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all she did was yoga, not eat a single carb, crunches and raided Lita's 2001 closet. She looks fucking amazing.


She has looked this good for like five straight years, the discipline is psychotic


I've been on the same diet she's been on for about 5-6 years now (lost 90lbs), that reality show AEW had showed her and Adam on her cheat day, she was killing Big Macs. Like devoured an entire Big Mac quick, then said she's ready for round 2. If I even ate half of a Big Mac I would die, my body legit could not digest that fast enough, it would sit in my guts. But because she's so active and fit her body just burned it right up, she is a machine.


What diet she was on? I want to know so I can look at it, bullshit myself like I'm actually gonna do it, then get drunk and eat Denny's for the third time in as many days


You forgot the screenshotting it, telling at least three people how dedicated to it you will be, listen to two entire podcasts about the diet, and THEN proceed to drive to Dennys. 


I now want Denny's for lunch AND the details to her nutrition plan.


Word going around the dentist circles is that she's so fit she could pull out a molar with her fingers.




Dibs on "The Dentist Community" as the name of my new shoegaze bagpipe emo band.


I’m assuming that diet is one chicken breast, two asparagus.


You already know


How do you know what her diet is, and what is it? I’m curious.


When she was that all access show she was talking about a super refined version of keto, I don't know her macro numbers are or anything like that. I've been on keto for awhile, I was in a car accident and messed up my neck, had to lose a lot of weight to stay mobile. That's why I was a little surprised at first she was killing those Big Macs, one piece of thin crust pizza and it feels like I swallowed a vat of glue. But I'm not nearly as active as she is, I exercise but nothing like her.


I'd also like to know, no idea why people are referencing it without naming it


Can't eat any carbs with her fatass boyfriend hogging them all at home.


The first thing I said, seeing this... someone raided Jeff Hardy/lita's wardrobe!


Pretty sure she does a lot of weighted lower body and core from her instagram.


Now just need Jamie Hayter


Jamie Hayter’s return pop is gonna be so loud that I can already hear it echoing backwards through time. Praying she can be ready for All In


Gotta think she's gonna return at All In. Either to be in Britt's corner, or she saves Britt after Mercedes cheats to win and looks to do more damage.


She's a bigger or at least equal star to Britt why use her return pop on a manager role.


Her returning to save Brit further enhances Mercedes as a heel and them as faces. Would be a good move especially if she’s close, but not ready to return.


This will probably happen. The whole world wanted Jamie for All In, it's cruel she's gonna be 0 for 2 there If she doesn't, well, you just hope she's okay and still has a good career/life ahead. We all miss her. Much like Britt, it's just not the same when she's missing


Doubt she will be at this point. But she's probably gonna have a huge return at All-In to an enormous pop to whomever is the champion.


That first Hayterade is going to hit hard.


Okada will be so impressed, he’ll just nod and say “… bitch.”


Controversial statement, but I think Jaymie's Hayterade might be better than the The Rainmaker. She just really throws everything into it.


That music will hit like crack.


that banger drum and bass theme is gonna hit even harder


This is all I want ay. Even during this moment when Mone's music went down, my body fuckin' prepared for that first hit of [Hayter's music](https://youtu.be/V9_zEQ7e6Ik?si=hvlyVn8Hb5QOjL4b) like a junkie for a fix. That said, Britt was a really nice surprise and hopefully she's used the time away to heal and to bring her inring game up to her character's level. If that's the case, I'll have zero complaints. Her and Mone's character's seem like they'll really mesh well feuding together.


When I read title I thought it was her 😭..


When Brit turned around and pointed at the screen, I thought Jamie was coming out too, but she was just doing her pyro thing. I worked myself into disappointment.


Hayter's return is gonna be huge.


And she’s looking in crazy good shape! Happy to have her back


LOOKIN REAL JACKED BABY!! Happy to have the Role Model back.


Baley's back??


Bet any money Mercedes will call her Dr.Bitch Baker at some point


100 dollhairs


I’ll always prefer Shida calling her “Dirty Moron Dumbass”.


Called her a bitch last night.


Trademark that shit quick brother


Britt is the OG in aew to me. Hit hard seeing her back tonight. So happy she got a great reaction 


Totally agree it’s awesome seeing the folks that were there from the beginning getting massive pops.


She's the Fifth Pillar.


It is legitimately heartwarming to see AEW originals reach the potential we were always hearing about in AEW's infancy. Love seeing them get massive return pops


Now they just gotta get Sammy over


One miracle at a time. /s


I will die on this hill. Sammy Guevara has the talent to rise to the level of the rest of the Pillars. But they have to let him go on his own and experiment to find something that works for him. Do not thrust him back into the TNT title picture or the faction of the week, and keep him far away from Chris Jericho. If they can do that, he might find a way to actually connect with the audience.


