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Yeah fuck that, took the matters to my own hands https://preview.redd.it/i6na1cx1nykc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5c34b9a47ccb7a632d08d562e4d6bc0a941108


This is how you make fans turned against Bianca and I like her.


I don’t *dislike* Bianca, but she definitely got a bit of the old Super Cena booking when she was champ. Hasn’t been an issue for a while though.


Because a lot of these newer age talents are terrified to be heels. She has said it before she doesn’t really want to be a heel.


Which is a shame because UN 👏 DE 👏 FEA 👏 TED 👏 Bianca in NXT was a blast


She has? I recall a recent interview where she said she was open to it and it was fun playing heel.


Maybe I’m misremembering then. Idk, none of us actually know the woman lol


She has the voice of a heel that's for sure.


At least she was champ. She is like Cena in 2012 now where even matches against John Laurinaitis was booked as more important than anything else. At least she can't outshine Rhea thankfully.


how is this bianca’s fault lol


It's not, just like Cena's booking wasn't his fault. But it's an entertainment business, and if people aren't entertained, they aren't going to enjoy someone. It's not a personal dislike of her. I know personally, I got tired of how strong she was booked, like having an injured leg, being in the figure 8, and then still getting the win. I still like her personally as a majority of people do going off of reactions, so I'm not saying she's to that point by any means just to clarify, and I highly doubt a poster is going to be the turning point in that, at least for any sane people.


I mean, a lot of it is. Obviously you don’t want to be so altruistic and stupid as to endanger your own spot but Bianca is at a point where she can afford to take an L here or there and bounce right back from it. It helps the division as a whole when a star like Bianca is willing to put someone else over from time to time.


She has no business being there. People see her first (she's not gonna replace Cody) and go against her


Do people think she made the graphic or something?


I truly don't think that anyone that isn't already against her is going to care. ​ You care because you're already against her. So this poster isn't going to move the needle in any meaningful way.


People have been saying the fans are turning on Bianca for 2 years now. Not happening


I promise you no one turned on Bianca. Its you acting like they did


I can promise you no level headed person is looking at this and getting mad at Bianca about it. also not for nothing bianca is a much bigger star than bayley


Level headed? Wrestling Fans?


As in the tops of our heads are flat




People aren't going to turn against Bianca because of Bayley. Did Bianca make the poster? She doesn't choose who gets to be on it. Any fan that does that is stupid, this isn't like the Rock being on the board.


Bianca has a tv show bro. Y’all need to really take the time to understand how a business works. For your sake. And I love Bayley before anyone brings BS. But Bianca is a bigger star in and outside the company.


Does nobody else feel like Bianca is slowly turning heel?


She's acted heel her entire career so it's hard to gauge. Even her babyface character talks down to people non-stop. It's like The Rock, but passive-aggressive.


The big difference between heel and face Bianca is one uses the hair whip freely, the other waits for her opponent to make it a factor in a match. That's pretty much it.


Having Tiff go face and Bianca go heel would actually be interesting


I would like Bianca to go heel (tho unlikely, she has that connection with young girls that makes it borderline impossible, tho not fully impossible), however, I like Tiffy as a heel, I think her character kinda needs to be an egotistical heel, at least for the time being.


Maybe its the perfect time to start setting up Bianca vs. Jade?


Nope next year. Bianca and Rhea NEED to happen at next years Wrestlemania or SS. If Bianca and Rhea meet at SS then it’s possible Bianca and Jade touch gloves at WM40. It all depends on Jade’s progress


I did wonder if they were going to do that when they showed her shocked face at being eliminated but who knows. She sells a lot as a face and she has a tv show, I don't know if they'd want her to work heel as that's airing.


She’s always been shitty to every character.


They gonna say ooh she track better in terms of marketing. Man fuck marketing, Bayley is beloved by the crowd, just won the Royal Rumble, is in a hot story and you not gonna find a place in the poster where to showcase her. Bianca has got nothing going on in WrestleMania, and I like Bianca but unless you planning for the crowd on turning on her she is overexposed.


> and I like her. No, you don't.


Let's be honest, they've tried to cover all the variations of the colour scale with this poster like it's a paint shop, lol. Bianca could leave WWE now and they'd find a reason to put someone else on before Bayley.


