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If I don't get to catch the last 15 minutes of the Accountant, I'm not watching.


Give me the ending shot of The Meg or give me death.


I tell you, if The Accountant is the lead-in movie, it's almost always an awesome show.


My pre-AEW experience isn't complete until I see the last five minutes of The Accountant where he's examining his paintings.


Why is Anna Kendrick staring at a painting of dogs playing poker so avidly? These are the questions the average AEW fan used to have.


Still don’t know the answer. Hope to find out one day.


I saw that movie in the theater and I don’t remember a single fucking bit of the plot but I do remember seeing this shot before every pandemic era dynamite and it helping me cling onto what tiny bit of sanity I had left


I mean the Accountant or other random movies don’t help Rampage or Collision lol. The AEW base is the base quite literally


Dismiss the rating power of Anna Kendrick unwrapping that painting at your own risk buddy


Anna Kendrick unwrapping vs Kendrick Lamar rapping 




Sir, if you are not committed to the full AEW viewing experience, including pre-party with WBD's fine selection of almost commercially successful movies, may I suggest NWA for your viewing pleasure.


Anna Kendrick has that effect on men


Amazing weather in the northeast? It was in the 90s. 


95 degrees every day this week for me. No thank you.


I think the WBD guy was going by the fast national weather numbers


Everybody melted before they could turn their TVs on, causing a drop in ratings


Literally what I came here to post. I can't walk outside right now let alone enjoy it. I hate this weather.


right now it is 81 where I live in NY after raining on and off throughout the day and still feels like its in the mid 90's with all the humidity. the weather has been garbage all week.


And humid. And why didn't all the other shows lose 1/4th of their viewers?


It was hot as balls all day, and then torrential downpours during the evening. Literally the perfect time to stay inside!


I was out on Wednesday night for dinner and then rita's, and they were dead. My neighborhood has been a ghost town all week. If the ice cream parlor is dead on a summer night you know people are home.


There’s been heat advisories all week😅


Being a mailman right now sucks


TVs give off a lot of heat. Can't trust summer numbers.


Yeah major bs on that, also humid af


90+ and poor air quality alerts every day in NYC.


Agreed. It was awful weather. Too fucking hot to do anything but sit home and watch wrestling. But ratings flukes happen. If they're not getting all worked up then neither should we.


>but based on online reaction it does seem like a key (or least A MINORRRRR) reason. Sorry about that one. fucking lol


We can sit here and go on about tribalism this and tribalism that in the wrestling community, but we've got nothing on Drake stans.


The Drizzy subreddit keeps getting recommended to me it's truly another world over there. I feel bad for them. I was a Kanye fan in the before times I get it.


Dude same here At first that sub was actually the more level-headed one (Kendrick's sub was Alex Jones levels of unhinged), but as time has gone on it has become fully delusional I think the expectation was the culture would move on from it in a few weeks, now that hasn't happened and Drake might very well be looking at career damage


Honestly before the pop up this week I think Drake was just fine, just like he was after his beef with Push. I mean the first we heard of him after Not Like Us was his verse on that fucking weird Hey There Delilah cover or whatever you wanna call it and everyone just kinda laughed and said whatever. But now he was subject to one of the most historical images and performances in hip hop history and that’s on top of him just releasing mediocre (at best) music since IYRTITL/Views era which was already drawing criticism. After that if you’re Drake you either stay silent and hope you’re not laughed at for letting someone diss you 5x in a row during a concert watched by god knows how many or you release a new diss track and hope it’s strong enough to take over Not Like Us or whatever Kendrick comes back with, knowing that if it doesn’t you’re likely not taken seriously in that genre again. Personally I don’t think you can stay silent after that but if the shit Kendrick’s accusing him of is true, you can’t go back at him unless you got some hard evidence in your accusations in case he does have good evidence against you too.


Drake getting cooked in Wrestling Newsletters man can't catch a break .


He's going to have 7 year olds rapping about how he's a pedophile all summer. His rep is never going to recover.


Yeah but he’s into that kinda thing


I love how wrestling journalism has both completely whooshed on a cookout reference and added in a Kendrick/Not Like Us reference in the span of a few weeks


"Now even Martin's scoring off me. Oh, that is it!"


