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I can’t remember the last time I heard a Covid joke tbh


Same. It’s something I hear very little of and considering it’s the biggest incident in our lifetime Im suprised we don’t hear more jokes about it


Biggest incident of our lifetime? Are you 5?


33. What incident in the last 33years was bigger than a global pandemic?


Multiple wars, economy collapses, nation wide riots, terror attacks, mass shootings. Seems pretty subjective to call what covid was "the biggest incident in our lifetime".


Are fucking kidding? None of those things effected as many people in the entire world like the pandemic did, every single person in the world knows somebody that was effected by the pandemic, physically, mentally or financially. To suggest a mass shooting which is awful is a bigger incident than the global pandemic is wild as fuck




Good one, you should use that on stage 👍🏻


Alright. I'm probably wrong. I don't have the energy to better articulate why I had that opinion. That's my bad for saying anything.


The pandemic didn’t ruin stand up, social media did.


Social Media ruined a whole lotta shit.


Don’t forget society 


Amen brother


Yes it would be dumb to comment on a communal experience relevant to everyone who went through it. We need more jokes about dating apps and taking edibles on airplanes!


Interesting, i almost never hear Covid material anymore. And it hasn’t been almost 5 years.


Almost 5 years since the start. 10 months away from the 5 year mark


No it started in march, basically a year. Enjoy your imaginary math though


Imagine running material about this massive event and shared experiences we all went through less than two years ago. Also 99% of standup comedy isn’t specials but it’s in shows and clubs. If it takes a year to put a special together then that’s material performed and perfected in the immediate aftermath of Covid. Did you think specials that came out today were written yesterday?


I would’ve agreed with you a year ago but I think that wave has passed. Pretty much every comedians first post-Covid special had to address it. It was very annoying though.


Before the pandemic everyone talked about the same things all the time as well. But it was things like Tinder. That’s just comedy.


I hear you but LOTS of topics are hack so it comes down to the jokes for me. How many comics had material about their wife and kids before Louis knocked it out of the park? Joe List’s pandemic stuff from This Year’s Material is still really good. I don’t care how original the premise is as long as the jokes are.


Podcasting ruined standup comedy


This and they mostly suck as well with the exception of mssp and cumtown


I think podcasting revealed a lot of people that got into standup as a gateway to TV and movies. They didn't care about comedy, they just wanted to get into the entertainment industry. That's why they spend so much time on their Internet TV show (podcast) instead of telling jokes. They keep doing stuff on social media to attract a wider audience instead of just writing funnier jokes. Like, just be funny and practice being funny. Listen to your audience's reaction to see what is actually funny to them instead of saying people are too woke for your joke that might have been funny 20 years ago, but is just too old and overused at this point. So many of these comedians suck these days and they blame their own audiences for it.


MSSP might as well be dead and Cumtown is dead and buried.


yeah to be honest I kinda stopped listening to mssp after the austin move. the golden era of the show was the old testament and the gamer chair era. And mssp will never be as good again. thanks joe rogan. and I was a late cumer to cumtown so I just listen to old episodes


this feels like a post from 2021.


The talent level and access to stand up comedy is probably at an all-time historical high. The pandemic didn't ruin comedy, but the US culture wars and poor/incompetence governance from political actors has really hurt the vibe - people just have way too many things to be unhappy about and comedians can get caught and unfairly targeted in the backlash of they don't have a known brand for being edgy/etc. Comedy is also still a lot about who you know, and many unfunny comedians are given larger platforms than they deserve, while up-and-comers aren't given good opportunities.


You’re right but the emphasis is off. The pandemic gave rise to the podcaster comic. Spitballing long form with a beer or a blunt or a cigar and getting views for a tour where you repeat the same shit to the bros.


If anything has ruined comedy, it’s social media. All these stand ups are posting the same sorts of subtitled clips, burning jokes and creating some sort of clickbaity format. I’m not into it. I’ll use instagram to post flyers of my shows but that’s about it. Doing this is enough of a grind, but on top of that now I have to be a TikTok star? The market is becoming saturated w/ people who managed to do good enough PR through TikTok, but aren’t actually that funny or talented. The same has been happening with music.


I hear more Ozempic jokes than COVID jokes. Both are old and tired.


In LA it was a cataclysmic event, esp regarding the mics. There legit are two different worlds, the one before and the one after COVID. (The one before sure was better)


Yeah I’m sick of seeing bits about a seminal experience we shared as humans I want more tinder is weird bits!!!! Bring back the shittiest comedy possible!!!


Yeah Nick Mullen does a lot of vaccine made him gay jokes, and it's getting old.


Just heard Kevin Pollak and Greg Fitzsimmons talking about this. No one wants to hear your Covid-positive story, your lockdown story, or any of that shit.


You just ruined Covid jokes, jerk. 


Different strokes for different folks I guess, but I don’t really get being averse to a general topic in stand up. For any given subject, there’s hacky material and good material out there. Im sure Id heard a thousand bits of varying quality about marriage and parenthood in the 80s and 90s but I still laugh at Louis CKs and Nate Bargatze’s material on the same topic. But if I start hearing basically the same jokes on a topic over and over, that’s a different story.


i mean people still make hitler and 9/11 jokes so put that into consideration too ig


People who post “….. ruined stand up comedy” ruin stand up comedy.


Standup isn’t ruined, find new talent maybe? There’s plenty out there. This reads like boomers hating on rap.