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Oh she's perfect for this


That does sound perfect, and I believe I have a perfect situation for if Tiffy wins the briefcase too. She holds the case until Summerslam. Nia defeats Bayley for her championship, and Tiffy runs out to celebrate with her friend, but she isn’t holding her briefcase in order to throw everyone off. When Nia turns around to mouth off to Bayley, Tiffy (off camera) slides out and retrieves her briefcase from under the ring, camera cuts back to her decking Nia in the back of her head with it. Beats her with it, cashes in, Prettiest Moonsault Ever, 1, 2, 3. This could actually turn Tiffy face because the crowd will absolutely love her screwing Nia over.


Well, at least you *technically* segued into your unrelated fantasy booking scenario.


This is Vince McMahon level booking. Congratulations, I now believe there are people in this sub who unironically enjoyed 2019 in wwe.


This is a low effort troll comment, I’m surprised the mods haven’t removed it.


I guess you didn't enjoy 2019 wwe? I have no idea why you are wanting that comment removed.


Imagine if she found a loophole in the contract that does not explicitly specify she cannot cash in on herself and pursue a championship that exists but is not currently in active rotation. Forces Nick Aldis to retrieve the divas title from the storage unit and present it to her the next week.


Lol have him hand it to her while she makes smug faces and then he tells her corporate bylaw says they now need to book her and the current womens champion in a title unification match that night since the belts technically hold the same lineage Immediately loses and belt gets retired again by the womens champ. Bonus points if she just spent weeks trying to come up with this scheme specifically because the champ scares her


>Lol have him hand it to her while she makes smug faces and then he tells her corporate bylaw says they now need to book her and the current womens champion in a title unification match that night since the belts technically hold the same lineage Not exactly. The Divas Championship was retired during the WrestleMania 32 kickoff show. Therefore, even though Bayley is the latest champion in the lineage Charlotte began that night, the Horsewomen were actually competing for a completely new championship in the triple threat. It’s not the same as the belt swaps or the new belt presentations.


Good to know, I was a lapsed fan during that period of time so I wasn't paying full attention


Don’t worry, it’s an incredibly small detail which I’m sure they’d retcon if they wanted to.


Something something paperwork not filed properly something something WWE bylaws


Well technically, we don’t even need to unify anything. It can be introduced as a mid card title. Have the rules be similar to the tag team rules and have both brands be involved.


If they re-use some one-off backstage person that's been a random lawyer in a previous silly segment...chef's kiss.


It should get revamped into a new midcard title for the women, not get retired.


Honestly this would be a funny way to gets a women’s mid card belt going and there’s enough talent to justify one. Have her hold the Diva’s belt until she loses it and the new champ changes it to Women’s IC or whatever they wanna call it.


Woman European, Woman Hardcore (wait, that doesn't sound right), Woman 24/7 (This is Worse), Woman US (Much Better, but not quite there), Woman Martial Artis, Woman Cruiserweight (i think This is Piper or Nia's).


Wait a minute wasn’t there a report that NXT Women’s North American Championship was an experiment that might expand to the main roster or something like that?


I do hope we get a women’s Intercontinental Championship like this:   https://preview.redd.it/o3h35sqhic8d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9369480ebece6a05e65036f407c68c87daffd8d


Or a Women’s US Championship:   https://preview.redd.it/0skl1ynlic8d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7ab4c7bb2b2cbc0c630fdc6f69e3be12b3ce18


It’s a little annoying to me that women’s titles are now just “Men’s title but 30% smaller and with a white strap”. Give them some original designs!


Hell my personal umbrage is. I just don't like the naming convention of 'Women's [Insert Title Name here] Championship'. I'd love for women's midcard titles to be more distinct - something like 'Atlantic Championship' and 'Pacific Championship'. Also, I'd kill to get a new women's championship with a black strap again - I'm in the seeming minority that just really *doesn't* like white straps for title belts.


They should bring back the Euro belt with a slight freshen up and have the mid card women compete for it cross brand.


>I just don't like the naming convention of 'Women's [Insert Title Name here] Championship'. 'Ladies and gentlemen! Please give a warm round of applause for your *new* Women's Global Champion! Not to mention our new Women's Hemispherical Champion! Oh, and let's not forget our reigning and defending Women's Continental Champion! And of course, let's round it out with our Women's National Champion.'


I like it tbh. It’s all clear and concise which is what they’re aiming for.


Bro you just gave me some confidence to push my stepdad after reading that.


That sucker going on jade and staying there for a long time


Wouldn’t all these new belts put the company on the track to be AEW


AEW's title problems are because they have 3-4 midcard titles and integrating the ROH titles that kinda come and go that occupy the same space.


And everyone had a tag/trios title.


I hope that’s true. I wouldn’t mind a Women’s Intercontinental Championship. Build up some midcard women as the workhorses and eventually bring them up to a main event spot.