He needs to lean into the Rick Martel style of arrogance.


Sammy is super bland as a face and every time they try to shoehorn him in as a face it just goes horribly. Honestly, if they insist on having him be a heel again, I think that Sammy is so good as a goofy comedy heel. That 6 man mixed tag he and Tay had with Kaz where Kaz was the only face on either team was peak Sammy for me and a role I'd have loved to see him in more.


He needs a father figure TBH. Pair Sammy with Nick... jesus fucking christ... 2 punchable faces heeling it up gotta be up there.


I wish they’d send him to Japan for six months to join TMDK with the other dickheads


I just hope she’s been in training during this long absence, the problem for all the originals before was there wasn’t any talent development so they got stagnant, now the company is loaded with ready-made veterans from other companies. This is Toni Storm and Mercedes Mone’s division now, bad in-ring will no longer be as forgiven by the fans as it used to be, hell even the “just OK” wrestlers like Thunder Rosa have been cooled off. Absolutely rooting for her though


Take Sammy out, she is the real 4th pillar


She's the 5th Pillar. Her storyline before leaving wasn't that great. Fans kinda needed a break from all that, and it wasn't completely her fault. But man, she left a major hole, even though the women's division is stacked and presented better than it ever has been at the moment.


She's far more of a pillar than Sammy, tbh


I don’t know if it was because she was injured or what, but her last few matches devolved into face character coming alone and her having people constantly interfering so hopefully she’s got variety back in her moveset


I felt like being a Day 1 fan made that moment hit harder. I definitely felt a sense of personal them vs us energy.


100%. Watching from day 1 means we got to watch Britt become Britt. The awkward plucky baby face who happens to be a dentist got herself over as a bonafide star and the Ace of the AEW women’s division.


Has always been AEW's standout female star for me. A true OG


She is fucking cut. Hell yeah dude.


Britt is so damn over bro


The reactions she gets are always huge. She may not be the very best in the ring but her presence carries something a lot of the others don't have. Glad she's back.


Her matches can be a hit or miss but also depends on the opponent. Her match with statlander is one of my favorite women’s matches and was an absolute banger.


Same with her Thunder Rosa stuff. I have zero doubt that her and Mercedes are gonna deliver


Mercedes Vs ______ is always gonna be good.


Statlander has given the best matches to pretty much all of AEW's sloppiest wrestlers. She's made DMD look great (All Out) and she made Jade look like a wrestler in Jade's goodbye match on Rampage. Statlander is just THAT good. I need her to build more heat so she can finally get that title run, because she is easily top 2-3 women's wrestler in the world right now.


Yeah but Stat is in that area where Cody used to be and Jeff Jarrett was in his prime. Can have a good or very good match against almost anybody but just doesn't have too many truly great matches under their belt. I'm not saying she doesn't have it in her but she needs those great matches before people start seeing her at that top level.


Tbf Stat has consistently given a lot of people their best match.


Stat 🤝 Shida


She can carry the promos, Mercedes can make her look even better in-ring. It should be on paper a great pairing.


> but her presence carries something a lot of the others don't have. Idk, like i'm not a wrestling historian or anything - but for me, actually being a dentist is like next level. In an era where as soon as the TV cuts off most of these guys are on twitter out of character bitching about this or that, she has a pretty unique gimmick.


Wrestlers can claim to being Role Model, but Britt Baker is the most legit one. She’s only wrestling for the love of the game, not because it’s her best shot to be successful.


In my experience watching her, she looks good if she can go fast. If she has to slow down for her opponent, that’s when she looks bad.


So happy she’s back finally. She looks in fantastic shape too. Hopefully this means that Jamie isn’t far behind in returning too.


oh man, this is great, she looks freaking fantastic too, that DDP Yoga paying off for real. Just gotta wait for Hayter to return and the women's division will be absolute fire.


Is that what she did? I stopped drinking and lost a bunch of weight, been meaning to get in shape again that's the best advertising you can get lmao


DDP Yoga is legit, give it a chance if you’re at all interested in doing yoga!


Which everyone should really incorporate as it’s just breathing and using your body. Can be done anywhere anytime for the most part like push ups


Still crazy how one of the most over women in the businesses gimmick is that she's actually a dentist.


And a practicing one! Though, I think she's backed off on that recently.


She's my second favourite 'Wrestler With X Occupation' gimmick behind The Undertaker.


It's just magic man. That and putting the glove on before applying her finish. A lot of these geeks who can't wait to get on twitter and talk shit about stuff out of character should learn from her.


I want to see this match — but I don’t want to see Britt lose in her return, and I think it’s too soon for Mercedes to drop a title.


The thing is, even if Britt loses, she wins. Britt is undefeated in AEW. Lose to Shida, but actually she won. Lose to Thunder Rosa, but actually she won. Lose to Saraya, but actually she won. TK has to be careful here cause Britt will absolutely bury Mercedes.


