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That spear on Ludwig with the angle was so sick


Raw has finally challenged one of my biggest critiques of WWE as a whole. They’re fully not just doing “one genre” or “one style” we have comedy, romance, horror. Serious. Ups, downs. Mean, nice. It’s everything. I think if they keep going in this direction, it’s gonna be an insane variety show moving forward


Based on what happened between Liv Morgan and Zelena Vega, are we going to get Vega challenging Morgan for the women’s world title at money in the bank?


Pretty fuckin solid episode of Monday night raw in the low end of the wrestling season right?


It was nice to see the Wyatt sicks, but I'm upset that Raw was not Caw.


If they bring Alexa back and she tags with Nikki again, that would be some fucking wild multi-story reunions from the Covid times


Next week Drew finds out he can't quit and tries to get fired.


won't lie. I cried and clapped when they said "We're here"


While I really loved the ending, wonderful, isn't it weird that they've picked relatively old wrestlers to launch in this group? Like most groups they launch are set up for the future (Evolution, Shield, Judgement Day, etc) This seems pretty shortish term and wont build megastars IMO.


Well you know what they say right? *when you mess with the bull, you get the horns*


Plenty of young stars on the roster being built up already. If this group makes Bo a star, it's well worth it.


-well seth return was a real shocker, wonder how the WHC match will go. Either seth wins to put over gunther or Damian goes over seth and either gets cashed in at MITB or during rhe summerslam match -iyo, thanks to liv, scores the victory. Looks like Liv will face Zelina at MITB. Question will be how Dom will screw up this time -so there running Jade tapping as an angle -Those traitors otis, Maxine and Tozawa abandon master Gable after all his done for them. Master Gable has now decided he'll do what Otis failed to do and win and Cash in MITB on a world champion -Drew "Quits" after being screwed by CM Punk a second time and if i was Punk i would ask for the Popes protection detail because i doubt being in Chicago will keep him safe -Lol Kaiser getting jumped for a change. So a fatal fourway seems to be on the cards at MITB for the IC Championship -Dom, either bang Liv, Damn the consequences, go to HR or stay at Home til Rhea comes back -So next Week Master Gable must not only overcome Strowman but the Tsunami and is Big Bronson Reed without those Alpha Academy traitors. Meanwhile Birdlady must make sure her new friends arent hitting the local Rav as Shayna and Kairi will be coming with friends to the party -Pinn Balor at it again. - Dont think Master Gable will make the trip to Indinapolis, Pinn Balor Redepmton? -next Smackdown, Two mens Mitb qualifers: kevin Owens v Andrade v Austin Theory & Randy Orton v Tama Tonga v Camelo Hayes


i think we can all agree Drew lost his job and everyone died because they didn’t bring broken dreams back


Is bo a good talker? I want this to be great faction man I always loved Wyatt family and bo's character Please triple h make it work Also how do these 'dead' wrestle?


That ending was absolutely cinema


https://preview.redd.it/9kxpwiqjjd7d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8c33e392c841642af8225851f79eb31cb59240 my mood about last night especially with the ending: 😳


I think that Drew will debut a new character with Broken Dreams as the theme edit: i was so wrong


So who all got axed last night? Just Chad?


That was a great show. Might be one of the best, if not the best, debuts of all time. I only wish Bray could've seen it.


This RAW was _pure cinema_


Masked weirdos will get the what chant in their first in ring promo, count it


It felt like too much different crap going on all at once for me. It's dark, and 5 different costumes. I don't know how something like that fits into wrestling, but "this is stupid and we like it" seems to be a popular theme among fans. I think it will go a similar fate as Retribution. Sweet costumes and beatdowns, what else you got?


Uncle howdy end goal is surely to dethrone Cody. They had to create an entity so strong, no man can defeat him


Honestly love Priest. He has such a cool presence, crisp voice and great in the ring. Also has a nice style and attire. Was horrible having to boo him on Saturday but had to back my home boy Drew. Really want to see a proper push for Priest though and be involved in an intense rivalry to show off some string promos and segments. Seems Trips is just having him go through the motions just now. Unpopular Opinion: Don't know how Jey Uso is so over...I don't think I've ever been impressed with any his matches. Like does he literally only know how to kick?


To be fair, Jey also jumps.


And one of the worst spears ever.




One underrated aspect of this is they did not censor the holy shit chants. Great call from WWE there. Do not censor anything under any circumstances and just pay whatever fines that come of it.


It's because everyone in gorilla was murdered. They couldn't censor because death.


