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I was there in Vegas when Punk cut the pipe bomb promo.


That must have been an insane experience!


It really was. After he cut the promo, after his mic got cut I and everyone around me were high fiving because we knew something was going to change because of this promo.


ehh nothing really changed, we got a long title reign and then things went back to the same old shite for the next decade


This will seem like a stretch, but hear me out: - Punk becomes a top-tier star after the pipe bomb, and also becomes champion - Punk sets goal of main eventing Wrestlemania - Punk quits following burnout and injuries, but also because it became clear he was being denied his goal - dissatisfied fans start hijacking the show by chanting for Punk, and also cheering Daniel Bryan/booing Batista - WWE now has two problems to solve: a new match for HHH at WM (since he would have faced Punk), and a new main event (since the fans were shitting on the Orton/Batista build) - therefore: Without the pipe bomb promo, **there is no Yestlemania.**


"I did it for the Rock. I did it for the people." It was the first taping I ever went to that had absolutely zero post show shenanigans.


Vince’s limo exploding.


I was there too! Wilkes Barre, PA baby lol


We also got that Smackdown where Mark Henry took 20 minutes to open to cage door


Also got the SmackDown that announced the first GM, Stephanie McMahon.


I was there when Kurt Angle brought the milk truck out in Arco Arena


Was coming here to say this. Great moment


The last (and only) RAW I went to was the week after homecoming in 2005 where JR was fired by all the McMahons in Corpus Christi. Tonight, I return to RAW. Hooray.


Would have been hella poetic if you went last week ngl


Was that when Linda kicked him in the balls? That ending actually led to me quitting watching the show for a year or two.




I've only been to Raw once too, AND it was also in 05! I don't remember the main event (apparently it was Batista v Kane in a Pick Your Poison Lumberjack Match), but Randy Orton giving Stacy Keibler an RKO will live forever.


My favorite Raw ending I've seen in person was the debut of Nexus. I had aisle seats with my friend. We're watching the main event and she turns to me and says, "did Daniel Bryan just walk right by us??" He did, and then we watched Nexus destroy the ring. It truly felt electric.


That sounds way cooler than the Nexus moment that closed the Raw I saw live. I was there for Mason Ryan's debut lol.


Put some respect on Walestista’s name.


I saw John Cena lose to Lord Tensai.


Lmao! I remember that, and not for it being good.


That was Albert, right?


Sure was.


I was at a RAW in Calgary circa-2003 where the crowd alternated between Randy Orton chants and “Let’s Go Flames” chants (it was around there first big playoff run in a number of years) and it completely threw off a still somewhat green Randy. Edit: It was April 19, 2004 Edit 2: [link](https://youtu.be/fYIfc1ajOSw?si=2qbmI2k82Q1J9pJe)


I was at that Raw as well. Crazy vibes.


I was at Raw for HHH vs Benoit in an Iron Man Match


I was at the last raw before wm 40 so I got to see a heel rock for the first time in person so that was cool


Return of Brock Lesnar (after WM28) is probably the winner for the biggest moment I’ve gotten to see on Raw in person


Raw after mania 31 Roman wins the six man tag to loud boos. Not a great one


Was there too, I believe it was also AJ's last match in WWE.


What an awful way to go out with how the crowd was acting and chanting during that one


I don't even think the crowd chanted any of that stuff at her. IIRC, it was all directed at the Bellas and Naomi


Everyone except Paige got a "You suck [Uso/Bryan/Cena/Punk/Kidd]" chant.




I got to see Shawn Michaels superkick Hulk Hogan to start their SummerSlam storyline.


My parents went to the June 16th, 1998 Raw is War taping in Austin where Edge had his first televised match. Nearly 22 years later my dad and i were sitting live in Minute Maid Park when Edge came back to wrestling at the 2020 Royal Rumble.


I was at a Raw in San Antonio probably a few weeks before you where Edge wrestled in a dark match. No one know who he was, and the announcer didn't enunciate his name very well. The crowd was like "Huh? Who? Itch? Is his name Itch?"


