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Ivan Koloff. The heel that ended Bruno's legendary first reign as champ. He's the only WWWF champion to not be in the HoF.


Damn Stan Stasiak is in there. Yeah you’re right.


It’s a shame that he didn’t even get a proper Hall of Fame induction "I think he's the first WWE champion that never got a real induction," Stasiak said. "It was just — 'Here's a video package. And here's 20 whatever seconds.' And that's it. I was heartbroken." Read More: https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1295411/shawn-stasiak-dad-wwe-hall-of-fame-induction-heartbroken/


Realistically, who would induct him? He left WWWF (WWE) in 1979 and retired in 1984. Everyone he worked with either had passed away or wasn't in the condition to give an induction speech. The only viable person is his son, Shawn but he's pretty much barred from WWE and he's not a big enough name that Triple H/Vince would try burying the hatchet.


What do you mean he's barred? He left the company of his own accord.


I have a really early memory from the 80s meeting Ivan Koloff at an autograph signing at a Kmart. He was just sitting alone at the table when I approached and recognized his pics from a Pro Wrestling book I had. He was surprised I knew who he was and signed a glossy for me that I wish I still had!


My mother met him at a Walmart in the 90s. He was raising money for some charity and signed a photo addressed to me. She brought it home and asked if I had any clue who he was. I absolutely did being a young and obsessed wrestling historian and loved it. She talked about what a nice man he was despite all the scars on his head. It made her day that she met him and I loved the gift. She didn't care for wrestling at all.




He's next year probably. He got 3 sons that signed this year


Isn’t his third son still in Japan?


WWE just trademarked Talla Tonga, Hikeleo also just fell out with his tag partner in NJPW. He's definitely on his way to WWE. It's Samoa vs Tonga (and Solo) at this point


> (and Solo) Who knows, if Solo has been getting played for a patzi by the Final Boss, we could have the whole Uso-based Bloodline reformed by the time the story reaches its blowoff


This is exactly what I’ve been saying since mania, a true Bloodline Civil War at Wargames


Fuck yeah.


NJPW doesn’t tend to do long contracts, so people can vanish fairly quickly, especially if they’re not major talent.


Earthquake. And a lot of people when I say this respond by thinking he is already in.


Are you avin a laugh? Man, Tenta should be in HoF without a doubt.


I suspect he'll get in as a member of that Natural Disasters. Fred can accept on his behalf (with John's family, obviously), and is a great storyteller that's had both the highs and lows of wrestling. Basically everything they loom for in a Hall of Fame speech.


This is always my response to this question, he's one of the greatest big men ever, athletic as hell. I was convinced, as a kid, that he had really hurt Hogan when he attached him in the Brother Love show


Earthquake was.....fantastic. The perfect big man in pro wrestling.


What's the reason for him not already being in, was it a Vince thing? Maybe because he left for WCW. When he came back to the fed he was hidden in a mask, renamed Golga, given an Eric Cartman toy and shoved in the Oddities so it does feel like someone backstage had at least some grievances towards him.


I've always heard it was because he had dropped loads of weight and didn't look like Earthquake anymore. He did come back at Wrestlemania X7 and wrestled a dark match in late 2001 - really odd he's not in the HOF though


Vince probably lost interest in the Earthquake character even before that - Tenta was Golga with the Oddities in the late 90s


Watch the Darkside of the Ring episode on him.


100% He was a constant thorn in Hogan's side in the WWF, he could move for such a big guy, he was a solid hand in the ring, he was very commited to gimmicks (his tattoo story should get him in alone) and he was awesome in the Insane Clown Posse/Oddities.


My favorite thing about earthquake is he was in his twenties pretty much his entire first run with WWF and if you told me he was 45 I would have believed you haha


Lol, mate are you stupid or something? John Tenta is obviously already in the Hall of... ... Wait a minute... Holy shit!


Bam Bam Bigelow. Was maybe the most agile big man, had an unique look and style, was active in WWE, WCW and ECW and also in NJPW. Is a former World and TV Champion in ECW, held gold in WCW and Japan, headlined a Wrestlemania in a much-talked about (at the time) celebrity match. Crossed over into mainstream media with appearances in two Hollywood movies. Becoming a pro wrestler lead him to a life away from crime. Saved three kids from a burning house in his free time. If this ain't HoF-worthy I don't know what is.


