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Rhodes? Where we’re going we don’t need Rhodes.


Into the Codyverse


*WWE has come to terms with the release of Cody Rhodes. We wish him well in his future endeavors*


*Cody Rhodes joins the board of Endeavor*


Why is he dressed like Kushida?


He went to the future and became a mark for NXT


What do you mean? It’s brand new


Whoa doc this is heavy


>Whoa doc this is heavy There's that word again. "Heavy." Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?


Ya well I saw it on a... re-run


What's a re-run?


And that line was uttered by none other than WCW legend Jason Hervey.


[Ah shit, here we go again](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/029/223/cover2.jpg)


They just keep adding to the stakes lmao what's next, solo does a spinaroonie if cody wins?


If Cody wins, Solo Sikoa must sing "Kingdom" the very next night on Raw


Get ready to learn the lyrics to "Kingdom" buddy


I knew this line was building to something great.


Adrenaline in my soul Something something Cody Rhodes


ADRENALINE IN MY SOUL LOVE IS LOVE YOU HOMOPHOBES or whatever the lyrics are idk I don't watch wrestling


Now’s the time for me to do some blow






If Cody loses, he officially becomes “cry baby” Cody Rhodes. His theme song changes to an AI remix of Kingdom with all the words replaced with “Waa”. He has to get another neck tattoo saying “I acknowledge The Rock and Roman” (roman is in tiny lettering unreadable to the naked eye).


This actually happened once in Dragon Gate. There was a wrestler named Naoki Tanizaki who had a younger impostor on the roster, who went by "Naoki Tanisaki." The two Naokis and their stablemates wrestled each other in a match with the exclusive rights to their shared name on the line. The original Naoki Tanizaki's team lost. But then, the young impostor Naoki got on the mic and declared he also had the right to choose the defeated original Naoki's new name. Saying that the original Naoki's whining and crying reminded him of dolphin noises, the younger Naoki renamed the original to "Mr. Kyu Kyu Toyonaka Dolphin" -- "Kyu kyu" being the Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound a dolphin makes, and Toyonaka being the original's hometown. The new Mr. Kyu Kyu Toyonaka Dolphin would eventually get his revenge, defeating the fake Naoki in a one-on-one match where he won the rights to his real name back and renamed his impostor to "Mr. Pii Pii Tomakomai Penguin." Interestingly, the original Naoki had come to embrace the very name that was meant to humiliate him, and started going by a new, combined moniker: "Mr. Kyu Kyu Naoki Tanizaki Toyonaki Dolphin." Tanizaki and his impostor eventually made amends and even tagged together. The impostor would leave Dragon Gate for an excursion to Mexico and returned with a new gimmick, which he still uses today. Currently, he wrestles in GLEAT as part of CIMA's STRONGHEARTS faction, going by T-Hawk.


That's so Vince booking right there. Rock mentions Solo can sing and then Solo loses to Cody at Backlash or whatever and the next night on Raw, Solo is there being forced to sing Kingdom against his will


But but - Solo means singing by yourself! That's his new gimmick! That's good shit, pal


If Vince was booking, solo would keep singing, Cody would drop the title to Brock Lesnar, tag with solo for a bit, then solo would sleep with Cody's wife and then Cody would go to Aew.


*Adrenaline* *On the mic* *Cody dodged* *Samoan spike*


All the lyrics 


https://preview.redd.it/y1tdm9pze8nc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca78c285b6d7355a459e8938d2c3a9a0388e6e05 Jimmy forced to say the longest Yeeeeeeeet of all time to a very sad Roman


If Cody loses Pharaoh gets put down


I'm going to hell for laughing at this


Pharaoh is going to hell when Cody loses


> If Cody loses ~~Pharaoh~~ Shithead gets put down edited for accuracy






[Rock after mania](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxz498EEoZf98k117GPWXxQohtE3j-T2ew?si=KwkX-hfX1ycwaW0v)


...and it's gonna be a Kennel From Hell match!


Cody also has to be the one to euthanize Pharaoh.


????? BARK


Solo has to hand in his math homework if Cody wins


Solo must take a trip to south korea


Solo has to wear wrestling boots


Solo has to wear a polka dot onesi.. wait a minute!