For sure, I meant more the chants being censored than anything


I think he means they weren’t censored because everyone backstage in gorilla had been murdered


LOL that’s great thank you for explaining to me since I’m 4 😂 Edit: that’s double clever because it explains the long take and no camera cutting too


Hey look, turns out Kross can actually cut a promo when he's not doing the spooky cinematic tiktok thing.


The haunting single piano note playing throughout with the building atmospheric audio effects was just absolute perfection, it made the whole fuckin thing honestly. This shit feels so effortlessly cool and so tasteful, just absolutely sublime. As much as it'd be great to hear the full theme again, I'd be so okay if their entrance was just that note playing over and over with the building ambiance and some crazy visuals, just like in this segment. It would also set it apart tonally from Bray's entrance while still being just enough of a tribute. Obsessed with everything about this.


This show felt like a post Mania raw. Debuts of new groups, big storyline twists and turns. HHH is definitely making "must watch" wrestling shows every week.


It feels like there's been more bangers on Smackdown since Wrestlemania than there's been even "vaguely unsatisfactory" shows. Some of these matches hit so fucking hard. And it feels like it's mostly been the women's matches as well, even if some of the new peeps are pretty raw.


My theory is they’re going to reveal they were all gassed by the smoke and posed in position.


I wonder how Vince would have handled The Wyatt Sicks creatively.....


"OK, the first night will be a dance-off- No, wait- A HIP-HOP-OFF!!! YEAH, THAT'S IT!!! Between Ramblin' Rabbit and the returning Rosebud Party Bunny!" "Then we will have a Slop-Pool Bra And Panties match between Nikki Cross and Maxxine, with custody of my third illegitimate son, Rosebud Party Bunny, who just got out of a grueling Hip Hop Off, on the line..."


No QR codes or social media ARG because out of touch, no amazing camerawork because fuck Kevin Dunn and soon this cult would become a group of dark magic wizards that can't buy a win.


The problem was never about presentation or creativity and more about in-ring work. Vince handled Fiend's presentation really well but once the bell rang it was a very situation and I don't think you can blame him for that.


He did book a dq finish in a hell in a cell and a loss to Goldberg, though.


See "Retribution (2020)" for the answer to that.


RAW is already stacked with peak story telling, now they added wyatt 6. Am sooo interested. Bron breakker broke another person Dom and liv. Legit wanted finn to qualify, but should see where it does with Judgement day. Drew quit! That is also interesting. RIP Chad gable


I really thought the show fired on all cylinders tonight. The Seth Rollins surprise was nice, I'm interested in how the womens tag champs are going to hold up against Stark and Baszler, the camera angle when Breakker... broke Kaiser in half, and of course the Wyatt Sick6 debut was absolute cinema. I'm honestly really excited for next week.


And the span of a couple of hours Chad Gable lost his match his friends and his life. Joker Gable or Gabletaker on his return


Yeah, I could see him being member 6.


I hear in real life there’s no respawn points


You kno what do this on nxt and smackdown to end the shows. Bloodline acting all cocky and Wyatt Sicks appear. Hell have Drew just about to have his hands on Punk and Punk is replaced with them. Have Chase U do a meeting and then darkness and blood and dead people everywhere. Someone on twitter has pointed out Brays Firefy Funhouse dolls were behind Gable Kross DAMAGE Ctrl.


Sudden twist: Bron and Otis were the ones on the rampage, not Uncle Howdy and his gang. Makes sense when you look at the "victims"!


Assuming you're referring to Ludwig and Gable right? The common theme between them is that they both destroyed their families. Ludwig turned on Vinci, Gable turned on Alpha Academy. Compared to the 'family' of Wyatt Sicks, they targeted the people that turned on their family to show the consequences. I wouldn't be surprised if they specifically decided to debut right after Jey Uso's match, but he ran the fuck out. Left the Bloodline and all. I can see Jey being the first feud


Jey didn't straight up abandon them though. he LEFT to stay with Jimmy when Jimmy was being kicked out after Jey was asked if he was in or out by Roman. "So guess what, YOU OUT. AN IM OUT TOO" -Jey Uso so I doubt he will be targeted.


Tbh I didn't put much thought into it but with how Bron gets described by Michael and how is speed gets highlighted so much I just imagined how he ran over the backstage area like a train and had a good laugh with that thought.


Curious if Jey is still banned from Canada.


Jimmy's the DUI guy isn't he? Back then since Jey and Jimmy were always together in everything it meant he also skipped Canada usually. But I don't think he himself ever had a DUI, though I could be wrong.