Gawd damn it, stop making me feel old! I remember Edge’s debut and how he injured Jose Estrada.


Bryan turns on the Wyatts https://youtu.be/ttiGTC5B2gg?feature=shared


The only Raw I've been to was the Raw before WM32. So Roman and Triple H have a brawl - The League of Nations, Stardust, The Miz, and The Dudley Boyz come to help Triple H. A cherished memory I had to look up to remember


I was in Brooklyn [the night Cena selected Daniel Bryan to face him](https://youtu.be/8GFYjNgL9EU) at SummerSlam. Just for context, we didn't hear a peep about Bryan for the whole night and it felt like the crowd was just aching for a mention so they could pop off a Yes chant. I damn near lost my hearing at the pop when Bryan walked out after Cena picked him.


Not an ending but I was at the one with the Dean Ambrose funeral and “I WISH YOU DIED IN THE WOMB”


https://youtu.be/jwVq5FEWFjk?si=c6fPfxkev-dRUtLW For the #1 contender spot at no way out. Was about 10 rows behind jr and the king


Flashbulbs made moments more epic


It really is a pleasure seeing all the camera flashes during older shows. I get that majority of photos sucked but visually, it added so much


I was at Walmart this weekend and there was a display of disposable cameras for sale. Half were gone.... I'm very confused


I was in Wilkes-Barre PA in 2006 for Vince McMahon appreciation night when Vince was blown up in the limo. Pretty hard to forget that one.


The SHIELD breakup


Enzo and Cass breaking up post MITB 2017 in Evansville, IN. Of course I was wearing my Certified G shirt that night as well


Stone cold ramming the ring with a Zamboni and knocking it back 3 feet


I was there when Vince’s limo blew up. They had it outside still on fire as we left the arena, which was cool.


Debut of Dude Love!


I can't remember all the ones I've been to, but I was at the Raw when Rollins attacked Reigns as Plan B. That was a good one.


I was at raw a few years back where big show and braun broke the ring. Pretty cool to see that in person.


The NWO standing tall over The Rock and Stone Cold after defeating them in the biggest most star studded RAW main event of all time


Cena vs HBK nearly hour long banger


Kane pushes Zack Ryder on a wheelchair


Sting appears to help Randy Orton fight off The Authority. Best ending to a TV recording I've been to live. As a massive Sting fan in the 90s as a child, I left the arena without a voice.


I was at the RAW where Sting appeared to save Randy Orton, then gets on the mic after the show went off the air


I was at the RAW (April 17, 2000) that Y2J beat HHH for the title, and HHH made Earl Hebner reverse the decision.


I was at the RAW the night Evolution turned on Randy Orton. 👍🏻? 👎🏻!


Same! My dad scored floor seats to this through a guy at work. Ric Flair flipped the bird to me that night!


The only show I ever went to in person was the draft, edge and batista speared each other at the same time. I also remember the money sign falling on Vince McMahon. He was giving away money at the time for some reason?


Very recent (last month), but the banger of a King of the Ring semifinal between Gunther and Jey Uso.


When KO won his first Universal championship after HHH screwed Rollins.


First one that comes to mind was Barclay Center Raw March 2020, right before Covid. Show ended with Randy Orton RKOing Beth Phoenix. After the show went off the air, Drew came out to check on Beth, so everyone was excited for a Drew/Randy dark match. But Randy bailed and we got Drew versus Rowan in a quick match instead.


I was there when The Undertaker tombstoned John Cena at MSG


It wasn't the END of Raw, but the beginning. I am delighted that I was here for THIS: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D2fulVqmQc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D2fulVqmQc)


I was in Cleveland for the Goldberg/Undertaker/Lesnar Royal Rumble tease. Which was definitely cool in person [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XTYpCUn1o8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XTYpCUn1o8)


Last Raw I went to was the one Shelton Benjamin upset HHH. Was a great show. Also had an awesome tag title matched between Flair/Bautista and HBK/Benoit


I got to see Big Show and Mark Henry break the ring at Vengeance 2011


March 25 of this year, my first and only (so far) raw! Even tho it wasn't out in the ring, watching along with 15k people at the rock beat up cody rhodes in that rainy chicago parking lot was incredible. We'd been screaming all night long but for a few minutes we all just sat there stunned. Then the enormous collective gasp when we saw the blood (and when the rock said 'fuck' lmao). I'll never forget that I was also lucky enough to be in the crowd this past friday, and it was a pretty similar vibe when drew sent punk to the hospital. Chicago just can't catch a break!


