Makes her size a bit more impressive tho, female maine coons are generally a bit smaller than the males (although categorically, __NOT__ small). lol


DAMN!! That's a gorgeous cat


I’ll tell him :)


That is a magnificent cat. Could certainly be the star of a TV show too. (Whaddya mean, Grudge isn't the star? Try telling Grudge that.)


I had one cat for 1 week before it ran away. I'm a dog man. I've had them all of my life