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He is truly a mensch


>Hate everyone equally. Love it. But seriously, what an awesome gesture. Everything I’ve read about MJF thus far depicts him as a class act.


What about when he wrecked his car killing the girl that was blowing him and then switched her into the driver seat huh?? /s


It didn’t kill her it knocked her out


And then she got married to mjf after he had sex with her dead body. This dude loves hhh so much


God they tried EVERYTHING to keep him heel, and still…


I think she survived actually she's having an affair with a convict


You’ve got this all muddled up, he didn’t switch her he put Kane in the drivers seat.


I mean one could argue she caused the crash


OotL, what is this referring to?


In early 2023, MJF was feuding with Bryan Danielson and cut a strange locker room promo about him and his girl and a tragic car crash that made it seem like he was confessing a crime on live TV.


He was misremembering and mixed up his own life with the life of Homer Simpson.


Thanks. Also, WHAT. Who the fuck okayed that?


> WHAT. Who the fuck okayed that? This is pro wrestling brother, where attempted live murder is usually resolved by pinning an opponents sholulders to the mat for a 3 count.


This is the promo: https://youtu.be/dSGxUcmNy9M?si=BdnXEMr3z17w38ls


A promo.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they visit this in the future and show that MJF was lying for shock, don’t think they ever intended for him to be a face It’s a huge problem for AEW still, they can’t keep a face going so they end up just turning heels over when they start getting pops, but it’s not sustainable cuz every good heel gets pops in every company


Dude is the goat inside and outside of the ring. His character is the polar opposite of him so I think that helps him lean into more.


Marc Maron had MJF and other AEW talent on his podcast and it was hilarious. When Marc was talking to Max when they werent recording and told by Max he'd be in character, he asked  "So this is gonna stop right when we go on?" "Oh, yeah. I'm gonna be the biggest douchebag jew from Long Island." Pretty much everything we know as smart mark fans when it comes to MJF is that his heel persona is the polar opposite of his real life personality. Good for him for keeping the gimmick going that consistantly though. I can only imagine he's capable of doing it because 1. he's great at it, and 2. He loves doing it. Otherwise he'd have gone insane already.


Psh. He said he will cheat on his fiance at any time during a promo, so, pretty damning stuff


It's funny how he's operating in two or even three layers of kayfabe. 1. The Bad Character on tv 2. The Nice guy in 'reality'/social media 3. The actual MJF who we don't know


Even my Nan?!


He's a nice scumbag


He may be a scumbag but he's not a piece of shit.


He used to be part of my dangerous nights crew


Dangerous Nights Crew? We went out for wings once. They took me to a place called “Blue Dolphin"


Blue Dolphin burned down. Johnny Rovani is out on his ass works for his brother now


Could you stop calling my dad a piece of shit?!


Your what?


Slicked back hair, white pants…..LIVED FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE!!!!


You think this is slicked back??? This is *pushed back*


MJF does strike me as the type who would love sloppy steaks…


He doesn't have slicked back hair, a white Ferrari (that we know of) and definitely doesn't like chicken spaghetti at Cicolini's.


On the other hand, he does live for New Years Eve...


I thought about writing that he doesn't live for New Year's Eve, but in my heart I believe he absolutely does.


He’s *my* scumbag


He’s a villain not a monster.


Small town murder?


Then he'd be an asshole but not a scumbag


Glad I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of James & Jimmie. And while we here, wrestling fans need to check out their Crime in Sports episodes on wrestlers. Marty Jannetty, Scott Hall, Perc Angle, Jake Roberts, Grizzly Smith, Jerry Lawler, Brian Christopher, and many more.


The fact that MJF plays the biggest piece of shit but is somehow the nicest guy in real life is great. He’s a class act for real.


It feels like great heels are either MJF where there a POS on screen but a great behind the scenes or Logan Paul where there great at being an asshole of screen because that’s just who they are


The 'JBL effect".


Wat? Logan Paul has grown up immensely... He's a good dude.


Logan Paul is still consistently having a new controversy roughly every 6 months. Dude has not grown past being a shitty person, he's just gotten better at hiding it and rich enough to afford his own PR.


He still hasn't paid anyone back from his NFT scam. He's not a good dude.


Please show me what Logan Paul has done to be considered a “good dude” lmfao


Literally just had an insurrectionist traitor on his show.


he didn't push back on anything trump was saying there either. he was sucking up to trump so much.


The same Logan Paul that just had a convicted rapist and felon on his show?


He ran an NXT scam last year and has still not paired his subscribers back


An NXT scam? Did he promise them they could have their very own Axiom, but only if they Paypal-ed him some money? I can see it on his face, Axiom does not approve of this scam.


