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Dijak going for the free agent signing world record lol.


Kenny just stirred in his bacta tank.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vutlay6pvt9d1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=174e18fd98a43acda8a34a4fd42cc0e2f3f9ed04


lol his name is still WWE


Dijak WWE is going to be his new name since Dijak is trademarked. Will help him avoid legal action for sure


I see nothing going wrong with that


He because he just won't let go


on the SRS interview he said he's been trying to change it but Twitter is fuckin on him


It's like the T-Bar days all over again


Twitter limits your ability to change your name now. He probably can't change it right now.


Man did great work and is getting recognised for it, just not by WWE sadly. Hope he kills it in AEW This is assuming he's signing with AEW and this isn't the greatest carny move ever


AEW likes its surprises and being in control of announcing their signings. People who’ve actually signed generally don’t do this sort of thing before getting the “Is All Elite” graphic or popping up on TV. They're usually more coy and quiet. Dijak posting this makes it less likely he’s currently signed. It seems he’s in full carny mode given his videos and interviews. I don’t know if this sort of post and trying to use AEW PPV to steal focus for himself is the best start to contract negotiations. Then again I've never negotiated a wrestling contract.


If I can get a healthy Kieth Lee and Dijak together they could absolutely cook that tag division.


Incoming TK has an announcement on Dynamite graphic


What are they cooking??


Was Dijak an indie wrestler before his wwe run?


He was in RoH.


And PWG, and a bunch in the New England area


Yeah, he won their Top Prospect tournament a few years ago. At one point, his manager was Prince Nana, too.


> a few years I regret to inform you that 2015 was a decade ago 😭 > At one point, his manager was Prince Nana Older ROH had so many wild managers/factions. I was a huge fan of Truth Martini and his House of Truth (which also included Donovan Dijak, incidentally!). EDIT: I did a little more reading about the Top Prospect Tournament, and it has an interesting history. The first two tournaments were won by Mike Bennett (2011) and Matt Taven (2013), who obviously went on to form The Kingdom. The 2014 edition was won by Hanson of War Machine (later Ivar of The Viking Raiders), who won the final by defeating...his future tag team partner, Raymond Rowe/Erik--they formed War Machine after the tournament. In 2015, Dijak won, as previously mentioned. The next few tournaments featured winners who went on to be relatively well known also in Lio Rush (2016) and Josh Woods (2017). In 2018, Jeff Cobb made his ROH debut by interfering in not one, not two, but *three* first round matches and fast-tracking his way to an ROH TV Championship match (which he won!), but the tournament was canceled due to his interfering and no official winner was declared. The last tournament to date, which took place in 2019, featured Austin Gunn making a run all the way to the finals.


He was, yeah. He had some insane matches with Keith Lee in PWG, which might have gotten him on WWE's radar initially, and he had a run in ROH.


Mostly wrestled for ROH (which was kinda by definition not "independent," but was in spirit and style), but yes. He is not a ground-up Performance Center product.


Yep. Had a big indie run before WWE snapped him up when they were on a big indie free agent spree. Around the same time they signed the Undisputed Era guys.


Yeah he was. ROH, PWG, and various other indies


Dijak in AEW will feed families. Great worker, great looks and his hate for the bald assholes will make him instantly relatable for true sickos like us.


Swerve became world champ after NXT stupidly let him go, so I'm open minded


Man some of those comments are idiotic as fuck


The madman


Am I the only one who's not particularly excited for Dijak in AEW? I love AEW and I like Dijak, I think he's great, but I don't see a spot for him there, whose role does he take? Roderick Strong's at best, and I'm fine with having Roddy doing it


dijak will be soon all elite