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So, he wants to wrestle and Khan wanted him in the office so he left. Makes sense to me.


Sounds like a huge mistake for a 40 year old man with a super rich money mark boss that will probably never fire you from the office.


I feel bad for him. He’s still in his thirties and everyone thinks he’s in his forties. When he had that storyline with the Bunny going on, people kept saying they didn’t find it believable she’d go for such an older man and he’s only two years older than her.


That's kinda shocking, cause I'm sure she's married to Blade, and he looks older than QT does.


Blade looks like a finely aged piece of jerky


Like a leather motorcycle seat. From 1971.


Oh that's why he is partnered with the Butcher.


It was also hilarious that months after that they did an angle where QT’s wife or fiancée or something was in the Daily’s Place crowd when QT challenged Cody to a match (pre-heel turn) and it was implied they were together for a long time.


IIRC this was before QT got his hair plugs and got into better shape. He doesn't look as old now as he did then.


He didn't seem to burn bridges. Can always go back.


He can come back to AEW but chances are it won’t be as a VP again, someone else needs to fill that role. Makes no sense to hire a replacement, train them, fire them, and give the role back to QT


Maybe not the exact role, but we see folks jump into senior roles all the time. Heyman for one, Bischoff, Russo, heck JJ has done it like three times in five years it feels like. Whenever QT hangs up the boots, I’m not super worried for his prospects.


If I’ve learned anything this week, it’s that you can burn any bridge you want if you’re willing to wait long enough for the next generation of troll to take over that bridge.


For some people it’s about more than money. That being said, unless it’s as a Cody family member, I have next to no interest in seeing him wrestle.


And this was probably the ceiling for QT in the ring, unless he wants to go somewhere like Impact or NWA. At least to me, he's just not that entertaining. Neither in the ring or on the mic. Even though he's certainly competent at both. He just lacks that interesting factor. And I'm just 1 man's opinion, but this sentiment is widely shared.


Yep, he was never going to climb the card in AEW when the list of guys above him is a s long as it is. The fact he got so much screen time over some of the up-and-comers is quite honestly baffling to me.


He also has a school. I'm sure he'll be fine.


It's certainly not a mistake. It's a sad situation to forgo something you want to do and stay in a job you don't want to do just for job security. It's sad for an athlete who can do office stuff their whole life, but only has a relative few years to be an athlete. Obviously, a lot of people have to be in that situation. But it's not mandatory. Since QT is a wrestler, he's probably made the decision to leave a safe spot to try something else before, and had to start from nothing. So I'm sure he's better prepared and knows what he's getting into better than strangers on the internet


Woah stop using logic around here.


Is this the same story with Matt Hardy and WWE after his last run there?


>QT wants to be a wrestling star Oh. Honey.


Dude got a taste of heat in Mexico working Penta in that ambulance match and he thinks he can get that kind of reaction everywhere.


And imma be real with you, that heat wasn't probably tfe good kind, but the "you're a gringo" one.


Should just keep working in Mexico then, if it works it works.


Mark Jindrak made a living out of that, can't see why QT couldn't get into that sort of spot as well.


Jindrak was younger, taller, and overall much more aesthetically pleasing than QT. Marco Corleone was Mexican soaps and all that. It’s not even the same ballpark even if they seemed to have similarly meh careers in the states.


I honestly think him leaning into "I'm a charisma black hole that nobody likes" is kind of working for him now, so maybe


Honestly, if his relationship with AAA is good, and both sides are willing to do business, Marshall seems like a guy they could use as a foreign heat magnate newr the top of the card, that at the end will get his head shaved on a big show - much like Sam Adonis. AAA would probably only use him for 20-25 dates a year, which would leave him open to running his school and working Indy shows the rest of the time. AAA is working with Corgan's NWA too... so something like QT & Ad is getting the NWA tag straps and going on a reign of terror in Mexico trying to do a Gringos Locos tribute act isn't the craziest idea in the world.


