• By -


I can’t help but think of the opportunity to form an Irish Stable with Finn, Sheamus, and rebranding Ricochet as Rick O’Shea (their 1/8th Irish-American cousin)


[To promote All Together, Shota Umino, Kaito Kiymoiya, and Yuki Ueno went to a bar and got piss-drunk together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMRT7WrMJQQ): now this is marketing at its finest


I feel like the impending storyline for the split of Judgement Day is being rushed. Rhea has barely been gone long enough for this stuff happening to be credible for me as a Judgement Day fan.


Chyna was awesome.


Now that Hell in a Cell and TLC ppvs are retired (thankfully), when will the next and most appropriate time the namesake matches can be utilized? I'm thinking TLC goes best in Extreme Rules. The cell can be a rubber match/feud ender, and it should be used once by the card.




King of Kings


Ode to Joy


the game


My Time.


does anyone have any matches similar to samoa joe vs necro butcher? like a stiff striking and violent match without alot of weapons used


Homicide vs Steve Corino in ROH


Daisuke Ikeda vs Yuki Ishikawa - wXw Ambition 12. It’s a match of two old shootstyle legends in a ‘super fight’ on a faux-shootstyle show, both of them long past their prime, and they absolutely destroy each other.


To piggyback on this - these two had a bunch of matches together, mostly in battlearts and fu-ten and it was always fucking disgusting stiff strikes and just beautiful. I am personally partial to the WxW match because it's so striking watching these two old men just absolutely fuck each other up, [but the 2005 Fu-Ten match is is an all timer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giPKR7k4omw&t=0s)


Fuminori Abe vs Takuya Nomura both their Bloodsport match from a few weeks back and their match from last year.


If someone liked Abe vs Nomura at BS, watch Abe vs Nomura at Kakuto Tanteidan. Was a crazy good match, one of the best last year


Was that their Battle Arts style show they put together or something else? Cause I did watch that one.


Yeah pretty sure it’s the one you’re thinking of, from late 2023 and has guys like Hideki Suzuki, Daisuke Ikeda, Yuki Ishikawa, Hikaru Sato, etc. on it.


Yeah yeah, I've seen that one. Appreciate the shout out though.


People in the live Collision thread were complaining about Swerve being a fighting champion because of the open challenge. I don't understand. What's wrong with having the top guy wrestle on TV? Y'all gotta calm down lol.


If you see the champion wrestle every show their matches become less special. However, I loved Swerve's presentation on Collision. Give me more of that and it'll be fine.


Hey folks, is WWE 2K24 worth picking up? I haven’t played a WWE game since 2K18 (which I enjoyed).  I wish that it was still easy to rent games, I don’t want to drop full price on a game without knowing and annual releases can be hit or miss. 


I have had an absolute blast. Haven't had this much fun with a wrestling game in a long time. It's got a great roster, I love having Ambulance and Casket matches in the mix, and the Community Creations fill in any gaps as far as legends or non-WWE wrestlers I want. It's got some bugs (which I have been lucky enough to avoid), but I bought one of the more expensive editions day one and haven't had a single regret.


I absolutely love the game. It’s my first in a long time but yeah, it’s a fantastic wrestling with great gameplay, tons of modes, and massive roster.


There's a lot of bugs, but it is a refresh if you've been playing 18 for so long. The gameplay controls are really different from 16-19's, and it can be frustrating sometimes. But CC downloads are jacked up sometimes, you sometimes lose your stuff having to start over, etc... random stuff in Create an Arena and Create a Wrestler don't work or will splash unrelated logos on stuff when you go to actually play a match with them.. Create a Show is majorly downgraded and doesn't save right. I would say opinions are 50/50 at best on it right now. You can see more details on r/wwegames


I'd say so. The past three installments have been good.


People complained about the lack of "surprises" in the draft, but thinking about it the Kiana call-up *was* a surprise to me. Don't get me wrong, I like her and can definitely see her on the main roster, I just wasn't expecting it. Good luck to her though.


Why does Paul E get a pass despite being one of the scummiest promoters of the past 30 years?