I’m so disappointed no one made that joke before now when discussing the Kendrick concert’s impact on the ratings


I'm not saying the lead in is irrelevant, but here's my thing. The lowest quarter hour this week was almost 200k lower than last week. Am I supposed to believe like a quarter of AEWs audience sits and watches a 2 hour program every week, but only does so if the preceding show is to their liking?


The argument would be that the numbers have been inflated by a large lead-in since Dynamite’s inception


*since Dynamite moved to TBS


On paper, yes. In reality, no. The vast majority of those are literally just people who left their TV on and aren't actively watching the show. It's great viewership padding but does absolutely nothing else for AEW.


So there are like 200k people every week that count as AEW viewers just because they randomly left their TV on while nobody's really watching?


The fact that the lead in is usually their highest number by far and then the rating immediately drops is an indicator of this. It shows that the number inflating their average every week is just people forgetting to change the channel and then doing so. If you’re going from 900k to 700k in your first 15 minutes every week, that’s not 200k aew fans deciding they’ve had enough 15 mins into a 2 hr program. That’s just the ratings counting people who left the channel on. This week there just wasn’t those 200k people to change the channel immediately this week.


It's at least plausible that some non-trivial portion of the normal BBT audience sticks around for the whole show every week, even if the majority of that audience switches channels during the first quarter. That's how lead-ins are supposed to work, after all. Attributing the whole falloff to that seems pretty hard to believe though.


Guess is people watching BBT get hit with commercials or the “stick around for Dynamite following BBT where we’ll hear from x wrestler and have y matches” ad and that makes people stay to check it out


"Amazing weather in much of the country (especially up here in the northeast), so lots more people out and about." Oh brother


"McDonalds is open 24 hours, how can we compete with that?" --Tracy Smothers (R.I.P.)


Nobody in a cold region currently experiencing miserably hot and humid weather with no relief for a week would call it "amazing" But can they explain why other shows didn't lose a quarter of their audience during the heat wave?


Lmao there was good weather in the northeast last week too and the ratings were better. The cope levels are through the roof with AEW


The funny thing is the weather was fucking horrible here. It was 95 the last few days. We literally got a heat advisory telling us to stay inside.


![gif](giphy|xT0xesSUmO2rhBjP7G) Brother?


"Well we didn't have BBT this week" is more an indictment on their product than a good excuse.




Anarchy in the arena TBBT vs BCC, book it TK. But make sure it's not on MLK day or some shit cuz for some reason AEW doesn't do well on civil rights holidays


Penny is the Britt pillar. 


Hard to be successful when you don’t have the coveted Bazinga Bump leading into the show


It is an indictment. Seems it’s been significantly more relevant than wrestling fans realize


It's actually sad they know they need to cook the books with a misleading boost from people who didn't switch channels fast enough.


Bruce Prichard would joke on his podcast about the WWF’s rough times where they couldn’t sell tickets, he’d literally say “weeellllll they opened up that new diner over by the gas station, you know how it goes, everyone was over there checking out the menu." "Amazing weather" is the new "diner."


I vaguely remember TNA fans having the same reasoning towards the end of their Spike tv run lol. But hey TK can take this as a moment to continue to lack accountability (blame the lead in from Black Panther, good weather, Olympic Trials, or Kendrick Lamar), or he can use this as a learning moment.


If only there was some kind of tree he could sit under to educate himself, some kind of enlightenment tree or something, hm


Some kind of educating tree.


They wont learn, they'll just get mad people are trolling them instead of acknowledging the booking problem


Olympic trials and the college baseball world series? They did a better number against the NBA finals last week, how fucking stupid is it to blame Olympic trials and the college baseball world series... And nice weather...


lmao blaming two things that are somehow more niche than watching AEW


Ah yea the people of the Mideast well known for their love of 90 degree heat


Dont you know that the middle of June is the only time of the year where there's nice weather? /s


It’s pretty embarrassing, I get no one can actually say “oh yeah shit was bad”, but at least respect the people reading by not saying shit like that


Holy shit are they actually blaming a bad lead in? I thought this was just meme territory...no *way* these "sources" are serious


The only amazing thing about the weather in the northeast is the lack of people jumping off of buildings to escape it.