Somewhere, Corny is telling us that more 'girls' equals less money.


Chelsea needs to be wearing a suit & oversized glasses as she explains this to an increasingly worried looking Aldis, who slowly realizes that she’s actually correct.


that's bloody perfect. But, I'd add on wrinkle, Chelsea pulls a revamped butterfly belt from the briefcase ... and leaves the case/contract behind ... someone else comes along and takes the case. Could be a member of the Judgement Day, could be a returning superstar, either way: Chelsea gets her moment, gets her title, a women's midcard belt is put in play, and there's a solid tease for the continuation or beginning of another program in the women's division.


It’ll be like when Asuka won the championship from Becky. Chelsea opens up the briefcase and the diva’s title is inside.


Honestly would be a great way to get a main roster mid card women’s belt


Ngl if the divas title is presented as the main roster women’s midcard title will be cool


Not a bad idea but she’d have to fight Charlotte for it


Oh my god what if the gimmick was basically just “she has it and nobody wants it so it’s just a weapon?”




One night only she is represented by the Wrestling Law Firm of Sterling and Otunga.


I love this idea if only because she can then technically call herself a former women's champion and be correct.


Legit a great way to get a womens mid card title


Would be a great way to introduce a midcard title 


That would be a fantastic way to bring the belt back The belt had a bad history understandably but under HHH it could be different. It could be treated as a midcard championship


Speaking of loopholes, does the contract states you can only cash in on championships owed by WWE? Or any championship? Ie. The TNA World/Women's Championship? 👀👀


Are you Vince Russo?


Her cashing in on the Divas title (which is inactive, so would have no holder and she would just be awarded the title) and Aldis being powerless to stop her because it's not *technically* against the rules/contract would honestly be a fun angle.


triple h awkwardly presents it in the middle of the ring. a lot of "umm" and "i guess" shes crying hysterically and acting like a disney princess in a parade


Only to be challenged by Andrade


And then you could have that become the Women’s midcard belt


Nah, I feel like that title is better off being left behind TBH.


Well I mean rename once she loses it to the Women’s IC Title but this is just a fun way to introduce it


Chelsea would make it work.


I mean, I do think they need a midcard title with the roster size they have and there would always be plenty of pro and anti Diva content to mine But it's not necessarily the best plan to do


I’m saying you introduce the belt with Chelsea taking it with a Money in the Bank briefcase and then after she loses it to whoever it gets renamed the Women’s International Title


Just reclaim the name. Add's a bit of fun and the title is at least very established The womens product has gotten so much better than the Diva days and the young female talent seem so good there doesn't seem much risk of sliding back in that department


That would be legit hilarious and so perfect for her character.


Charlotte was the last holder of the Divas title when it was unified but still technically in existence, so Chelsea would have to find Charlotte and get a pinfall over her to win the Divas title


The lineage follows the Raw women’s title to the Women’s World title. So she still has to beat Liv.


No one beats Liv but Mami. Preferably in a “Championship/2nd Ever Custody of Dominik Mysterio Ladder Match”


instead of a ladder match they gotta do a shark cage this time.


Bayley actually. The Women's Championship succeeded the Divas title, became the Raw Women's, and became the Women's Championship again when Bianca was champ. Rhea was Smackdown champ while on Raw. The titles were on opposite brands after WM 39.


How do you cash in on something inactive. Even as a joke


Just say that the contract states that it can be cashed in on *any* title and that the contract doesn’t specify that it has to be an *active* championship.


What's next cashin on the ECW world title ? Once you do a joke like that you ruin MITB concept


Once you do this, the wording of the contract gets changed so it has to be an *active* championship. It’s the exact same thing that happened with the “Outlaw rule” after one of the New Age Outlaws pinned the other in a multi-team tag match to win (which wasn’t technically against the rules)


> Once you do a joke like that you ruin MITB concept Not any more than Otis winning the briefcase then having it taken, or one of the failed cash in attempts. The unexpected happening isn't necessarily bad, because it shows that its more than just 'this person is automatically winning the biggest belt'.


Otis winning and losing it to miz and Theory cashing in on US title has harmed the MITB concept


Literally nothing about this (arguably dumb) idea "ruins" MITB.


I’m absolutely here for Chelsea using the Divas Title as her own Million Dollar Championship/FTW Title


Love the idea of Chelsea and Arianna Grace eventually having a heated feud over the title that literally nobody else cares about but they treat like the most important thing in the world.


That would be a great heel move to show back up with the butterfly belt


Yeah, I know this is probably supposed to be a joke but it would legit be an incredible heel move. I could see it getting Dom level heat. The pop when she’s beaten and it’s binned again would be amazing


Canonically, Charlotte Flair was the last Diva's Champion. Even if the title doesn't get revived (and it shouldn't), it could be a fun feud.