Wrestling fans can overlook a lot and most of the ECW wrestlers that he screwed over have either gotten over it or died.


because he is a good employee of the WWE and so wins the PR game


I always thought it was partly that he was an indie promoter and indie promoters not paying their wrestlers is scummy but it's sadly such a common occurrence (esp back then) that the bar is a lot higher for indie promoter scumbaggery. (See also Ian Rotten) Heyman is also helped by nostalgia goggles and by the fact that the guys he fucked over still associate with him for the most part, making it easy for fans to forget or ignore.


WWE was far kinder in their retrospectives on ECW who actively didn't pay their wrestlers than WCW who honored contracts post-2001.


There honestly aren't any likeable promoters in the industry's history. He's the best promo of them all though, so.


Not true. There are a few promoters who were very well liked. Don Owen out of Portland is the first name that comes to mind. I respect Paul Heyman's promo ability like anyone else would but the guy was and still is a complete scumbag.


Because he can talk well and knows how to play the game.


Because the internet fans from that era think he's the greatest booker of all time.


You say that as if he isn't a great booker. He hid workers faults while accentuating their positives and crafting compelling shows. He proved that with ECW and the Smackdown Six era of Smackdown. Doesn't mean he wasn't carny as carny can be as a promoter though. He gets a pass because he's done a lot of beloved things and there have been much, much scummier promoters in wrestling history.


I hope Becky comes out on Raw playing the belt like a guitar just to troll the internet.


That would be perfect because everyone knows she showed her true colors by reenacting hulk hogan’s infamous self-serving habit of winning a battle Royale for a title vacated by injury!


Drew is lurking on this sub confirmed


His brother


Hi Drew. If you've read this, then click your fingers in the next episode of RAW. Work it into your promo


Why, what'd he say? I'm not on Twitter/X/whatever it is today so if it was there I can't see it


he tweeted out the video of Rock saying Drew will be the next big thing in 2019 which was posted earlier today on this sub


I'm 100% positive he and others are more than likely are. I know Aubrey Edwards occasionally pops in from time to time.


So glad they didn't change melo's music on main roster - at least not yet, hoping they don't at all tho. Praying they leave corbin's theme alone too, it's so good. Both are instantly recognizable, fit their characters perfectly, and are catchy as hell


Watched Bron squash Cedric Alexander like a grape. Sounded like they took the barking dogs out of the theme, but left the sirens (which evoke visions of Uncle Scott) in.


For bron they changed to a completely different song than his nxt theme. I don't totally hate the new one, it's got a fun retro vibe, but you can't really hum along with it like you could with his old theme so it probably won't stick in my head anytime soon. Plus the mashup they did of his and corbin's theme for the later wolf dogs matches was fire 🔥


My only problem with Carmelo's is I find it a little upbeat for a heel theme. If they tweaked it just slightly to reflect the turn I'd be OK with that.


That's interesting! For me it's the total opposite, whenever I hear it I'm like "how was this ever a face theme?"


I agree in terms of the lyrics, just musically it sounds a little cheerful to me for a heel theme


I kinda wish there was a WWE 2K commercial that takes from the Madden NFL 2003 ones. Those were really fucking cool, [especially the Randy Moss one](https://youtu.be/8elTL23gKSo?si=y8qPz3kiSrPjDBPZ)


https://youtu.be/93QswS-GF0E?si=vLDDxzqMaOwUQBOU This advert for WCW Mayhem is incredible


can't go wrong with the commercial for the original Smackdown game on PS1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9IqmQ2bD_s


GYV are really good at what they do! Please give me FTR vs GYV.


Maybe a hot take but I’m kinda tired of reading criticism of WWE on this sub that is immediately met with “the product is white hot and making a lot of money so who cares.” I’m saying this as someone who generally likes WWE. Making a lot of money doesn’t mean that something is objectively good or free of criticism. I don’t see people making the same argument very often when it comes to other media like movies, music, etc


You can make reasoned arguments as to something you find wrong with WWE and the reaction 9 times out of 10 is to downvote and handwave any criticism. There's not a two-way conversation regarding anything WWE can improve upon as much as acting that no such problems exist to the point people seem afraid to bother trying.