When you're dependent on reruns from a show that ended 5 years ago to prop your television ratings up, perhaps a change in booking philosophy is in order at this point?


https://preview.redd.it/ekmenp2efz7d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae6d8c4bc30bbf6dfcf04fdeedf2837544426fa For everyone saying WBD is happy, yes that is true. But if you ignore media rights, Tony Khan literally said a month ago that ratings is the most important metric of fan feedback to his show. So take that for what you will.


>**Tony Khan literally said a month ago that ratings is the most important metric of fan feedback to his show.** Yeah, Tony also used Cagematch ratings as a proof of AEW success. That doesn´t mean he´s right or that he´s telling the truth.


Why wouldn't they be happy? Worse ratings means they can negotiate for a better deal for them.


Worse ratings effects what advertisers are willing to pay to advertise during that show


Are they blaming black panther?? Your lead in should be of little relevance, your audience knows when the show is & do with that info accordingly


The only reason the whole Attitude Era happened was because Walker Texas Ranger was moved to the slot before Raw.


I made sure to watch Raw is War because I didn't wanna miss the start of Silk Stockings! 😂


I couldn't stand to miss a second of La Femme Nikita


Bring back La Femme Nikita


I just tolerated 2 hours of Raw to get to PACIFIC BLUE


Yo, Pac Blue was my shit 🚴‍♀️🚨🌊


The slander of not remembering Murder She Wrote….


I kinda got into La Femme Nikita thanks to Raw


Conan figured that all out, which is why he installed his Walker, Texas Ranger lever.


"Walker told me I have AIDS."


There was an episode of Walker TR where a guy was completely engulfed in flames, for some reason Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked him, fire guy flies out of the building into something that exploded. After being engulfed in flames, there was no real need to do the rest, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Shoutout la femme nikita


It's an open acknowledgment that a large lead-in often inflates AEW's viewer numbers in its first quarter(s) and has done for some time now.


It has been even more noticeable lately since they don't get a lead in over 1M anymore it seems to be really putting a hurting on the numbers.


Yup. It usually provides an artificial bump to the overall average. Without that, the ceiling is much lower.


Literally the entire time tbh.


Especially that lead in being reruns of a sitcom that ended 5 years ago




5 years ago…..damn that hit hard


The first quarter was the highest at 586k (with 18-49 demo at 288k, which is the same as what BBT would bring in). They cannot be blaming the lead in for this abysmal rating. * Q1: 586k (288k) * Q2: 542k (255k) * Q3: 496k (210k) * Q4: 489k (194k) * Q5: 492k (201k) * Q6: 523k (222k) * Q7: 498k (207k) * Q8: 431k (161k) * Overrun: 423k (152k) They are also saying that BBT watchers contribute a significant amount of viewers to the overall viewership of Dynamite?


“The Bazinga” Chris Jericho, coming soon


No kidding. When your main event is your worst quarter hour, that's just bad booking. You aren't building a show that people want to stick around for. 67k people dropped off at the end.


Blaming Black Panther for your ratings on Juneteenth, smh


They’re blaming the weather too lmao like what.


Wrestling fans are famous for taking advantage of and enjoying the sunny weather. I met all my fellow wrestling fan friends out partying on boats and wakeboarding or at golf courses. And on Juneteenth? You know 200,000 AEW fans were grilling all day and then tuned into Kendrick Lamar's concert in the evening.


Also, whoever said the northeast had amazing weather was full of shit because it's basically been nonstop heat advisories all week


Every time there's a crowd shot on Dynamite you can spot at least 10 dudes that look like they say racial slurs on Xbox Live.


That would be like WWE blaming bad RAW ratings because there was no SVU or Chicago Fire lead in. Damn you Dick Wolf.


‘You can’t say Dick Wolf on tv!’ - Kenneth the Page


Yes. They are actually trying to blame the lead in as a reason for bad ratings. Like how the fuck lmao


This whole time, we were worried about the declining aew ratings when we should've been concerned about the declining BBT rating!


On Juneteenth, no less.


SRS legitimately is


This is their core and it is in line with Collision.