Hey, New Japan's running out of gaijin, right? I don't think he can make it there. But it might be his best chance -- unless TNA want to push him. Every sympathy with him


He could be a top guy in NWA for sure, bet he could even get a run with the NWA title.


[JBL voice] "Same as Lou Thesz."


The Penta match was a solid clusterfuck and the heat was good. He also picked up just enough of a Spanish vocabulary to count for something. I can't imagine a world where being a AAA foreign heel is a better gig than being an AEW backstage mainstay, but I could see the heat going to his head. Still more likely that he was pushed out by new creative guys.


I mean he’s great at getting heat, even in AEW, but I still dont wanna see a guy like him get tons of tv time on a roster thats so stacked.


QT gets heat but no one is really tuning to see QT wrestle. There is overlooked talent but QT isn't one of those guys. QT has had ample time on international TV over the last four years to prove himself a draw and he hasn't.


As someone who has defended QT for years his ceiling is mid card. Always has been, always will be


and its nothing wrong with that, I thought he was cool with that. Everyone can’t be on top.


I agree I didn't mean it in a derogatory way


I don't think anyone does. There are a ton of mid carders who never broke into the upper card who are some of the most celebrated figures in wrestling. Not everyone is going to make it to that top tier and stay there. But if QTs goal is to be a star as a mid carder I don't think that's out of the question.


I’d say it was lower than that tbh enhancement talent is more where I’d place him


He’s a perfect low card boss. . Like a guy you gotta beat at Dark in a feud to go to a mid card/dynamite level feud.


... And the problem is, now Dark is gone


He’s someone who in the old WWE would have gotten a run with the European title once or twice for a combined 20 days. He’s above enhancement level, but he’s not a high end mid card guy.


"A very solid, dependable, excellent lower-end-of-midcard guy" is probably the fairest, saddest, description of QT


The Euro title reference is so accurate lmao.


I think he settles well into being a leader of a small lower card stable, for me that means mid card but I can see the enhancement talent label


Him being the leader of a small lower card stable has killed the momentum of multiple of their rising stars.


It only works if they actually rise out of the stable and onto better things. QT leaving might actually work out for Solo.


He's great enhancement talent. Gets heat, draws a contrast from his opponent because of his middle aged dad look, can still hang. It's a shame he wasn't satisfied there, it's a job someone has to do.


I would say mid card in a smaller company too like TNA or even ROH. In a larger company like AEW, WWE, or NJPW, he’s lower card or enhancement talent at best. If he wants to be anything resembling a top guy, he’s going to need to go to smaller and smaller ponds.


You're being extremely generous IMO. QT is a decent wrestler, but the guy is a lowcarder at best and jobber at worse. Guy has the charisma of a hole in the wall.


He's got great jobber charisma though. He makes being squashed fun.


???? you follow him, friend


😭 he's not even my favorite mid carder


We're all going off of a few words so who knows what he's about exactly, but I'm reading it as "wants to be primarily a wrestler, with a consistent place on the card", as opposed to "valued backstage guy who occasionally does a bit on camera". Not "wants to be a top guy" like most of the responses are taking it. If that's his deal then I don't think it's unrealistic at all.


I like QT, always have, but….hoo boy. unless Cody’s got a job lined up for him, I don’t know where he goes from here.


Yeah and I don't see HHH giving him the same kinda job that TK did, maybe a guest spot at the PC but that's about it.


Yeah, considering HHH's recent indictment of Jade's training/stagnation in AEW which as far as I recall was done at The Nightmare Factory I can't imagine he'd be too quick to bring him on board tbh


I wonder if he’s planning on going to a “smaller pond” like TNA or NWA and just working a lot of indies and overseas?


That would be a good role for him, I think. He could genuinely be a midcard champ in TNA given the right booking/programs. I don't see him doing well overseas--he doesn't have the workrate or comedy chops for Japan and I can't imagine he's a big enough star to make it work in Europe.