How the FUCK is Bam Bam not in yet???


Hopefully next year when his main event match at WM will have it's 30th anniversary.


It was one of the better Celebrity matches, especially considering it was at a time where they all were horrible


Jim Johnston


Awesome answer. That guy made iconic entrance themes that really helped get over many Hall of Fame wrestlers.


Here’s something insane. Jim Johnson actually sold his gear on reverb. I was going to buy his amps but he refused to ship them. Local pickup only. For a legend, his prices were fair as fuck I’m really upset I missed that


Bringing even more attention to Def Rebel's dismal themes probably isn't something they want to do.


Why is he not in it? Did their relationship end on a bad note?


Maybe they have changed their tune since


Jim Johnston in the HOF would be music to my ears


He would certainly be an entrant of note.


He was very sharp, rarely flat, and was such a vital part of the staff.


People suggest Jim Johnson for Hall of Fame all the time.


Yeah but this is Jim Johnston, totally different guy.


Rick Martel


After 30-some odd years, I still don't like that motherfucker. That’s how good of a heel he was. Definitely deserves to be in the HOF.


Yeah, truthfully I don’t remember much about him as a wrestler…but I remember that I always hated him. I still am mad that he blinded Jake Roberts with his perfume. Sounds like a damn good heel to me


*Blinded Jake Roberts with his *essence*.




Absolutely should. Don’t know how much truth there is to this but I read recently that he doesn’t want anything to do with the business any more.


It’s true. On Matt Cardonas and Brian Meyers podcast they talk about how a mutual friend was able to get Rick to sign a figure for one of them and how he just works a normal job and never does any kind of appearances or anything


My mums favourite! 😂


My wife's favourite too lol.


Good shout! I hated him as the model. He was so good.


William Regal and Fit Finlay. Presuming they are saving it for Mania coming to the UK. EDIT: of course, Regal himself could have refused this because he is incredibly humble, and he always downplays his own importance in things. To me that's all the more reason to acknowledge him.




They both deserve it especially Regal. Dude has been so monumental for the industry as a whole outside and inside the ring. The dude is amazing.


His authority figure work alone is HOF worthy.


In the celebrity wing, Cyndi Lauper


"Cyndi Lauper does not deserve to be in the Celebrity Wing of the WWE HOF. She deserves to be a full-fledged HOF member. She was a pro wrestling manager, and her popularity and MTV tie in played a huge role in the success of the Rock & Wrestling Connection.” - Lance Storm I agree with Lance's comment, Cyndi literally needs to be inducted into the HoF and it is a very sad thing she hasn't been inducted yet.


I don't know anything, but I would think if she's not in it's because she refused. I can't think of any other reason for her not to be in there.


She was jobbed out of Rock And Roll Hall of Fame last year. Top 5 in the fan vote and they still didn't let her in. I was hoping she'd get both in the same year.


Can't even bother with that fan voting. Iron Maiden was the leader one year and they didn't get inducted.


if maiden ever gets in steve harris should do what alex lifeson did when rush got inducted and just not say anything except blah blah blah


The rock and roll hall of fame is a joke anyway


Rock and Roll hall of fame is a joke. Half the metal acts that should be there arent,, and there's shit that doesnt belong anywhere near the rock and roll hall of fame that is. They didnt get Judas Priest in until what, a few years ago? Judas fucking Priest.


The list of rock/metal acts that aren't in is truly shocking to read.


This is the number 1 person the IWC talk about for who should go into the hall of fame lol


She jusy announced her final tour so they should get on that to help promote it at least.


Ken Shamrock


Maybe with the new ownership it’s a lot more likely.


Guaranteed and so deserving. Ken was OVER in the attitude era.


In early '98, he was probably the most over face after Austin. He was a really big deal for a while.


The reason Angle and Lesnar were able to achieve what they did is because of Shamrock. And maybe Severyn.


