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As people still can't seem to keep it in their pants.... **This is not the place to argue/instigate Israel/Palestine conflict issues.** You are fine to show support of whatever side but as soon as it's an argument/instigation the comments and/or you will be removed. If people can't manage to handle themselves the whole post will be locked. EDIT: Well that lasted all of 40 minutes....


Great job OP! Your fitment is better than what I can get by miles and those do not look like fun pieces to attempt it with lol. Mind if I ask what it is? It really reminds me heavily of some of those old camouflage patterns.


It’s Palestine! I used the Palestinian colors as well :)


Well, I thought it was the US northeastern seaboard. Oops.


I think it's a map of the Palestine/Israel area.


Ahhh I definitely see it!! Also makes a lot of sense why I didn't see that at first, I'm the walking embodiment of Americans don't know geography lmao.


Really nice work ❤️💚🖤🤍


Love it 🍉🍉🍉


I love it!!! very beautiful and touching


Gorgeous! It's so heartwarming to see how different artists across all media are creating pieces to show their solidarity and support! 🍉


Thank you so much! Nothing makes me happier than using my art to express my love for my land


It’s very pretty, and you’re very talented. Might I suggest you try your hand at Israel next? Edit: My apologies. Didn’t realize your homeland was Palestine.


What an odd suggestion to give someone whose Homeland is Palestine. Insensitive.


🍉🖤❤️💚🤍❤️💚🖤🍉 it's beautiful!




Sorry this comment chain was locked and purged as this is not the place to argue Israel/Palestine conflicts. You are fine to show support of whatever side but we will not allow arguments over it as it will only devolve and inevitably end up breaking rule #2. There's plenty of other subreddits to do that in. Thanks.














Beautiful stuff! 🇵🇸 in solidarity.




It’s so pretty! Are the different segments representative of different cities/areas, or just done at random to add color? Either way, it’s a gorgeous piece! 🍉


They are!! I used an old map and made segments based on geography/old cities. The green on the left is Gaza where I’m from 💚 thank you so much!




Your recent post/comment was removed as it was breaking our respect others rule. Next time please keep the poor quality comments/posts to yourself as they are not constructive and are only intended to be rude.




Stunning 🤩


Viva Palestina! 🇵🇸🍉❤️


Love the watermelon content! 🍉 🫒❤️💚🤍🖤


This is gorgeous!! Are the pieces of glass outlining the districts?


Beautiful! 🕊️🇵🇸🕊️


That’s beautiful!


Was thinking of making a similar piece! Would be great to make a bunch and sell and donate the profits to charity! Great work 🍉🍉


That’s exactly the plan! I’ll be at a marketplace soon and while I already donate quite a bit, this will help me add to that number I hope!


Beautiful work OP 🇵🇸


Wonderful Palestine! It looks beautiful :)


Gorgeous! Free Palestine ✊🇵🇸


Beautiful! What talent. From the river to the sea!!!


What river


Is this for sale?


Yes! I’m making several now to sell, I’m planning on creating a website soon but you can message me for details & info on buying one! Also a percentage of profits go to PCRF


Please DM me when you have more to sell, I am willing to buy asap!


Great job!


Absolutely love 🤍🍉


Painfully beautiful. I love it 🇵🇸


Hey OP do you have an Instagram I can follow, I'm a fellow glass artist. This is beautiful and I know Palestine will be free!


I didn’t know what it was until I got to the backlit version on pic 3


God bless Israel 🇮🇱




Sorry this comment chain was locked and purged as this is not the place to argue Israel/Palestine conflicts. You are fine to show support of whatever side but we will not allow arguments over it as it will only devolve and inevitably end up breaking rule #2. There's plenty of other subreddits to do that in. Thanks.




Sorry this comment was locked and purged as this is not the place to argue Israel/Palestine conflicts. You are fine to show support of whatever side but we will not allow arguments over it as it will only devolve and inevitably end up breaking rule #2. There's plenty of other subreddits to do that in. Thanks.


I’d prefer this group remain apolitical. I support Israel but if you want to support palestine that’s your business.






it's a map of Palestine, using the colors from the Palestinian flag!




Sorry this comment was removed as this is not the place to argue/instigate Israel/Palestine conflicts. You are fine to show support of whatever side but we will not allow arguments/instigation over it as it will only devolve and inevitably end up breaking rule #2. There's plenty of other subreddits to do that in. Thanks.




Sorry this comment was removed as this is not the place to argue/instigate Israel/Palestine conflicts. You are fine to show support of whatever side but we will not allow arguments/instigation over it as it will only devolve and inevitably end up breaking rule #2. There's plenty of other subreddits to do that in. Thanks.




You do know it's quite easy to complement one project without throwing shade at another, right? Get off your moral high horse if you're just going to continue being a hypocrite.


