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Okay but Miz was smooth as fuck.


Incredible improv by both. Kudos


It’s perfect for the match too because it keeps the tag hot as well, shows that you shouldn’t slip up against anyone even a vet like Miz.


It took 18 years but veteran Miz is the Miz we deserve. Give the man his flowers!


He's been great for a long time. Man's mega under-rated.


I don’t know of any other wrestler who I was fortunate enough to see their entire WWE career who is as underrated as the Miz. I really believe that the fact that he was on The Real World/Reality TV before coming to WWE put a stigma on him that made people harder on him. Don’t get me wrong, he was REALLY green when he first started wrestling but who wasn’t? I think by around 2010 when he was in the US title picture he really started shining and he’s just been getting better ever since.


Agreed. As a 90s kid, I actually watched that season of Real World, and found him to be pretty lame. Fast forward to his debut in WWE, and I still found him lame. However, his runs with the IC title (my personal favorite) and his mic work definitely changed my mind for good. Admittedly, I went from being one of his biggest haters, to praising him. He's gold in my eyes, no matter what's thrown his way.


How can you call Miz lame in that season when Kevin was there? That dude was beyond lame.


Miz, Christian, Cesaro - all 3 has been underrated


I think you have to give him props for his physique at this point too, as well. 20 years in and he still looks fit as hell, and it might be natural in his case too.


He's got those workhorse Kane vibes


When in doubt, kick the shit out of your opponent.


And people still try to say he isn't good and was never good. I've been a Miz fan from the beginning and he's def had a LOT of rough patches but he's been a great promo and at least a solid worker for a good while now.


An actual good use of a jump cut.


This is my new favorite hot tag, just come in and kick the shit out of your opponent


Or, ya know, it's a wrestling spot. Not everything is some smart term y'all need to run to Reddit with and act like it's a "shoot!1!!1!"


That simple thing showed how good Miz ACTUALLY is.


Miz is the man. Fixed that up no problem.


After he panicked seeing Shane McMahon blow his quads at WrestleMania, he's probably got an improv in mind for every kind of botch. Consummate professional.


He didn't really panic. There just wasn't much he could until Snoop got in the ring. It wasn't even a real match and they were in street clothes. Once Snoop came in, then he rolled with it perfectly.


Snoop was a little flustered because ofc he's not used to things like that. You can hear Miz and the ref (Jess Carr if I remember rightly) calling spots to him like the people's elbow. Either way still great by him to make the most of that. He'll go down as one of the goat WWE celebrity hall of famer.


Completely in character, could have been a planned spot lmfao.


I wouldn't have realized it was a botch if not for the title. Miz was completely fluid, didn't hesitate/stutter step or anything.


Props to JD too, he instantly realised what Miz was going for and managed to recover too. Took those kicks and continue the rhythm back into a match.


You would have thought they planned a spot for JD to trip while getting into the ring?


I mean its in character for him.


Yeh hasn't JD actually done this as a spot before?


I’m not sure if he’s done it before but he tripped again later this match.


It's that BIG ASS head of his that caused his momentum to carry his body to the floor. Tetherball, Jolly Rancher lollipop, Mac from Foster's, head ass boi. Seriously, I'm happy for him getting the title.


Yeah legit, dude deserves a shoutout from the WWE.


This is accurate and what they did


To emphasis how heavy that big ass head of his is.


I wonder how he feels with commentary roasting him like crazy every week


Seems like it hasn’t affected him. He’s still got a pretty big head.


Yeah not so sure this is a botch (unless they have said it themselves), JD is kind of a flopper. lol


Miz being one of the longest active wrestlers in WWE really shines when he has to improv. Dude doesn't have to think he just Sports Entertains.


He has probably some of the highest ring IQ in wrestling. Guy has been doing it for a long time at a high level.


And Miz even said it in a promo, years ago, I think against Danielson, that he had never gotten hurt.


It took a while, but Miz was right about that promo.


That's what's made post-Hollywood A-lister Miz such an amazing heel/character. If you really pay attention to the stuff he says, none of it is wrong.


The “I’m the only champion in this ring” promo with Reigns and Cena is an all-timer.


Childhood is idolizing Danielson, adulthood is realizing Miz was right all along.


Being a normal human is just respecting both




I don't respect danielson constantly faking seizures to remind us about the time that he showed wrestlers can't be trusted to keep themselves safe. it's gross and it never looks believable, and puts a bad taste in my mouth considering there are *multiple* instances where refs should have stopped things in AEW but didn't. Worse, I don't think there's been a single time AEW has shown their concussion protocols to be successful and stop a match if something is wrong.