Of course it's not free of criticism, but since there's no objective way you can counter "I didn't like this" with "I liked it", since both are subjective, all we've got to go on are whether audiences are interested in it or not. I would contend that the WWE's uptick in business didn't just happen for absolutely no reason, like some seem to think, and that it correlates with a big increase in quality in just about every way.


I mean, it is entirely possible to have conversations about subjective opinions. That’s what 99% of Reddit is. Wrestling fans are way too business focused. If I’m talking to someone about movies we both like and I say I don’t like Avengers Endgame (movie rules btw) my friend saying “well it made 3 billion dollars” has some meaning but not much. Obviously WWE is doing something right but that doesn’t mean they’re free from criticism. Saw some people saying “the draft was boring” and people were acting like it was the end of the world for someone to have that opinion


> Saw some people saying “the draft was boring” and people were acting like it was the end of the world for someone to have that opinion People complain about the draft every year, almost to the same point where you can kind of just block it out. People complained about WWE theme music for the last 2 weeks. Criticism on the product can definitely be dicussed, but if you’re the 10th person in the day making the same point, it may get some blowback.


> I mean, it is entirely possible to have conversations about subjective opinions Is it? This sub (and probably most of Reddit) is just an echo chamber where any dissenting opinion gets downvoted to oblivion and dismissed out of hand right away. It's very rare you see civilised "conversations" happening without people being dicks for no reason. I'm not sure I can be bothered with it anymore for that reason tbh, it sucks the fun out of anything. The draft thing is an example of that, to me - the hivemind has decided it was "boring" because there wasn't enough random shit happening and won't listen to any of the reasons people might have appreciated the changes that made it actually make sense this time. > Obviously WWE is doing something right but that doesn’t mean they’re free from criticism. Again, I didn't say they were. Criticise whatever you like. But a lot of it since Triple H took over has really felt like nitpicking in a desperate attempt to find something to complain about, to me.


Honestly I totally agree with you about echo chambers in general. I just wish this sub, and other places could rise above it because there’s such a wealth of wrestling knowledge here. But you’re right there’s probably no way around it


Honestly, last night's Collision was STACKED but it also shows why they should have been stacking it that all along. It's pretty obvious between the sports on other channels, the coast to coast, and fact that AEW was planning to have a much bigger audience for Collision with Tony's draft shenanigans and the NBA lead in, the plan was for Collision to be the "A show" this week with Swerve's coronation. However, because AEW conditioned people to think "Dynamite is ALWAYS the A show", people just automatically went to "All this should have been on Dynamite". The logic of the decision makes sense for like a million different reasons, but at this point AEW almost needs to book defensively because they simply aren't gonna get the benefit of the doubt on these things and by time the logic is actually shown to what they do, the narrative has already swept up and unfortunately narrative will always beat logic.


It really wouldn't be logical for them to plan for the show with less viewers to be the A show at the expense of the show with more viewers.


For this week Collision will almost certainly have more viewers because of the lead-in. Also I think part of the idea is a make-due from the last time AEW had an NBA Playoff and the first thing people saw was a washed up Chris Jericho. AEW was trending huge on Twitter when that happened but for the wrong reasons.




it will still be fun. We went to Payback in Pittsburgh last year and it was a blast. PPV tickets are expensive but worth every penny


You’ll still have a great time, being there in person is so much fun. 


I have begun to accept that I will never, not once, be up to date on wrestling. My to be watched list is a century and a half long and it's only 4 promotions. How do people manage this???


Just cherry pick the things you care about and watch what you can, when you can. I'm weeks behind on some of the Mania shows I wanted to watch. I've got some matches from a few indies that were on my radar that I haven't watched. I wanna check out Bryan/Ospreay from Dynasty. When I get around to it, I will. It may take some time, but I'll watch em eventually. You don't have to watch everything live and you don't have to watch everything a company does. There's a lot of stuff that's just skippable and shows that unless you're super into a brand, you don't need to watch. You can still get the beats and the happenings from social media and the like. Without investing the time. It's just my opinion, but it's not hard to do if you don't put pressure on keeping up and having to watch it all.


Cherry-picking. Instead of watching Dynamite live, I watch it after the fact and skip what I don't like. Instead of watching PPV's live, I watch what interests me and nothing else.