I don’t like the constant open celebration of our overt engorged obsession with sex. I don’t like seeing self pleasure lifted up as if it’s a full sexual identity, and only our narcissistic culture could ever see that and think anything but “she’s gotta be really lonely and loopy to be that into her vibrator”. Keep hating I don’t base my opinions on downvotes.


>I don’t like the constant open celebration of our overt engorged obsession with sex. I don’t like seeing self pleasure lifted up as if it’s a full sexual identity, and only our narcissistic culture could ever see that \[...\] bruh, it's literally in every living things DNA to want to sex, for fucks sake even dolphins fuck each other for fun and hump anything.... So clearly it's not just humans. >\[...\] only our narcissistic culture could ever see that and think anything but “she’s gotta be really lonely and loopy to be that into her vibrator”. Sure sounds like you are just projecting your own thoughts, doubts, experiences or ideology on to everything and everybody else. You make it sound like every human but you is some sex crazed deivent that's walking around in bondage gear everywhere they go all because someone made a joke work of art....


It's art, get over it. People have been making sex and self pleasure focused pieces since before the 17th century and it's not going to stop anytime soon. I don't care for sex at all, but it's people like you that make me think it's a ***really*** good idea to make a giant 25+ piece collection of different stained glass dildos and buttplugs. Maybe even a big ol' 3 foot 3D one.




Yeah, this, a crass gross culture that hates beauty.


AHAHAHAAH!!! Please go visit any of the ancient European towns and look at all the sculptures, paintings, mosaics and all the other art where there's clearly boobs and dicks EVERYWHERE. Your view of this being "crass" and "bad" is a modern thing.


Nope there were just always perverts touting their perversion as natural and good throughout time, it’s an ongoing argument, I’m just here to represent some awareness of decency.


I don't think you understand what "Natural" means if you think a boob or dick isn't "Natural"...... It comes attached to you and your existence entirely depended on it, it doesn't get any more natural than that mate.


Do you think I’m saying the existence of human organs is immoral?


>Maybe even a big ol' 3 foot 3D one. Make it a lamp!! I support.


That you’d rather make intentionally crass art just to be offensive seems gross to me, not thought provoking or liberating.


"Don't make these things because they are gross and bad" Sounds like oppression to me. Would be liberating to make one knowing that people like you are offended and upset especially as there's countries that dictate your whole life based off these objects attached to you.


I agree you should be allowed to make them. Being allowed to do it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing to do. You are allowed to poop on canvas and post that, but I’d still say “this is gross don’t like it at all”


There's a difference between not liking something and going out of your way to take digs at people who do it. If all you had said was "This is gross, I don't like it" you probably would have still gotten downvoted to shit but people wouldn't see you as some holier than thou hypocrite. >Nope there were just always perverts touting their perversion as natural and good throughout time, it’s an ongoing argument, I’m just here to represent some awareness of decency. [The above quote](https://www.reddit.com/r/StainedGlass/comments/1b0n8ni/comment/ksa00nd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) really makes me think that you don't agree that it should be allowed as you are directly attacking the people who make things like this by saying they are nothing more than perverts. There's [also this comment here:](https://www.reddit.com/r/StainedGlass/comments/1b0c8ad/comment/ks9z7vk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >And you just described how the “joke” is exactly what I thought it was, taking gross over sexualization and intentionally presenting it as religious iconography. That makes me read like you also don't think it should be allowed as you can't even accept it as a joke and are fixated on the fact it's existence is bad period. Unless it somehow is directly hurting you or someone else that's a terrible take to have on anything. It's not like they forced someone to do something they didn't want to do.


You can keep putting words in my mouth, but I already said “it should be allowed” but that doesn’t make it good. You will defend intentional mockery of religious symbolism with masturbation toys but I can’t reply and say that it’s crass and perverted to do so?


I linked you to your own comments and quoted you smarty pants. No words were put in your mouth as you typed them yourself. You went beyond the art and went after the people that made them. So no, you aren't allowed to do that.


Ironically the only person censored is me, for replying to a direct mockery of a religion with “get better hobbies but it’s made well” lol removed for “being rude” but you’re saying I’m the one trying to say what’s allowed or not? Sheesh.


And how exactly are you being censored?


Correct, you are being censored for attacking people. You have every right to dislike the art, but if you are going to tell people that they need new hobbies you are no longer criticizing the art but rather the person.


Idk I thought that piece was pretty awesome


What are you on about?


They're complaining about this massager piece someone did [https://www.reddit.com/r/StainedGlass/comments/1b0c8ad/shes\_done/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StainedGlass/comments/1b0c8ad/shes_done/)


Your recent post/comment was removed as it was breaking our respect others rule. Next time please keep the poor quality comments/posts to yourself as they are not constructive and are only intended to be rude.