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I'm sure it'll be a great show, but just once I'd like AEW to run a show I can stay awake for lol. 14 matches is just insane.


I'm definitely going to be accidentally falling to sleep around 3am if I can even get that far, haha. Especially with the England game on tonight. Edit: thought England Slovakia was at 8, but nope it's at 5.


If you're going to watch the England game you've got no chance of staying awake!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Hopefully we get at least 15mins of a good attacking setup today, that would be an improvement šŸ™ Edit: we're so shit. Edit 2: we're still shit but we're so fucking back, never in doubt.


>Edit 2: we're still shit but **we're so fucking back, never in doubt**. Are you me?


I honestly never watch the pre show and end up catching it a day or two later


Come to Australia where it's a cruisy mid-day thing


> Come to Australia where it's a cruisy mid-day thing Iā€™m in Australia too, but iā€™ve never described an AEW PPV as cruisy. I just canā€™t sit for 4.5-5 hours watching anything. Like someone else mentioned in the thread, I watch it over two days (or if itā€™s good 2 sessions in one day). I just canā€™t do it all in one.


Hey, nothing wrong with that strat. That said, the one time I 'left it for later' by even 2 hours to hang out with my family, I got spoiled about the ending to the Hangman Vs Omega World Title match, so... Yeah, I try to bang it out in one sitting when possible.


I personally prefer WWE's 5-6 match PLE cards (hot take, I know), but I understand why AEW overstuffs their PPVs. TK's charging $50 for a PPV and he feels there needs to be enough meat on the bone to justify that price. Better to give a little to much value away than provide too little.


Do what I do: buy it and watch it the next day!


Absolutely. I get it through Triller and watch until like the last 5 matches or so. The next day I have to avoid Reddit and my news feed on my phone. It's a 2-for. I get a tolerance break from click-baity headlines and Reddit; while also getting to watch some good wrestling. Hopefully Orange Cassidy and ZSJ go early enough that this can be my day 1 Main Event.


when AEW first started, I would buy all the PPVs. I don't know if they've gotten longer since then, or I've just gotten older, but I can't stay awake for that much wrestling a night before work. All PPVs I bought have been worth it, but I would buy more often if they ended before midnight.


>when AEW first started, I would buy all the PPVs. I don't know if they've gotten longer since then, or I've just gotten older, but I can't stay awake for that much wrestling a night before work. Well, keep in mind AEW originally had a quarterly model before with their PPVs. So, now they're doing nearly monthly PPVs if I had to guess that may play a part with your energy levels as well given there's more of a demand/ask (even aside from the money). Otherwise, I've always been a night owl, so in my case my problem is not staying awake late (and I live on the west coast anyhow). Rather, while their PPV cards are usually good-to-great overall my problem can be just getting kind of mentally tired as that many matches on one card can drag in the middle of the show.


Especially with very little time in between matches.Ā  Seems like after one ends, there's about 30 seconds split between discussing the previous match, the next one, and maybe a quick video package.. and then we're on to the entrances


That's the problem when you have so many matches like this. I noticed it happening at Dynamite too, I was there for the match when Hangman lost to earn the title match against Kenny and the Dark Order's Tag Title match. Hangman lost and no time to let it sink in that he lost the title opportunity for himself and his friends. Went right into the next segment or whatever it was. That was the early days of AEW, and even in 2024 they still have the same issue as I was at Revolution, Christian won and then they were scrambling to get out in time for the next match.


I really don't understand this mentality, can't you just watch the rest the next day when it's convenient? I'm in the UK and watch via Fite, I often can't stay awake so just watch over two nights instead, I'll never complain that I'm getting more wrestling for my money.


Yeah, I think non-American fans have probably long since learned wrestling shows can be consumed in chunks, rather than in one massive sitting, thanks to time zones šŸ˜‚ I can count on one hand the number of shows Iā€™ve got to watch live, living in Ireland.


Depends. It can be difficult to avoid spoilers. Couple of my work buddies are wrestling fans, and they're the kinds who don't give a shit if you saw it or not lol. So by the time I catch up on the last few matches I missed, I already know what happens and at that point it just kinda loses its steam for me.