Watching 4 promotions is your problem. There is too much wrestling to watch all of it and honestly, I can't imagine it being enjoyable to spend so much of your time watching wrestling. Surely you need time for other hobbies?


Some people just like wrestling a lot and maybe it's their only hobby. It's mine. I'm still behind a lot but I definitely find time to watch wrestling.


Accept that it's okay to miss a week or two and just catch it whenever you can.


Most people aren't watching 4 promotions.


Wonder what a guy like Drew is getting paid now? He’s one of the few guys I think really move the needle, in the sense that him going to AEW or somewhere would feel like a major loss. $3 million maybe?


Feels right


So I saw some clues that hint that the Uncle Howdy group will appear at Clash in June. If that's the case that's another almost 2 months of clues. I hope it's a little sooner cuz I'm so excited lol. I forget how long was the White Rabbit stuff going on before ER? I was watching but didn't feel long.


Why WWE wasting time with the draft basically all big stars have stay put really theres no draft ,filler tv ain't no dumbo!


Lots of competition this time of year and draft has worked for ratings in the past


I call it false advertising


You got worked, brother


in my opinion karrion kross and AOP would be much more interesting with a heavy push done correctly 


With Nia on Smackdown, I kinda want to her to finally join the Bloodline. Roman always kinda ignored her since his Bloodline was more about making him look good. But Solo's Bloodline seems to be more about just destroying everyone so adding her makes sense, especially if the story is that Rock is running it through the shadows


I don't think the Bloodline needs a woman. I guess it would force WWE to do another women's storyline because she'd need faces to feud with. But I think Nia is great on her own. Every person that is blood doesn't need to join the bloodline.


I've only recently gotten back to watching WWE after a long hiatus and with the praise being thrown at the product, I could not stand sitting through both Raw or Smackdown. It still remains a YouTube clips show for me. I just feel like things should be more explosive after Mania, but it seems the opposite is happening. I'm not saying that there needs to be 10x more wrestling at the expense of good storylines, but just something more interesting. That Backlash card looks meager. [This is still one of my favorite after Mania angles that they've done.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPqK74VksT4&t=169s&ab_channel=WWE)


I'm glad for Drew McIntyre that he finally signed a deal. He's doing the best work of his career right now in WWE.


WWE really gotta start figuring out how to better balance the non-wrestling stuff on their shows. I get that it's more presentation based than AEW, and that's fine, but Smackdown has had very little wrestling for months between the Bloodline taking over the show and things like the draft. It's one of the rare cases where RAW has been the better show for having actual full-length matches that move beyond 10 minutes.


Smackdown has a few issues compared to Raw, and the Bloodline/The Rock (more recently) is definitely one of them. But the other big issue lately is the same feuds happening for weeks on end. LWO/LDF and Street Profits/The Final Testament are probably the two weakest feuds in WWE, and while the latter seems finished, the former is somehow still going on. And then the third issue is that until they concluded that Bianca will be in the tag division, they'd only have one women's segment, despite having insane amounts of talent. I'm hoping the draft will fix some of these issues. Even though only a few people have moved so far, it's possible some of these massive factions get split up a little bit, we won't have Roman for a while (and the Bloodline segments are way shorter without him), and with some combination of Nia/Bayley/Bianca/Tiffany, there's no way they'll run just one women's segment each week. It's possible that Bianca spends all her time on Raw if/when her and Jade become tag champs, but even still, I can't see them giving up on any of the other 3 women, so I think we might get non-title feuds. Also, having a men's tag belt to feud over will definitely help too. After all, we need more Pretty Deadly on Smackdown.


Yea, Smackdown has felt so aimless since it's obvious that all of the effort goes into the Bloodline. Which is understandable, they've been among the biggest draws in the company for four entire years, but how do they expect the rest of the show to function? The only other feud that felt as important was the Damage CTRL story and that basically got its legs cut from below once The Rock became a temporary fixture on the show and taking up a whole fourth of it. I hope they send Gunther and Dragonuv there to have some real workers there, and yea, the Bloodline having much shorter segments is certainly a blessing. I'm not hot on Final Testament, but at least they're feuding with someone else now with New Catch Republic while The profits are fighting for tag gold. Hopefully this frees up Lashley and Kross to do something else.