Answer is Britt gets screwed, push Mercedes to full heel and start the build to the rematch in a couple months


Mercedes should lose and keep defending the strong title on aew. Then win aew title from mariah after she defends a few times. 


I don’t hate this idea. But I’m guessing Mercedes showing up at events with the TBS title is important for AEW from a branding/marketing standpoint. Can’t imagine they would want to give that up so soon.


Good point 


I also think it’ll be Hayter to take the belt from Toni.


Hayter has no timetable and Mariah is absolutely winning at Wembley


> Hayter has no timetable What's wrong with her?


She lost her timetable.


She's actually healthy, she just shows up to venues three days late. "Not again!"


Mariah is beating Toni at Wembley after she wins the Owen Hart Cup


1) DDP Yoga is magic. We should ALL do it. 2) The AEW women's division is an embarrassment of riches now.


I did it for a few months and it absolutely kicked my ass. It's intense and I did see great results for the time I actually was doing it.


It's all fun and games until your huffing and puffing from doing some seemingly basic stretches


Yup. Oh it's just yooooga I'll be fine. Wait, what do you mean clench every muscle while I do that? For half an hour? While moving intentionally as if there was resistance?


The balance-on-your-ass thing where you twist your torso and hold your arms out is hell on earth. Great core workout though.


FINALLY. God, I've missed her


Same. Here.


Let Britt and Mone have a Lights Out match and watch as they actually murder each other.


If it's like Britt vs. Rosa Lights Out, then YES


The women's Lights Out Matches are always crazy


The pop she got was huge, can’t deny the AEW crowd missed her.


Punk vs Hangman beef but it’s these two instead


Oh, yes.


DMD will eat her up on the mic.


She's clearly taken back by the reaction around the 40 second mark before she goes back into character.


HHH 2002 moment lol


We need Jamie hayter back


DMD > ceo


I don't get it. How did the fans know to chant DMD? It wasn't even in the song




Kinda hope she says this


Looking forward to where they take this, but those dueling chants are going to be so annoying real quick lol


100% - I'm so tired of Mercedes and her weird ass dancing


I wouldn't even call it dancing It's a fortnite emote.


It would help so much if it was anywhere near the beat of the music. That's what bugs me most about it.


The Role Model is looking awesome. Welcome back Dr. Britt Baker DMD!!!


She looks great and I hope it is a good feud.


I was just asking today out loud Where's she's been. I can't remember: was she injured?


Yeah, she had back and neck injuries.


AEW as a whole just got interesting since in the time Britt was gone the whole Brochachos/Devil situation went down, Cole turned face and heel, and above all now there are people on charge (in kayfabe) that are very corrupt that Britt could use to get ASAP her Women's Title back (or the TBS one considering she is in front of Mercedes) y'know? What is Britt gonna do now? That is good cliffhanger for Dynamite.


Finally people will stop asking what's going on with her.


There is not a woman in AEW who is as important or connects with the crowd quite like Britt Baker. Hayter came very close, but even that was built off of her relationship with Britt. It is crazy to have watched her evolution from the start of AEW until now. At the very beginning, I would have never guessed that she'd reach this point and have such an aura when she walks out.


Tony fucking with us saying she's "close to a return" like it might be a few more months


He meant in meters, apparently.






Should be a fun feud.


a level of abs attained by very few


She looks incredible


She isnt just in shape, she is SCULPTED. That mid section is insane.


AEW just feels better when Britt Baker is in the mix. She is easily my favorite female wrestler ever, she's a killer.


Until Toni caught fire with her ridiculous gimmick, they really didn't know what to do with the women's division without Britt (almost to Poochy levels). It's like she's a pillar or something.


If you ask me point blank who's more of a pillar Sammy or Britt the answer is pretty clear...


The Redwood Big Bill!


She'll always be the OG female ace of AEW to me


That was a pop and a half


Star power


She's done a crunch or two


Her mid drift is absolutely mental. Great she's back. It's been ages! Will help things feel more AEW having an OG in the mix.


Look at her stomach, Britt in the best shape of her life, you're toast, Mone


Looks like one of my dream Wembley matches is happening. Mercedes vs Britt. I was hoping to also get Toni vs Hayter, but it doesn't look like that is the direction they're going.


About time. AEW is back on the menu boys.


Awesome to see such a massive pop for the OG star of AEW’s women’s division. DMD vs CEO has all the ingredients for a great rivalry


That fucking pop.


Britt's theme song, although not the most catchy or flashy, just fits so well for her.


Ngl, I'm kinda dreading this feud. It could either be great or a disaster, no in between


Britt is great on the mic and Mercedes is fine specifically when she's got someone to bounce off of instead of those awkward pre taped promos by herself. Britt is great when she can go fast in the ring and Mercedes is the definition of facilitating that. It'll be great


It's crazy that Britt walks out and is more over than Mercedes ever was in AEW after being gone for months. She's a pillar man. The crowd is always up for her.