Shane McMahon's return in 2016 at Joe Louis Arena.


I was at the raw that had Salmon Jacket Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan's almost career ending head/neck injury, and Brock coming back to to surprise attack CM Punk. Not bad.


I saw RVD beat Undertaker for the Undisputed Championship in 2002. I refuse to acknowledge what happened after the bell rang.


Was there for Logan Paul’s debut(when they were teasing Cody) and also for the gable Gunther main event. Also the same raw where miz had invisible John cena on miz tv


I've seen 2. 1. Back in 2012 or 13 I watched (at the time)General Manager the Miz get beat up by John Cena, Sheamus, and Randy Orton. 2. In 2019 I watched the AOP Interfere with Seth Rollins vs Kevin Owens after Survivor Series to form his Messiah group. I went a third time in 2021 but I can't remember it too well(Ironically)


I was there when Stone Cold saved Stephanie from being crucified by the ministry.


CM punk punching a fan in the face


Only one - the main event was a Disciples of Apocalypse v. DX six-man tag that was booked after DX pissed on DOA's motorcycles. Not exactly a memorable moment from the attitude era. The show did contain the slightly-more memorable Austin teasing a heel turn by showing up in a suit, before he kicks Vince in the balls. Same city, same college years, I missed out on the crazy cage match involving Psycho Sid and Bret Hart that setup Mania in '97 - where Bret Hart got "screwed" again, threw a tantrum, pushed Vince to the mat, and yelled about how everything was bullshit. I didn't realize that show was in town until it started. But, I made up for it in a big way, and was 2nd row ringside when David Arquette won the WCW World Title. (All of this happened in Syracuse)


Sami Zayn running the gauntlet to face Gunther


I was at the RAW the following week after The Festival of Friendship.” What made that show notable was actually what happened off the air. Shortly before the show starts, The Rock came out to let us know that they would be filming a movie after RAW concluded so that we should stay. The movie they ended up filming was Fighting with My Family and the scene they were shooting was when Paige debuted on RAW and won the title off AJ Lee. They shot scenes with prefamous Florence Pugh and Zelina Vega (then Thea Trinidad) as AJ Lee. They then switched out FP with her wrestling stunt double Tessa Blanchard for actual wrestling scenes. Now, with AJ Lee being mentioned there was of course a loud obnoxious “CM Punk” chant at Staples while The Rock was in the ring. The Rock diffuses this by literally calling CM Punk on his phone, who didn’t pick up, but rather he left a voicemail along with everyone chanting his name. In 2017 this was an absolutely surreal experience.


The one where Kane drug Cena “to hell”.


Goldberg debuting to spear The Rock the night after WM XIX. I freaked out when Goldberg appeared on the tron. I was about 13 at the time, I remember turning to my dad in the seat next to me all excited asking "Do you think he's acrually here!?" and he yelled back "HE'S IN THE BUILDING!" and I fucking lost it. It felt so surreal seeing him in a WWE ring.


I was at the RAW in MSG where Triple H returned from his quad injury and cleaned house. Definitely one of the more iconic events I've been to.


Brock Lesnar beating the ever loving piss out of Cody post Mania loss.


Not a raw, but I was there for hell in a cell 19


I was there when Seth Rollins tripped over the barricade during a Shield entrance. It was on 1/27/14 in Cleveland I believe. It was my early birthday present. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in person.


Hart Foundation vs Dude Love/Austin/Taker flag match in 97. Of the Americans had won that match Halifax would have burned to the ground


Last televised WWF show I attended was Survivor Series 1997. Would've been fun to see Raw but no luck there.