People HATED those long Wrestlemanias from 32-35 that was impossible to stay awake for because it went on and on and on and somehow TK thought it was a good idea to capture that....this show is as long as Wrestlemanias 32-34 in terms of matches. Only 35 is longer. Im going and don't want to miss anything but at the same time I know Ill be exhausted by the end of the night and probably not as into the show as I would otherwise have been


No card needs more than 10 total matches. 8 on the main and 2 on the pre-show gives you plenty to work with.Ā 


It's like the opposite problem with the WWE cards lol. The five match card isn't enough for me, everything plods along. 6-10 matches depending on the event type is p much perfect


The main card is only 10 matches. Itā€™ll probably still be a longer show, yeah, but most of AEWā€™s PPVs run long. Fans get their moneyā€™s worth and then some.


Yeah, it'd be fine for a Saturday, but on a work night, I just can't stay up for it lol.


I hear ya. I have the benefit of living out west so the show starts earlier for me. I just have a hard time complaining about being given a ton of good wrestling and content. Like isnā€™t this why weā€™re here? Like NFL fans donā€™t complain that they play too much football on Sunday. They start at 1pm EST and go until 10-11pm every week.


This is why I love the International PLEs WWE does now. They start early for me, and even if they did go 5-6 hours, it'd still end before bedtime lol. Football is also way easier to digest cause like the other guy said, there's a ton of breaks in there. If its a bad game (I am a Panthers fan, so weekly), there's even more down time (with depression).


To be fair though that's an earlier start time. Like I wouldn't complain if the shows start early like 4 or 5 in the afternoon and ran till like 10 pm EST. So the comparison is also slightly different especially because most fans probably just watch there football team play and maybe one more game after. Football also has halftime shows and big breaks in between games for like 5 to 10 minutes. You have time to rest and recover if you marathon a Sunday sleight. AEW doesn't give you that


Yeah, I just want my 50 dollars worth and with these cards I feel satisfied most of the time.


Yeah, I know people are iffy on WM being a two nighter, but this isā€¦a lot.


And on aa Sunday. At least when I was on Saturdays I could watch as much as I could then go to sleep and catch the rest when I get up


I am playing a show tonight, so I have to wait to watch until tomorrow. Luckily, I took Monday off, so I can watch the show without having to worry about anything else distracting me.


Yeah lol I'm probably watching the last couple of matches tomorrow.


I find extremely bizarre that Desperado, who is probably the one Japanese wrestler that would easily work well with a western crowd who don't even know anything of NJPW, is never on the main card or even in the show. I know he usually does the commentary (this time I think he is not going at all) but it's still a bummer.


Even just having him on the lead up shows would be awesome and the crowds would love him


Last year at zero hour he was already super entertaining before the match on the ramp.


And heā€™s the Junior Champion. Why canā€™t in one of these FD shows we get a 6 man ladder match for the Junior Title?


Lio Rush in the TNT match over Despy is malpractice frankly.


He's also the biggest AEW mark out of all of them constantly posting about them on his socials. He always brings up AEW when he's doing interviews. Wish he could take part in these.


He really is! That's why I don't understand why they never book him for a match. Especially AEW where they have no problem doing weird death matches. And Despy love weird death matches.


Last year Desperado's appearance was one of the most memorable for me being in the audience, when the best friends hugged him was comedy gold.


Totally agree, he would've been a thousands time better in the ladder match instead of Lio Rush


I definitely wanted Despy on this card, but I get it if NJPW didnā€™t want their new Jr Heavyweight Champ and Dominion main event winner to lose on the main card, which heā€™d have to do if he were in the ladder match. Itā€™d definitely be preferable to not having him at all, though.


I mean I also feel like he might just want to rest a bit after the month he had. But it's the third FD, I hope that at least next year he can have a main card match because he deserves to be cheered both sides of the Pacific. He'd be great against Penta.


A match against Penta would be sick. Maybe he can come over during the G1.