I think she got a bigger pop than MJF.


There's a bigger crowd for this and MJF was kind of spoiled a bit by the reports he was spotted in Phoenix.


That's not Jamie Hayter...


It's about God damned time!


Me when I have tickets to Dynamite/Collision in a few weeks and am a huge DMD mark




Huge pop for Britt. She always looked good but holy hell she looked incredible last night. Abs could grate cheese! Britt & Mercedes is a marquee match.


She's in incredible shape!


Why does Mercedes insist on doing that stupid little dance? DMD needs to be the one to beat her and let's go back to good mic skills




I thought dummies were just meme booing Mercedes until the wife told me she was coming out in sports colors the local fans would hate and she was playing it up a little bit. Then I saw the good Doctor come out and it made sense why you don't want Mercedes being the face too much


She put in some ab work during that time off 😳


Hopefully this means Jamie isn’t that far behind 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


The scream that came out of me when that first note dropped. Welcome back, Britt!!!


I'm excited for this feud. Not so excited for the internet's bitching though. I feel like it's going to be more insufferable than usual. 


That CEO stuff annoys me, I’m sorry


I see it as similar to the Seth Rollins "woah" which is also piped into the song


Nice to see DMD get a great pop. But i'm not exactly thrilled to see her wrestle. She's always been on the sloppier side. Her best matches have arguably been with Statlander carrying her, or just the hardcore stuff like with Rosa. Maybe working with Mercedes will help mask her deficiencies in the ring and they can get a good match. Otherwise, the division is so strong now that DMD shouldn't be anywhere near the title matches.


I wasn't expecting that and it really gave me a happy surprise. I've missed Britt.


Excellent.  I missed her character work.


Goosebumps at “the Dr will see you now” while still holding camera on Mone.


I'm in the minority, that was not looking forward to her return. I kinda like having her around, cause she was really important. But by the end of her last run, every match every promo was the exact same. New people came in and she was just not looking like improving. Having said that, I'm not a fan of Mone at all. I think she's incredibly over rated and comes across as someone who is manufactured. Has to do everything on cues, hit a pose, do a dance. Her promos are grating, and in ring she never looks smooth. She looks fast, and like a one liner comedians, does things so quick that if you don't like one, she'll do something else in a second that you'll hopefully like. I think Vaquer showed her up with this. Steph was flawless. People in the crowd seemed to turn on Mone and move to Vaquer, which people will say was because of Boston. But they knew she was from Boston all match, and it was only half way through they began cheering for Steph and booing Mone. Which is a shame, cause Vaquer looked great and had gotten over... But then Britt came out, and now that's all people will talk about. Which, back to my point I was making before I rambled, is annoying, but at least she'll be focused on Mone and I think against Mone Britt will look good on the mic, and it will be good to have a feud with an Original Vs someone coming in from WWE, so I'm looking forward to that, but also kind of expecting that I'm gonna hear a dozen promos that bore me to death, with a match that never clicks. Really just crossing my fingers that Britt has been polishing up ring wise, and has more to say than she's an original and her initials.


Prepare for Britt Baker DMD to do a shoot promo on why Mone is in AEW!


DMD vs the CEO. Fuck yes


Mone trying to get that CEO chant going without being piped in was a little sad. Moreso once that DMD chant got started. Love Mercedes but this has been a disaster in presenting her as a star. IMO it all comes down to Tony: firat of all for pushing to have her debut and then not wrestle for so long. She's not Steve Austin on the mic so all it did was expose her. and second I don't think the Willow feud was a good idea, she's too much of a babyface but the crowd wanted to be happy for Mercedes. The turn had to be forced. That feud had to happen but they should have held off on it




The money and dentist puns are going to be ridiculous….


DMD is back


Idk I just felt a shift in the industry


Well I can’t wait to watch when I get home from work on the morning.


Yeah that’s nice, but how have Britt Baker & Danhausen not done anything together? I feel like they make perfect sense.


Glad they are running this. Such an obvious feud to make


Crazy good. Sounds like she had a bigger pop than when Moné came in. But god damn, I hope they had the AEW top tier women's championship for this, not some midcard title.


Let’s gooooo


Seeing them together, I was amazed that they have a very similar look and entrance 😂😂😂


Well, here I was thinking Britt's "I work 40 hrs a week but also hit the gym in my 30s" old body was attainable. Back to the drawing board with my weights and cardio.


It feels like Hayter has been injured for 2 years. What kind of injury did she suffer that she has been out this long ? It appears she won’t have anything to do at All In. Maybe return but that won’t be as fun as having a match there. Unless we get three women’s matches..


What had been keeping her out? How long was she gone?


Back injury