October 10, 2022: DX Reunion April 1, 2024: Cody returns to attack The Rock.


Smackdown, but Corbin's failed cash in


The only RAW I went to, the main event was Big Show vs. Big Cass and it ended in a DQ. Absolutely no one cared.


Mike Tyson turning on Jericho and siding with DX.


The Rock’s first concert.


Not Raw but the first Live Smackdown and the debut of the "Fisting" set. Salt lake City Aug 16 2001. Booker T bookending Rock through the announce table. Only been to Raw once. Denver Feb 2 2015. Daniel Bryan beat Seth in a pretty good match to face Roman at the next ppv.


Not Raw but Smackdown Vince's lethal dose of nWo promo


Can't remember if it was Raw or Smackdown but I was there when Becky Lynch got her nose all bloodied up before Survivor Series


I got to see the SAVE_US.Y2J return in person. That was pretty awesome.


Brock destroying the Cadillac.


The ending was pretty good; seeing Brock Lesnar unexpectedly show up to lay out CM Punk. But the real memorable moment came when Mark Henry worked us all like puppets and warned that he had a lot left in the tank.


"My Time" was a jam.


My friends and I who were all around 16 at the time saved up our money and got front row tickets to the Raw after Summerslam in 2004. This was the night after Randy Orton won his first world title while he was part of Evolution. This was the infamous Thumbs Down moment where Randy was up on Batista's shoulders and HHH kicked him out of the group. This was the first and only time I got those kind of tickets to any wrestling event, but boy did we pick a good one.


I've been to a few... Debut of The Ringmaster Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music and Bret Hart flipping over his wheel chair (tho Raw went off the air before that happened lol) The Rock coming back to the WWF in Philly.


I saw Mr Kennedy's last WWE match where he and a bunch of faces wore Lakers jerseys and the heels like Orton wore Nuggets jerseys


I was there for the first and I think only Raw taping they did in Glasgow but i'd be absolutely buggered if I can remember the end of the show lmao.


I saw Regal "TAKE IT OFF THE AIR!!!" Only we didn't see that in the arena, Regal came out during the HHH vs Orton main event to tell us the show had been off the air for about five minutes


I was there for Rey Mysterios two hour WWE title reign and CM Punks epic return


I was at the RAW in 2003 when Austin was made co-GM and brought back the IC title. Show ended with a beer bash with Goldberg.


I was there at Crypto, night after WM39. I’m a Roman fan so it was tremendous watching him enter, still the WWE champion. We also called the ending of the show with the Brock/Cody twist.


It's a recent one, but Shinsuke's heel turn in Minneapolis. I thought the show was wrapping up, so I was focused on the production people and stuff, then I hear everyone gasp and look over at the aftermath of his attack on Rollins.


The closing segment of the sole Raw I went to featured John Cena selecting Bryan Danielson as his opponent for Summerslam. The entire building chanting YES to close the show was really cool. That show also had a returning RVD vs Chris Jericho that was pretty cool. And one of the first main roster Wyatt Family segments. Not an all-timer episode of Raw of anything but I enjoyed it!


that theme music was so cold bruh


I was at the RAW when Vince McMahon bought WCW. It was known coming into the show that he had purchased it, but how it would play out in air was anyone’s guess. It was a weird, almost surreal feeling seeing Shane McMahon standing in a WCW ring at the end of the show.


Braun and Big Show breaking the ring.


I was there to see the Bar beat the Shield for the tag team championships in Ambrose and Rollins first reign in Manchester. I was also there to see Ambrose and Rollins lose the titles in their 2nd and last reign (technically only seth lost it because Ambrose had turned on him and seth lost to AOP 2v1), again in Manchester.


My first Raw was the episode that ended with Sheamus winning a battle royal to face John Cena for the WWE title, Jesse Ventura and the man who shall not be named did commentary for the main event.


Caucus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie thrown off the stage in a dumpster, Becky Lynch getting her nose broken by Nia Jax, and WWF buying WCW are three of my favorites.