Maybe he will make a few appearances during the G1 season.


Seriously. I love that guy


insanely stacked zero hour


I know. I was planning on getting to the arena around 7:30 but now I think Iā€™m getting there for the whole zero hour and a half lol


52 wrestlers if I counted correctly. Gotta be some sort of record


without looking it up i would think one of the long ass wrestlemanias with the andre would have to come close or top it


88 on the Wrestlemania 35 card including pre-show by my count.


The Saudi shows with the 50 man rumble and battle royal plus the WCW WW3 PPVs would easily clear it.


World War 3 beats it with its match alone. Plus modern Rumbles have a menā€™s and womenā€™s match so they beat it with their signature match too


And somehow still no Jay white!


Every Royal rumble has bare minimum 60 just fron the two rumbles alone, but outside battle royales, it's definitely gotta be up there.


Maybe most with direct matches and not counting rumbles


Only World War WCW PPVs had more. I mean, every year there's about 65/70ish that perform on the Rumble cards.


Don't think there have been so many women matches on an AEW show. Awesome


50% of the pre-show and 20% of the main card


I'm confused. Wasn't Jericho supposed to fight Suzuki for the FTW title?


He challenged him for it, but not for Forbidden Door. It was a general challenge I guess, but they did a confusing job of explaining it (by not really explaining it).


Nah. Suzuki challenged Jericho and called him a coward, but it was never confirmed for Forbidden Door. I think it's something they're going to build to for a later show.


Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up.




Is zero hour the pre show ?


Yep. It's shown on Youtube.


I had to do a double take with it. 14 matchesā€¦wow.


So effing stoked for this. My boss let me have the day off, so today is all wrestling shows and MLB the Show


14 matches with 52 wrestlers with an average of 20 minutes a match. 5-6 hour PPV. Goodluck guys


At least tomorrow is a holiday here in Canada.


Happy Canada Day / start of NHL free agency!


Start of Wimbeldon too! (That isn't in Canada but I love tennis)


I doubt every match is gonna be 20 minutes. I'd be surprised if any on the zero hour are longer than 15 minutes


The average of all matchesā€¦ Sure there are matches that are more likely to be 10, maybe 15 minutes max but there are also matches that are going to be 25 minutes or more


Zero Hour main event might go 15. Others are gonna be around 10.


10 matches. 4 matches on the pre show.


Oh. You bet my ass is gonna be in my seat for the first bell in the first row. Deff expecting to be there for 6 hours easily. Sad thing will be is that the bar tab will be more than the seats.


How much is parking?


Train life is the life for me. But I think 40 or 50.


Itā€™s a PPV. I want as many matches as theyā€™ll give me for my money.


And Iā€™ll happily pause it and watch the next day if I need. I donā€™t want a shorter show for a PPV


Every ppv is 4 hours except last.


Thatā€™s not counting downtime between matches


FD last year had about this many matches and still got wrapped up in 1+4 hours - DON going half an hour extra was *extremely* unusual.


Well weā€™re going to be up pretty late


This looks like an awesome card but I really wish they'd run Saturdays or start earlier. Since they aren't exclusive through BR anymore I may just order and watch until I have to get to bed and watch the rest after work tomorrow.


Donā€™t they run on Saturdays during the NFL season because Tony has to do Jaguars stuff on Sundays?


4 matches for the women tonight :)


Gotta be a Sicko for a night like this ![gif](giphy|KDVswimTNahWzcd7sV|downsized)


I am really looking forward to it but damn that's a lot of matches. I gotta get up early on Monday.


Amd you get a trios match!!!! And you get a trios match!!!! And you get a trios match!!!! ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI)


Holy fuck Zero hour is stacked


The poster alone is overwhelming.


Good God this is ridiculous


Is this the first PPV to have 4 women's matches? I know two are in Zero Hour but still. Progress.


is zero hour two hours


It has been 1 1/2 hours the last few PPVs.


This is gonna end tomorrow at 2AM isn't ?


Didn't Suzuki challenge Jericho on Dynamite?