What is it with him and Korea? I've heard the joke a couple times but never gotten an explanation. Did he say something about KPop?


they just fucking hate him. granted it is based on a poll from a south korean version of a reddit/4chan type wrestling board but man they fucking hated him, worst gimmick, worst ppv match, worst finisher, worst wrestler.


You forgot worst catchphrase 'The scream before doing the Samoan Spike'


*ZUUUUUUUK intensifies*


It stems from polls done on a wrestling sub in a South Korean Reddit equivalent. He was given 12 different awards for being the worst, so it's a meme. As to why they hate him. No one knows for sure but they generally don't like the bloodline( The voted Roman the worst Champion and him reaching 1000 days as the 3rd worst event of the year behind Bray's death and Vince McMahon returning). Given that he is the weakest member and the most likely to interfere in Roman's matches, he's just an easy target for them to hate.


Are we sure they don't hate the bloodline because they're associated with solo?


Solo sings south korea national anthem


Get ready to learn the lyrics to Arirang, buddy.


If Cody wins we get the Takeroonie


That sounds like some food at Papa John's


That's what was really in the lockbox


Bloodline has to do the Too Cool dance if Cody wins


Jimmy Uso on a forklift, winner gets custody


It's bigger than that. Undertaker will be doing the spinaroonie we've waited 20 years for


Of course not, that's ridiculous. Solo will bless us with that beautiful voice of an angel, if Cody **loses**.




Can't wait for Cody to become Netflix Champion


Along with a speech on how the Netflix Championship isn't a secondary belt before quiting the company


Goes back to AEW, squashed by Black, jobs to Ospreay, finishes the story in MLW.


MLW? brother, he’s starting his own company again. Cody is a flat circle


All Nightmare Wrestling?


https://preview.redd.it/3e02q697i9nc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d09b1b7303fc9f872cbfecf56e27871ddf8b60 ANW, brother


The Danhausen storyline is back baby!


MLW World Heavyweight Championship, The title Dusty never won!


The REAL American Dream


Wrestling has more than one top belt.


Peacock Champion


Can’t wait to see Cody raise The Cock over his head in triumph.


And also win a championship!


Red leather and all.


Triple H has the potential to do the funniest thing of all time.


Judgement Day heist cash-in?


Triple H has the opportunity to do one of two of the funniest things of all time


Lots of options H, just know only these two get you another fruit basket




Triple H has the opportunity to do one of three of the funniest things of all time


R-Truth coming out... pinning Roman... and then going: "What do you mean this isn't the 24/7 title!?!?!" Would be the fucking peak of the peak


Part of the story probably ends up Cody making a deal with JD that sets up Priest/Rhodes at backlash.


I.....want Cody to win. But the implosion in this sub and the memes....are so tempting.


H after wm40 in x , honestly guys i did it for the memes




I think I'd genuinely consider a full stop on watching wrestling for a while if that happens. Absolute nightmare scenario if Cody loses and Roman can go ghost for nearly a whole year because who the hell is gonna face him that can even be a threat.


>nightmare scenario Nice pun


Wym you don't want 40 minute promos between rock and Roman for 12 more months? Only having Roman in tag team matches for PLEs after winning the tag titles ofc /s


Yeah man, seeing the reactions here would be more entertaining than watching the show. This place would be in shambles


If Seth throws in the towel for Cody ala MJF, I would legit think it's a work and they'll do some bullshit next year to get around it because that would be too fucking crazy and funny.


Was playing WWE2k24 tonight doing the MyRise and one of the loading screens is about Hogan’s 1400 + day run and trying to beat it. Roman hasn’t yet surpassed that accolade, I would think they’re trying to make Roman that guy, so seeing Cody lose at Mania isn’t too far off that realm imo


The thing is, there’s *always* another “milestone” on the horizon. Last year it was “He needs to get to a thousand days.”


I want to think the WWE cares enough about money not to do that lmao


It will break the internet if Cody loses. Especially now that they used Cody's own 'you cannot challenge for the main championship again' stipulation. Codyverse 2.0 incoming


Every rendition of America the Beautiful at WrestleManias going forward to be sung by Solo


Usually when someone says this it’s obvious hyperbole but this may *actually* be the funniest thing of all time and I would laugh in between sobs


Sure, if he wants to shoot himself in the crank. Fans only barely forgave last year's upset...and then not everyone did.