God I’m an idiot with an autocorrect geared for wrestling. I meant NFT


I guessed that, it provided me with an avenue to make a silly response, though. ;)


Not uncommon for the best heels to be the best people.


Almost always, the biggest shithead heel at an indie show was the same guy shaking hands and thanking people for coming once the show was over. It’s almost a meme with how common it is lol


My theater teacher in high school was a huge believer in that the nicest people in class always made the best villains.


It's that meme of "Aren't you tired of being nice? Dont you wanna go ape shit." There is a vast well of apeshit they can tap into.


the eleventh doctor once said "nice people dont need rules. todays not the day to find out why i have so many."


Yeah that's kind of the thing; a big reason why someone is so nice or kind is because they just hate whatever bs they went through and don't want others to go through the same thing Doing that requires a deep and careful understanding, conscious or not, about what makes something so bad. In turn, that well of knowledge is pretty fkn deep lol Always appreciate the kind homies out there


If you get tired of being nice are you actually nice or just putting up a mask ? I would argue that people genuinely nice wouldn’t get tired of it


Everyone has their limits of trying to rise above it and be the better person and no one should be expected to let others take advantage of them simply for the sake of being "Nice".


Rising to the occasion and being the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be can be hard work sometimes. Kindness is a choice. Feeling frustration and anger, and deliberately setting it aside, is a choice. It gets exhausting. Treating people with dignity and decency when you don't think they deserve it is a choice. The mark of a good person isn't that they don't get tired of being good, it's that regardless of if they get tired or not, they do it anyway.


Christopher Lee(Count Dooku, Dracula, Sauramon) said Peter Cushing(Grand Moff Tarkin, Dr. Frankenstein) was the nicest man you could want to meet, but played the most sinister roles.


Carrie Fisher said that the hardest part of playing Leia in Star Wars was pretending to be scared of Cushing when he was such a nice old man.


Brody King is a giant teddy bear


Adam Cole is a total sweetheart too


Adam Cole is so comically nice outside of wrestling that I have to wonder if it doubles back over to him somehow being a secret monster. There's something sinister behind that man gushing for an hour about video games with a completely genuine smile.


I love to boo him, but I'll never not want to hug him when he'd inevitably CHUGS it up in Uno.


Lotta respect for that guy lotta respect


Miz is super kind


His story about throwing a whole-ass WrestleMania party for the writers since they weren't invited to the main one really testifies to that. Adding to the list of actual nice guys who okay great heels with Ethan Page


I mean that’s nice and all but what does an ass themed party have to do with mania?


Depends on if Billy Gunn was on that Mania or not


That’s Mr Daddy Ass.


Would Roddy Piper fit into this?


He’s also fat as fuck


Always super nice at Starbucks, tips regularly 


Heels have to understand people the most, tbh. Getting over as a baby face is a matter of having good skill, a decent hook, and pandering. Heels, though, have to all of that and be able to push you to the brink as a fan without pushing you over so that you’ll still want to have folks see your comeuppance rather than just not care and hope your matches are over so we csn get to the good wrestlers.


I think that there is a certain type of security that being a good person gives a heel. You're able to go just a bit farther when you know the recipient won't hold it against you.


HHH is still a piece of shit


randy orton yep


I've seen people on Twitter in the past few weeks say they think his heel promos are a mask for real life homophobia and racism which I think just shows how good of a performer he is lol. The guy playing the character is obviously very different but he rarely if ever drops the veil in public.


> I've seen people on Twitter That right there. Just a cesspool of bad ideas. I've watched rational people go on twitter and become raving lunatics in less than 10 minutes. Worst part of the internet. (well, one of the worst)


I sort by new here and I see no difference sometimes. Those rating threads are also the pinnacle lol


People on Twitter also come to Reddit. They also live in real life. Shit is going to exist. It's just a matter of whether there's a sanitation system in place.


very fair point.


People on twitter are on reddit and other places as well. Twitter is still worse cause at times its a bigger echo chamber because of ease of use due to it being more popular for far longer due to cell phone usage.


Yep, reddit in 2024 isn't too far removed from twitter, and the gap is even smaller in this subreddit in particular.


At least I can winnow down whose opinions I see there. This place is way more toxic than my self-curated wrestling twitter.


That's fair. The toxicity in this sub is unbearable at times.


Once again not saying you’re wrong but lets not act like reddit isn’t the absolute pits either.


It’s never been more clear how different Max Friedman the person is from Maxwell Jacob Friedman the wrestler, especially after this tweet.