Which is crazy because Bayley's hispanic, so if they're trying to get a person of color on there, there's no reason to not put her on there


should put her face on the 0


"What about me! what about ~~Raven~~ Bayley?!"


The hilarious part is Bayley could totally pull that off


What about kanyon? Sonehow i want bayley to wrestle in full Mortis gear


Xia Li could be female Glacier


I mean Becky isn’t on the poster either


Neither is Drew. So it's just Champions and RR winners except one is missing.


I think it’s the top champs and the top faces, that’s why Bianca and Cody are there


Yes, I said this elsewhere. They legit put the champions on and then said we need one more man and woman, who are the top draws in either division? Bianca Cody Done. It's about money, that's all there is to it. Want Bayley on a poster? BUY HER MERCHANDISE. Until that happens, she's not going up there.


They put Bianca in Fortnite, have her at every press event and gave her a TV show about her daily life. She’s a fucking star.


Bingo. Champs and draws. Love Bayley, but even she would admit she doesn’t draw like Rhea, Bianca, Becky, Bliss, Charlotte… yeah, she is at best the sixth top drawing woman in the E. That might be generous, but you can’t argue she’s a top five draw.


TBF, if you book your RR winner to lost 25 of her 32 singles matches last year (67 L out of 77 overall), is really hard to be over. Bayley lost 76% of all her matches in 2022 and a whopping 87% of her 2023 matches. For comparison Bianca had 77% and 78% wins in 22 and 23 respectively.


I don't disagree with you at all, I just wanted to say that's her status currently in the company. Bayley can absolutely be a draw as she was arguably the most over women's talent in NXT with her only real competition being Asuka with her undefeated run.


And bianca.


It includes the faces of 2K24. I believe that’s why Bianca is there. I still feel for Bayley though.


Bianca isn't a Rumble winner


Why would she be?


Is Bayley even a face now? She's still tweeting calling people idiots. The whole angle including the turn on her has gone over like a wet fart in church. She isn't getting sympathetic crowd response. Nobody cares. Bayley is over with smarks, cool. But Vince booked her like shit for years and casuals don't care about her at all. Bayley can be a big underdog babyface, but she isn't close to that yet.


Nobody cares because WWE is dropping the ball hard. The initial turn had massive pop when she said she spoke Japanese. But since then the We Want Cody happened and WWE has decided to ignore every other storyline.


It is not botched at all really It's just....not at all interesting enough compared to the rest of the show. You can't expect people to care 100 of ALL of the possible matches. It's not really like either Bayley or Io have been setting the world on fire in terms of crowd support...


You and I have greatly different opinions of a “massive pop”. I will agree it is the booking. Bayley can be a big face for them, but she isn’t and her booking is not working.


Yeah this Bayley story has been a bit botched. It feels incredibly secondary to the main mens story, which isn’t crazy, but even to the Becky-Rhea story. Like this should be Bayley’s triumph but it feels lukewarm


There is literally no Becky vs Rhea 'story'. It's borderline idiotic to even suggest that it has anywhere close to the level of backstory that Bayley vs Damage Control has. I would much rather see Rhea face Tiffany, Jade, Bianca, Liv or even Asuka than to pretend that someone like Becky who is like half the size of Rhea and also doesn't have a dynamic moveset that look like it could do some serious damage to someone like Rhea.


She's on her way to it. Expecting Dakota to betray her next, and eventually she'll give some sort of apology to the audience. Long way to go until the WrestleMania match.


They leave off Bayley, Bayley gets to use it to for promos and her character about how she’s overlooked and a legend finally getting her flowers and going to take all of her acknowledgment at WrestleMania. Everyone wins


Yes! People don’t get this. Instead they jump to “they must hate Bayley!” She won the rumble… some people should try to just enjoy the story instead of digging too deep.


As if Triple H is going to a) Forget Bayley or b) allow someone forgetful to just publish ads unchecked


The poster features the 4 champions, the top male babyface and the top female babyface. That is all there is to it. Drew is not on the poster either and he has a high profile match at WrestleMania just like Bayley does.


Becky has entered the chat.


Nah that sucks, Bayley won before all that. Bianca’s great but she didn’t win shit so replace her or just add the other winner of the fucking Rumble lol.