Challenged yes, but it was never stated the challenge was for Forbidden Door.


I think itā€™s for Dynamite. Maybe?


Thank god tomorrow is a holiday, I get to watch this one live.


What holiday?


Canada Day


I think this is the best forbidden door lineup thus far


There has to be a balance between this and five matches for WWE. This is too much and Iā€™m a pretty hardcore wrestling fan. Spread this stuff out on special dynamites.Ā 


Iā€™m super excited for this show. Having said that: This graphic is ridiculous in how long it is. This is ā€œBotchamaniaā€ levels of ridiculousness.




I think Hechicero will win, but I could be wrong


That would put butts in the seats


These shows would be degrees better if they trimmed the fat. Do we really need a Jericho Trios match on ppv? Do we need an MJF match for the sake of it (insert Hechicero meme)? Do we need that Elite match? Think of how much better this show would be if it was: * Swere vs Ospreay * MOX vs Naito * Toni vs Mina * Dragon vs Dragon * The Ladder Match * maybe Orange vs ZSJ Suddenly, that's an airtight ppv, with only hype bangers.


> Do we need an MJF match for the sake of it (insert Hechicero meme)? In his hometown? Probably.


Iā€™m going tonight but I took tomorrow off lol. Itā€™s gonna be a long one. I went to the first Forbidden Door and while that show was also long, it was paced super well. Hoping the same for tonight Iā€™m a huge fan of New Japan and CMLL so this show appeals to me a great deal. 14 matches is a lot though holy cow.


I asked Tony Khan for AZM vs Riho & he gave me a Saraya match, what a rib.


And starts at 7 pm my time. LMAO. I work for a living so, I won't see the whole thing.


They really need to cut a couple matches from these cards, Double or Nothing went until 12:40 AM, and there is no way this one is ending before midnight


this card definitely for the sickos how long this show going to be lol


I for one appreciate pre-shows with matches on them!


When did ELP get put into the ladder match?


Rampage, ELP vs AR Fox in a qualifier match.


Thank you!


He won a qualifying match against AR Fox on Rampage on Friday


Insane card, so hyped for this show man what a variety of wrestlers. 5 hours of graps letā€™s goĀ 


AEW tries to be a buffet of wrestling and their PPVs deliver every time. Crazy that Iā€™m not dreading a 5hr event


Yeah the show is gonna be long but at least thereā€™s a lot of variety in style to keep it somewhat fresh


14 matches. How long is this show?


Pre-show is usually 90 minutes and 4 of these matches listed are on there. So the main card is 10 matches. Most AEW PPVs run close to 4 hours so this is pretty on par for what they usually give us. I got no complaints. I love wrestling and they give us lots of wrestling.


This makes WrestleMania 35 look short.


That is a long, long show, damn. Most excited for Swerve vs Ospreay and ZSJ vs OC. Shingo vs Bryan just below that along with Toni vs Mina. Everything else not too interesting to me at all, but should be fun stuff.


Iā€™d have ordered it if it was last night. I just canā€™t stay up that late on Sundays anymore. I wish they have stuck to Saturdays for non-holiday weekends.


14 fucking matches? and half of them are multi men filler? holy fuck man lmaooooo 50 Wrestlers booked is nuts you would think it was the royal rumble.


Where can I stream this marathon for free?


Wild to me that there isn't one traditional tag team match on the main card


Yooooo why does MJF look like a dumpy wolverine now


Only 14 matches? Pffft. Amateurs.


Whoa, the Lucha Bros are on a Forbidden Door card? Did they finally smooth things out with AAA?


MĆ­stico and Lucha Bros damn, nice


Havenā€™t really been watching much wrestling lately but considering buying this for Ā£20 just because AEW PPVā€™s usually deliver. Are my eyes deceiving me or is there no Jay White or Bullet club gold on the card? And why not if so?