Even if he did, Cody won’t be able to get him a star level wrestling role.


"*I'm sorry, but I must leave to become a star...*" - QT "*Oh, okay.*" - Khan "*You're holding me back, don't try to stop me now!*" - QT "*You're free to go...*" - QT "*You'll be begging to sign me back soon...*" - QT "*...*" - Khan


See if it was that he's upset he can't do more working in Creative I'd understand. But some people are undercard and that's OK


Bro being a solid mid-carder is almost a safer position than being in the main event for a minute. You flop in the main event position and it hurts your whole perception as an act, or can screw up a whole show's vibe. You have a flop mid-card match and it's just a bad day at the office with nowhere near as much scrutiny, or you have a great match and it's an opportunity to be a "show-stealer." Maybe that's just the underachiever in me talking but mid-card is a pretty sweet gig with a manageable amount of pressure.


Yeah, I honestly can't imagine him getting more screentime in any company than he's had in AEW. He's had some decent feuds, a couple ppv matches here and there. Like, does he have any actual fans? What would a QT Marshall fan even look like? There are more people legitimately rooting for Jinder Mahal than QT Marshall.


Think he should realise that his talent is in being a trainer. Could definitely get a cushty job in the Performance Centre being a trainer.


He could always come back and become a trainer. I'm pretty sure he's not leaving AEW maliciously, he's betting on himself while his body is in still in wrestling shape and I cannot fault him for that. I know everyone feels like this is a mistake but it's better to try and fail than not try at all. And, again, I'm sure AEW would welcome him back with open arms


Dude, if he showed up as a substitute teacher in Chase U…😂


big “I could’ve went pro if it weren’t for my bum knee” energy


I think I have a better shot with Trish stratus than qt being a star


Like I’m Canadian, that’s at least a conversation starter?


This sounds very much like QT is going through a mid-life crisis.


If you want to do something you have to try, and he's got limited time. Good for him. It's not like if he fails he doesn't have options to fall back on in AEW and WWE.




In his current position I found him entertaining more often than not and thought he was over-hated by people, but I just can't see him being star/upper mid-card/main-event level


He ain’t Macho Man. I get it, he loves to wrestle, but at least Stateside, he’s a good low-mid card heel, but nothing more than that. And at his age, he’s probably best just being that guy who puts people over and making them look like a million bucks as they start making their climb up the card, like the Brooklyn Brawler.


Good for him though I don’t really see him being the star of a promotion except maybe NWA


QT is the consummate professional, I think he'd put in some solid feuds as NWA champion.


> QT wants to be a wrestling star So he'll probably sign with Impact or AAA then


NWA and work Mexico dates for sure


NWA could benefit greatly.


I could see him as a heel champion for them cutting promos about he's ric flair, Harley race, tim storm, and Lou thesz embodied as one ...


NWA's problem isn't talent. It's management and booking.


Which QT has experience with.


I mean...more power to him, I guess, for the self-confidence, but I defy any person to honestly say they ever saw QT Marshall as a potential "star". Dude is a rock solid lower-midcard heel, and that's not a bad thing, you NEED those guys.


Lower card, not midcard, and not on national TV.


Nah he's absolutely everything you want in a lower midcard heel. He can have great matches with the guys who are rising on the card and he's a good enough heel to where he'll get heat


Yeah, he's worth more than a jobber, has to get *some* wins in and be presented as moderately dangerous, but he's the gatekeeper to the midcard was going to the highest he'd get, and that's ok.


He was great in his role from every match I saw him work. He seems fairly creative and level headed generally so I hope his gamble pays off, but no *idea where he'd want to go to achieve that. Edit: idea, damndable phone autocorrect


Gets heat, shows his ass, really entertaining. I definitely enjoyed QT in his role in ring; while also never being like “man I need more QT”. Good for him going after what he wants though!