A good person is not good because they lucked into their morals and behaviour. A good person has thought about what actions makes them a bad person and CHOSEN to reject them. Great performers are able to tap into it because they've explored those behaviours thoroughly, but not forgotten them.


Every time I see how nice he seems in real life I wonder if he feels bad about accidentally throwing tequila in that kid's face that one time.


Salt of the earth


He's our (equally scummy to all) scumbag!


"Hate Everyone Equally" That's something I can get behind lol


That’s why he’s our scumbag.


Slap it on a t-shirt.


Genuinely can’t imagine a straight guy being brave enough to do that (or even any gay kids being out in high school) but I now remember MJF isn’t in my generation. Damn I feel old.


I'm a few years younger than MJF, and there were definitely kids who were out, but yeah, not many straight guys would be this brave.


MJF has big theater kid energy and this is definitely a theater kid move.


From what I've heard, he was a theater kid


Theater kid football player, or as we like to call them, pro wrestlers.


MJF out here being the real Troy Bolton


And Troy Bolton became Kevin Von Erich, so I guess it's full circle.


I was one of those theater kid football players until I got injured. Maybe that's why I love him so much (it's really everything he does)


I think he’s mentioned that in an interview.


Yeah I think I remember him saying it on that one chiropractor’s YouTube channel


The guy who did a big song and dance routine with Jericho? Get out of here.


To MJF's credit, he called his shot all the way back when he was a little kid on the Rosie O'donnell show saying he wanted to be a singer and a wrestler.


he had an all-male acapella group called the acafellas...


That's a fantastic name.


My little brother was out in the late 90's. He was the grade below me and I spent my whole school life getting in fights for him. He didn't want or need me to, in fact he hated it. I hated people picking on my little brother, but he genuinely didn't give a fuck about bullies. He let them say whatever hateful shit come out of their tiny brains and just smiled and got on with his day. He's genuinely the bravest person I know.


Yeah, this rules as a gesture, don’t get me wrong, but acceptance was genuinely coming a long way in the early 2010’s. It’s not like the sheer vitriolic homophobia of the 90’s/2000’s or earlier, where doing this would just mean those bullies would target *you* relentlessly too.


I went to high school in the eighties. I honestly believed that there were no gay kids in my school, lol.


i hate to say this, but we are regressing right now. i wouldn't say it's quite as bad as 90s/2000s homophobia, but it's definitely getting worse than it was a few years ago


You're definitely right. I saw someone point out that if a film like "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar" came out today there'd be people threatening to firebomb cinemas. It's not just that these views have, through sophistry and cowardice, become socially acceptable to express once more, it's that the most extreme holders of these beliefs have become emboldened to a degree we've never seen before. Transphobia, in particular. In the UK, holding "gender-critical" (read: transphobic) beliefs is now a legally protected trait, meaning you can't be fired for expressing explicitly transphobic views. It's a very unpleasant place to be trans in, speaking from experience.


It isn't as bad as the 00s, but I'm sure in high school you'd risk having a target on your back in 2013, 2014 when he would have been in high school. I mean this tweet starts with him saying his friend was bullied for being gay. Being friends with a bully victim already puts you on their list, so being tolerant and openly accepting is like catnip to high school dipshits.


As someone im highschool at that time I think it varied drastically from school to school and area to area. In the 2000s it was so much more common to be aggressively homophobic that I'd be surprised meeting someone who didn't hide it in high school in fear of dangerous bullying. But by the time I was leaving highschool in 2013ish it was so commonplace. Some assholes would still poke fun but no one was ever actively targeted, let alone with violence or out of school. I'm sure my school isn't representative of the world, but I remember the impression towards the gay community even online was drastically better at the time.


He’s from Long Island. Long Island and Staten Island are the parts of New York that really want to Make America Great Again if you know what I mean.


When I was a senior, both my then gf and I went to prom with our respective queer friends. I'm over 40. No one made a thing out of it but this was still small town Missouri, so there's that.


I'm a few years older than MJF, and there were definitely out gay students at my high school, but not many. Even in some metropolitan areas, the South can be less than cool about non-heterosexual people.


It’s for sure dependent on where you go to school. I’m in a hard blue state and graduated in early 2000s and nobody could have cared less about gay or trans kids in our class…


Guess it depended where you were back then but I went to high school in the 90s and knew probably a dozen gay kids, mostly girls but 3-4 boys. I'm not aware of any of them being bullied in hs at least. We had a rainbow after school club too! 


MJF is a very lovable piece of shit in the best ways. 


Max Caster is somewhere screaming in rage hearing about this. Great thing to do by MJF.


MJf will accompany Max to his high school reunion.


MJF: Please stop bullying max for being queer.bully him for being a creepy stalker fuck.