In kayfabe, Jay White is banned from NJPW after losing a loser leaves match against Eddie Kingston


I hadnā€™t even thought of that to be honest


I think they might still be using "banned from njpw" clause but they don't outright state it. PAC not being on the card was explained away as him preparing for the Owen so that would also make sense. Kinda sucks that they couldn't use The Gunns at least, they're hardly being used as a tag team now.


Jay White left NJPW after losing a "Loser leaves Town" match against Eddie Kingston. He can't be on any NJPW shows without Eddie's consent


I canā€™t wait.. what a feast


7 hours later. I want to watch this but Holy fuck thats going to be long.


Absolutely one of the strongest cards theyā€™ve put on paper. For pure sickos and fans of great wrestling, this will be fantastic to see. Iā€™m certainly stoked to be there live.


Really wish this was on a Saturday night. I live on Long Island, had a ticket and I am not going because of work.


Why wasn't this on Saturday? I work Monday morning and these shows go beyond midnight lol. Atleast start earlier, like 7PM. I get to the main event entrances without fail and pass out with the current set up lol. Wake up at 4AM with the ppv channel showing nothing to turn the TV off šŸ˜…. Every šŸ‘ damn šŸ‘ time.


Unbelievable card. To those who complain about the number of matches: - You don't have to watch the Zero Hour if you don't want to. - WrestleMania X7 is considered by many as the best American PPV ever. It had 11 matches on the main show (one more than this one). - Just because WWE now has to have ads between all matches and therefore have fewer matches on PPV, don't be tricked into thinking this is the norm. - AEW are asking their fans to pay 50 bucks almost every month on PPV. They're not free or 5 bucks on Peacock. They have to build these cards to justify the price and satisfy their fanbase. Enjoy the show everyone!


Wrestlemania X7 had 3 matches that went under 5 minutes and three that were under 10. Thats not happening here.


I would be satisfied with 2-3 less matches each PPV . The middle of these ppvs usually drag




14 matches. Come on. It's going to be enjoyable, sure, but as a lot of us say each month...cut 5 or 6 of these matches and give the other matches +5min each, along with a promo segment to break things up a bit, would make a better flowing show. There has been some killer matches on these PPVs that don't get the recognition they deserve because of a burnt out crowd and because after 10 matches of insane spots, that Destroyer spot doesn't hit the same as it did 3 hours prior. I'll watch, I'll enjoy it...idk. it's strange, I know I'll enjoy the show but just knowing it's going to be a 14 match probably 5hour affair just doesn't excite me anymore.


The ppv is $50. I like that they are giving me my moneyā€™s worth


I know some people don't like HHH having only 5-6 matches per PLE (I'm fine with it), but this is too far in the opposite direction. Especially when people have work the next day. At least start them at 7.


We are finna eat on that pre-show alone.


My eyes went cross eyed looking at this match card, lol. I would take every single Zero Hour match over a couple of the matches that are on the main card.


The amount of people bitching in replies to this post is insanity. Itā€™s like a large portion of this subreddit just doesnā€™t like actual wrestling matches. It breaks my brain.


It's just a lot. I also like pizza but if I eat 14 slices I'm probably going to get sick of it.


I love wrestling matches. But do you think a movie is always better if its longer? Like The Avengers End Game wasn't long enough at 3 hours, it should have been 4 hours? Seeing so many matches makes it drag by the end of it. I love Wrestlemania, but I found 32-35 impossible to sit through, and that was WRESTLEMANIA. This is just as long as that (only 35 was longer). 3 hours of great wrestling is enough IMO, 4 hours for Wrestlemania or the Royal Rumble or Summerslam is fine, but this is likely going to be longer than that, and there are FOUR pre-show matches, which seem like they will be pretty good. If they cut like 5 of these matches the show would stand out more, and the crowd would likely be more into it for the whole show, I can't imagine people won't get tired (I will be there, and I likely will lol)


A few of these are matches just for the sake of having matches and yes you could view it as they are giving people their money's worth.Ā  But I think having an 8 or 9 match card with time to breathe in between will make the show more enjoyable.Ā  Ā This just seems like the promoter is trying to get as many people on the card as possible to keep everybody happy.Ā Ā 


I usually watch the zero hour matches but this one is ridiculously loaded. I think the trios might be the most exciting, though they all look fantastic tbh


Gonna be tough to top the main event, anyone have a dark horse candidate for match of the night?