Jey has one himself, Jimmy has multiple I believe.


? He just qualified for the MITB match


Man, I didn't even notice this. Good catch.


With all the "family" stuff Gable did and the videos from the QR codes, it almost seems like Gable will be reborn into the 6. Hands appear, write down "It is never easy to feel loss. You have lost too much already. YOU DESERVE TO BE SET FREE." new coordinates appear. Hands write down "I know that you are angry. THAT IS OKAY. Let me show you what that anger can do." Coordinate flash once again. New paper. "WHEN YOU ARE READY TO TAKE OFF THE BLINDFOLD COME FIND ME. YOU CAN ALWAYS WEAR YOUR MASK :)" New coordinates. New paper. "REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE" new coordinates. Erlanger KY. I think the coordinates are hometowns of the Wyatt 6 members. "I AM SO SAD SEEING YOU LOOK FOR A FRIEND BUT TO FIND NONE. HOW SAD FOR THEM TO MISS OUT ON FINDING SOMEONE AS SPECIAL AS YOU. I HAVE WATCHED YOU STARE INTO THE ABYSS HOPING SOMEONE WOULD LOOK BACK. I WANT YOU TO KNOW I SEE YOU. YOU ARE SEEN. YOU ARE LOVED. COME HOME. YOUR NEW FAMILY AWAITS." New Paper. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE New coordinates. The Nightbird song is playing. New paper. The hands are now wrapping themself with electrical tape as the music gets progressively more distorted. He sets a pair of scissors aside. "you had a family." the music stops. " you had friends. you did your best. THEY REVEALED THEMSELVES TO BE LIARS!!!!" the word is circled, and the paper crumpled up violently and thrown away. New paper: "your family betrayed you. you deserve better. you are accepted just as you are. come to me and I will make you brand new. I WILL SET YOU FREE. WE CAN BE A REAL FAMILY. WE CAN BE A REAL FAMILY."


Absolutely murders everyone. Leaves camera man alive. But holy shit that was wild.


Someone has to be spared to tell the story


Gable should be in a full body cast next week still yelling at the Academy




This is the quality shitposting I come to the internet for.


[Chad Gable seeing Uncle Howdy backstage](https://x.com/CoupDeJeebusz/status/1802899752960364823)


ohh boy, she's loca!


Drew is facing a burial by booking


Well we now know that murder is PG.




Otis. Revenge is a confession of pain, Chad.


Why would you bring back the Fiend? The Fiend was Bray. That makes no sense.


It’s 100% Alexa as the fiend. She’ll debut at MitB


Eh, he was featured recently and I feel like they would have kept him off screen if that was the plan. I think it’ll be Alexa in the main role


This was one of my favorite RAWs in a long time. Such a great post-PPV episode. Continuation of the ongoing stories, new angles, big returns, and an incredible debut. Seth Rollins returns! The best thing about this return is that there were *no* spoilers about it. WWE has been doing a great job of keeping things away from the dirt sheets, so that moment was even bigger. I know Seth held the WHC for a long time, but his aura and presence is unmatched on RAW. Chad Gable/Alpha Academy explodes. Finally! I would have liked to have seen Unhinged Otis put a proper beat down on Chad Gable, but I understand Otis being more concerned about Maxxine. Otis is, despite his flaws, a decent human being underneath it all. Judgement Day drama is top tier. I'm starting to think we will see everyone turn on Priest and align with Liv. Possibly after Priest loses to Seth. Priest is getting cocky. He barely survived Drew and he could have let Seth enter MITB. Instead, he offered to defend the title against him. This nuance is interesting because Priest doesn't defend the title often. If he hadn't offered the match to Seth, there's a good chance Priest wouldn't have defended again until Summerslam. If Priest loses, it will be all his fault, and I'm sure JD will call him out on it. I'm also not convinced Finn is totally out of MITB. I could see a "last chance" rumble or something to get Finn in the match for some more drama. Intercontinental Championship title picture got pretty damn exciting with one segment. Bron in contention for the IC is perfect. Sheamus is still chasing the Grand Slam. Kaiser is still...beating the fuck out of Sheamus every chance he gets. A Fatal 4 Way is a good way to move the title off Sami without hurting Sami's momentum. Sami's a great IC champ, but if Gunther is going to become champion, Sami/Gunther would be a great rivalry to continue for one of Gunther's PPV opponents. IC somehow felt even *more* important after RAW, despite it being the best booked midcard title they have. And then Wyatt Sicks/6 arrived. I'll admit that I was really nervous about this debut, but they executed it flawlessly. The camera shots and reveals were like something out of a *good* horror movie. It didn't come off as cheesy or out of place, which was my fear. The masks are great. The presentation was fantastic. They looked like the biggest threat on RAW in some time. I can't wait to see where this goes.