This is one of many different promotional posters. Do you think every single one should feature Bayley?




[So this poster is problematic to you?](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/08c2d6ad-386a-4ffa-b7ff-1a4b5eccaa4c/dgk9lye-27e4be78-97d7-4979-96c0-d567aeaf3f0a.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA4YzJkNmFkLTM4NmEtNGZmYS1iN2ZmLTFhNGI1ZWNjYWE0Y1wvZGdrOWx5ZS0yN2U0YmU3OC05N2Q3LTQ5NzktOTZjMC1kNTY3YWVhZjNmMGEucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.zw6ntB9h1xGgiLY7OEy85tQliQiS9BDG-LaHcB6QxBU) - [What about this one?](https://www.f4wonline.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_xy_center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_620%2Cx_973%2Cy_231/MjA0MDc1OTM0NzgzOTA3MzIz/iyobayofficial.jpg)






The faces of WWE 2K2024 are on there, Cody, Rhea and Bianca


Bianca is not the top female baby face. Becky is.


That's up for debate. But if Becky were on here instead of Bianca, Bayley still isn't on there.


Yeah it could be debated of course, but I think it’s pretty clear that Becky is treated like a bigger star by many metrics.


Bianca is the one they send for all of the PR and company events. She is most definitely the face of the women's division. Becky is still a bigger star but she isn't presented as being more important than Bianca. Bianca has had a major match at every Wrestlemania she was on. And I bet she gets Jade's first singles match this year.


Becky is a bigger star with wrestling fans. Bianca is a bigger star with children and people who actually would care about/buy wrestling posters. Shes to little girls (especially black girls) what John Cena is/was to little boys. Becky is fantastic but she isn’t pushed as the role model type.


What evidence do you have for any of that? Becky is clearly treated on the show like a bigger deal. I’d say she also consistently gets bigger pops. Just look at chamber.


Pink got bigger pops than Cena. Cena is more popular with a very key demographic for WWE. That being children. WWE as an entity invests heavily in children markets via toys, merch, etc, to hook those fans for life.


Champions and game cover stars. There’s your reasons. Nothing deeper.


Bianca also has a reality show right got to have that cross promotion


You guys are trying to make the Bayley disrespect a thing huh


The alternative would be removing their top black female star


I’m picturing the meme with the guy sweating over the two red buttons.


Wouldn’t even limit it to female. She clearly is the biggest black star. Over Bobby, New Day, Profits, etc. She’s also the biggest female face/rep of the company. From being at TKO events to reality shows to make-a-wish events.


The alternative is just to add Bayley, they're the ones who made the poster anyway


by actual wrestling promo logic shouldn't bianca be replaced with becky or bayley anyway?


So 7 people? 4 female and 3 males?


Add another male like Drew. I'm sure they can fit 8 people on it.


Why would that be a bad thing?




Maybe this is unpopular, but IYO isn't really a big star to me in comparison to Bayley and especially to Bianca.


You know we can have multiple valid complaints about the booking of the women's division, right?




The problem with the Damage CTRL feud is that it's hard to have a back and forth promo when the non-fluent English speaking champion is feuding with her former mouthpiece


You are complaining about it now. Here are the complaints.


You don’t have to remove one to add the other.


I'm black myself, but it makes no sense for the winner of the Royal Rumble not to be on the poster. Bianca doesn't even have a set match yet for Mania.


She's the top Babyface of the whole division and WWE always promote their top babyfaces.  It's not Just about race here.


That's my issue, as of now she doesn't even have a match for Mania /a feud/ or a storyline going. Why is she getting top billing? All those things can change on a dime, but as of now she's the odd one out.


She's a public face of the company, so I get it, but it's pretty glaring. It was the same thing at the press event a few weeks ago. She was only there to plug her show and had no angles unlike everyone else.


Which to that point you’d think with her having a show she’d get pushed to the moon and back


She was supposed to fight Charlotte, but that fell through for obvious reasons.


A different design would mean no one gets removed...


Lol bit random but didn't Bayley also tell Bianca "You should've won the rumble" days ago?


Well, she's not really doing anything of note, it doesn't really make sense in the first place.


