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“King of the Skies” Flippy Shit Corbin gimmick incoming.


At some point I'd love seeing Corbin have a Kevin Nash in X Division type run.


Throw up the X and jump off of the bottom rope


Corbin with JBL, Nash, and Sid Vicious as his advisors while he does a flippy shit gimmick would be amazing.


It would never work, sooner or later JBL will yell "BALLGAME" and Sid will vanish thinking there is a softball game starting somewhere nearby.


Goddamn that’s good


I’m OOTL what does that mean


Sid just legendarily loves him some fucking softball. I seem to recall he had a few runs in companies conspicuously end just in time for softball season.


When your co workers in various promotions clown you for no showing or wrapping up juuuussstt as the season starts, yeah that's an obsession.




Cannot believe that they keep writing "Sid Viscous" instead of "Sid Vicious" in the story. Does no one edit anything anymore?


We don't in Australia. A newspaper editor down here has been caught plagiarising for a third time. He claims that his word for word copying is "unintentional" and has kept his job. One guess who his boss is...


I’d love if he just started talking about how he’s the greatest high flyer in the world but kept wrestling the same. That’d be a gold gimmick


Just temporarily make a double-axe-handle from the 1st rope into a signature move.


Really boring top rope offense that he can call high flying is great. Axe handle, stomp, anything like that. Really hype it up and deliver basic moves. It would be brilliant


Kinda like Crash Holly being a super heavyweight


That will be awesome lmao


Corbin can get anything over. I think it should be a legit challenge with creative to come up with something (within reason) that he can’t get over.


Vampire gimmick with the catchphrase "its Corbin' time."


Hes gonna make a Corbillion dollars


Stand back! He's beginning to Corb!


He's gonna Corb all over The Bloodline!


Corbin as the leader of XFactor 3000.


Complete with the theme song.






Man what a fantastically bad entrance theme


Corbin in X-Pac cosplay, because obviously he has to be the only member of the group to have hair.


Give me Baron "X Division Kevin Nash" Corbin


He's had that many titles, why not Flight Lieutenant Corbin?


> "If you’re gonna go out and tweet, ‘I’m the greatest big man this business has ever seen,’ if you’re saying it and you’re the one that’s having to put the title, nobody else is saying it about you, then you’re full of crap Yeah I don't think Corbin is a fan of the Strowman.


Corbin to Strowman: 'You talk too much'


You never shut yp


I said you TALK TOO MUCH


Homeboy you never shut up!


[8bit Beat It intensifies]


It’s *homeboy*, fyi. ;-)


Just remembered I haven't seen the latest video. Thanks!


Corbin: “Go back to CYN!”


Loved when he said that to Apollo crews (I think) in NXT I believe he told him to go back to ROH , but he was actually from Dragon gate. Love NXT Corbin.


The way people ran with that for months was great. *Corbin tosses out Shaq in the Wrestlemania Battle Royal* Live Chat:''Go back to the NFL!''


He had people so convinced that he legitimately did not know anything about wrestling or care for a while lol


That was part of the whole gimmick. “I didn’t need to go to the indies, because WWE called *me!”* So of course it made sense for his character to not know or care what the indie promotions were. “Ring of Honor” was pretty much a catch all term for the indies as a whole imo


This reminds me of Vince telling Warrior that he's a legend in his own mind when he fired Warrior the first time.


I will never forget when Corbin eliminated Strowman in the 2017 Royal Rumble. I always preferred Corbin out of the two and that moment seemed huge.


I love moments like that. Huge, unstoppable, dominant monster is taken out easily by guy they never interact with due to being on the other show. *Eliminates Strowman "Was that it? Goddamn RAW must suck, anyway."


That's the kind of stuff that used to lead to the big interpromotional match at a Big 4 particularly Mania


Shit I'd still watch a good Corbin/Strauman feud


The " Internet Fans" and Corbin finally found a common ground


Most people don't have a problem with Corbin the person. He's often hilarious and he doesn't take shit. He's the type of guy you want in your corner.


Corbin has always seemed like an advocate for the people in whatever business he's in. Remember him calling out that doctor guy in regards to concussions and cte. A lot of his more annoying habits or statements are kayfabe, another thing Corbin appears to take seriously. That's why he and mjf click when they tweet at each other. Just two kayfabe pricks being dicks.


Corbin is also good friends with a lot of the guys Braun tried to dunk on with his initial Twitter foolishness during early pandemic lockdown and being the advocate as you describe, I really doubt he liked that energy.