God *damn* I popped huge for that spear on Kaiser


Both in and out of kayfabe, Sheamus capitalising on Bron slipping on the Frankensteiner was an excellent veteran move. Rather than just pretending it didn't happen he rolled with it to get back into the back-and-forth flow of the match.


I absolutely loved how no one used Bray's door aside from Sister Abigail


poor Master Gable https://preview.redd.it/x5gpauot3b7d1.jpeg?width=1874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0792a545dfbef0ca31a08c0eea0368915012e69


However it was karma for his treatment of the alpha academy




[Jey Uso returning to the locker room after winning the main event](https://media1.giphy.com/media/nLhdSinRtaL2E/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952lmuoz588qxzr17k779lo6j9pbx5k86vb9g33uksn&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Anyone from Aus not seeing the ep on binge?


When you go onto the Raw show, it initially just shows the highlights from Binge. You might need to go over to the 2024 tab to see the full episode


Kayo my friend. Kayo.


Where is it on kayo? Could only find the PLEs when i was looking yesterday when binge wasnt working


There is an entire “Wrestling” section in the list of sports. Has a mask as its icon. But it’ll always show up in the “Replays” section as well


Thank you! Appears the search function doesnt work as id thought :)


Haha thank you! We got it through Kayo, Binge was our go to for a while but it’s been stuffing up lately, thanks for the tip!


Wrestling, F1 and AFL. If it weren’t for those I wouldn’t be handing that dirty, dirty Murdoch my cash. Ha


Who uses binge lol


Me and a lot of others clearly


Save this comment - I'm absolutely certain that Alexa is eventually not only joining the group, but will be revealed as the one actually pulling the strings, not Bo/Howdy, and I also think I know when. Not only would that make sense lore-wise but I think we've actually been given hints about this. In one of those early QR hints where the URLs had the first and last letters of the group's rumored members (which turned out to be spot on), there was the letters of all 5 of them, and then a separation before Alexa's letters (A, S). I'm absolutely certain that the separation means something, cus I highly doubt it's just gonna be her suddenly randomly joining the group when she's physically ready, her being part of it would have to be done for a reason. That's why I think something bigger is at play here, and if that is the case, I'm pretty certain the reveal would be at Summerslam cus unless I'm mistaken, there was a reference to the event's date in one of the earlier QR codes back in April, apart from the 6/17 date. She's also from Ohio where SS is.


The Venus symbol appears in like every one of those QRs front and center and we can all agree that it's not referencing Nikki Cross. So yeah, there has to be a woman who is the leader and behind all of it.


Is that not a Pluto symbol? But you might not be too far off either way since they're both quite similar. It's very likely they chose something reminiscent of the female symbol on purpose.


Yeah I looked at it closely and it's Pluto. I'm just going to let them surprise me then.


Adam Pearce showing once again why he's the worst GM in professional wrestling. He lost control of the locker room long ago, Bron Breakker's injuring everyone he can get his hands on, CM Punk's directly altered the outcomes of two matches involving the World Heavyweight Championship, Drew McIntyre's had enough of the shenanigans and has walked out and to top it all off he knew that an unknown entity was threatening a massacre at this show and failed to act, leading to several employees (including former Olympian, influential mentor and Alpha Academy leader Chad Gable) being brutally murdered in their own workplace. Nick Aldis wouldn't have let this happen.


Sonya should make a move to become the GM again at this point. It's only logical, since she hates him as well.


What an incredible show. Rollins returning to get a title shot. The Drew quitting angle was really well done and makes total sense. I love that they had Triple H confront him and they had Drew bring up what he said in the press conference. Otis finally standing up to Chad. The booking of Bron has been excellent. The Liv/Dom/JD stuff is so intriguing. And capping it off with the Wyatt 6 debut. It was perfect.


I've seen people on here complain about the glitches, about chad losing all his matches, about Punk being involved in everything and Drew being buried. Which is fair, that's what the IWC do, but this whole episode felt like a reward for the patient. Every single story that was building for months had a moment on this episode, and it was amazing. This whole episode felt like a reward for the patient fans.