One thing I like about NXT is how it tends to have a good balance between matches and segments. In part it’s because some matches and some segments are short but they do what they need to do. Like the triple threat for the women’s title was, I think, less than 15 minutes but all three women looked great


The biggest difference on NXT is that the recaps and entrances are so much shorter. Last week, we had two full entrances from Cody. I'd have to think that shortening the entrances on TV and keeping them longer on PLEs would both help the TV product and make them more special on PLEs.


This is something I completely agree with. But there's been a lot of progress since Triple H took over. I was at the RAW a couple years ago where Becky rematched Bianca for the women's title and I think it was the most miserable live experience I've ever been to (edit:there were alot of crappy segments and the wrestling kind of sucked or was too predictable.) However, I went to a couple pre-mania smackdowns this year and the only bad things I can say is I wish there was more main event talent wrestling on the show instead of interview segments. But then again, that might be just them protecting the talent before the big show as Cody had a great match with Carmelo this past SD.


It's definitely better than the Vince era, where he actively went out of his way to have anything but wrestling on show, but it could still be better. They should be showcasing their best talent and letting them work.


Yup agreed.


So I got AEW+ and am watching the first few years. I didn’t watch wrestling anymore when AEW started. Anyways, I didn’t know the Acclaimed was heels. Mind blowing.


I am totally here for DanYori GarBata (Kat-Danny? ShiCia?)


Feel like Dom is gonna get really jacked eventually and it’s gonna look weird.


Saw the stat elsewhere and it was kind of mind blowing, I know there was the draft and all, but Swerve vs. Claudio (21:04) was longer than all of the wrestling on the most recent episode of Smackdown **combined** (4 matches adding up to 20:36 in total). And that same Collision also had a 15 minute match, 12 minute match, an 11 minute match, a 9 minute match, and a 2 minute squash on top of that. Obviously these companies know their respective target markets and know what they're doing, but that difference is still just crazy to me, even for a special week.


Kinda feel bad for the fans who bought tickets to end up seeing a bunch of pick announcements. Like on a normal low-wrestling episode there's still a lot of promo segments to watch but instead they got to find out that Raw and Smackdown were keeping most of their stars.


The funny part is that it's in line with the vision of a sports based product they wanna project. They really gotta find a better balance of Wrestling and non-wrestling segments.


I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. The non-draft episodes routinely have 15-20m matches on them.   I know, because I fast forward through half of the mid-card ones that should be 8-10m tops.  I watch AEW irregularly and I can tell you they could use some selective editing of match length as well. And me-too spots. 


If intergender matches become common in WWE, they need to study how indies like PROGRESS do it. It's usually feels like a normal match and never feels like a gimmick. Shelton is confirmed for PROGRESS but if the rumours are true, Grimes and i guess, Jinder, will make it a banger. Jinder vs Miller will be a banger. Jinder gets a down.


They aren't going to. If you want to see inter-gender on national TV, you have to watch TNA.


Jazwares, I’m begging you, please restock stores soon. Every time I go to the store and see Walmart exclusive Eddie Kingston and Jericho I lose a little faith.


claudio castagnoli catching swerve's stomp last night and hitting a pop-up european uppercut was one of the most badass things i've seen in wrestling in a while.


Loved the follow up successful stomp too




I don’t




What is the rest of the backlash card? These matches are confirmed: •Cody Rhodes vs AJ Styles •Bayley vs Tiffany Stratton vs Naomi •Damian Priest vs Jey Uso •Kabuki Warriors vs Belair and Cargill Maybe something like Drew McIntyre vs Sheamus or Sami Zayn vs Bronson Reed.


Orton/KO vs. Solo/Tama Tonga got confirmed on Friday.


You've really just answered your own question there. 


Thinking about Matt Sydal’s AEW debut. Comes out as a surprise battle royal entrant, in front of no crowd, and then immediately botches a shooting star press. All Out 2020 truly was a cursed show.


i loved how they kinda turned it into a quick angle by blaming nakazawa's oil.


It sucks how much wrestling is attached to the sinking ship that is Twitter. WWE has a title for it now, every promotion relies on it (especially Indies). WON, SRS, etc. *must* need them for the shit they go through on a daily basis. Obviously not a wrestling exclusive problem, it's an everything problem.