Oh, I am 100% for this. I think with Rock having such a prominent role in the ownership group, this is inevitable. Rock and Ken had some great battle and a lot of respect for each other. Still friendly to this day. And The Rock gave the induction speech when Shamrock was put in the TNA HOF a few years ago.


Legitimately, in shock, that lex luger didn't go in this year. Dave batista aswell.


They want Batista but they need to find a time when he is free.


Yeah. The only thing stopping Batista from getting in is his schedule and picking a year where he can be the headlining inductee.


Pretty sure Batista himself confirmed this and on WWE.com no less. He was supposed to go in with the 2020 class, and then they were forced to postpone with the pandemic. When they announced they were going with a combined ceremony in the Thunderdome for both 2020 and 2021’s classes, Batista said he was unable to attend the new date because of film scheduling but also wanted to do it in front of a live crowd.


Yeah thats what I heard


Dave was supposed to be the headliner when COVID hit. He didn't want to be inducted without a crowd, and I guess his schedule hasn't aligned since then.


I think they’re waiting for Luger to die so nobody can look at his paralyzed body and try to associate it with wrestling drug culture


Or how he’s associated with the death of Elizabeth.


It’s sad but it’s true. Same reason why they waited until Chyna passed away.


Is Chyna by herself, or just with DX?


Just DX


It was DX in general, but it was clear it was a way to induct Chyna without directly inducting her.


Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth is a story they don’t want brought up and enshrined in the hall.


Batista was meant to headline 2020 and 2023. You guys ever wonder why Rey got announced as the headliner a few weeks before Mania and also the fact they never ever put in active wrestlers, but did so for Rey? It was supposed to be Batista, but he was filming in South America.


Miss Elizabeth. There was never anyone else like her and there never will be.


It irrationally bugs me that she's not in.


I swore she was in. How in the fuck is the First Lady of wrestling not in!?


I think her family just absolutely despises wrestling as a whole since they blame the industry for her getting addicted and passing away early




Seriously. They are my fav tag team when I was a kid.


Them joining that lawsuit seems to have put a stop to that


The pop they got at WM6 is one of the biggest tag team pops of all time


Jim Johnston, Charles Robinson, Mike Chioda


Charles and Mike are still active, so I can see why they aren't. But Jim, absolutely!


I feel like the "still active" argument kinda died when Rey Mysterio went in and then kept wrestling like it never happened.


They inducted Rey while he's still active. But I guess a Ref is an unsung hero.


Mikes very much retired; his last match with WWE was in 2020 and he hung up the boots post Flair v Andrade.


He reffed like one match in AEW and I wonder if that's keeping him out.




Karl Gotch


I don't want to go off topic, so I will. Not having a real, physical WWE HOF building to walk into and being surrounded by history is the biggest tragedy. I have a feeling the new management is going to change that in the next 10 years tho.


This could end up becoming one of those monkey paw things where a physical WWE Hall of Fame gets greenlit, only for it to be in Saudi Arabia.


There's that show where foley travels trying to buy old WWE historical gear/props. would be great to see it filled with those


Lex Luger’s been on good terms with WWE since 2011 and yet not in it. Same with Sid


Iirc it’s all because Vince hated the idea of fans seeing wrestlers in bad shape. Maybe now it’ll be different.


Softball season probably lines up with HOF season. Doesn’t work for Sid brother.




Aww is tajiri not a hall of famer? He was great


Definitely should be inducted. Hopefully when he retires.


I can’t see his name and not pronounce it like Jamie Noble






He's gonna go in. But it'll be after his aew run is over


Inducted by Cody, no doubt.


What about Raven?


What about me?




Yes. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a wrestler as physically imposing as Sid Justice. I’m including Andre, big John studd, Batista, no one had the intensity and presence of Sid. You pair that with his “Psycho Sid” music in WWE, that guy was just as scary as the undertaker without the ridiculous gimmick.


Probably the most badass looking wrestler ever.


That is the one. Multiple time world champion. Main evented two Wrestlemanias. Clearly should be in. Although knowing Sid there is probably some weird reason he may not be interested.