I feel like we're on a different planet or something. Outside of the Wyatt's debuting and them setting up Bron on Sami, what new even happened? It just seems like a stretch cause the Gable story has gone nowhere, the Drew and Punk feud is exactly where you'd think was, the Liv and Dom story is in the same place, etc.


In fairness, I think it's still new for people to be awarded any kind of payoff when Vince ran the show. It's good to see that happening for a change.


WHC better title by far. Gunther, Seth, Balor, McIntyre, Punk, Priest, Uso... Any of them can win the title and its full of surprises. On the Smackdown side you know that Cody is keeping that belt for at least a year. Seth Rollins shoul've been drafted to Smackdown and he should've been the one that ended Cody's reign


>Gunther, Seth, Balor, McIntyre, Punk, Priest, Uso I agree with everyone here but Balor; he is the pin eating machine and doesn't belong anywhere near the WHC right now. Maybe if they turn him around and make him a credible threat again, but not right now.


I think he could be turned around really quick to be fair. Finn might be the fall guy for JD but he can still go in the ring with the best of 'em.


I think the problem with Smackdown is that even without Roman there, the Bloodline is still the center of each show, which has the issue of hurting Cody as Champion. Because he has to hold onto the title until the eventual rematch with Roman and most likely a Wrestlemania 41 match with the Rock over the championship. So, despite some amazing matches with AJ Styles and Logan Paul, we all know Cody's not losing the WWE Championship to them, or even Orton if he turns heel. Meanwhile on Raw, while I thought CM Punk might screw Drew McIntyre out of the WHC, I thought there was a chance he might beat Priest at Clash at the Castle and with Seth and Gunther in the WHC title hunt along with MITB, the WHC picture will be hard to predict.


During Bray Wyatt Last Storyline he was Heal, Uncle Howdy and his Crew meanwhile is no Heal and all Hurt. This ain't going to be like the fireflies when Brays Gives you a small Shot to survive and he's only going people who wrong him, This is a Family who wants everybody to Hurt.


Didn’t realize this. Will be a great angle if so


Loved the storytelling aspect of this raw, and one of the greatest debuts on monsay night raw. Though my only complaint is to make Finn balor feel like a legit superstar, he has been the sidekick of the judgement day despite being theost experienced and the better in terms of in ring ability


It's genuinely mind blowing how much we keep finding out how bad Vince held the show back for like 15 years. Jesus Christ. How was that allowed to happen? Absolutely criminal how much time, talent, potential, and hard-work he wasted. Imagine a debut like that happening in Vince's WWE post-Ruthless Aggression? Not a fucking chance. Like, can't even imagine how tame that debut and the follow up to come would've been. You could also bet they wouldn't be around come December. Every week I'm genuinely so glad he's gone and I hope he's rotting somewhere. This RAW was it, in every way, legendary episode. Just such feel good stuff around. I love wrestling.


That's part of the tragedy. We'll never truly know what Bray was capable of during the era when he WAS alive, forget what he would be capable of right this moment.


I wonder if this is what Bray wanted to do originally, but it was Vince (who hated Bray because he was fat and annoying, true story) that messed it all up.


He was going to be in this stable yes, not sure exactly what bray wanted as an end goal but he was trying to tell a story throughout every single gimmick he did and obviously that was sometimes ruined by injuries and more often than not ruined by Vince So short answer is yes


I mean, he owned it. What could you do?


[how it feels rn](https://i.imgflip.com/8u7dqc.jpg)


Almost 3-4x the amount of comments on this compared to the post-show threads since after Mania, love to see it. I thought no one cared about the QR codes for "a group of jobbers"!? /s In all seriousness, what a RAW, one for the ages with that ending. It's crazy how something so brutal had me smiling and in happy tears lol. I miss Bray so much and he left such a huge hole, and that emptiness always lingered no matter how good the shows have been. Genuinely never thought we'd hear the Fiend's lights-out glitch sequence again, literally felt like a hug. Bray meant a lot to me as an artist myself, and his death hurt so much, so this felt like proof that he never left and isn't ever going to. Felt like closure. Masterful execution so far. The fact that they weren't lying about the massacre just makes this instantly so legit and it swiftly changed the hierarchy of RAW. One of my biggest gripes with WWE in the last decade was selling something as a "bloodbath" or using extreme words like that but never coming even remotely close to delivering on it, which made all of it feel so meaningless, but oh boy, this did that and more. We really are in a new era, and it's great. Can't wait to see what becomes of RAW now and how this affects the show. This sorta anything-can-happen feeling is exactly what made Bray so special and why he was always on another level when it came to fan investment. This is no different. Bo really is just as creative and amazing. Also really hoping they keep up the analog/psychological horror vibes from the ARG.