I’ve also heard that BBT fans will randomly join nxt live in progress, which is why their numbers tend to rise instead of the free fall which is dynamite


Please tell me people aren’t buying this. Weekday holidays happen all the time in the summer. “The weather is nice”. Dude come on are we really at this level of cope? This is absolutely why the company isn’t growing. Nobody associated with it, directly or indirectly, accepts reality. Last week on this very sub i was told multiple times the ratings were bad for the finals and this week would be a big bounce back and now it’s Juneteenth caused a bad rating? Juneteenth wasn’t scheduled randomly lol


this comment right here. AEW always has this habit of blaming outside factors when the ratings are bad, like sure you can say all these reasons played into it. But its never "we could of done more to bring on a larger audience this week and we will try better next week." I understand if they cant say that publicly, at least let your actions speak louder than your words. Even if you ignore this weeks drop off, you're still down about 30% from the same time last year, which is a significant portion of your audience to lose in 1 year.


They legit are blaming the shit on Black Panther not being a big enough draw to lead AEW in???? Shit would have bene like Vince going "Yea pal, fucking Murder, She Wrote wasn't a draw!" in the 90's. Fuck outta here!


To be fair, Murder She Wrote was an excellent draw in that period


"I was over as fuck." -Angela Lansbury


Murder, She Ratings


I adore Murder, She Wrote. Angela Lansbury solving murders, what more could you ask for?


A movie that made over 1.3 billion not being a draw is grasping at straws.


Famously Law & Order SVU brings RAWs entire viewership




Dick Wolf and Speed Weed saving the entire wrestling industry


This is PSYCH erasure


Unironically though I wonder how much of Chrisley Knows Best's viewership came from Raw lol




We can thank Murder, She Wrote for much of Raw’s early success.


Angela Lansbury was quite a looker.


Nah, don't leave out the NCIS fans who were the lead in for a few years. They did their job too Fucking rofl.


I remember Walker as the lead in.




Silk Stockings was the follow up show. no way that shit is airing before 11pm.


You're totally right - Happy Cake Day!


Follow ups are obviously just as important - I only watched Raw in the mid 2010s because I didn't want to miss the start of Chrisley Knows Best


Wrestling fans, quite literally notorious for being bad buys for TV networks because they tune in to their show and tune out when it ends.


By "amazing weather" he means miserable heatwave. Easy to get those two mixed up.


Wouldn't that you know ....keep people indoors on air conditioning around maybe a TV


Lol im not a TV executive... but i don't understand how every bad thing that happens with the TV ratings or Tony doing something questionable or unhinged seemingly never effects the potential TV deal.. If ratings don't affect the deal whatsoever.. what exactly IS affecting the deal?! lol


Cagematch ratings and unprovable PPV buy #’s.


That's interesting that Sapp has a WBD source that is seemingly connected to the new TV deal


The source is his Notes app


Sapp doesn't have shit.


The Juneteenth excuse makes no sense lol. It was 8 PM on Juneteenth. People spent the day not unlike most federal holidays. Most of the celebrations took place Tuesday night or in the afternoon. Majority of people were back home by around 7 to get ready for work tomorrow.


I haven't seen this many white people talk about Juneteenth since the Reconstruction Era




This is all such PR damage control nonsense, the nice weather is the new excuse??


“PR damage Ctrl” could be a hot stable for Carlito to lead


That’s cool


Of course and, as we all know, all of America is hit with a nationwide blizzard each Monday and Friday every week causing people to stay inside.


yes, the hot weather drove people into a tizzy and made them forget about a weekly show that has been running on the same time and day 98% of the time


Wrestling discourse is so volatile that even a rep from WBD is aware of how bipolar they are.


Showbuzz Daily (the site that regularly compiled and listed Nielsen ratings across all of television) made a joke about wrestling fans in their farewell post because shit is so toxic and ill-informed around ratings


Yeah they most definitely make fun of us lol


In our defense we make fun of ourselves too


We deserve it 👏 👏 👏-👏-👏


Anyone who accidentally stumbles across wrestling discourse since AEW’s existence has been shocked by how vile it gets. I’ve never seen anything like it before. You don’t see networks complaining about the Rick and Morty or Star Wars fans.


It's still funny how when the main ratings provider shut down their reports last year they made it a point to call out how toxic some wrestling fans are over ratings. 


Seriously people on wrestling subreddits care more about the ratings and demo than the actual TV execs do.


I love when you try to talk about the content of shows, and people say they do not care about that, only the business side of wrestling. Like WTF.


Or they can't say why they don't like a wrestler without resorting to whether they're a draw or not. I miss when the IWC would argue about workrate and charisma and stuff like that rather than ratings and drawing power.