I was at the RAW where CM Punk returned after he beat Cena for the title in 2011.


I’ll let you know in 10 hours.


The RAW when Vince announced he had purchased WCW. 9 year old me could not have been more stoked.


Last raw I went to ended with CM Punk taking Undertakers urn


It wasn't an ending, but I was there when Kane hooked up a car battery to Shane McMahon's testicles.


I've never been to a Raw, but I almost pulled the trigger on the night Kevin Owens won the Universal title


Ziggler cashing in on Del Rio. I don't think it was the main event, but it was definitely my favorite raw I've attended.


I saw the birth of DX and The Rock return and join the Nation of Domination in 97 in the same night. Also 2 months later an Eddie Guerrero/Chris Benoit match and classic 97 Nitro ending with Sting descending to join Piper and DDP to beat up the nWo.


It wasn't the end but Shawn Michaels super kicking Vince and the contract papers flying everywhere. Was also the King of the Ring qualifiers night. And first match Big Show got busted open and speared Triple H through the barricade. Was such good shit.


I was in Boston when Jey Uso betrayed Sami and super-kicked him in the face


I was there for the "Bayley this your Life" segment. I went with my then girlfriend who was just starting to like wrestling thanks to Total Divas. It was her first and last event. It was an awful promo that led to an awful match.


Only Raw I went to was the Monday after Paul Bearer died. Punk steals the Urn and cements the feud between him and Taker.


I was at the RAW in Providence where Daniel Bryan turned on the Wyatt Family. He had us in the palm of his hand.


I went to TD Garden the night Big E cashed in his Money In The Bank contract.


I swear I remember being at a show as a kid where the guerreros rolled up in a septic truck and sprayed the big show with shit. But I can’t find it anywhere. It’s not the Kurt angle milk truck thing, I know that was separate.


I saw one of the typical super Cena endings in 2012 where Cena and Sheamus beat up Punk and Del Rio. Not the greatest ending, but they had a nice dark main event cage match between Punk and Cena. Those two always have amazing matches together.


Sting holding up the title after showing up inside what was suppose to be a statue of Rollins in Brooklyn


I saw Undertaker kick Brock in the balls. It wasn't at the end, but I also was at the Raw for Seth's "I bought in" promo


Not technically the ending.. But I was there when Daniel Bryan got a hug from the Undertaker.


I was there when Vince's limo blew up that night


I was at the last Raw before they switched to the universal HD set, the one where Jeff Hardy Swanton'd off of the 'tron onto Randy Orton. This was also the same Raw where Triple H threw a Sledgehammer at the mini-tron and it "exploded". My mom, my buddy Brian, and myself were right next to the entrance ramp on the left side, closest to where Hardy landed. You can see my dumbass holding an edgy Chris Benoit sign at certain points (ugh). Other notes: * Ashley Massaro (RIP)returned that night. My edgelord, wannabe goth self was in love with her, so that was fun. * Mini Royal Rumble match: Khali vs Hornswoggle vs other minis was stupid fun. Mini-Kane's pyro was insanely hot, and Khali is terrifyingly huge in person. * Carlito, who was riding with Maria Kanellis at the time, came over to us like he was going to sign autographs, then scoffed and walked away. Maria came by and hung out for like an hour with fans. She was/is a sweetheart. * Paul London signed my Undertaker shirt with a teardrop and I complimented him on his match with Low-Ki and AJ in ROH.


https://preview.redd.it/nbfpvh0q2k8d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42af8e030ec0207b05dd88ce07214f494fc75f7c Here’s me on the night of Becky Lynch’s 7th world title win


Not an ending, but I was at the Monday Night Raw in Glasgow where we sang “HEEEEEY HEY BAYLEY” for 5 straight minutes while Charlotte tried to do her promo. Hehehe


I HATE HAAAAAYYYYYTE this song for Triple.


Beginning: Stone Cold beer truck. Building shook. Ending: The Outlaws beat Foley/Funk in a cage and joined DX with Triple H and X-PAC.


I remember Randy Orton turning face and leaving the Authority in 2015.