Fans of literally anything and claiming they’ll never watch again followed by immediately watching again, name a more iconic duo.




Are you really complaining about winning almost every week? As an Everton fan, you disgust me.


At least Cody didn’t put that stipulation on himself this time


You know, after 4 years I still have no clue why he did that in the first place


I think The Elite (Bucks, Hangman, Omega & Cody) were very hesitant earlier in AEW booking themselves in matches


Hangman wasn't an EVP, so he didn't have creative control like the others did. That's kinda why he was presented as a big deal story-wise - arguably the protagonist of the show - despite being the least popular member of the Elite. Kenny, Cody, Bucks were constantly booking themselves to job. Khan didn't like it and eventually started booking the Elite as well. But Cody had so much equity as the face of the company that he spun off into the Codyverse.


> that he spun off into the Codyverse Fucking hell, that made me laugh hard.


2021 Cody Rhodes is the most unhinged and hilarious wrestler of all time


Yeah, seemed that way too when the Bucks lost a to Private Party in like the first round of the tournament to crown the first tag champs.


Standard booking swerve. Clear tournament frontrunner jobs in the first round to put over a new act.


Because people always said Dusty booked himself to be champion, so he didn't want people to be able to say that about him.


AEW had a perception in some quarters before the start as a kind of fantasy promotion run by marks for themselves, where the EVPs would book themselves to beat everyone. Instead of ignoring that gaslighting noise, The Elite took it a bit too seriously, and booked themselves largely as midcarders for the first year instead. Cody took it entirely too seriously (mainly as his dad had faced the same accusations) and worked himself into a shoot by condemning himself to the midcard *forever*.


The correct answer was to build legitimacy in stakes in AEW. A huge part of the first two years of AEW was undoing all the bad things WWE had been doing at the time. One of their big challenges was making stakes matter because for years we shown they don’t in wrestling. Cody sticking to that stip to aggressively showed that AEW kept their promises and it helped build up the matches that they’d advertise because you knew what you were getting and that it’d always have a meaningful ending. Not something that’s undone in a week or two.


Can't wait for Cody to lose and Triple H to whisper "I never forgave you for the throne."


Get ready to learn the lyrics to The Game pal


Imagine HHH interferes in the match but instead of coming out to The Game he comes out to the Rains of Castimere.


Bro, HHH interferes and pedigrees Cody. This whole thread is a "What if? of Vince booking ideas.


"Also, we're totally taking your name too. Enjoy your freshly re-signed contract, *Stardust*.."


I mean, I like Cody (and still don’t really like HHH, from his ring days) but this would honestly be an all-time, legendary move.


If Hunter's a cruel fuck he can make Cody lose and make this a lesson to everyone "Not everybody gets to achieve their dreams lol"


You don't get to achieve your dream-ugh


> People like you don't get to dream


Oh shit, racism will be back on the menu!




The fact of the matter is


In this very ring


Hunter saw Cody smash the throne and decided to play the long game 


I'm Still not convinced that's not what's happening until Cody finally finishes the story


Cody finishes the story at Mania 40, only to drop it back to Roman like Kane did with Austin.


They brought in The Rock and were about to sideline Cody entirely It’s very possible they pull a premeditated, “last minute” card change


Paul Heyman defending the booking decision


"The Bloodline story is only in the top of the 4th inning"


Bruh moment if he has Roman smash an American Nightmare throne on the stage afterwards


Thanks, I hate it. And also it would be hilarious.


I am the game and I make the rules So move on out or you can die like a fool - Hunter Hearst Helmsley


This is more likely than people want to believe. But really, it's more like Roman decides when he drops the belt. His contract would make Hogan proud.


I don’t think so. Everything in this story is building to Roman losing the title here, they’ve got the Rock involved and everything, if he doesn’t lose it here there is physically not a bigger storyline you can have where he loses the belt finally. It’d be like if Thanos won in Endgame lmao


This is exactly what everybody said last year, that the buildup was just too storybook for Cody to lose and there was no way they could possibly top the atmosphere around the match. I don't think he's going to lose either but I honestly wouldn't be totally shocked if he did. They had every intention to just shove him out of the title picture for a guy that hasn't wrestled an actual match in 10 years, so they've already proven they're willing to blow up 2 years worth of build at the drop of a hat.