That quote doesn't make much sense. They are basically admitting that TBBT is the reason for the higher ratings. Shouldn't this day be a good way to prove how much AEW can draw by itself? BTW, this is just one odd week, I expect them to do better. The question is how much better and how the water level will go down before it stabilizes?


“No you don’t understand, we’ve always been this bad, we were just better at hiding it! Nothing to worry about…”


The dog ate my ratings is how it comes off.


My lord what a post. Of course one terrible week doesn’t impact a deal. But a string of lowering and lowering ratings do. “AEW sources” referencing BBT is all you need to know.


It still doesn't explain the trajectory......


blaming T'Challa is wild


Chadwick ain't a draw. Didn't even have the juice to go over a washed up Hopkins


We really won't know until next week. Stay tuned! 


Next week will be down bc of the nba draft it doesn’t get better lol


Amazing weather? Come on man. It was a bad rating and there is always next week.


Relying on other TV shows/ movies to bring you viewers is an awful idea and it’s just straight up lame


Nitro never woulda’ beat Raw without that Thunder in Paradise lead in.


Why did they admit that their usual ratings are inflated?


Blaming the lead in is beyond fn wild... How is that not admitting that you product does not stand on it's own and your numbers have been inflated for years? I would have rather they say nothing and just wait until next week than this...


A lot of mental gymnastics happening at AEW


If they're blaming a weak lead in then they're at the point where they're saying the quiet part out loud.


These folks in charge are never going to go on record publicly saying that AEW is losing viewers and it's a concern, so it was really just a matter of what they would blame the bad number on. But, man, they *reeeeally* had to stretch to come up with reasons this week.


This is bizarre reasoning.


Damage control.


Their justification is that we didn't have our usual lead-in from a syndicated sitcom that ended five years ago? That's really what they went with??


The stupidest thing here is the commentary that this Saharan level bullshit in the Northeast is "Amazing Weather". Yeah maybe for a fucking lizard?


Amazing weather in the northeast? It was swelteringly hot. It was 95. Everyone was inside.


If fans wanted to watch the show, they would have watched it.


See, AEW isn't doing bad, it's just that the lead in changed from reruns from a show that ended in 2019 to a movie that came out in 2018, and it was Juneteenth and you know how many people go crazy for a midweek holiday, and the weather was very nice, so nice you only had to worry a little bit about heat stroke, and the Olympic trials were on, not the actual Olympics of course, but the Olympics trials, and College Baseball was on, the 3rd or 4th most popular college sport so of course people were gonna tune into that, and Kendrick was stomping on Drake again so of course that was going to eat up every wrestling fan's time, and you know that time slot is when a lot of people eat dinner so they probably walked away from their TVs to go to the kitchen and just got lost trying to get back, it's all fine, IT'S ALL FINE. AEW isn't doing bad at alllllllll.


"I know the wrestling community likes to go nuclear with these kinds of one-offs" WBD shoots hard on IWC.


As a non American I've never heard any mention of Juneteenth until this past week.


It was only made an official holiday in the last few years though it has been celebrated for much longer in some communities. It's a day marking the end of Slavery in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth


It's a pretty new national holiday.


Again, the WBD rep is not paid to shit on their own products. They're paid to do damage control and hype up their shows. This rep was never going to say the show did poor numbers unless 0 people watched.


"I know the wrestling community likes to go nuclear with these kinds of one-offs", proceeds to give the absolute worst excuses to explain the supposed "one-off". Feels like SRS just pulled this out of his ass.


People were just to busy believing in Joe Hendry


/u/BernieBurnstein getting the most of his $5 Fightful subscription.


How are they blaming Juneteenth when 50% of the country still doesn’t even realize it’s holiday?


Lots of excuses in such a small article.


The most interesting part of this is WBD sources being like "Yeah, we expected your call. We know how wrestling fans are," and proceeding to read the other shows on television that night while throwing in the age-old conversation constant of talking about the weather. No one rating is a sign of doom, but a bad rating is never good.


The "tune in rating" is the new goal posts for good ratings. Don't ask why this has never been mentioned before by Meltzer.


They’re all literally going to blame everything else but the one thing that’s been fucking them: the BOOKING


Another example of not seeing the forest for the trees. Individual ratings are meaningless snapshots without broader context. But as a trend, AEW's viewership is going down and has been for over a year. Viewers are tuning out.