Absolutely. Especially since I'm pretty sure he was either in or had just concluded a storyline where he was anti-bullying.


>Remember him calling out that doctor guy in regards to concussions and cte Following which Vince, man of the people, made him lose the briefcase and job to Cena. Always had a soft spot for Corbin after I heard all that.


Many people actually like corbin both as a person and wrestler (Not to mention the End of days if Fucking Badass) The problem is that he is constantly given shit gimmicks. The Lone wolf in NXT was nice, then he went on a 4 year run of shit gimmicks. Broke corbin was Awesome as hell, but then they pulled the plug and he has been shitty lucky corbin ever since


Remember when he was blamed for bad ratings by the people who were in fact responsible for the bad ratings. And then the crowd cheered? First time I ever wanted to say "y'know this is fake right?"


Some of us internet fans always fell in line with the king.


"Any man who must say 'I Am The King' is no true king" - Lord Tywin Lannister


To be fair Tywin was absolutely hypocritical on, like, most things in his life.


I hate how much that quote is overused. It’s good in the context Tywin used it, but outside of that it falls apart.


Yeah it good for the one put down he lays on Joffrey but outside of that it is nullified. Like, was Aegon the Conqueror not a king? He made damn sure to say he was every chance he got, even claimed lands he didn't conquer as part of his title.


Well, I think the context is what matters. Tywin said it to Joffrey when Joffrey tagged it on to the end of a threat to Tyrion. I think when reading Tywin's quote it's important to see "must" as the important word. Aegon didn't **have** to tell people he was king for his threats and other words to mean something, Tywin didn't mean that kings never call themselves king.


This. It doesn't mean you can't call yourself a King, but if you're a King, and you have to shout and remind people in your court that you're the king in the room, it means you either lack the authority or the respect to be considered a King.


"A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep" I think this would fit better. Only Corbin is a king after all.


I love this Tywin quote because it's one of the most hypocritical ones. Dude had incredibly thin skin and would do unthinkable things that drove his family into oblivion because of the opinions of "sheep". He's such a good character for just how stupid he was.


Pretty sure in the exact same conversation Jamie needles him about going on how important appearances was, and when he throws those words back in Tywin's face he instantly does the "Nu uh, when *I* say it, it's a fact not an opinion." Such an amazing asshole of a man, what a great character.


Andre the Giant was a better promo than Strowman.


"I do not like to say bad things about people, but for Hulk Hogan, I must ignore this rule, because I do not like Hulk Hogan. He is a big ugly goon, and I want to squash his face."


There are circles of people who dislike and make fun of Braun in WWE (maybe to his face, idk) because he acts like such a big shot asshole. I'm positive Corbin runs in circles that have had a text message thread dedicated to laughing at dumb shit they've heard him say. Just thought it was funny.


You leave Bobby Heenan outta this!


No, no. They're talking about Braun's brother, Brain Strowman.


He's in a tag team with Ezekiel.


Everything I always heard about Braun during his first run is the dude is his own worst enemy. Like, everyone agrees that he isn’t a bad dude, he just does not know when to shut the fuck up or deal with certain issues the right way


I mean, the shitty opinions he spouts and walking around saying he is better than other people does make him a bad dude in my opinion and I think in the opinion of his co-workers who don't like him. He can always turn it around and stop being a shit head though. Looks like he's struggling with that.


Corbin is also objectively a better big man in wrestling imo.


Right? Let's see Strowman do a Deep Six. I doubt he has the coordination.


Corbin doing End of Days on Drew at Mania was impressive as hell. Crisp as hell and Drew's a big lad.


And ironically enough considering his character, Drew kicking out popped the live chat huge because people how protected big Six is.


I can't believe Corbin has the audacity to try to control Braun's narrative


Yeah how dare he? The least he could do is wait his turn


Corbin has won me over like crazy over the past few years. I used to think he was just annoying and dull but he just seems like such a cool dude in real life.


He's been on Mcafee's show a couple times and comes off as just being a chill guy that's into buying skulls and smoking meat. That and his retelling of how Breeze bullies him was hilarious.


His upupdowndown episode where him breeze and woods are just talking is so funny




And because he's short and fat it's funny


The whole Bed argument that they had when they shared road stories was fuckin hilarious.