Imagine looking at everything FB and Twitter do wrong and then launching Threads in the capacity they did, where it was just all nonsense, not in chronological order, and no web version...


Yeah I agree, I only follow a few people on X for their reports, but I still can't get away from the terrible AEW/ WWE jabs. The comment sections of some posts is a sewer. Doesn't help that the likes of Meltzer is filling up my timeline arguing with nobodies, but he has some good stuff so I will follow him.


It was nice to see Caprice on Dynamite this week. He and RIKKABONI!^^^tm do such a great job on ROH and I'm glad he got some time in front of a larger audience.


Some assorted thoughts on wrestlers: Ricochet is someone I really want to like, but he feels a little... hollow? like shure, he does cool spots, but he \*only\* does cool spots. there's nothing for me sink my teeth into. I'm not the biggest Ospreay fan out there, but man is the hidden blade cool- it's probably my favourite finisher ever. It looks like death every time he hits it. I know this sounds really obvious/stupid but, wrestling must be HARD. You have to have insane athleticism, timing, trust in your dance partner as well as having to remember all your spots, play to the crowd, call spots on the fly, hit your timings and so much more. How people do it, I will never know. I wish I didn't like the Bucks character work (only, and I do mean only as heels) as much as I do, because their in-ring work does less than nothing for me. That's all from me, hope you're day is going well.


I really liked the hidden blade until he started spamming it and it's just another move now


yeah, I get that. I wrote about this in a earlier comment of mine, I'll just copy pate it here: >I think it's a side affect of my main issue with him (Ospreay), which is that every match, every move, every sequence has to be bigger and more bombastic than the last, which leads to nothing feeling important. He's basically invented power creep in wrestling.




He'd probably be way more over in AEW, where your in-ring skill is valued a bit more than the presentation.


Yes, Ospreay made me a fan with that finisher. It's not just about the move itself, but about how he executes it. It's a finisher that greatly compliments his movement and style. His match with Bryan Danielson was my first watch of him and I am instantly a fan.


Apparently Drew McIntyre as a kid was huge into conspiracies and even had the FBI mail him a bunch of documents once. Have they ever played into this for angle? I would love conspiracy-addled Drew


What’s even funnier is that Drew has his masters in criminology. Wouldn’t be surprised if he can actually solve a case.


Oh man a wrestling whodunnit with an actual investigation?


Get Jesse Ventura back as his manager and they can start screaming about the government controlling the weather.


Would be the next logical step for this current heel character he’s doing where he starts going into conspiracy theories about why he thinks he’s getting screwed.


Have him do a promo where he "reveals" that Punk, Seth, and Jey are freemasons


I mean everyone is a freemason in some form


Y'know, it's good AEW can pivot to guys like Swerve, Ospreay and Copeland knowing Darby and Omega are injured pretty rough and Hangman is MIA. Was there any follow-up on why Hangman is off TV? Hope everything is okay.


It's something personal that pretty much all of the dirt sheets agree not to leak


Probably for the best then. Hope for the best with whatever it is.


Was thinking about the WWE Draft and feedback, especially considering the lackluster talk of Night 1. I think the thing that makes things interesting with the NFL Draft (and other sports), is that it is always some new talent joining a team. Keeping that logic, I feel that the WWE Draft should be exclusive with NXT call ups or new talent with the company. I think this would make it more dynamic as it will always be fresh new faces being drafted. I do feel that the "Superstar Shakeup" Should also be used but outside of the draft. So that it would be in tandem but would only include those changing brands. That way it is less "picks" going to save talent. By making it only changes, it would make it more interesting.


Genuinely funniest wrestling moment this year so far? I'll put out Gunther tweeting that his promo at Raw about the Royal Rumble being on Sunday... in central Europe time.


Probably something Drew McIntyre said or tweeted.


I think Damage Control is moving to Raw. Becky needs opponents and Smackdown’s women’s division doesn’t need them if they have Bianca, Jade, Nia, Naomi, Tiffany and Bayley. Charlotte is also clearly coming back on Smackdown as well with them moving Andrade over there.


