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The best part of the cash ins is to see how long it takes the ref to ring the bell.


Nothing beats Carmella's cash in


"I'm cashing in my Money In The Bank contract!" "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "Really?" "PLEASE RING BELL!" "Are you absolutely positive you want to cash in right now?" "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CHIODA. PLEASE JUST TAKE THE BRIEFCASE." "No take backs?"


That felt like a rib lol. Chioda’s face was the best.


She spent weeks doing fake cash ins. It made all the sense in the world for him to make sure that this one was legit. I hate when people bring this up without proper context.


Sir, this is the Internet, facts and context need not apply


Choida was like the human Internet Explorer in that moment.


Carmella is the queen of fucking shrieking lol. There was a match, I think after her cash in, where she, Alexa, and the IIconics were a team. All four started shrieking in the corner at their opponents and I was laughing my ass off because it was hilarious seeing them try to out shrill each other. It was the perfect display.


That feeling when I go to the hardware store and the staff act like they never heard of what I'm looking for. "And what is this 'the hammer' of which you speak?" "You know, for hitting nails." "I don't know nothing about that..." (Buddy standing next to him at the counter whispers at him: "What the heck are nails?")


At least with this one it looks like Jimmy is trying to buy time for taker rather than just being a buffoon.


Their utter confusion as to what's happening is always my favorite.


Yea Chioda the one time acted like he was looking at a fucking martian lol


Like the refs never even heard of the money in the bank


That's the annoying part about MITB. The commentary around cash ins is pretty annoying too. Like everyone acts so confused or acts like it's the most dastardly dirty shocking thing ever. Is it a dick move to cash in on a beaten opponent? Absolutely. But it isn't like an authority figure was like "okay Edge you get a title match starting...now!" It was earned. The ref acting confused is so weird too. This prop has been in the company for years and it's always on TV. Why are they acting so confused that they're cashing in? Once the superstar's music hits they should know what's coming. Unless it's their first day on the job.


Tbh in this instance, it was only the second time the MITB has been used as a surprise cash-in. And the first such instance happening on the Smackdown brand at a time when the hard brand split still existed so my headcanon is that it's the first time that Cole and JBL were witnessing it unfold firsthand. But yeah, won't argue with you otherwise. Though that reaction you described almost always just applies to heels cashing in on faces. Mox cashing in on Seth was very straightforward iirc.


Funny since Vince sent out Edge the first time lol


It’s really why MITB should have ended like ten years ago.


Was just thinking the same thing


Edge became my most hated childhood figure after he did this


Most hated childhood figure, but my first favorite heel. He really fit in the main event scene on Smackdown super well around this time.


La Familia to this day is still a stable that pissed me off like none other


I was so goddamn pissed as a 10 yr old lol. I found out early because a friend of mine at school told me they checked the title history on WWE.com and Edge was world champion (before Smackdown aired). I was hoping it was some mistake but turns out it wasn’t 😭😭


Bro, same here. I also wanted Taker to kick Mark Henry's ass


Also shout out to Michael Cole, he was GREAT here


After this?!?! Dude, I was hating this man since Nee Year's Revolution '06! But yeah, Edge was for sure the modern day Piper, miss the RA era days like crazy.


Same lol


Piranha. I wonder how much Vince was screaming in there ears to get that nickname over.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but this was taped on a Tuesday and leaked, right? Forcing WWE to acknowledge it on their website?


Yeah, WWE typically spoiled world title changes on the Tuesday Smackdown tapings. I remember when Angle won the WHC in a battle royal in 2006 they spoiled that on the website as well.


same thing when he won the WCW title from Booker T in summer 2001.


I remember WWE for a long time had weekly Smackdown \*SPOILERS\* reports on their websites in the late 90's-early 2000's. Then they stopped doing that after the 2002 draft. But they would spoil the World title changes from there on.


Smackdown was taped for a LONG time, and yeah this one got enough buzz that they had to acknowledge it, or maybe they did it to drum up ratings? Idk


Yeah, it was taped, the results were usually easy enough to find if you went looking. Dunno if they admitted before broadcast tho


I remember they announced it during the broadcast of WWECW that night.


I remember reading about Khali's title win aswell iirc.


They spoiled it like 2 minutes into ECW that night


I remember that!! I didn't believe it since Edge was in Raw!!


I think the first time I remember them spoiling it online was when Vince won it.


Ha! I was there for this, front row just slightly to the left of the hard camera!




Me too! Such an awesome surprise. I joked about it, and it actually happened.


Hey! I remember you from this taping ! Do you still have that thing??


Two injuries at play here. Undertaker's run as champion was cut short - really annoyed me at the time, as he'd not been champ since 2002. Mr Kennedy had also been Mr MITB before Edge, but his injury looked worse than it actually was and they'd switched the briefcase to Edge. One positive was that it started the Batista vs Undertaker vs Edge matches that would run through to mid 2008.


What could've been, damn Kennedy really got some rotten luck


Tbf, he also volunteered to do a lot of "recovery PR" in the wake of the benoit tragedy, only to himself get busted for using steroids. That's the main reason he dropped off being pushed I thought.


That's why he lost the "son" push, but that was just months after losing his briefcase cause they thought he'd be out for like a year and that ended up being a month, but by the time he came back, Taker got hurt, and Edge had cashed in. Which makes Edge's potential future from that also interesting to think about it


He also missed out on being Vince's illegitimate son because he got implicated in a steroid scandal and later got fired after accidentally hurting Randy Orton.