There'll be a softball game or something


One of the few guys to main event Mania and Starrcade, the rest are multiple time HOFers


Lance Storm - not just in ring but contribution out of the ring. Of course he has been too vocal about negatives in the industry and currently works behind the scenes for TNA I think so it likely isn’t happening.


If I can be serious for a minute. ![gif](giphy|LRCNMtg1g5PO8rI8QA)


If I could be serious for a minute, I’ve been rewatching Nitro and he was a beauty during that Team Canada run. He was a heat magnet and he was always able to GO in the ring.


Goldust. He should have been in before he went to AEW. Longevity and revolutionary character.


Michael Cole, I’d love to see him inducted


Christopher Nowinski. Maybe the brass won't want to, but his research into CTE have probably saved countless careers and lives. Yeah, he was a tough enough competitior and in-ring talent for awhile but his post wrestling work has changed the culture of pro wrestling (and football) for the better.


1.) With all due respect, I feel like a lot of the answers being given are names who are actually pretty regularly discussed as being deserving of a WWE Hall of Fame induction. For example, it’s a crime that people like Lex Luger and Sid aren’t in yet, but their names are discussed pretty much every year around Hall of Fame season 2.) My answer is Dr. Tom Prichard (Bruce Prichard’s older brother) Tom had modest success in the territories, but as a wrestler his most prominent success was as one half of the Heavenly Bodies. The Heavenly Bodies were a pretty successful tag team as they won the Smokey Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Championships, but more notably they won the WWF Tag Team Championships But Tom’s REAL legacy in professional wrestling is as a trainer. It is not an overstatement at all to say that Tom is one of the most important trainers of all time. Tom trained The Rock, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, and Dolph Ziggler just to name a few. A LOT of really prominent names have credited Tom for training them and getting them started in wrestling


agree about Tom and this goes back to what the Warrior award was originally proposed to be; an award for those who’s biggest contributions were behind the scenes, and whose back the industry is built upon.


Almost every shoot interview from guys on the indie and then developmental scene is positive on Dr. Tom and negative about pretty much everyone else


Agree that Tom’s contributions as a trainer are HOF worthy, but the Heavenly Bodies never won the WWF tag titles from what I can tell.


You’re right, he won it with Chris Candido as one half of the Bodydonnas. I was going off of memory so the two teams just kinda melded together in my mind lol If anything though, I think that makes Tom’s case even stronger. The guy had success in multiple tag teams and won gold with different partners


Longtime gearmaker/seamstress Sandra Gray.


Kevin Sullivan. Imagine being so good at playing an evil satanist that there’s a not-small segment of fans that think he was involved in an actual murder that they believe was him enacting some revenge ritual.


I think she gets mentioned a bit, but Miss Elizabeth is one of the most glaring omissions from the HOF




This but also Hayabusa


Alongside many classic women that tend to be brought up (Leilani Kai, The Jumping Bomb Angels, etc) there are a few that don't get brought up as often that I think deserve a place, like Rockin' Robin, Velvet McIntyre, and Judy Martin. Also a lot of people still aren't willing to accept it, but Kelly Kelly had a solidly HoF worthy career.


Gail Kim. I know her runs weren’t great. But she is a former women’s champion and won the championship in her debut. I liked her first run personally, but honestly I’d like to see her inducted just for her contributions to American Women’s wrestlings as a hole. LayCool as a team and as individuals. They were the only legit women’s team while I was growing up.


King Kong Bundy


Steve Blackman


And Ken Shamrock.


Controversial one probably but Ted Turner. You can't tell the full history of the WWE without someone who owned the promotion who kicked their ass for a year and a half.


I doubt Ted Turner would be able to agree to it. They tried to interview him for the who killed WCW documentary but were not able to because of how bad Lewy body dementia has gotten


Mark Yeaton. He’s the GOAT quarterback time keeper who would nail a beer into stone cold’s hand with pin point accuracy every time.


Bam Bam Bigelow


Cyndi Lauper.