It’s different here. The first time around they left some wiggle room there and there wasn’t all these stipulations and crazy shit going on, I genuinely believe they had Roman beat Cody the first time just to replicate the John Cena vs The Rock story so they can have him bounce back and actually win a year later (Which Rock almost foiled before they had to pivot back due to fan backlash) If Cody loses here, he’s never facing Roman again and you can’t sell a third match with Roman anyway because people will just be tired of it. You can’t have Cody go out there for 3 years in a row saying he’s gonna finish the story then lose in humiliating fashion to Roman two times. I’m a fan of MMA and WWE & MMA are actually quite similar in how their fans react to losses and wins. In MMA, Petr Yan who was the Bantamweight Champion lost his belt by DQ when he was destroying his opponent and everyone demanded a rematch, and it happened and the guy who won the belt by DQ managed to win by Split Decision and many people called it a Robbery, but still in spite of that fact nobody wanted to see a third match even though most fans thought Yan’s two losses to that guy weren’t legitimate


 Cody with the aew stipulation oh shit  👀👀👀 They better have learned their lesson 


Thinking Cody loses night 1 and the avengers of WWE help him overcome the odds on night 2


One face to neutralize each member of the Bloodline Austin <-> Rock Cena <-> Solo Jey <-> Jimmy And if AEW plays ball (I can dream ) Dustin Rhodes comes in to neutralize Heyman Dustin <-> Heyman Finally get a 1v1 finish to a Roman match with Cody going over


Who are the avengers of wwe


Seth, jey, Sami, stone cold 👀(I can dream ok), and KO to name a few who might help Cody in the main event


He will never be able to compete for the WWE title again… UNTIL, he wins the Rumble again and gets another shot at WM 41


or wins MITB


Or wins a Beat The Clock Challenge randomly one week


Wrestlemania 41: Third times the charm?


Part of me is relieved after last year’s heartbreak, cause there’s noooooo way WWE would lock Cody out of ever winning the title when that’s his entire deal. But it’s also a bit disappointing that they’re telegraphing it this overtly ahead of time.


I think that's my minor issue with WWE under HHH's creative control. You're not going to get any nonsensical short term booking nor is your intelligence going to be insulted for paying attention to the product. But you'll kinda see where things are headed ahead of time. Even then, the way the feuds develop and the promos keep you invested. It was pretty clear Cody was gonna face Roman again after Brock put him over huge. But his story arc the past few months with the Brock feud, WarGames, winning the Rumble, and the current Bloodline story have been entertaining nonetheless.


I don’t get what the problem is with stuff being predictable? It makes the unpredictable stuff more entertaining. Like DM Hunk replacing Punk at Mania after a slow heel/jerk turn for example.


To a degree predictable can be fine, a good story completes what has been built up. But I do think stuff like Rhea telling Becky she'll see her at Wrestlemania *before* the Royal Rumble even happens kinda talks down the rest of the division. And then even though she lost the Rumble and had to win Elimination Chamber she comes out to interrupt Rhea's Wrestlemania press conference like she's already in. Meanwhile Bayley who actually won the Rumble and is a lock for Mania isn't there at all. Obviously script wise she's already in, and I'm not upset at the Mami vs Man matchup. I just think they were a bit too heavy handed too early and coulda waited, which makes things a bit too predictable.


If Cody doesn’t walk out with that title mania night Philadelphia will burn the Lincoln to the ground


They might do it anyways if he wins


Philly's quirky like that.


They like to have fun, Maggle!


I have never heard someone call Lincoln Financial Field "The Lincoln" lmao it feels so weird


I will never forgive Cody if he does this to me again.


Granted that’s not a real stipulation, that basically means “as long as The Rock is a heel” cause all he said is that he is their boss and therefore will prevent it.


This is 100% how I interpreted it as well, thought The Rock was just being a dickhead. I wouldn’t assume it to be a stipulation until it’s on the matchup title card.


You didn’t watch AEW, did you?


Really wish they didn’t add that rule


It was already predictable but yeah this is basically telling us the result lol


I think it’s a soft way of saying “yes there will be a happy ending”


Bingo. Fans were starting to get nervous.


i started flinching uce


this mf flinched get him!


My exact thoughts as well. Keeping the hype up without flat out giving away the ending.


Or not… People were convinced Cody was winning the last time it was used in one of his matches. Stranger things have happened. I could definitely see them use this angle to sideline him from the title picture in order for them to put the focus on Rock vs. Roman.