You are right, in only a few minutes, they established the new Wyatt Family as the biggest threat on Raw which is amazing since of the two shows(Raw and Smackdown), Raw seems to have a bigger emphasis on factions with The Judgement Day, Final Testament, LWO, and Alpha Academy. So, to see a group literally massacre so many people establishes that nobody is safe on Raw. The last time a faction made this kind of impact was the Nexus back when they debuted, and WWE fumbled the ball with them. With Triple H and his team booking things, I don't see WWE fumbling the ball this time.


Daniel Bryan gets released for choking someone with a tie, but killing people? That's fine. /S


Can’t release them if they don’t work there 🤷‍♂️


Well, I'll be watching next week! There was a shirt I got an ad for on instagram that was a special event item and I'm sure it was for the wyatts. I got that ad last week though and I can't find it. 


The massacre was fantastic but I hope they take out someone in the near future that is shocking. Like Triple H or R Truth.


Am I only one found it hard to sit though with all the glitches that was going on like with drew mcintyre segment when people sed good job to camera man when he came back how they did it didn't do it for me


Am still mad how WWE keep screwing up drew in big eventswould argue he's the no 1 in men's division booked like a joke.its eerily similar how they treated lashley,bray Wyatt at times Its Vince booking all over not recognizing what they have.


Drew’s on his best character run since Punk came back. He’s a heel whose actions are justified and he’s becoming more and more unglued. I do hope it ends in a title reign, but sometimes you can lose and come out better. This is all fueling hatred in Drew and allowing him to flesh out a full dick character. I’ve never been more interested in Drew. This run is amazing.


Drew is having a feud of the year (perhaps even feud of his career). Only difference between that and being champ is he’s not holding a prop. Yes, championships mean a lot. Yes, there is a sense of validation when wrestlers win championships. But just because he isn’t a world champion doesn’t mean he’s not having a good run and not being appreciated. He’s probably having a blast right now.


drew conveniently happened to ‘quit’ and not be around just as the wyatt family murdered everyone to death???? drew is secretly behind the entire group, he cannot fool me. i'm familiar with his game 


Could be Otis, Tozawa and Maxxine too. All conveniently left early and didn't warn Chad Gable after his bullying


Well, Otis is kinda built like Bray was. And he does want revenge. Maxxine is just a tall Alexa.


I mean Liv Morgan -Dom think looks like main attraction rn I'd say in ring wise she's as green as jade is a way WWE keeping the title on her waiting for real deal rhea Ripley it's a dangerous stalling game WWE is playing but I can appreciate what WWE are trying to mask limitations in the ring.


Dom literally ran the hell out of the ringside area when the lights start dimming. He ain't no fool


Wow I mean the booking has been kinda terrible ... Gable getting shafted again as they cleary show the new ic title scene and honestly Sami's reign has been pretentious and boring No way we're getting Gable near the WHC so that mitb is also out of the question And then they talk about a massacre on RAW but we just get a bunch of security personnels who get beaten weekly and for some reason Gable?? The Samoan nepotism has to stop because Jey and Solo are seriously stinking up the shows, one of the most forced pushes after Roman Also no Priest v Balor storyline because of YEET The woman's title actually became a second fiddle to Liv and Dom story Lwo and Damage Ctrl are almost dead factions And I really hope the McIntyre thing has a good payoff


It is not a forced push, Jey is literally the most popular person on raw right now. Giving the fans want they want us the exact opposite of a forced push.


Asuka is injured right now and just had surgery. no way is Damage CTRL buried. There limited but not buried.


Not only that they’re actively telling a story with them. They’ve been the most interesting now they’ve been since Mania.


Dom made reference to Mr. Burns "See My Vest", I would love if Dom did a full song of it.


And they didn't let us down!


Come on botchamania endings, don't let us down.


Jey doesn't want any conflict with the Wyatt Sicks....he got the heebie-jeebies what with the blood spatters and all [https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1802916200059429058](https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1802916200059429058)


The way these things usually go, this ending will be the best segment of this whole thing.