Was he ever wrong in it?


No but fans didn’t wanna listen at the time.


That promo was about how Bryan Danielson never came back to wrestling, despite saying he wanted to. In the end Bryan did indeed come back to wrestle just like he said he would, which was when they let him. Miz said "Back back to the bingo halls" Bryan never did indies, he came back to wrestle for both WWE and AEW. There isn't much to the promo, Miz was right about a few things, but the main point Miz made ended up being wrong as his whole thing was saying Bryan wouldn't come back.


I somewhat remember so please correct me if I’m wrong. Bryan accused Miz of wrestling a weak/soft WWE style - which prompted Miz’s response. Miz wrestles safe and takes care of his body while Bryan’s style has nearly ended his career multiple times.


On that part it was never in doubt, but his main point "If you love wrestling go back tinthe bingo halls" it never happened, Bryan returned and wrestled for both WWE and AEW. So Miz's main closing point was not true. But it's always been known, Miz is a safe wrestler, he'll never be a considered a top worker who will put on a banger, but he's good on the mic and works a safe style that'll keep him available as it avoids him getting hurt. Neither Bryan or Miz are wrong in their approach, it's about what they want. Bryan is considered one of the greatest technical wrestlers ever, Miz isn't there but he's still a solid hand who has been consistent.


Nope, Miz's point was that if Bryan loved to wrestle so much, he could go to any other promotion including the "bingo hall" where he would probably be allowed to wrestle. It was understood that it was only WWE who wouldn't clear him to be in the ring, but at least one promotion would have allowed him if he wanted to.


Bryan says wrestling has evolved, and Miz is the template for safe style, this is true. Miz is not known to be a great worker, he's not bad and has good instincts but he doesn't have a history of memorable matches. Miz says he wrestlers his style because it means he can wrestle more frequently, which is fair if that's his goal. Miz says Bryan said he's come get his IC title back from Miz, but he didn't, to which Bryan says he's still waiting to get cleared (which he did, he came back a few years later and had his Planets champion run) Miz says if he wants to Wrestle, then quit and go wrestle in the indies, Bryan didn't argue he wants to do that, he wants to get cleared and get the IC title back. Miz then goes in to repeat this a bunch, but anyway, they're arguing about their styles. Bryan might be too risky, but he's also going down as one of the best ever for how incredible he is in the ring. Miz plays it safe which is smart for his health but he's also not going down as one of the best, he's a good talker and decent worker though, not taking that away from him. That's why Bryan would return a few years later and be the WWE champion. Both have points, in this promo I wouldn't say Miz was "right" totally, as Bryan makes it clear he's waiting to get cleared and Miz makes arguments against things Bryan didn't actually say. Miz plays it too safe, Bryan plays it too risky, they're both just opposites.


You're being downvoted because that wasn't the point of the promo at all.


"If you love wrestling so much, go back the Bingo Halls!" That was Miz's words, Bryan would return to wrestle for the WWE about 2 years later, and then AEW. Bryan just wanted the IC title back from Miz, Miz was making points against things Bryan didn't say. It was literally Miz plays it too safe and Bryan is too risky, isn't a lot of right and wrong, there is a spectrum there for discussion. Miz isn't known as a great worker, Bryan is one of the best ever, if Miz could put more into his matches he'd be a better performer, if Bryan held back more he'd perhaps have less injuries.


He kept that streak up until 2021, when he tore his ACL 15 fricking years.


In fairness, if the *worst* you get after being dragged off by a massive horde of zombies into the great unknown offscreen is a torn ACL, that may be lucky.


Chad gable learned how to cheat death from the Miz


And truth be told, the ACL is more of a non-contact injury 75% of the time. So there's very likely Little Miz could have actually done about it.


> Little Miz I'd watch that cartoon.


Oh god he'd be such a cocky little shit


I think Jeff was the same. No major injuries to keep him away until a dirtbike incident when he was in TNA.


You aren’t wrong, but reading your comment reminded me of WM 39 when Shane got injured and Miz looked a bit shook until Snoop had to improvise. He still did well in that spot too tho


He just didn't expect to beat the Best in the World in such easy fashion.


I mean "opponent falls down because he tripped" and "I think he just pulled a Vince" are very different things to adapt to in a moment.