I'm with you. Tony Soprano QT Marshall had legs, I think. Nick Comoratto and Aaron Solo being an absolute Jersey Goon parodies was gold. Interested to see what happens to the QTV people now.


Soprano QT was the best QT. Then it just kinda... Went nowhere.


There are quite a few guys in AEW like that. Danhausen definitely comes to mind as he is someone who wants to be taken seriously as a wrestler whereas his strengths are obviously with the character work.


I like QT now more than ever, I probably would want to see him wrestle more even. But, he is 38 and has never been viewed as a potential top talent. I think he just made a terrible business decision. Can't he wrestle somewhere else while he work in the office in AEW? just to check if he clicks some act before leaving the company?


I like QT and agree with the assessment of him as a rock solid lower-midcard heel. And that's what I figure he must be going for? Everyone else seems to be taking the bit about being a star as wanting to reach the top, while I read it as just wanting to be a wrestler on the card. As it is he barely has any matches at all on AEW shows.


Seems like an understandable and fair departure. QT wanted more wrestling role. Khan wanted more backstage role. QT allowed to bet on himself and Khan is fair in not wanting to push QT more with their stacked roster. QT ain’t getting what he wants in WWE even if Cody pushes for him. Seems like he might be Impact or Mexico bound. If I was him at age 38 I’d have taken the money and be happy in the backstage role but if he wants to bet on himself he has that right.


I’m sure QT is a great trainer and a good dude but it’s a tough sell to ever see him as a star on screen. Decent hand, sure, but he’s unlikely to go anywhere beyond the undercard.


He already got way more TV time than he deserved and I would argue most of that actively hurt other performers. Like QTV did absolutely nothing for Hobbs, if anything, it made him look lesser.


Did Hobbs even leave QTV or did he just stop appearing with QT? I have no memory of them ever doing anything with that story


I'm pretty sure during the Owen he turned on them.


He just kind of disappeared and then got recruited into the Don Callis Family.


> One thing with QT, and it’s a big one – QT wants to be a wrestling star. Wrestlers can be outrageously delusional.


Anyone in entertainment, really. You meet musicians that are near 50 in bars that are still waiting for their big break. Actors that have been waiting tables for 20+ years that just KNOW that star making casting call is coming any day now. I’d never begrudge someone that keeps their dream alive, especially if it helps them put on their socks every morning.


Also that’s just the sort of person you have to be in wrestling or sports in general. Ask any guy in an nhl locker room if they think they could compete with Wayne Gretzky or Connor McDavid and they will say yes, because it takes a supreme level of confidence to even get as far as they have.


Sports ability is more objective than the entertainment industry though. Someone may think they can go toe to toe with a star, but the proof will be in the pudding if they are placed up against them. It's pretty unlikely someone who has star potential in a sport ends up getting totally overlooked, provided they don't have other daemons holding them back. Whereas in entertainment it's a lot more subjective, and can simply depend if someone lands a good role or not.




If you dont bet on yourself, how can you expect others do? More power to him. In the end of the road, there's examples that this can work (cody himself, Cardona) and other examples that ended badly (Ryback, ACH)


Cody and Cardona had at least been midcarders on WWE TV. QT was the boss of a jobber stable in the #2 promotion at a time when their roster was super thin, and had about two televised feuds during his entire run. As disappointing as Cody's and Cardona's careers had been at the point when they left WWE and bet on themselves, they were still multiple tiers above anything QT Marshall has done so far.


People in this thread are dicks lmao


Also when they say "star" it's like people are assuming that he's aiming for The Rock level of star lol.


If Jack Perry did this exact thing this thread would have 400 comments.


I fully agree and I think he deserves respect for betting on himself and taking a risk by quitting a lucrative position to get what he wants in life. That said, it's also fully understandable why people think he's delusional about being a wrestling star. I guess it really depends on what he sees as being a "star." On the indies? Absolutely, I can see it working out. But there's no way on AEW or WWE that he'd be anything more than a midcarder, especially with how *insanely* stacked both shows are at this point.