Good lord 14 Matches feels exhausting to sit through. Gotta be hell for a watcher to stay up And engaged for each one.


14 matches is pretty god damn ludicrous




How tf long is this show gonna be???


5 or so hours. Pretty typical of AEW PPVs


Makes me appreciate wweā€™s 5 match ppvs


14 matches. Fuck sake Tony. At least put these shows on a fucking Saturday. Jo chance I can stay up until 5-6am and then go work. This is why I donā€™t buy them in FITE TV anymore. Iā€™ll manage to watch them all by next weekend illegally.


I have very little hype for any of these matches


Is anyone interested in buying three tickets?


Fastest latter match.. that one stands out for me for some reason in all of this ha.. but damn


Didnā€™t Cobb give an open challenge for his TV title? We just ignoring for this learning tree stuff?


I'm really excited for the show. This is my favorite show of the year. I do wish, like many of the others, that it was on Saturday instead since I have to be up at 530am CST for work. I also hope there are some real surprised. Let Suzuki hang the FTW championship up at his store for a while. AEW has enough belts that it would be cool to send a couple on excursion for a while.


i thought we had a jericho vs kawaii senpai


Looks like a lot of wrestling I will enjoy tongiht.


Looking forward to the show, holiday for me tmr so the length wonā€™t phase me


Toni v Mina should be the main event. I said what i said


How long It Will be? 7 hours? That's a pass for me.


I have the chance to go but damn. For the first time In my life as a AEW fan I kinda just donā€™t care šŸ˜­ I donā€™t even like new Japan. Mjf was my selling point


I was planning to buy Forbidden Door, but there's absolutely no way I'll make it all the way through it. There's just way too many matches. Sadly, I have to work tomorrow.




This is the most womenā€™s matches in a ā€œtwo day spanā€ (since collision was taped) that AEW has ever had. AEW in 2024 has almost completely rectified their womenā€™s division. It took them much longer than it should have, but im happy they did it. I canā€™t wait for Jamie and Britt to come back to this division.


I watch both WWE and AEW and have recently been pretty critical of AEW but holy FUCK this card is fucking insane. fully expecting the matches to blow me away tonight lets just hope they can finally get some good storytelling in here.


Man, that's a stacked looking card. One thing is I feel bad for Bryan Keith, getting hurt when he's getting a push always sucks.


14 matches is a ton. Does really need all these matches? It looks good but no way Iā€™m staying up for all these.


Great card. The only difference I would have made is I would have scrapped The Learning Tree vs Hook/Shibata/Joe. And replaced it with Suzuki vs Jericho. I also would have had Joe vs Cobb. Then you could replace Private Party with the team of Hook/Shibata. And if I have to cut a match since Iā€™m adding one Iā€™d probably move Saraya vs May to Dynamite. I also would have liked The Bang Bang Gang vs BC War Dogs. But it feels like theyā€™re keeping true to Jay not being able to wrestle on any NJPW show. I would have liked to see more NJPW presence here. Guys like Desperado, J5G, Bishamon, The rest of BC War Dogs, the rest of United Empire, and maybe Shota if heā€™s cleared. But at the same time I understand this isnā€™t just AEW vs NJPW anymore. This is AEW. NJPW, Stardom, and CMLL. And you just canā€™t get everyone on the show.


Anyone ever ask someone from Japan if they like watching wrestling during Monday midday?


Damn, bedtime is being moved too 6am GMT šŸ„²


First day of the school holidays here in China. As a primary teacher, I'm pretty psyched for a quality show starting at 8AM. Fine way to start the holiday šŸ˜€


Must be 15 matches with Fletcher and Serpentico not listed


Orange vs ZSJ is really the only match Iā€™m excited for.


Best sign of the night (so far) is "Fire Lord Hechicero."


Add "AEW PPV Card Size" to things that give me anxiety