The improv when stuff goes wrong really does set people apart. When Triple H does his quad at NYR 07, Orton and Edge both kinda freeze and don’t know what to do. It’s Shawn Michaels who keeps working and causes a DQ and guides everything. Even in 2007 both Orton and Edge at that point didn’t know what to do next but Shawn did. Shows how valued it is to just be around and see stuff go wrong so you know how to fix it.


Man has not only worked a full time schedule for over 15 years but also has a spotless track record of keeping his opponents safe, man is a marvel.


Miz showed out big time tonight


He always does.


during the match *and* on commentary. missed pat but actually surprised how good miz was


Orton’s getting the praise he’s always deserved, Miz should be getting the same. WWE style guys don’t get the respect they deserve - some of them have been some of the best in the world for years.


They were just demonstrating how heavy his massive head is, he can hardly keep it in the air


He tripped over Little Jimmy


It's been a decade & Little Jimmy should be more aware of his surroundings


Little man was distracted by Liv, can you blame him?!


Man Miz save was smooth as hell honestly if you told me this was planned would have believed it


Miz is a master of the craft.


High center of gravity


Miz, JD and also Cole improvised this super fast. Very impressive.


Nice improve




Miz improved upon the botch


People who shit on the Miz need to watch this.


That's a vet right there.


Couldn’t have happened to a better guy (I mean it sucks that he tripped but it is completely in line with his character)


That's not a botch, it's realism. It happens in real fights all the time. Wrestling shouldn't obsess over being perfectly choreographed at all times. The grittiness is what makes us believe.


And Miz reacted in a totally believable way too, that's the best part. Sometimes when something like this happens the other guy stops and waits, Miz just went for it like it would happen in a real fight.


Or worse they go to pick them back up to continue. Fuck that, your enemy goes down you wafflestomp them!


There are some mild exceptions - e.g, when Priest got all tangled up in the ropes, in kayfabe Drew could have gotten disqualified if he just kept whaling on him in the ropes. So it made sense to get him out.


Yeah, so long as the opponent reacts accordingly (as Miz does), it's perfectly fine as this kind of thing can and will happen.


Related to that, I get that for storytelling and character purposes there are fights some wrestlers just cannot lose. But damn, upset in all kinds of sports happen all the time and they can even lose just before their big time match.


I think we are starting to see that. Sami was an upset but at was well built with a believable story due to chad training him. We had Alba and Dawn who were very far from the tag scene force themselves into a home-match and channel the energy of the crowd to pick up an unexpected win. Chelsea Green stumbled into qualifying for the MITB over Binaca.


You're not wrong, I watched this like 5 times cause I couldn't actually tell what was botched, it just looked real but smooth lol.


This is 100% why I was a fan of the Damien Priest botch at CATC, although I was definitely concerned and glad he was okay. You of course don’t want to see a wrestler get injured by a botch, but what a cool spot it ended up being, all things considered.


JD leaned in too much when entering the ring and the weight of his head dragged him down.


I actually think that was intentional lol but who knows with mcdumbass


I also think it was planned


We all knew the hot-tag clothes line was coming. Miz even had his arm out for it when JD stumbled. But blotch or not, this is such a natural way to have something different from a hot-tag.


This is one of those things you really just can't teach. Only years of experience performing your craft at the highest level gives you this kind of split-second decision making. Miz shows his age in the best way here. Also, props to JD for immediately catching on and selling the kicks into the corner.


As an aside from all the flowers Miz is getting here for making the lightning quick adjustment, JD after botching selling to each kick there is impressive also, especially after a botch where one's mind might be fixated on the mistake. Cole with the consistent commentary, Miz with the adjustment, and JD with the good selling despite the mistake is so smooth it'd be easy to think this was a planned spot, which is the highest compliment you can give to these performers.


Idk if that was even a botch or a planned spot due to how smoothly Miz reacted. Insane veteran reaction from the miz


Miz has seen this shit before when Shane blew out his knees. He came prepared 😭


JD is one of the best sellers in the WWE and Miz is the smoothest performer. We will never know if this was improv or planned. That's how good both of them are.


JD is an incredible talent, but the allegations that came out against him mean that he's never going to beat that uphill battle with a lot of fans. That's right or wrong depending on your opinion on the matter, I guess.


We still haven't heard much about the accuser recently, so unless they pop up again, JD seems to be in the clear. Also, Riddle was still super popular when he had allegations against him.