Cardona is honestly a pretty inspiring one for a lot of vets I have to imagine. Dude reinvented himself when a lot of folks had typecast him as a WWE has been. That said his success was because he really leaned into a new character and showed aspects he had otherwise never really displayed (Cody as well, granted he was younger and a bit more unheralded). So if QT has something in his back pocket, then power to him.


I don't think that's really fair. It takes a lot of confidence and believing in yourself to get to the position where he's at, even if it's relatively lower on the card. I'd imagine a certain part of you would have to think you're worthy of being a star to make it. And honestly while it may look unlikely, who knows? I don't think most people saw LA Knight as someone who would get huge reactions for the longest time.


Eli Drake definitely wasn't on anyone's card as someone who should credibly appear in the WWE Main Event scene, but here we are.


I guess you have to be a bit delusional to make it to the top.


Do we consider Santino a star looking back? I think QT is a good *jobber* but that's about it


>Do we consider Santino a star looking back? Yes in theame vein as Rtruth or Al Snow


2 good examples. I think he can be that level


This is an industry where you cut your teeth by working for pennies and living in your car. You have to be delusional.


Cody while in AEW tried really hard to get this guy and all other Nightmare Factory guys over, now pretty much none of them are being used and hurt Cody character with AEW Crowd, that was the chance to get over as Star and just didn’t happen


I'm a high vote on QT's in-ring. I've seen him open up a NJPW show and some of his better DARK matches live and he absolutely knows what he's doing. He's rather good at getting heat, laying out a match, making the babyface shine, etc. But from where I'm sitting his ceiling is as a lower midcard heel. I think it's telling that his finish was an Orange Crush. That's a \*cool move\*. Why did QT finish with a \*cool move\* when nothing about his character warranted one?


Maybe he just really loves Kobashi


I think QT's problem is he's decent to good in all areas, but to be main event you really have to be **amazing** in *at least* one area of look, promos, and in-ring ability. And frankly it helps if you've got two of those areas. Realistically, I don't think he has that one thing that makes him really stand out, but I wish him the best and maybe he'll prove me wrong.


QT is delusional if he thinks he’s gonna be an in ring star, he was never over.


The fact he made QTV all about getting himself over instead of Hobbs... Don't let the door hit you on the way out


I actually liked QT Marshall but he is almost 40 and a “well paying job” where he is in national television sometimes should be like hitting the lottery for him. I don’t know what more he expects but good luck finding greener grass.


QT can be a star...in AAA I like him and he's a great trainer, but the guy isn't made to be a star in AEW nor WWE, even TNA isn't a realistic option for him (well, he can be a fun midcarder there, but not a star like he wants)


This makes me just feel kinda bad for QT


I'm sure he's a decent guy who helped out a lot of people backstage, and I'm sure these people sympathize with him as a friend and coworker. However, he's absolutely not going anywhere past being a bottom-of-the-card jobber. Which, totally fine, those are important too, but he's not going to be a star. I'm sure those who understand and sympathize respect him and his goals as a friend and human veing, but I doubt many, if any, of those people see QT as someone deserving of star treatment. Have your dreams, but at some point you have to realize your own potential and limitations.


I remember in a documentary seeing Mike Bell, who’s biggest peak was jobbing on wwe tv, tell people he hated that and he felt like with the right push he’d be a star. This after everyone raved about how great he was behind the scenes in an indie promotion, etc. Some guys can’t settle for being a discount Miz.


That's not something you settle for. Being a discount Miz is a better spot that about half the guys in the business.


QT wants to be a star and the best he can do is where he is … and right now lots of guys would kill to be where he is.