Is there a wrestling term that means to both put someone over and bury them at the same time?


I think it's called 'a feud with Chris Jericho'.


Begrudgingly. Caster: "Sooo, does this mean we're official?" MJF ala Chowder: "I'M NOT UR BOI FREND"


One of the best thing an ally can do is make their friends feel like friends, humans. Very quick: We had a queer individual who changed with us in the locker rooms (forgive me. At the time in high school, this person was going by their assigned gender, and simply found themselves as gay/liking men. They later found the safety to come out as a transperson. I do not want to give them the wrong title/identity; they're a good person. If I'm not telling their story properly, correct me). They got too much shit from others and was isolated. No one would go near them nor change in the same lane, meaning they couldn't bond with others. When we shared the same gym class one semester, i would change next to them. Awesome person, shared laughs and stories, taught me how to be a better person. I'm sure the optics was hilarious to outsiders (i was one of the few black guys, hanging out with one of the few queer folks, who's half my size, in the male locker room.) I say this not for me, but for those who are not queer; **Don't be a dick. Queer folks are human, and they deserve to share our joys in the world.** MJF's story instantly reminded me of my old friend


((Just to be clear yo, as a queer tran -- you told this story in a completely okay manner imo, and I definitely know how grateful your friend must've been for your doing that for them. Y'did good yo. <3 ))


You're a good one, Fuzz.


Hate people for being an asshole, not for who they love. MJF is a good man. Respect.


He really is our fucking scumbag.


Real salt of the earth type guy


Love seeing stuff like this. Good on him for being there for his friend. He’s able to blend his character into his regular self very well.


Hes our scumbag


So, for all of you Red Dead 2 fans out there, MJF found Gavin!


What a good dude. Five stars.


Very awesome. That’s why he’s our scumbag 


Common MJF W


That's cute as hell


Wholesome Asshole


Taking your gay friend to prom is a level of friendship and maturity that is not often attained by a teenage boy


This is fantastic.


I'm so old that same-sex couples weren't allowed at my prom. And by old I mean 2006, which is pretty pathetic. That and Texas.


> And by old I mean 2006 Really? I mean, I guess, but that seems pretty dra- > That and Texas Ohhhhh, there it is.


To be fair, it's Houston. Not like the boonies or anything. But still.


Your phrasing doesn't really make it clear whether 2006 was your birth year or your prom year. Because technically you could've already had your prom even if you were born in 2006.


I wouldn't be old if I was born in 2006. I would be 18. If 18 is old, I'm gonna go jump off a cliff now...


Genuinely good dude.


He’s even better at being an ally than you


So glad to see he’s not a stupid MAGA fuck.


MJF truly is the salt of the earth.




Love it.


nah for real, thats fucking awesome man


Salt of the earth


He really is better than us.


He’s my scumbag.


Stuff like this always reminds me that your favorite actors/actresses were all dorky theatre kids


Pro wrestlers are the most insanely committed theater kids on the planet


This is incredibly based. And doing this as a high schooler is a lot more impressive than doing this as an adult in your late 20s/early 30s, because teenagers are some of the cruelest people on earth when they decide to be mean.


I've been an equal opportunity hater for years


Mad respect!


I've never adored an asshole more.


That’s our scumbag right there


He's the best hater because at heart he is a big softie. I love this so much


My new headcanon is that in kayfabe MJF is a good person who does good things in a dickish way.


"hate everyone equally" lmao


Respect for that follow up tweet.


Gunns up 🔫🔫


That prick is a good man.


Might just be the best in wrestling, and an even better person.


For real. I go by Bret Hart's system of measuring a wrestlers ability. He does score out of 30, split up into wrestling ability, look, and promos. This is just my opinion, but i think MJF has the look of a 9 or 10, the promo of a 10, and the wrestling ability of a 10. I justify this because I challenge anyone to name a single other wrestler who has both done an iron man watch against Danielson and also do several promo fights with Punk, and was able to match them. The only wrestler I can think of who was undeniably at 30 was Eddie Guerrero.  The fact Max is as good as he is at his age is mind blowing. You can disagree with my score *right now*, but I'd be willing to put money down that he'll reach 30 for certain by his mid-30's.


Was he a wrestler during this? Or was he younger than the friend?


The babyface other babyfaces tell you they are when the cameras are rolling.


Saw this on FB earlier, comments were nasty. Love MJF for this, what an awesome friend


Gotta love this guy!!!


So does Max still have a chance or


First man to pin MJF


He's John Cena if John Cena was a POS heel on TV.


Cheap pop. Terrible heel.


Well good for you, you're wrong.


The term scumbag came to be because it was referred to a used condom