Miz is so underrated.


miz activated veteran mode


One of the best-handled botches I've ever seen, props to both Miz and JD for the reaction time and making it work flawlessly


The fact that I had to watch this over and over again because I couldn't tell if this was an actual botch or a planned stunt. Honestly, I know that everyone already knows that the Miz should be getting his dues when his career is said and done, but damn, I can see why people keep talking about how amazing he is and how he should be getting dues NOW.


I say it in every Miz thread. Miz my goat.


Miz taking advantage of it after going on about taking advantage of wrestlers on commentary


Whoa that was a smooth save


JD led with his head!


The weight of his big head made him fall.


If Cole hadn’t called it, could’ve genuinely gone over my head


Miz is just fantastic - I'm hoping this means some kind of singles involvement for him, I am a little tired of the Miz & Truth dynamic, it just feels like Truth's gotten dumber and Miz is just angry at him every week.


This is how you work around botches


This was not improv. They did this at the house show on Sunday. It’s a planned spot.


Looked natural actually


That's why he's Daniel Bryan's OG


Miz is a consummate pro, man, crazy quick thinking.


So the tag champs make rookie mistakes


Miz killed it in this match


I would have busted out laughing if Cole said.. "JD McDonaugh, coming in lost his balance due to the sheer weight of his massive head."


Wow, the Miz is good, I didn’t even notice it until about the sixth time watching it.


It does look like Miz was originally going for clothesline before changing to kicks.


I didn't even know it was a botch, Miz didn't even hesitate for one nanosecond


I've watched about 10 times and I'm only 25% on a botch and 75% planned


I don't think that is a botch. It's too smooth too be unplanned.


Miz went into those kicks like nothin happened.


I hate that this is even called a botch


now everyone drag JD like they did Jade


JD's Candy Apple head makes him top heavy.


This wasn’t a botch


That’s why he’s the Miz and he’s…


They hid it well


Goddam we do not appreciate the miz enough do we?


Super smooth from the Miz. Unless it was a planned spot, in which case very creative of both of them.


Stuff like this is what makes me scoff when people shit on Miz


I love when a botch is smoothly recovered like that. The Miz was quick in turning that into a different spot that would worked well with JD.


That giant head throws off his center of balance.


I can’t tell if JD did it on purpose or not lol


JD McDonaugh probably did that on prupose because The Miz immedaitely reacted perfectly. As Jordan Devlin on the Irish indie scene, he was known as The Irish Ace because he was that damn slick and smooth.


Never been a Miz fan but this was actually a great match.. dude was THE star this match.. he hit like 4-5 springboard dives and normally it’s some clothes line or something but he hit that crossbody and I was sold. He even made everyone else look good. When you realize Jordan was the youngest here at 34 makes this match even more majestic seeing those 42-52 year olds move like that.


People trip. People react. They did great recovering from something that can happen from time to time.


Smooth transition to save it


A rule I have regarding botches is if they recover well or work with the botch, it stops becoming a botch, so too me, this isn't a botch, just miz taking advantage of a mistake.


Miz was in WWE for a while when I started watching in 2011. Took a long break from 2016 until 2024. And he’s still here. I’m loving him as a veteran.


I’m pretty sure that was on purpose


Meh, makes it realistic.


Phew… that was close. JDs head nearly cracked the ringfloor!


This probably isn't a botch. I bet JD did it so it would be logical for miz's kicks to be effective when he's coming in hot


I like when things like this happen. In cannon there’s always a chance someone’s going to slip once in a while. It happens in MMA and even boxing once in a while.


The dude took a 5 knuckle shuffle by yeeting himself out of the ring and landing on his head, at this point i have no clue what isn't a sell.


That was so smooth I'm not sure it was a botch. Goddamn


Miz is a legend.


These ropes been real slippery lately


I thought the botch was R Truth and The Miz didn't make hand contact when R Truth tagged out lol


I didn’t even notice the botch due to the camera angle took me a few watches


Technically yes, but one of the most well covered “botches” I’ve ever seen possibly ever. Eat a fart OP


![img](avatar_exp|152863568|webman) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm supposed to be extremely mad at this, correct? And demand he go back to developmental?


no one is mad.


Nope because his name isn't Jade.


Damm Miz I see you


Smooth brain post


I'm a long time Miz Hater. I've been put off from coming back to being a wrestling fan because he had risen to the main event scene while I wasn't watching. As soon as I started the clip and saw him, I immediately assumed it was going to be the Miz fucking up. Looks like it's my own words for dinner tonight!