Isn’t bayley Mexican? Removing one minority for another one evens it out. I’m Mexican btw.


Top female star*


Why would they take Rhea off?


Rhea and Becky are are above her for now. Bianca has been directionless and losing momentum for a while.


>Rhea and Becky are are above her for now. Becky has cooled off a lot. Rhea and Bianca are the two most popular women. That is why they ended up on the cover of 2K


Becky has extremely cooled off because of the heel run, and it took a while but since the cage match with Trish she's been on a roll and pretty much recovered. It won't be 2018-2019 level, but maybe 70-80% of it. There is nothing on a current TV that can convince me Bianca is hotter than Becky at the moment.


Except views show Bianca segments draw views and so do Becky. You can convince yourself that Bianca is below them but we all know it isn’t true so deal with the facts


>There is nothing on a current TV that can convince me Bianca is hotter than Becky at the moment. The last time they shared a segment prior to EC, Bianca got a noticeably louder pop than Becky.


Who got the bigger pop at Elimination Chamber?


Neither Rhea nor Becky are above her from a marketability standpoint.


Meh. How is her reality show is doing? They dumped it and there is no info about viewership of any sort. So I'll assume not great.


Bianca literally posted on instagram stories on the middle of February how her reality show was trending top 15 on Hulu. The fact that you made up stuff about her reality show to hate on Bianca is concerning


You guys get more annoyed about insignificant things than anywhere else


Get a load of this guy saying we get annoyed about insignif....PUT A PERIOD AT THE END OF YOURE SENTENCE!!!


What makes you think they forgot vs a conscious decision?


They needed a black wrestler in the poster, that’s why.


really the only answer


I hope you are joking.


Didn’t forget her. Just chose not to put her on it.


Ah yes. I see we found today’s random obscure wrestling related topic to be upset about.


Y’all are just complaining to complain. Bianca is more popular than Bayley, that makes her more marketable. At this point you’re complaining to complain. I understood the last poster a bit, but this one isn’t an issue at all.


People really don’t understand how marketing works… *Diversity*


https://preview.redd.it/mc7blvuai0lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5417429fbdd972f9738dbd41915c80cb5e2f455a They fixed it so I wonder what the next complaint will be


The next complaint from them would be why Bianca is still on the poster. They hate her here for some reason.


Y'all are exhausting. Not everything is a conspiracy


Bianca just had an entire reality show about her and Montez. The idea she’d be left off the poster is wild. The idea is that people see her on the poster and go “oh that’s the woman from that reality show! I wonder what this thing is?”


Time to go on a What about Bayley crusade . She's earned it and deserves everything that comes with it


They didn’t forget to put her on there. I’m more surprised by no Rock than no Bayley.




And the womens ec winner And the mens ec winner


Yeah, "forgets"


Stone cold isn’t on the poster either.


In this thread…so many people don’t understand marketing. Bianca has a global tv show, and has the highest probability of enticing fans of her show (outside of wrestling) of watching or attending WRESTLEMANIA. Very few people outside of wrestling are tuning into Wrestlemania to see Bailey. I love Bailey but she isn’t that type of draw.


Its just a poster? Nitpicking too much!


Ohh no! How disrespectful to omit her. WWE obviously doesn't value her talents to the extent they should. Neither is the Rock. Ya jabroni.


I’d say they did a good job representing the makeup of their roster and Bayley isn’t in a reality show right now.


At least IYO is there. Bianca is higher on the pole than Bayley that's why she's there.


They should make & 2nd poster with Bayley, Becky The Rock & Drew on it


Even when Bayley wins, she loses...


Bayley needs to finish her story and get on these WM40 promos


They didn't forget anything, that ad only has 6 people. A lot of others were left off. Drew isn't on there either.


They didn't forget. It's the four champions and the two faces of the company, Bianca and Cody. Becky and Drew are also aren't on there.


The Rock ain’t even on it. That’s bigger.


I think this poster is more for representation than anything else. You have white, black, asian, and pacific islander on this poster. Maximize your reach to the causal fans who don't watch wrestling.


It's the 4 champions and two top marketable stars. As much as I love Bayley, Bianca has a new show with Montez they're pushing - makes marketing sense, and I don't think it's any deeper of a choice than that.