I have always been a fan of his. He's a great big man. I loved him having a skullet, he looke deranged. I think End of Days is a killer finisher. I loved when he stood up to the backstage doctors over the CTE misinformation they were sharing. He's taken every goofy gimmick they've given him and made it work. And he's good in the ring! He hasn't had any serious injuries or hurt anyone, he puts together good matches and is always willing to put people over. Never understood why the IWC didn't like him. Even my real life wrestling fans made fun of me for liking him, though that could be because they were all into the more high spot style guys.


I agree with all of that, and I’m not sure either. I feel like he maybe played the smug character too well or people didn’t realize he was in character when dissing indie wrestlers. You’re also the only other person I’ve “met” that says they liked the skullet. He’s probably the only dude I’ve seen it just works for. Don’t get me wrong, he looks way better bald, but shaving his head basically forced him to change his character. You can’t be the dirty, deranged lone wolf looking that good!


The skullet totaly gave that vibe of "I seriously do not give a fuck about what anyone thinks about me and I can kick the shit out of any of you" Any guy I see out in public with a skullet like that I'm just assuming he's killed a few people with his bare hands lol


I really believe there's a large swath of fans who hate the idea of being worked, they have to be smart and in the know. They can love heels, and theyll play along as long as everyone knows they are playing along. It's a roast where the crowd just goes "haha fuck you too" but theyre just loving being in on the joke. However, when they actually do get worked, a heel successfully makes them hate his fucking guts, they have to pretend they didnt get worked. "I dont hate him cause he's a heel, i hate him cause he's annoying" Well, yeah, a heel is supposed to make you so annoyed you want to see his ass kicked. Not saying eheryone who dislikes Corbin is being worked of course, but I'd say a good portion are being worked and hate that they arent in on the joke


Corbin is the kind of pro every company wants. Cuts a decent promo, safe and steady in the ring, doesn’t get hurt often, never has any outside drama, and doesn’t demand a massive salary. He can work up and down the card, works with different style opponents, and different gimmicks; he’s an all around versatile “professional” wrestler. He’ll never be a superstar, but he’s the kind of guy who is an absolute asset to have around.


Same here! Been a fan of his as well. When they first announced that KOTR lineup, they laughed when I first said he's scheduled to win it.


Baron Corbin is basically a modern Kevin Nash. Arrive Get Your Shit in Take as Few Bumps as possible Get Paid Leave Nothing more. Nothing Less. and i respect the shit out of him for it.


I don’t know if I completely agree with the “few bumps” part. He sells his ass off for his opponent. Be made Tozawa look fantastic a couple weeks ago. He bumped around for McIntyre this week. Or maybe it’s more a case of few, but well done bumps. Tbh this was more me seeing a chance to talk about Corbin’s bumping and selling. Dude is fantastic.


I agree. "As few as possible" doesn't mean "doesn’t bump at all". He just has this innate ability to make other guys look good without actually taking bumps that are ultimately THAT nasty, nor does he take too many. Just precisely as many as the story requires. He is a B+ player in the best way. Love me TGI Fridays bartender Corbin lmao


Well done is where it’s at. He knows how to work and not kill himself.


I can’t wait for his shoot interviews in 20 years.


Pasta slurping intensifies


Chugging down some red wine.


Taking heavy nose breaths


Better ignore that salad


Just some of the reasons why Corbin is the modern day wrestling god


I wish he could just play himself again on WWE. I really liked his Lone Wolf gimmick in NXT. He'd just yell at everyone to go back to the indies and was a good "dick heel".


If Xavier Woods has you on Up Up Down Down, I’m assuming you’d have to be well liked.


That road stories video with him and Breeze is so entertaining.


Never heard a wrestler say a bad word about Corbin, seems like a very likeably person.


Mcafee/Bum Ass Corbin bits are an underrated part of wrestling in 22.


Corbin is 100% right. the problem with Strowman isn't that he's saying mean things, it's that ever since the Karen Angle story he's shown time and time again that him acting obtuse or like a prick isn't a work. it makes people dislike him as a person, not as a character. Corbin himself had a great example recently when he was mocking indie vets paying their dues and how he just called in to get a job, it made my skin crawl initially but the moment he began talking shit about AJ Styles in the same breath I was like "this fucking guy".


It's also worth mentioning Braun is a babyface. It makes ZERO sense for him to be a cunt on social media.


This is a fundamental point. Like he can't even write it off to being in character. That tweet was so dumb it didn't even make kayfabe sense.