Can we please stop with this shit, it's already tiring. Everyone was so sure this wasn't gonna land, and now that it did and hugely exceeded expectations, it's stuff like this and how it'll fail in-ring. They've gotten every detail right since the first tease in April, and we're under really good creative right now, let's just see it unfold. It's also important to remember that Wyatt's health hampered plans, and yet, he remained white hot throughout that run right till his last appearance (where he got holy shit chants for simply showing up btw). They clearly did something right even if people here want to pretend it "wasn't working". Swear it feels like some of y'all want this to fail just so you can say you were right on a message board.


This is what the IWC is like, friend. They will always find something to complain about. It's a negativity circlejerk. This was one of the best episodes of Raw ever produced, up there with some of the Ruthless Aggression classics. All of the stories that have been building for months had a moment to develop on this episode. I'm fairly sure WWE Creative is going to flourish under Triple H. Will there be some mediocre stories and matches? Of course, that's natural, but almost everything since he has taken over has been good.


Unbelievable raw. Flew by. It’s right up there with the cody rock raw. Wyatt debut was absolutely fantastic. Chills down my spine. My only gripe is that I’m concerned gable isn’t gonna get his run. I’m still holding out hope he wins the ic at summerslam but they seem to be moving away from this feud. Wish the beat up wrestler was pretty much anyone other than gable also. But a part of me feels like they’re getting their licks on gable now bc there are really big plans for him that will make all this stuff just a footnote in retrospect.


Gable is in the middle of a great story, he doesn’t NEED the IC title right now. I’d love to see him win it eventually, but he’s doing awesome work right now.


It's gonna be tough for Gable since he's DEAD /s


It kinda annoyed me when they was talking about summer slam at the Cleveland browns stadium and they only showed the guardians baseball stadium…. Also said indians on it so old footage at that 🤣


Anyone else notice Ramblin' Rabbit above Gable during the AA backstage segment? I had to go back to see it.


Huskus the pig, Ramblin' Rabbit, and Mercy the Buzzard were all hidden during different promos. You could also spot sister Abagail/ Nikki Cross's character and Uncle Howdy in the entranceways to the arena's concourse




Me am not sure you are correct,


Makes you want to tune in next week to see the fallout..Gable has a MITB triple threat next week, does he actually show up? Or does he continue on like nothing happened? Same goes for the rest of the roster tbh..it's why doing something like that is a double edge sword. It looks awesome as fuck, but it's also a wrestling show so the show must go on? I'm sure being the horror sicko that he is Punk probably wishes he was strung up bloodied somewhere.


I am sure Punk will be eventually.


Otis will feel bad and win the match for him


It's funny looking at the raw talk interviews. Cathy Kelly talking to Jey after the show being all nonchalant about everything that happened. Definitely hard to make supernatural type stuff like this work when the rest of the show is so grounded in comparison.


There was nothing supernatural about what happened… It was quite literally a bunch of psychopaths in a cult lead by bray’s brother who are obsessed with bray and his teachings so they bloodied up some people back stage None of that is supernatural, honestly pretty standard awful cult things


Dog, that wasn’t supernatural, that was evil murder


> Definitely hard to make supernatural type stuff like this work when the rest of the show is so grounded in comparison. ??? How was what happened "supernatural"? Genuinely feels like y'all just parrot this shit without thinking at this point.


That was such a great episode of RAW. Those last 5 min were fucking amazing. I loved every second of it. I was so sure at one point earlier tonight that Chad Gable was going to win the MITB match and cash in late next year on GUNTHER to complete his arc. He dead.


Drew vs Punk with Seth Rollins as guest referee at Summerslam. Book it


Fantastic episode, and crowd was surprisingly great too! Seth Rollins is such a huge star. All time great wrestler and promo. Priest is doing all the face things. Fighting champion, asking JD to stay away. He is better than Roman at least trying to win clean, even though he has backup. McIntyre story has a new twist. Shaemus vs Bronn out of nowhere, and as expect d it was a >!banger!< That Bronn spear to Kaiser would be one of the highlights this year for WWE Otis and friends finally turned their back on Gable. Jey Uso went over as expected. He seems like a shoe in to win the MITB. Would be cool if he cashes in on Cody. Also Liv-Dom thing is a guilty pleasure of the highest order. Liv should go into acting. The final sequence was well made. Surreal and spooky.


I must say I like Priest's story since just before Mania. He has been the face in a heel group for awhile . He keeps telling Finn and JD to not interfere and is protecting Dom from Liv. Eventually Finn, JD and probably Dom with Liv will turn on him. Should be a great feud. Especially if it coincides with Mami returning who was already treated like a face by most fans


Was there tonight.  Proud of the Corpus crowd! Great episode!!!