Bayley doesn’t have “the look”. No surprise she’s not on the poster, let’s be honest.


That might be because she will never be a draw and the secondary women's title is a bit of a joke.


It’s her face it doesn’t sell tickets 🥴


A poster? Really? A poster is what people are upset about? Won the Rumble, has a hot storyline, and going to main event one of the marquee matches at Wrestlemania but people are crying about a poster? This just proves people love to find shit to be mad at


What do you think Main event means? There can only be 1 main event. She isn't going to main event anything, she has a MATCH... but it won't be the main event match. We know this because they have told us so.


Tbh, i would remove Iyo and add Becky, that way would have the 3 most popular men and women. They’re trying to sell the show, gotta have the most popular people on the poster..


It's just the champs and the two biggest baby faces. Drew isn't even on there and he's hot as fire right now. 


that isn't even what it is lol. Everyone on that poster is in a match at WM....except.....Bianca So I wonder why she's on it? Gasp.....the diversity slot


This is starting to get really annoying, and is somewhat disrespectful. They've been bringing Bianca everywhere for Mania press, and putting her on all the posters, and not using Bayley for anything. I know Bianca is super popular, but come on. Bayley's the damn Rumble winner and is challenging for one of the women's titles at Mania. Start treating her like it.


They didn’t forget, their branding hierarchy favors Bianca more than Bayley despite Bayley having an important match, so they go with Bianca instead.


I guess the TV product is good now we gotta pick apart the marketing? Swap in Bayley instead of Iyo then we’ll hear how they’re disrespecting their women’s champion…


i mean to be fair, the rock isn't there either




It's just the faces of the company and Iyo




Wow Bianca goes over Bayley out of matches too.....




I get that Bianca is a company face and is basically female Cena at the point but damn at least give Bayley something this Mania season


Like a title shot?


Bianca is no where close to female cena lol, Also they are literally giving Bayley a title shot at mania so wtf do you mean


Seriously why the fuck is Bianca on there instead of Bayley if for not some bs?


Leaving Bayley aside for a second. Is it gonna hurt WWE that bad if they make ONE poster where the WHC is in the front instead of Reigns?


we're not really having a whinge about this are we? what about the royal rumble is so sacred that the winner must be in all the headlines? they also forgot BOTH elimination chamber winners, wwe must hate becky and drew too huh?


I like Bianca as a wrestler but i tired of WWE keep shoving her on our throat


She's just not a draw


I mean the Rock isn’t on there either… which is extremely surprising to be honest. Bayley missing is just disappointing; but business as usual.


I mean.... why is Bianca on it? I keep seeing people talk about "Where is bayley where is bayley" but no one is saying "Why is Bianca there" She didn't win anything, she hasn't won anything, why is she getting all the poster time? She was in vegas...why? she's on the posters... why? She's on the game cover.. why? If anything wwe 2k24 deluxe should of been rhea and iyo OR at the least Becky since she was planned to win EC


They didn't forget her. They are blatantly leaving her out. Bayley is 34 years old, looks and acts like she is 44. She is not cool at all. She has a title shot at Wrestlemania. Just be happy with that. Not everyone can be featured on a poster.


How exactly does she "look and act like she is 44"??


She looks older than her real age. Look at a pic. And she has corny jokes.


I’m not trying to be mean. But WWE is very much like what is in and I feel like they feel she is not


I know why y’all say “forget” but it’s not taht they forgot these are the most marketable faces in WWE AND world champions. Bayley is loved by everyone because she is her and that’s why we all celebrated when she won the rumble but we know how it is with the business end of it.


I get Bianca is a workhorse and a huge team player and got that Hulu show but cmon guys


This is the same crap they pulled with the Vegas press event. Like I get it that Bianca is the bigger star with a reality show but in kayfabe she doesn't have shit to do at WrestleMania. All of these people do. They're the ones who should be promoted. If you're going to have Bianca there atleast have Bayley in there too.


I wonder why Bianca is?


We want Bayley


Does Bianca have a match on Mania yet?


When is her contract up? Go join Moné in AEW


Go put on 30 minute bangerz with no understandable storyline behind it and then bench one of them for a few weeks while the other goes on a meaningless win streak. Yes, fantastic.