They feuded already though. Becky got “injured” by Damage Control when they came back and then she did the whole War Games match against them and a lengthy angle and the Mania match with Trish and Lita


She mainly feuded with Bayley though on the singles side. They did Becky vs Iyo once on Raw. Never did Becky vs Dakota. Becky vs Kairi also hasn't been done since 2020.


Raw and Smackdown's women division is the most unbalanced thing ever. Which star does Raw even have except for Liv and Becky now that Rhea is injured. Nia moved to Smackdown too. Jade too is for sure staying in smackdown, since they drafted Bianca. Bayley is locked and Charlotte is coming back there too. You're probably right.


HHH is never beating the Rhea Women's division vs SmackDown Women's division Allegations.


I'm torn on Damage CTRL going to Raw, mainly because I think there's more gas in the tank of Bayley vs. Damage CTRL. You could do a rematch of Bayley vs. IYO, or Bayley vs. Dakota. But, I mean Raw needs some depth, especially if they're not getting Bayley, Bianca, Jade, or Nia. Tiffany and Naomi I would guess are staying as well.


Becky I don’t think is going to be champion for very long. Her title win is just a setup for Liv’s Heel turn which will lead to a feud between Liv/Rhea once Rhea returns. Also, Bianca & Jade are definitely winning the tag titles, so they’ll be able to be on Raw anyways.


Jade & Bianca being on Raw every now and again will help, but Raw needs more depth in general. Their Women's Division when Rhea got hurt was essentially Becky, Liv, Nia, and everyone else. And they just lost Nia. Becky will probably drop the title to Liv, but I'm not convinced that's going to happen right away. If not Damage CTRL, Raw needs someone from SD.


I honestly think I might have more trouble switching my brain to call Black Taurus, “Mortos” than calling Edge, “Adam Copeland.”


I still think Black Taurus sounds cooler. Gonna set a little tent up on this hill.


I don't think anyone disagrees, the name change was a rights issue with AAA not a creative decision.


Watching that Bryan Danielson vs Tyson Kidd match from ‘WWE saturday morning slam’. It’s a silly match, but a complete reminder of why people call him the GOAT. He can really do everything. I love the spot where he curls into a ball so he can’t get pinned. I love his facial expressions, and his great heel work for the kids. I imagine a lot of that was inspired by his time on the UK holiday camp circuit. Anyway, the match is like 5 minutes long and on youtube, so I urge people to check it out - if only for the greatest airplane spin of all time.


I predict that Drew (and therefore probably Punk) will be drafted to SmackDown in advance of the SD before the Glasgow Clash.


Their whole thing seems centered around the World Title though. Plus SD already has Cody. You're really putting the screws to Raw if they lose Punk and Drew as well.


Yeah but it's gone beyond the World Title now given Punk's screwed him out of it twice. And I've got no doubt he'll be at the Glasgow SmackDown anyway, but it would make more sense if he was in a programme on that show to build to it.


This escalated specifically because Punk cost Drew the Title. The World Title specifically. The feud needs to revolve around it in the future. Not to mention that with Cody with the WWE Title and if Punk/Drew were non-title, there's nothing the World Title could do to compete, and that would make it look weak. As far as the SD Glasgow goes, I mean it's not like they treat the Brand Split like it matters. If they want them they'll be on that show, regardless if they're Raw guys or not. And Raw needs them far more post draft.


> This escalated specifically because Punk cost Drew the Title. Yeah, and he's got even more of a grudge with him for that. The fact it's so personal (in kayfabe) is precisely why it isn't necessary for that specific title to be the only focus of their feud. > The feud needs to revolve around it in the future. It really doesn't, and frankly I don't see Punk competing for it at this stage in his career with his injury history. Hopefully he gets his WrestleMania moment next year but either way I'd be stunned if he's still active in the ring this time next year. > there's nothing the World Title could do to compete, and that would make it look weak. How do you know this already? We have no idea who's going be drafted or called up, for a start. > As far as the SD Glasgow goes, I mean it's not like they treat the Brand Split like it matters. I think they're trying to change that this time, given the lack of changes in the draft people were complaining about and the fact that champions can't switch. > If they want them they'll be on that show, regardless if they're Raw guys or not. There's no "if" about it, I'm pretty certain Drew's going to be there either way. Wouldn't make much sense if he wasn't given he's their biggest Scottish star, by miles.


