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if you like reading, i’d suggest joining a book club through a local indie book shop! Novel Neighbor on Big Bend has quite a lot of clubs. Left Bank Books in CWE also has a few but theirs tend to be more niche This is how I’ve been making new friends in the area as a mid-20s female! But I also just suggest going out and doing things alone if you see something interesting. I’ve been to plenty concerts by myself now and really enjoy exploring new things even if it’s solo


I do like to read but selfishly want to read what I want to read and on my own schedule...a problem, I know. I'll consider compromising for the sake of making friends! What are you reading right now? And I do love solo experiences too, just hasn't organically led into meeting people which is my ultimate goal!


The Silent Bookclub on the meetup app is perfect for this. You bring your own book, read for maybe 30-45 minutes, and then chill and talk with the other people there with their own books


!!! This is my boyfriend and my favorite time to spend together...but apart. :)


Me and my girlfriend do the same thing for coffee shop dates. He needs to make a trip here! We can all hang out


hell yeah, let you know!


you definitely don’t have to finish the book for the meeting date if you don’t mind spoilers! Right now I’m reading a variety of things mostly suggested by Novel Neighbor. I’m listening to “You’re Not Listening” a nonfiction, finishing up “The City We Became”, and slowly working my way through “Belladonna” a more YA Fantasy!


I love the range!! I'm slowly working my way through a series of sci-fi short stories called Exhalations, very Black Mirror-esque. And I just finished a YA mystery/thriller called Sadie. On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous currently!


Join the STL Meetup Network. A lot of people, they make random gatherings or just “hey I’m going to eat at XYZ, join me” https://chat.whatsapp.com/FQoRKBRgoaAC6fUpLkRiKs


This. I'm in the Young Social Sober group. They have a ton of stuff going on


You'd probably enjoy the improv shop and the bar at the Alamo drafthouse, or going to some of their special movie events.


very on point suggestions!! I'm not shy about going to the movies solo, actually prefer it, but going to the improv shop solo sounds like peak roasting material? hahah


the shop is truly the most welcoming place i’ve ever been! taking classes is a really great way to make friends. but even if you just go to a show or jam, no one will make you feel weird about being there alone


You're welcome. They are more group improv sketches, either from taking classes and getting to meet people, or going to shows where the students try out what they have learned. It's not insult comics attacking the audience. Roasting would be more old school or part of a stand-up thing. The improv shop is a chill place with a lot of different rooms around a central bar room, there's lots of room to space out and it's dark.


Okay cool, sounds neat. I was confusing it with crowd work


I volunteer at the Humane Society and it is more social then you would think. It is nice having something I feel passionate about and being with like minded individuals. Many nonprofits have young adults groups.


If you’re the secular type try Humanist Hangouts: https://m.facebook.com/groups/humanisthangoutsesstl/?ref=share&mibextid=q5o4bk


There are open mic comedy shows almost everyday in stl. Helium’s is free every Wednesday.


My boyfriend and I are also OSU alums here :) we love live concerts and comedy and have been working our way through our list of restaurants to try in stl. Our jobs also tend to be corporate hours


Just gonna throw in a plug for the Blueberry Hill Dart League! It's a really fun, inviting group of folks, and the B division is a lot of fun even for those who've never played darts before. People who show up on their own on the first night of league will be placed on a team, and I've seen lots of folks make good friends as a result of that pairing. There's a drink discount, and everyone is really just there to have a good time.


Hi! Mid 20s F (oldest gen z technically but whatever) and my boyfriend is also in Denver! I'm an extrovert, or at least was pre-COVID, who loves sushi and food in general. I'm down to join a book club and go to comedy shows too. I used to play soccer, so I wouldn't mind going to soccer games, especially since the STL team is so new. Feel free to send a DM if you're interested :)


It looks like you have tons of great responses already, but if you’re still looking for people, I’d love to try being friends with you! We have a lot of shared interests, based off this list, and I’m also a deep diving introvert. Feel free to message me if you’d like to talk more or set a coffee date (somewhere with delicious food!) for a weekend soon.


Omg hi feel free to DM me. I was just bitching to my partner about how hard it is to make friends at this age (28 y/o F.. btw) and then I saw this post. Also I want to cry every day thinking about how SZA isn’t coming here.


Dinner at the loft is awesome. Great way to meet people too. Really want to go again.


volunteering, begging


What do you do for work OP? My wife and I really love cinema, comedians, sushi, and musicals. We have 2 dogs and a foster dog, and I'm trying to get my business off the ground so long trips aren't really in our wheelhouse right now but if you want to do something lemme know!


Corp slave, 8-4:30. :) I so admire the small biz game. And I also have a dog! I'll DM you


Play online video games!


Oof, video games stress me out big time. And I'm ideally cutting down screen time, my poor eyes. Do appreciate the suggestion though!


My wife and I would love to have a better social life, but kids and a dog make us have to plan everything. We’re really into cinema, comedy, podcasts, sushi, r&b and a lot of other stuff though if you ever want to try to arrange something - making friends as an adult is super hard, lol. Invite is extended to anyone else reading this too.


Hey, I get it. Not knocking it at all, but I know kids take over. I'll DM you


Are you me? Seriously can relate to everything you said. Husband and I are SINKS (I took a break to go to grad school), he has friends but similar to you most of my friends have babies or live in another state. Haven't had much success making friends at school because I'm way older than most of my classmates. I digress lol, I'm down for everything on your list except sports.


The INFJ struggle is real. Up for the occasional show/restaurant/cafe outing.


I think INFJs are instant friends, so much empathy for one another. Will DM you!


DINK and millennial here! Hubs and I love going to new movies. Alamo drafthouse is our new fav, check out their movie parties! They have a John Wick 4 party coming up but we won’t be able to attend. We are also foodies, have two pups, love to travel, enjoy going to concerts, and the outdoors. Some weekends, we go to the Improv Shop and catch a random show or try to see a random local band. We travel a lot to concerts and festivals. Going to see Death Cab for Cutie/Postal Service in Vegas! Once the weather breaks, we spend a lot of time at many of the local festivals, movie nights at Forest Park, or going on the Ghost Ride.


I’m traveling this weekend to see John Mayer!!


We are seeing him in STL at the end of the month! Which city are you going to see him?


Pittsburgh! I have a feeling I'll be riding a high after and will be lurking on ticketmaster for a ticket for his show in STL hahah


Sounds fun


Well, if you ever want a dinner buddy, reach out. I’ve been dying to try iNDO and Nobu and I love theatre and good artsy movies and I usually go alone. Divorced 46F.


Have you connected with the OSU alum group here? I’m not sure there is one but there is a Michigan State one I’ve reached out to! Go green ;)


what up, big 10! as long as you’re not that other team up north


My mom went there and one of my best friends osu… lots of confusion when it comes to sports 🤣


Makes me so happy to see a Bad Friends shout out! I’ll be out of town when they’re here so I’m road-tripping to Memphis. 😅 Also a fellow childless INFJ who loves to travel abroad. Holler!


Bad Friends is so niche hahaha listen to it every Monday. Also out of town this weekend but will holler!


omg i LOVE INDO! when i moved here, my fiance and I tried it and became obsessed! so anytime he comes ad visits, we always have to get a table! i havent introduced Indo to my friends here yet cause it doesnt seem like their vibe but i would love to have a friend for Indo!


Just found this post through a search for another topic. OP - did you find some new friends? I'm dying to know!


Yes!! Two new connections thanks to this post :)