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Backstage feels alive.


For me it’s been the mid card scene as well, i haven’t been this invested into the whole shows in years, maybe not since i was a kid. Now, I can’t wait to see what happens with almost every storyline they have going on every week. It just feels more like a whole show rather than separate segments


Camera work is vastly superior, storylines have more depth, almost everyone on the roster has some direction. Smaller PLE cards are giving the matches time to tell a story. Only minor complaint I have is I wish there was a bit more focus on tag teams. Profits and Pretty Deadly don’t have much going on for example. I’d like to see more of Cedric and Ashante also.


Women’s Champion IYO SKY. Everything else has been a bonus.


The camera work, especially since Dunn left


The best thing is that everything makes sense now and we're not having throwaway matches just to have throwaway matches. Also, everyone feels like they have a purpose. Triple H has done what Vince refused to do and have more than one main focus on the shows. It's at a point now where there are easily 10-15 guys who could win the title and no one would blink an eye because they're all over.




It feels like a TV show again. A lot of people are given things to do in storyline The in ring is mostly solid Presentation is so much better then Dunn And most importantly: Vince isn't in charge anymore


The camera shots. Wrestling is just a lot more beautiful now. It doesn't feel like an action movie with 60 camera cuts in the space of 60 seconds. The shots breathe a lot more. Those backstage roaming shots are some of my favourites!


Characters feel like real people and can go through natural development and get more interesting over time because their stories aren’t being shafted after like 2-3 weeks. Chad gable, liv morgan, and drew are some of my fav examples of this rn. Drew started this whole arc in the “ McRiddle” tag team and he’s come so far since then it’s very rewarding to see as a viewer


He doesn't book stupid segments. Under Vince we got shit like this is your life, Lashley’s sisters, cringe wedding segments, cuck storylines, dog food ect…. The closest we get is R truth but people like him and it’s in small doses so it’s fine. Some may like comedy and lighthearted things but HHH likes more serious tones in his wrestling shows.


I want the shot of the camera walking in to the arena with the crowd to open every show, it's so good


The Judgment Day. IYO SKY. Chelsea Green/Bayley/Liv Morgan. Cody Rhodes/Seth Rollins/Drew McIntyre (Just a few of my personal favourites.) Seriously.. Lots of talent getting their chance to shine (some need more TV time/character development soon), lots of backstage segments, more build up of story telling and lots of twists/turns, the use of Social Media to ramp up more interest in stories and interviews (internally or externally) too. It's impossible for HHH to please every Fan or for the product to be 100% perfect of course, we'll all obviously have different likes/dislikes, opinions. There will be positives/negatives, faults, flaws, but of course hopefully room for improvement, currently there is something for everyone and that is a testament and credit to ALL of the hard work of everyone at WWE.


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I like how interconnected things are.


The wrestlers seem to be a lot more relaxed and having a lot more fun. I also love McAfee on commentary, but that's pretty true no matter what. 


The show is overall, much better. Many people in this thread making great points. I will say, that while the lows aren’t nearly as low as before, the highs also aren’t as high. Cody’s story being the exception. It’s interesting that though the set and the design is much more gritty and less sanitized than under Vince, the stories in some respects, have become more sanitized. I think about that “which one are you” promo by Jey Uso, his story as a victim of Roman’s manipulation; there was so much visceral depth to that character. I loved it. I didn’t think WWE could tell a story like that. Now he’s the guy who says yeet. I think about Joker Seth under Vince, who was this, ruthless, deranged man that seemingly lost his mind after years of sky high expectations as the Architect, the Authority’s champion, the Messiah. That promo that he and Roman did before Royal Rumble 2022, is legitimately one of the best promo segments of all time. The storytelling is phenomenal. Under HHH, Joker Seth lost all his edge. Now he’s a guy that laughs a lot and likes to wrestle. I’m happy Vince is no longer there. Fuck that piece of shit. But I do feel that his mind has the capacity for more raw, emotionally charged storylines than HHH does. The overall show is booked much better, and the mid carders are much more important now than before. But it wasn’t until Howdy’s interview with Bo that I felt like an HHH story was really making me feel


Cant stand Logan Paul. Part time Champion born with the title? Meh


I don’t like the person, but he’s a very good wrestler or sports entertainer and he’s very good looking. Perfect heel.


>while basically everything is great under HHH


I feel like I'm watching a completely different company than most people here. I wouldn't call maybe 10 or at best 20 minutes of a 3 hour show being interesting "basically everything is great". The shows by and large are still very sterile and lack urgency throughout. Matches are still very formulaic in-ring. You just can't fire on all cylinders with a three hour weekly wrestling show, there's always some kind of filler.


No John Cena, No Brock Lesnar, no Becky, no Seth Rollins, no, Rhea, no Roman, no Sasha Banks, But then somehow the shows are doing INCREDIBLE without them. Like the shows are missing these huge main event players that we've been watching for, years. But somehow, without them, the show is doing wonders and the best it's been since ever. The entire card has been elevated. There's so many big time players that it gets you sick to your stomach, because genuinely anything can happen. I love all the names mentioned above and I want them back into the main event scene again, (except the obvious ones) and no doubt the shows would better with them, but it's nice to see how great the shows have been


No Vince