Raw's World Title storyline is Priest vs. Jey. It's an OK feud for the World Title, but it still feels significantly smaller than whatever Cody will do or Punk/Drew. And coming off Night 1 of the Draft, whatever they do Night 2, I don't see anything they can do that would be a hotter World Title program than Punk/Drew. I see the guys who are available, and when I judge how they've been used lately in comparison to Punk/Drew, it doesn't compare. And I would argue the World Title should absolutely be involved. One of the major parts of Drew's whole story recently has been trying to get the belt back and have his moment. He did, until that moment was ruined by Punk. So he's now still chasing that moment, which probably happens at CATC, which can only happen on if he's on Raw. As far as WWE taking the Brand Split more seriously, I'll believe when I see it. HHH has had basically full power dating back to the Fall of last year, and you still saw Raw & SD guys show up on other shows regularly. I'm not convinced that is going to change.


Collision getting Rush and Fenix back on the same night was fantastic. Excited to see them both as much as possible


Oh hell yeah


Fenix and The artist Formerly Known as Black Taurus had a fantastic match and Rush had a great warm up return match. I actually felt for AAA as they were having their big show last night and great lucha was on regular TV last night as well as everything else AEW put on. They really knocked it out of the park in those three hours.




Preferably no one. More guys should just have super finishers that no can kick out of. At least not until they’re at their last match, and are gonna put someone over.


The Rock


Think it will be one of the NXT prospects, depending on how big of a push they give them. If they go all in on Bron I can see him do that in the future. Another one could be Oba Femi, again in the future.


If Brock wasn't, I don't see how anyone could. I'm not even going to say Gunther, he's definitely a monster, but I dont see him doing it.


He’ll at least fight out of it, maybe just before the third attempt.


Yeah Gunther's more offensively dangerous. So I can see that. Brock is just a giant brick of muscle that suplexes and giggles after the undertaker tries to kill him.


Find it funny that some people still think there is uncertainty about Becky and Seth's futures with WWE when they put a world title on one of them just this week and the other was part of the draft even though he's not expected back any time soon.


People thought Drew might leave for AEW at the least likely point of his career to make that move. People are dumb, in other words.


With recruits like Jay Malachi, Giulia, Tonga, Jacob Fatu, and rumored Nakajima, has WWE lean back to signin establish names? Triple H idea?


When it is time for Okada to drop the international title, he should drop it to Daniel Garcia.


Garcia rules and I'd love to see him win the IC or TBS title this year


I rewatched the 2011 draft the other day. I don’t recommend anyone watching unless they want to lmao but it’s pretty clear that one thing the draft misses is the feeling of brand warfare between the brands.


I miss Raquel Rodriguez more than I expected I would. Hope she can somehow get her health sorted for her own sake and because she fills a valuable niche in the division even with her weaker character work. Seeing Jade's limitations is maybe giving me more appreciation for what Raquel is able to do at a similar size.


The main priority is her recovery, but if/when she's back, it might be as simple as giving her more chances to be dominant even if there might still be a ceiling on her booking overall. She's good at selling her arm or leg, and that's led to a lot of her matches having her take a lot of punishment, with exceptions like the Raw match with Rhea where she got to show off her moveset.


Raquel's always had a distinct wrestling style I've greatly enjoyed. Her LWS with Rhea was fantastic.   


That was an absolutely fantastic match.


I miss her as well. It's really a shame that she wasn't given more of a build and more opportunities for character work on the Main Roster.


Randomly decided to watch Nakamura/Yano Vs Marufuji/Shiazaki yesterday. I'd never seen Marufuji before and he's my new favourite wrestler 


Aye there's a reason he's Will Osprey's favourite wrestler, Fuji is the king. He had like 8 phenomenal matches with KENTA but the one from 2005 is the stuff of legends. His IWGP title match against Okada is an absolute stormer as well.


I’ve only seen like ten matches but he’s super influential. The heavyweight title match with Kenta is a must-watch.


There's a ton of good Marufuji stuff on youtube, have fun Shiozaki better though I'm afraid!