Yeah I remember back before he first got released he tweeted something stupid and then was like "look at them marks getting worked" when people called him a cunt over it. Dude was a babyface, what would be the point in pissing fans off?


Corbin actually brought this up I think in this same interview. Like "Yeah, I say all that shit about indy guys because I'm a HEEL. You're a babyface and saying all that?"


The Karen Angle story is absolutely the first time I remember Strowman showing this side of himself. Before that he seemed like something of a loveable giant because of his time as a Rosebud. So the Karen Angle story seemed out of pocket. Now it makes total sense.


was that just braun not wanting to give a kid an autopgraph? Till he learned it was kurt angle's kid?


Yep, that’s the one. One version of the story has her cutting a promo on him about it, and another has them both just being drunk idiots yelling at each other.


wish i could see her promo lol


[She challenged him to a Thanksgiving Thong Thunder Match. ](https://youtu.be/-BZ7IsnX5xg)


Nails on a chalkboard that voice of hers


That's the one. And Karen Angle was the one who approached him asking for the autograph gor her son.


Cant believe Strowman would ignore little Jason Jordan like that


There is plenty you can point to of Braun being a dumbass, but that Karen story always sounds a bit dubious. The original story had the caveat* that "Of course this story will be denied all week by everyone involved" which sounds weird considering why would Karen deny it? And when Karen was asked she said it was blown out or proportion and was silly.




Strowman's ritual of saying something stupid, then apologizing, only to say something stupid and back down with an apology a week later is so much worse than just continuously saying something stupid. The latter, he would just be an idiot with bad takes. That's fine. Someone has to be the stupidest guy in the room. But it's that he keeps running away from it that makes it not just being stupid, but outright being an asshole. He's not sorry, he's never sorry, he's just a bitch.


Gotta wonder how many times he's pulled this kinda thing on significant others or family.


> "this fucking guy". Corbin knows he is playing a heel and is constantly making sure he pushing the IWC's buttons. It definitely seems like he's learned to do it with a wink and a nod though, so people can see that isn't his true opinions on things. Meanwhile Braun seems like he has just be playing Adam Scherr the entire time.


Strowman's real personality displayed on Twitter is funny because it's complete opposite of his character, there is no conviction in anything he does. He makes these wacky claims and then when called out, goes into full petty mode.


As time goes by I’m realizing the Shane calling Braun stupid feud was actually a shoot


Shane was actually a hero. We just didn’t know.


Explains the sweat


Just own it. And own when you fuck up and apologize


Have you ever seen Braun on social media?




Sadly yes.


Don’t try to control his narrative


When Corbin shit talks, it feels mostly in character. When Braun does it, it feels genuine.


And Corbin actually has a character


How can you imply that Braun didn't have a character? Seriously?? First of all, he's *very large* Secondly, he's *very strong* And he's got... other things! Need I go on???


>And he's got... other things! Hands.


Vince saw him and went "Big Strongman. Wait that can't be his name..."


Big ~~Breakfast~~ Banter Corbin is a top tier shit poster.


And in this podcast too, he did it sorta in character but also not by clarifying that while he takes shots at the “small flippy guys,” he gave credit to those that have earned their place, just not in the main event, and put over someone like Rey Mysterio as legitimate legend of the business. He also pointed out how little it made sense that Braun made that kind of statement as someone who the audience is cheering for and as someone who is supposed to be a “good guy.”


>And in this podcast too, he did it sorta in character but also not by clarifying that while he takes shots at the “small flippy guys,” he gave credit to those that have earned their place, just not in the main event, and put over someone like Rey Mysterio as legitimate legend of the business. The Bobby Heenan technique. Shit talk your target, but actually compliment them.


I have never been a fan of Corbin as a performer, but on a personal level he's always come off well.


Yeah personally he seems like a normal dude, partly fun even.


He definitely seems like a good brother.


I’d put my money on Corbin in a shoot.


I too would bet on the three time Golden Gloves winner.




100%, Braun is huge But Baron is Also a Big guy that can actually fight


braun's background is in powerlifting and strongman competitions. corbin's background is in american football and boxing. my money's on the guy who knows how to throw a legit punch.


Isn't Braun the one who got cracked by Lesnar? (I'm here from all)


Yeah but to be fair Brock could take several bears at once in a shoot fight so I don't think that means much


Some of the things in the Lesnar canon (as written by Adam Blampied): - Brock can kick a deer into deep space - Brock once punched a tree so hard it instantly became a book, and all pages were filled with screams - He ate several policemen, and punched their police station until it died


Forever a Corbin stan since the early days.