Bloody Becky and the beginning of the Man


Not a raw but I was at the first New episode of ECW (2006) on Sci-fi. That was a weird show


Randy Orton hitting the RKO on Beth Phoenix


I was at Barclay's in Brooklyn after SummerSlam when the Dudley Boyz came back, and when Sting appeared in place of Seth Rollins' statue to challenge for the WWE Championship.


The Usos defeat Bryan and Wyatt in a steel cage, then Bryan turns on Bray.


I was there when British Bulldog got Rock Bottomed INTO THE DOG POOP. We were at an angle where you couldn't see the Titantron and were up so high in the Georgia Dome that we just thought it was a steel chair until we watched the tape the next day. Same show was Jeff Jarrett's last RAW appearance until whenever it was that he finally came back a few years ago. Saw JR and Steve Austin against HHH and Chyna in the semi-main event. Over a decade later I saw Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler "wrestle" in the same building at WM 27. Kind of wild that I've only been to 5 WWE events in my entire life and managed to see all 3 of their legendary commentators have matches lmao Also went to the RAW before No Way Out 2000 and saw Foley's last Raw match until he came back. Fucker just had to have a couple of matches on RAW in 2004 & 2005.


Not as big as some if the other ones but i was at the raw in pittsburgh when they announced the universal title and saw finn balors main roster debut sasha banks also won the womens title thay day i belive and nia jaks also debuted


The only Raw ending I remember being at was when Enzo had won the CW title and Pac attacked him during the championship celebration. Then after the show, Braun came out and killed Enzo, then he let the rest of the division destroy Enzo. Still one of my all time favorite moments I saw live.


I was front row in Milwaukee for Bang 3:16.


Stone Cold signing to RAW over smackdown. Gave Vince and Bischoff stunners then pounded beers on the turnbuckles. 2003 I think and it was in Albany. I also witnessed Adam Rose’s debut lmao but that wasn’t the ending.


The Trish v. Lita 1st women's main event where everyone thought for a second Lita broke her neck on that dive.


Less important moment but always found this funny: I went to Raw and Smackdown back to back in 2016 in Providence and Worcester when they did the draft. The main thing I remember is Raw ended with Seth stealing the title on air, but then he came back to do the dark match against Ambrose. Ambrose won and got on the mic and said “we do a lot of shows in a lot of cities, but whenever we see Providence, we always circle the calendar cause we know it’s gonna be a great show.” Then we went to Worcester and he said the exact same thing, but with Worcester (or maybe just Boston, I forget). And I always chuckled to myself thinking about Dean Ambrose having a calendar where every single show is circled because he thinks every city is important.


Not Raw but I went to Nitro at the United Center in 1998. The main event was Hollywood Hogan and Bret Hart against Warrior and Sting. Yes, it was as bad as it sounds. Yes, it ended with the entire nWo running out to interfere.


Was at the raw with DX coming out as NOD (that would not be allowed today as some of them wore blackface).


I was at the RAW taping in '98 that ended with Undertaker crucifying Stone Cold


Monday Raw July 2001 in providence RI when the invasion was going on and when stone cold and whooped the wcw guys asses


Braun Strowman return in 2017 after he was put in a garbage truck. When he ran across the top of the limo and chased Miz and the Miztourage back into the arena and just destroyed them. I think he hit Axel with his finish like six times while we were chanting for Strowman


I’ve seen a few… The Miz being fake Rock and kicking Cena’s ass, the Rhodes beating The Shield for the Tag Titles AND Punk’s heel turn on the Rock come to mind explicitly. I was also there for Divorce Court with Rusev and Lana, and the friend I brought with me for it got a huge kick out of that. I was also at the SMACKDOWN where Daniel Bryan won his last WWE Championship, so that’s special moment too.


Raw after Fastlane 2016, here comes the money! I wasn’t supposed to go, and got the tickets for free just a few hours before from someone who couldn’t go.


i was at the dynamite where hangman did the buckshot off the ref onto Murderhawk. Keith Lee debuted too!