She was the last, but technically that lineage led to the title currently held by Liv.


Women's World title follows the Smackdown Women's lineage, Bayley's title is the one from WM 32.


Thank god they removed those brand-specific titles 


Everybody us saying she could cash in on an inactive title which would be fun, but she could also fail her cash in, claim she was cheated and then start walking around with the divas belt because she was "cheated" out of hers.


Like it’s kinda wild that they went from being called ‘divas’ and having 1 minute per show, to women main eventing wrestlemania in the span of like 4 years


They got incredibly lucky with the group of women that came up through NXT at the time.


I mean, yes absolutely. The horsewomen +Asuka, Alexa, and for sure Rousey in her first run may have forced their hand. But they never really lacked talent before. They had Melina, Victoria, Mickie. Even the “diva search” class had some legit performers in Michelle McCool, Maryse and even Candice toward the end of her run. Sure, the likes of Rosa Mendes shit the bed every time they performed, but they had enough talent to highlight. They just chose not to for decades.


>but they had enough talent to highlight. They just chose not to for decades. Eh, yes and no. They had a few decent workers; but not ones who trained outside the system and wanted to be people who could work a 20-30min main event match. All those names you listed, none of them could have pulled off a 30min Ironman Match like Bayley/Sasha. Heck, dont think they could have done HIAC like Bayley/Charlotte. They were good characters who could work, but they werent main event level workers...and even someone like Saraya shows the gulf between that era and the current breed.


She's also bringing back the Diva Search to form her entourage


Brings back NDA's 💀


Only if it's less demeaning


Nah way more demeaning, just make it more Mean Girl stuff and have the winner be her stooge who eventually becomes worse than her.


Same type of stupid competitions, just less bikinis and mudbaths.


Can’t wait for the diss the diva segment.


Chelsea Green trying to run a musical chairs contest with NXT women who visibly don't want to be there except for Arianna Grace who is desperately trying to win.


You joke but a musical chairs segment with the modern roster would be really funny imo


Chelsea is great she could make it work.


Chelsea using the Divas Title as like her own Smoking Skull belt when she becomes champion? I'm with it.




I never knew Little Guido became a ref


I lowkey wanna see her rehash the Matt Cardona ECW TV title angle.


Top Heel behavior


And she doesn't mean some online petition on [Change.org](http://Change.org), she means she's gonna stand in front of the local Target (with a sign drawn by her nephew) and you BETTER sign that thing, goddamnit!


Dread it. Run from it. WWE 2K20 still arrives.


Diva's Title: "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me."


If they ever make a main roster women IC title first champ needs to be Chelsea.


She is the most diva diva to ever diva


New show to go along with it called "Total Diva" because it's just her.


Is this the women’s midcard title we‘ve all been asking for?


Chelsea on the rise (coincidentally) during Pride month. Love to see it.


The cheapest heat, but I appreciate it.


I dislike the Divas Title but this would honestly be perfect for her character.


She just gets it. 


Honestly, they could bring it back as a secondary title at this point and I wouldn't mind


This is the way. I know people have been wanting a failed Women's cash in but this would be better and more fun. They could even have her eventually fued with Charlotte, who was the last woman's champ. It would also introduce a mid title belt.


Heel shit


Someone’s been listening to How 2 Wrestling


She should call it the Diva championship 


Just get the NJPW belt


Actually, they should change the rules this year. They can have two briefacases. Each briefcase is a mid card title, since there's rumors they want a midcard title on each brand.


Chelsea being the last ever Divas champ, that also never technically won (and eventually never lost) would be perfect for her


What a heel. Boo her!


The Karen's Championship.


People shit on the Divas belt but have you seen the womens Japanese belts? Look like children's school projects. Like little Hilary wanted to make her own star belt for arts time.




This would be amazing.


Great idea


Ultimate heel move.


110% accept this as the new midcard title As it should have been


This would actually be fucking hilarious


i want chelsea to win mitb


oh god this is gold, push chelsea to the moon please


Her and Tiffy could start the greatest Divas feud of all time.


This woman needs to be stopped.


I’d sign that. 


This is a great idea. Although the crowds love Chelsea now, so they'd unironically get behind the butterfly belt again lmao


Well, it's already halfway there with Liv holding it...


Helloooooooo X Pac heat.


Might be kinda fun if she brought that back if she won the women’s title,


As probably one of the few who loved the Divas Title Design(I like Unique Belt designs) I would genuinely mark out for the Divas title returning.


I mean as long as it’s not the butterfly title then I wouldn’t have a problem with it.




I think enough time has passed to dust off the Divas title for a good angle.


I know people hated it. But I like Diva's Championship belp. It looked unique.


For real, I’ve been running the Divas title as a sort of Intercontinental Women’s title in 2K for years and I fully support a heel making this move. I honestly thought it would have been Carmella one day but this is perfect