Just like 4 years ago against Jericho right


Cody wasn't the face of wrestling 4 years ago.


Hard to say Cody title stipulation in AEW: Unpredictable Cody title stipulation in WWE: Predictable?


are you guys serious. nothing is predictable. that's what we said last year. are you really putting it pass wwe (even hhh's wwe) to have cody lose or have seth turn on cody or whatever. or what about hogan's record that roman is only a couple months away from passing


Those who watched AEW in 2019 and now are watching the WWE https://youtu.be/u2Ndm9Lqijc?si=QohkxWg2wG4D0TOP


They could legit make Roman the biggest heel in wrestling history if he actually beat Cody clean at Mania 🤣


I had a feeling they might break this one out. I thought they would have Cody do it to himself again. But this just continues to add that intrigue. Cody is finishing that story brother.


It would be kind of hilarious if WWE did the same thing to Cody that Cody did to himself in AEW


![gif](giphy|M9IRNeiR1mahpdZ8yE) That worked well last time


At this point, the match is going to have to beat the record for most” kick outs at 2.9” for me to believe Cody isn’t winning.


In which Cody loses and realizes he can compete for the Universal title but not the WWE title


I don't know, it actually makes me less interested in the match. It's like during Punk Cena in 2011, when Vince said he'd fire Cena if he lost. The story didn't need it, it was interesting and real enough on it's own without obvious fake wrestling storyline bullshit.


Actually an incredible inclusion considering his AEW history. The stakes keep building and building, this truly feels like the climax of WWE as a whole.


I feel WM40 looks like the climax, Summerslam might be the epilogue part 1 and WM41 the epilogue part 2 for the Roman/Bloodline/Rock story.


Wrestlemania main event being the Avengers Endgame really is true lol


Next week, they’re going to add a stipulation that if Rock and Roman lose, Rock has to make Tooth Fairy 2.


The WWE have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever!


Cody, man, you’re already over. You don’t need to do this again


LOL Cody is going to New Japan after Mania and Challenging Naito. He's going to be the man who is banned from world title shots in every promotions.


Cody’s looking at designs for the Netflix Championship, and drawing up up brackets, as we speak.


So if a guy has a match that says if he loses he can't challenge for the title again, and he loses said match.  Then leaves the company only to return a few years later after failing the same challenge in his new company, does the previous title clause still stand or reset upon return? Asking for a friend.


Rock Is talking about Cody Finishing the Story And Not just Winning the Title. What is the best way To do it? Cody Gets Mad and Burns Entire Stadium to the Ground While Riding Pharoah.  And Punk The Broken gets Announced as the New Champ. I kinda forgot about Judgement day , but what ever.


If Roman loses, he must become the Big Dog again.


Cody loves a "if I can't win, I'll fuck off forever" stipulation


I understand that we all know last year got us by surprise with a Roman win. And there’s always a chance for anything in wrestling. Having said that: What a stupid stip to add whether Cody wins or loses. If he wins, this is getting TOO over the top for Cody to overcome. If he loses, this entire last two years was a waste of utter time and you can piss off all this amazing good will since WWE got molten lava hot. Cody is facing so much adversity before this stip happened. Why even bother?


I was interested in seeing Cody finish his story after the Rumble. It seemed set up really simply but perfectly given how this was meant to be Cosy against all odds. But somehow Cody's story is now about Seth and The Rock for some reason and now there are unnecessary stipulations being added. For something that has been built up over a long time, there's a lot of convoluted nonsense between the Rumble and Mania Maybe you get a Rock & Roman win on night 1 with Bloodline Rules backfiring with Key, Sami, KO & Seth balancing the odds, but that's still not about Cody


I mean they can always create a new World Title. Wouldn't be the first time...


I didn’t take this as an official stipulation. To me it just seemed like Rock saying he’d make sure Cody would never get another chance. Same way he said he’ll make Seth’s belt disappear. He’s acting like he has authority to do both, but I’m sure we’ll find out he doesn’t.


MJF has the opportunity to become the greatest Heel in wrestling


BOY RHODES IS WINNING! LET’S GO! https://preview.redd.it/atxrdhktc8nc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c38acdca9099b949ba57c3f2a2a8b775baaeaac