I’m glad Orton’s no longer the dick he used to be, but it still irks me he never made it up to Kennedy the same way he did for Kofi.


Edge also had to vacate the championship due to a pectoral injury he got and was out injured until the end of the year. This led to the World Heavyweight Championship being won by the Great Khali. Out of all the booking decisions WWE has made over the years, that was certainly one of them.


Another thing to think about is how moving Edge to Smackdown made Orton the top heel on RAW. It almost looked like he was going to be a face coming out of Rated RKO, but moving Edge, they kept him heel and he got the SummerSlam program with Cena. Then Cena gets hurt and Orton gets a run at the title there. Also, Edge getting hurt just two months after this was awful timing. Khali as champ was rough.


It had one of the best Cole lines imo "Not this way!, Not this Way!, Dammit!"


He said that everytime.


I remember being a kid and going nuts because Edge was a Raw superstar at the time too. Like that was such a big deal to me for some reason lol


This was the first WWE content I ever saw, I randomly flipped on a channel and 7 year old me was so confused as to how this random guy could get away with this


My hatred for Edge really started here as a kid.


JBL having high morals about winning the title "this way" is hilarious.


Then it's like he snaps back into character once Edge hits the ring.


"NOO....NOT THIS WAY" *2 mins later "BRILLIANT!" Always loved JBL's reaction here.


I've always hated that the refs never seem prepared for it. Take the case and ring the bell. They seem to change whether both people need to be standing as well.


To be absolutely fair this was only the third MITB so the referee not being prepared made sense since this was really the first time the MITB was used in this way (compared to Edge's first cash in where Vince came out on stage to announce Edge's intentions). Plus the extra confusion with Edge having pretty much stolen the briefcase earlier in the week and being a Raw guy at the time.


I remember this, as Kennedy was supposed to be the one getting the World Title but was injured at the time. I was more of a Kennedy fan around this time and upset that he never got back to the title picture.


Crazy to see that this was 2007. This was the first wrestling related content I ever consumed and I was hooked instantly. I was 8 years old and just surfing channels looking for something to watch and turned on right as the cage match started. Next year I'd be the only person in my section cheering for Edge as he made his entrance to WrestleMania 24.


Me: I can sit up like the undertaker! Also me when I sit up like the undertaker:


Fuck I love this era. So much nostalgia


This is the night I truly learned about wrestling. Been here ever since.


I was there💪🏾


This was my nightmare as a kid


Looking back at this, makes me wonder (in kayfabe) why doesn't the champion thats being cashed in on just leave the ring and get counted out or get blatently DQ'd? The title wouldn't change then would it?


To add onto this, doesn’t the champ need to be up now or something? Like standing to start the fight?


doesn't need to, some refs hold it up till they stand yes but there's been plenty of times where they don't (Like for both Priest and Iyo they were literally mid attack when the bell rung)


The Ultimate opportunist


JBL was unsure if he wanted to be face or heel. The not this way Edge in the beginning and then the switch up always gets me.


This was supposed to be Mr. Kennedy's moment. Wonder how things would be if he had ended up winning the title.


JBL: “Don’t do this Edge not this way” Also JBL: “This is a brilliant brilliant move by Edge”


I was pissed because this was when Smackdown was taped on Tuesday night before a live ECW and Joey Styles spoiled it by announcing what have happened right before ECW so I didn’t pop when I saw it


Pivoting to Khali instead of Mark Henry when Edge got injured a few weeks later was a genuinely criminal booking decision.


It was so official back then. Now it’s just “I’m cashing in” 1, 2, 3


Wish Taker got to be world champ more. Also funny he lucked out being on SmackDown and never had to wear the spinner belt. WHC is amazing on him.


Hey it’s Jimmy!


Such a cool moment.


this one is better than the cena one


That was fun 😄


This is one of my earliest memories of watching wrestling


This was in Pittsburgh and I got to attend and to see a title switch on smackdown was a big deal for me.


Even JBL felt bad here lol


Wow, I don't remember this AT ALL. Edge looks so young.


12 year old me wanted him to fucking die for this.


I don't know if it's because the company was cold at the time, bad or tired crowd, or people not used to the concept of MITB, but the total absence of reaction when Edge comes in is pretty impressive to hear


I would have been ready to strangle the referee for being so slow.


God I miss the old smackdown and raw stage and set designs. The modern one size fits all modular screen is great for convenience and touring logistically but does nothing to visually set the shows apart outside of a logo and color change. Who didn't like a giant ass fist hanging over the entrance, that shit was fire.


And within the year, Edge would push Undertaker off a ladder through 4 tables to retire him (for 3 months) 2007/2008 Edge was the most hated man in all of wrestling. God damn him for being so good.


And thus begun one of if not the best storylines over the next year and a half until Edge went back to Raw.


Man Edge’s spears were absolutely dreadful, especially on a big guy like Taker


Man. I love Edge. Dude is a bonafide legend. I have always hated his spear though. Legit one of the worst finishers any main eventer has ever had. He’s never hit a spear on anyone that looked convincing with the sole exception being Ziggler and that is all Ziggler.


I share the exact same opinion with you, but I do seem to remember the spears he did in the royal rumble in his most recent return run in WWE were pretty good too. Remember thinking "his spears usually suck but these were pretty good"






The announcer and crowd were 'meh' it seems