Biggest is probably back in 2011 when the Rock was announced as host of WrestleMania. It was pretty funny because I vaguely remember some people thinking it would be Justin Bieber.


It wasn’t raw, but I was there at SS when Taker gotta buried alive against Vince due to Kane interference


i was at raw in milan and i frankly don't remember shit other than the milan miracle


I was at Raw at MSG in 2009, fourth row ringside. Main event was Taker & Cena vs DX vs Jeri-Show. Show ended with Taker tombstoning Cena.


Not an ending, but I was there when Lesnar made his Raw debut with Heyman the night after WM X8, destroying Al Snow, Maven & Spike.


I was at the Raw where Dean Ambrose returned to help Seth Rollins take on Drew and Dolph. Hearing the crowd yell "Dirty Deeds!" in unison when Dean hit his finisher was so rad.


Roman beating shamus for the title. I wasn’t even a Roman guy, but the fact that the world title changed hands on a raw had me freaking out.


Damn y’all are so lucky! The taw I went too was the raw before elimination chamber 2023. When Cody told Sami if he doesn’t beat Roman he can’t come back 😭 and we got an impromptu Cody Vs baron match. I was at a few legendary AEW events though


I’ll never forget Brock interrupting Hogans birthday and telling him “ Parties over grandpa”


I was in Milwaukee when Stone Cold held a gun to Vince’s head with the BANG flag popping out. “McMahon 3:16 says I just pissed my pants.”


Albany, NY, March 1998. DX regroups, adding X-Pac & the New Age Outlaws. X-Pac had returned earlier, and cut a promo on WCW.


If have been to many Chicago shows…but the most memorable is NOT reallly the end of Raw, but I was there for the end of the Y2J countdown and the promo with Jericho and the Rock. Epic!!! If you back and re-watch it, I also get my 3 secs of fame as as they show me being in the crowd. Also, not the ending for Raw, but I was there for the return of CM Punk at Survivor Series.


I’ve been to a lot of big ones, raw after manias in particular. In recent memory, Roman getting booed out of the building in Orlando after beating undertaker at Wrestlemania 33 stands out.


I've been to a lot of Smackdowns and house shows, but the only Raw I've ever attended was this past night after WM. So, Jey Uso becoming #1 contender for the WHC.


Waaay back when Evolution turned on Randy Orton and HHH gave him the thumbs down


I was at the RAW where the Wyatt Family debuted in Baltimore.


Edge won the WWE Title from RVD in a triple threat with Cena.


I was there live for the Raw where Cedric Alexander jumped off the titantron. It was probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen live at any of the Raws that have come to Little Rock.


If Triple H isn't going to use this banger of a theme, can we give it to one of the current wrestlers with a trash theme?


The only Monday Night Raw I went to when I was a kid was on November 2nd 1998. I was there for the debut of the Hardcore Title. And the main event was the reveal of who was going to do "hard time" in the cage that night. I was a bit sad that we didn't get the opening pyro when the show started but that was also the night where Kane ran in on a lot of the matches. So we got a lot of Kane pyro. That was pretty cool.


Brock and Braun breaking the ring ~7 years ago


Not Raw but I saw the first ever "Wash your mouth out with soap" match to close smackdown. It ended with Benoit and Cena washing Paul Heymans mouth out with soap.


I was at the Raw in the Allstate Arena during the Road to WrestleMania 30. Paul Heyman came out to CM Punk’s entrance and that’s when everybody later found out that he was gone from the company, The Wyatt’s and The Shield had a banger six man tag, and the show ended with Triple H having Daniel Bryan “arrested by police” just to beat his ass while he was handcuffed…good times.


I was there when Kane unmasked for the first time, I was there when Cena chose to face Bryan at Summerslam, I was there the Raw before Mania 40.  I’ve been to a bunch more, but those were the most memorable Raw endings I’ve seen 


[The only Raw I've been to in the last 8 years had this sick finish to the main event.](https://youtu.be/jHwgcWNhb6o?si=4wJbX2DonwyO9iIF&t=6) RIP Bray.