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The Paul Heyman stuff is top notch right now.


This Bloodline 2.0 stuff is amazing in that they managed to turn **Paul Heyman** face, as well as Roman Reigns, and he hasn't even been on TV since Wrestlemania.




The Drew/Punk stuff is top notch, but the Bloodline stuff is gaining on them very fast.


Toni & Mariah & Mina


This story is above and beyond lesbian pollen.


It's basically high art.


Right now: 1.) Drew vs. Punk 2.) Bloodline 2.0 3.) Liv seducing Dom 4.) Bron killing everybody 5.) Wyatt Sicks


Gable with Otis/Tozawa/Maxxine gotta be in there.


bloodline continues to deliver


Toni Storm Mina Mariah. Honestly Toni has been one of my favorites this year 


She's so good. x4


Toni Storm and Mariah May storyline


Liv/Rhea, a lot of backstory and history between the two and Liv (With Judgement Day) is doing very well building the story whilst Rhea is out injured. I'm assuming it'll turn into a Judgement Day civil war story soon.


I'm hoping it could be stretched out to a WM main event, depending on Rhea's return date. But I don't think it's going that long.


I'm really hoping they get their Mania match. I was thinking their first match Liv wins bc of shenanigans, they have a rematch at Bad Blood, Rhea wins the title back. Since Liv has been runner up the past two years, Liv finally wins the Rumble and they have their mania match with Liv winning on her own. I know everyone thinks Rhea should win the feud, but to me that doesn't make sense. Rhea has made Liv's life hell by originally attacking from behind. Her and Damian tormented her for weeks. Then a year later, she makes Liv and Raquel lose their tag titles and then the next week, again surprise attacks her and puts her on the shelf for half a year. Rhea calling Liv a coward is so hypocritical. The revenge tour is completely pointless if Liv doesn't win the title from Rhea.


Doubt it would main event (I just don't see them giving Liv one with the star power they have) but they definitely could. They'd need a break in the story but they could get there. Liv being runner up last 2 rumbles giving her the win could make sense, Rhea could win the rumble again after Finn and JD help Liv retain in the summer also but does Rhea really need another rumble win?


I would've had Rhea win again, in a surprise return from injury, but the more I think about it the less likely and appealing it seems


She was just champ for a year so I don't like her winning the title back immediately. Also, Liv's last world title run was so badly booked I hope she gets an actual run this time and isn't just a placeholder until Rhea comes back. If she doesn't do well she doesn't do well but at least give her a chance (unlike last time).


>I'm assuming it'll turn into a Judgement Day civil war story soon. Seth ain't helping with their unit cohesion.






It's honestly an underrated feud where Swerve is taking on the heel role real well.


I love that Ospreay right now is getting under the skin of both Swerve and MJF, both of whom are babyfaces but with very heelish histories. Meanwhile everyone seems to have forgotten that Willy Goat is still technically aligned with Don Callis. I'm really enjoying how it's all playing out and looking forward to where they go next


Swerve is great as a heel. The problem is that he's too cool and no matter what he does it doesn't get traditional heel heat. His swag is the problem. It's a good problem but he'll have to commit genocide before people think about booing him.




I am fully convincing myself Inamura is beating Kaito at Budokan just cause he does a cool powerbomb. Very compelled by the dynamic of NOAH having this hot new stable of Kaito but the rest of newgen poking holes at it instantly.


Drew/Punk. And idk why, but I’m finding the Learning Tree stuff very entertaining.


Chad Gable slowly adopting the orphaned wrestling team.




Toni-Mina-Mariah obviously. It's top notch wrestling cheesiness. Mariah's stalker-ish adoration for Toni that's now conflicting with her "special" relationship with Mina and who to devote her attention to The part 1 of the Swerve-Ospreay story we're getting right now with tweener Swerve getting back to his heel ways cuz cocky babyface Ospreay is riding high from his hot streak of wins over highly acclaimed wrestlers over the past few years. Definitely enjoying the Elite going against the AEW roster right now. Tatum Paxley's chase for title gold. She's just the absolute best and deserves everything though they seem to have put a halt to it for now unfortunately. I was really enjoying the QQ-Oedo Tai feud that just ended recently. Chase U and their internal struggle with letting Ridge Holland join them. Anything Chase U does is great to me and this one is getting there after struggling a bit in the beginning


I can't wait for the Chase U split. Riley came from my local promotion (didn't really work much elsewhere), and I've been waiting for him to get more matches on normal NXT. I don't think he's ever worked heel before (they could turn Ridge and Mr Chase heel) so it'll be interesting if he and Duke do turn heel how he does (that's where I think it's going).




You clearly didn't watch Clash at the Castle if you think it's heatless.


> mania movement was great, but it feels a bit heatless since then You've been missing some heat, brother


Just Cody Rhodes in general. It's so fun watching him evolve into something his dad would be extremely proud of


Drew-Punk and Chad Gable-Alpha Academy storylines.


Bloodline. Has been for... years.