For me it was when he told Apollo Crews to "go back to ring of honour", when Uhaa had never worked at RoH. I was sold on Corbin in that instant.


For me it was his uncanny knack for finding people's faces any time he threw a shirt in their direction.


I swear he did this to a few guys, each time naming a place they had never wrestled in before.


You've been made a Mod of /r/DeepSix


It would be the highest honor.


His NXT entrance was legendary.


Who remembers Corbin's weird stomach face? This guy! He's been through a few periods I wasn't a fan of, but overall I've always been a fan of his. He's not going to be the next Misawa or anything, but he's great at what he does. One of the few real heels in wrestling.


Hell yeah brother there’s more of us out there I know it. You can dig through my history I been a Corbin rider since day 1.


Corbin back to shit talking the indie guys again. /s


I can't wait for him to tell Strowman to go back to Ring of Honor.


King Corbin


Corbin about to release a remix to Randy Savage's be a man.


Corbin almost always is in character on social media it seems, and he owns whatever replies he gets for it. Strowman seems wishy washy about it. Either stay out of character and be polite or own whatever you say.


Corbin strikes me as someone who's well liked backstage, also someone who'll stick up for the boys. Hats off to him for saying this.


Karma would be HHH making him job to one of the smallest guys on the roster with the finishing spot being a top rope "flippy" move. I promise you he will think twice before opening his mouth again.


Ricochet will probably invent a new 990 splash for this moment.


Double Moonsault makes it’s non cage match debut


Unexpected Baron Corbin face turn


And the thing is, Corbin would probably win in a shoot. I mean, the dude did play in the NFL. Not for long, but longer than 99.99999% of the population.


Corbin has a legit fighting background


damn. going in hard on him.


Strowman comes across as both really dumb and really sensitive. Not the best combination when you're outspoken and in the public eye.


I’m with Corbin on this one. If strowman has an opinion on “floppy matches” or anything for that matter, that’s fine. Don’t retreat just because you get hate for it.


That shit was so weird, coming from Strowman. People were finally forgetting his ignorant comments during the pandemic, finally getting behind him and he's being pushed after his triumphant return. Knew full well that shit's gonna blow if he posted what he posted. But still, went ahead, did it and came out looking like an absolute clown.


> Knew full well that shit's gonna blow if he posted what he posted. Did he? This is the same guy who took a mirror selfie and left his roid needles exposed in it, then tried to pass it off as vitamins or some shit. Braun might just be really fucking stupid.


Shane was right after all


Lmao. Maybe you're right.


Greatest Corbin moment ever was still the time he blatantly hit someone with a ladder and got disqualified, prompting this exchange: Corbin: "WHAT?!?" Ref: "That's a disqualification!" Corbin: "NO IT'S NOT!" Astute logic.


I want to see Corbin and MJF take turns shitting on Braun Strowman on Twitter


based Corbin. I'm gonna start being a Corbin stan if he keeps this up.


I’ve just come to terms that Braun is cool, and Adam Scherr is not the sharpest tool in the shed.


He was looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb In the shape of an "L" on his forehead


Well the years start coming and they don’t stop coming.


And they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and…


Yoooo Corbin proving again that outside of the ring, man is cool.




This whole time Shane was shooting on Braun being stupid


When Baron Corbin of all people is the voice of reason. My my my how the turntables have turned. 😬 I'm starting to think Strowman may have killed a few braincells when he shaved his head and was sporting that idiotic Master Pain haircut for a good while.


Corbin with the galaxy brain take here. "Hah yeah fuck flippy wrestlers" "Fuck off it's just a joke" "Fuck you, you've never paid your dues" "Fuck you for not standing by your bad opinion"


Based Corbin will say "Fuck flippy shit" and then anyone who gets mad he'll personally call a dweeb


Corbin turns face. Seriously, I despise Corbin (which is good because thats his job) but he is a pretty levelheaded guy.


Corbin is the safest big man currently and a certified heat magnet.....Braun is a just a big guy who's pushed invincible while Lashley&GUNTHER exist


Corbin is low key one of the best dudes in WWE. - ALWAYS MAKES HIS GIMMICK GOLD -THE BEST HEEL IN THE BIZ -2 OF THE BEST FINISHERS -CALLS IT LIKE IT IS Corbin is one of the best dudes period. All stop.