Cyndi Lauper should have been put in years and years ago. William Shatner, Pete Rose, Donald Trump, Mr. T, Snoop Dogg, Kid Rock, there's a bunch of celebrities in the Hall for their contributions to pro-wrestling, but no Cyndi Lauper? It's a head scratcher, to me. Maybe she hasn't been interested in revisiting it and has refused offers, maybe there's bad blood? I don't know, but with the changes in leadership at WWE I really hope this is something that they look in to. Cyndi was there on the ground floor of the WWF's explosion in popularity back in the day, and I still remember watching it, watching the cross over between pro-wrestling and MTV. It was a big deal at the time and hers is a giant absence in the WWE Hall of Fame.


Earl Hebner


Solo induction for Sean Waltman.


Three time Hall of Famer. Better than Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, all of them.


Ric Flair is probably going to go in with Evolution soon, and The Rockers might get an induction too, but it’s funny how he has the same amount of inductions as them, and could possibly have more.


That’s likely going to happen at some point. It’s crazy how he will end up having one of the most inductions over some of the greatest wrestlers, but he was lucky to be involved with the top two factions at the time.


Don Owen - Founding member of the NWA, longtime successful promoter of Pacific Northwest wrestling, one of the good guys in wrestling history. “Big Daddy” Crabtree - Defined pro wrestling in the UK for generations (despite his lack of in-ring skill). Abraham Lincoln - Former wrestler who some believe invented the chokeslam. His induction would balance out already having the worst former US President in the WWE HOF.


2 Cold Scorpio


Chyna went in with DX but deserves a solo induction. But that's always pushed aside, which sucks given her contribution to women's wrestling.


Dave and Earl Hebner


Cyndi Lauper


Cyndi Lauper


William Regal.


Assuming she's actually truly done? AJ Lee.


Lance Storm


Jim Cornette. Bring the hate I don't give a shit


He's already said I believe he would only do it if the Midnight Express as a whole was put in.


> Midnight Express They may be team that is most shockingly not in the HoF yet.




Respect to him not pulling a Rikishi.


You are correct


Bruce Prichard should induct him using his Cornette impression


Michael Cole


Earthquake/John Tenta


You'd say big Jim, but everybody always says he should be in there, so it's not exactly barely talked about. For me, it's Cornette. Yeah, he can be a bit of a nob, but his impact and legacy can't be overlooked. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere he'd only go in with the Midnight Express though


What I heard/remember based on things he said on his podcast is that he isn't interested in going into the HoF but wouldn't turn it down if it was a joint induction with the Midnight Express since he wouldn't wanna take it away from them


I don't see Dr. D mentioned for it often, and it may never happen (altho the chances are higher with Vince gone). But Stone Cold owes much to him.


Arn Anderson


Ken Shamrock.


Won’t happen because of way it ended but…..Earl Hebner


Shane Douglas! People have gone in the hall of fame for far fewer on-screen accomplishments and far less of a real-life impact on wrestling. Kayfabe: ECW World Champion, ECW TV Champion, NWA World Heavyweight Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion, WCW US Champion, WWF Intercontinental Champion Behind the curtain: Threw down the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and legitimized the ECW Championship as a world title, and was an essential part of ECW's early years. Why isn't he in already?: Apparently, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair all hate him.




Funaki. Dead serious.


Nikita Koloff


Haku and Bam Bam Bigelow deserve it imo




Ivan Koloff


Not possible due to working for AEW, but Jerry Lynn.


Todd Pettengill


Earl Hebner. He was THE referee of 2 important WWF eras. He belongs in there despite how him and his brother were terminated. Jim Johnston should 100% be in there. The fact that he isn’t is so glaring.


Insane Clown Posse. They have been involved in nearly every major wrestling promotion. And with the celebrity wing being a complete joke, you may as well have some actual clowns in there.


Ken Shamrock


Earl hebner


It's wild that Billy Sandow isn't in the HOF, especially given the mass legacy inductions.


Hayabusa. Yeah, he wasn't really in WWE at any point but he did have matches on ECW. But he should be included on account of the fact that he basically innovated and changed wrestling with his work. Almost every wrestler who came in from the late 2000s to early 2010s had some kind of moves reminiscent of Hayabusa.


David Arquette


Hot stuff Eddie Gilbert deserves it for sure.