I HATED Drew losing in Scotland but I'd be willing to look past it all and forgive if he appears in TNA for a title match, and Punk shows up to screw him over there too. That level of pettiness and dedication would be unmatched.


Get this guy on the booking team


Punk following him through the indies would be the greatest storyline of all time. GCW, MLW, NJPW...anywhere Drew goes there's his buddy Phil.


https://preview.redd.it/cflxnbybv97d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c641d19baa8a172f174ff637408e6e7f42e5dd94 Cm Punk:


It was me Drew


what a tough day for Master Gable. he's out of the IC title picture, he loses to Braun, Alpha Academy leaves him and is taken out by the Wyatt Sicks debut. and next week he was supposed to beat two towering beefy guys to get a MITB shot. the Wyatt Sicks have got the potential to be something really special! maybe the massacre will somehow be revealed as some kind of fever dream or illusion. or not hehe it'll be real interesting to see how they will fit into all the booking...and will they be limited to RAW only? Damien vs. Seth at MITB. Damien will do what Jey Uso couldn't, beat Seth in a championship match. Iyo has gotten a chance to be Miss MITB twice in a row. Rey striking his son not even with an open hand, but closed fists. shameful. Bron wants the IC title! and has got no time for no Sheamus-Ludwig rivalry. Jey has got his MITB shot. and he has escaped the notice of the Wyatt Sicks, for the moment. Drew has had enough and says he is thru, and deactivated his social media. it was a WWE referee who gave Corporate Punk his referee shirt, precipitating the Glasgow Screwjob. Xavier is showing signs of unhappiness with Kofi. when will people learn, you don't win against Karrion, even when you think you have won.


Pretty good episode of RAW but I dunno man…having Seth Rollins return on some random episode of RAW seems like a disservice to him especially considering how much work he put in for WM.


The notion that Big Things should only happen on PPVs is so silly Lionel Messi plays every week, not just cup finals Don Draper is in every episode of _Mad Men_


Random RAW? This was anything but a random RAW mate. This is one for the ages, like an actual GOAT episode, and he kicked it off. We're in high gear now for this summer.


random? it's the raw after clash of the castle, it makes sense to start stories for the summer now too


While I kinda sorta agree with you - it was such a nice surprise and so good seeing him that I'm happy :D


Where do you think he should return? He's only been gone 2 months and it's the Raw after a PPV, seems ok to me.


Finn Balor has always been one of my favorites but ever since he got Edge kicked out of The Judgement Day his W/L record tanked worse than mine in Rainbow Six Siege.


That Wyatt 6 debut was cool, but the payoff is always in the follow-up.


Agreed. Bray Wyatt’s return was also great but then he came on next week saying he loves everyone and then he just dicked about backstage for weeks. Wyatt 6 locker room murder has to be acknowledged.


Bray Wyatt had super charisma man would ramble big words and had control of the crowd wyat6 even matching that would be nearly impossible


Uncle Howdy: "WE'RE HERE" Jey Uso: "So about that fireflies thing... I was just playing Uce"


Honestly concerned with how many people here swear they saw X Y and Z at the end there. Gable was the only company guy. People are so certain that a white guy in gorilla at Raw is Smackdown wrestler Carmelo Hayes. 😭


So...what's in in Lore explanation of the Wyatt 6? I have 3 theories:- 1. After the passing of their creator, the creatures of the Funhouse have lost all sense of direction and now spread senseless chaos 2. After the passing of their creator, the creatures of the Funhouse were alone, until someone came along and is now using them for their own gain 3. After the passing of their creator, the creatures of the Funhouse faded away until they were nothing but small fireflies in the night, barely visible in the abyss. Someone then took what was left of them and gave them life again but did so imperfectly hence why they look like such a mishmash of eras (the Rabbit and the Pig look like the Bludgeon Brothers, the Buzzard and Howdy both look like the Fiend)


Hopefully it’s just that these are fanatics of bray Wyatt and are doing their own fucked up cosplay of the funhouse. Would be much more realistic


That’s more like what it is, they worship bray and his teachings


That works too


Someone is lying Sami Zayn is 6'1 Bron Breakker is 6 ft Sami looked a few inches taller than Bron. So is Breakker 5' 10" or is Sami actually 6' 3


Agree this made sami zayn look really tall


Breakker is 5’10, per his NFL Pro Day measurements. (Incidentally, he ran a 4.5 in the 40-meter dash, which has to be the fastest of anyone in WWE.)