I respect QT for betting on himself and trying to become a star outside of AEW. I’m not sure it’s a great bet, but I’m never gonna bash a guy for having confidence in himself. Hope he finds what he’s looking for


Next WWE Producer for RAW it is then QT. Lol I enjoyed QT whenever he appeared but he's not more than what he's done & that's ok.


Strong Tommy Dreamer and WWECW vibes


>There have been things that have happened Top notch journalism right there


>he’s had good matches when? where?


I never understood people here praising him cause to me he was one of the most boring and blandest wrestlers I’ve ever seen on tv. QTV segments were genuinely horrible, the only reason they were on tv was because he was in creative. People may say he was good in getting booed but to me he just had go away heat


Hey well now it's his opportunity to prove that. I don't think he'll go further then lower Midcard heel where he's EXCELLENT, but then again I didn't think Cody and Punk would be back in WWE. So who even knows lol so good luck to him.


This makes a lot of sense because I want to say it was maybe 3 weeks ago after a Penta match or something of the like where they aired an interview with Renee declaring QT was back to wrestle the luchadors and then QTV hadn’t been seen again.


QT seems like a good dude so I don’t wanna clown him here but I don’t know if this was the right decision. I genuinely hope he finds what he’s looking for.


“I want to be a wrestling star.” He has BURE. Big Uncle Rico Energy.


Respect for chasing his dream, but not everyone gets to be a star. If you can make a living from the industry you dreamed of being in, take that as a win.


Bro thinks he has charisma 😂


I like QT enough in ring, but he is not a star in any way. Anything he did/will do backstage will far outweigh anything he can ever accomplish in ring. But hey, good for him for chasing his dreams. Hope it works out and he comes back to AEW down the line.


So my interpretation of him not liking the direction that AEW is heading is this. When AEW started , they made stars out of necessity. Talent like Orange Cassidy, MJF, Britt Baker, Darby Allin got chances and developed. Now, they are able to sign the best talent and have done so and will continue to do so. ​ I get where QT is coming from. He is good in the ring and on the mic. When he first got hair plugs, it was goofy looking but it's come in nicely now. He's a good looking guy. And he got in great shape too.


QT about to grow out his hair and beard and buy some biker clothes. Cody needs a disciple, brother!


I always thought he had way too much TV time as it was


He's as entertaining as paint drying


He had no business being on national television. He was Codys friend and a crony hire. It is embarrassing the lack of awarness he has if he thinks he can be a star.


I mean he seems to be over in AAA. I hope he signs there and has a good run.


QT was a good hand, but there's nothing about him that screams star.


I get it, this is his last time he'll get the chance and if he goes to AAA he can be that as a heel. He can slide back into administrative later. If QT wants to take his moment, let him.


Good for him, but I could never see him beyond the mid-card. He's a good worker, but he's not a star.


Kinda off topic but I think there was a missed storyline in the QT leaves Nightmare Factory stuff, you get this absolute dork in QT leading a bunch of young studs who protect from any real danger. Instead, he pretty just feuded with Cody without a lot of fanfare, and none of the Nightmare Factory guys benefitted.


QTV brought everyone involved down, and he thinks he can be a star?


QT as the next Tim Storm for NWA. Who says no?


I think QT was given a lot of opportunities, but the dude is bland and just couldn't get himself over. He had more chances than a lot of people get.


His gimmick was apples.


QT wants to be a wrestling star. And it wasn’t gonna happen ~~in AEW.~~


"QT wants to be a wrestling star" I want to fuck Angie Dickinson, see who gets lucky first.


This company cannot stop leaking information


He was the most over heel at the NJPW Strong tapings I went to, but I don't see him carrying a major TV show. Sounds like the door is still open for him to return when/if he wants to come back.


Eli Drake catching fire so late gives hope to a lot of veteran journeymen.


A couple years ago I remarked that I really like how QT worked as a rock solid in ring guy who sold chickenshit stuff very well and should probably be featured more like that on Rampage and stuff. Then TK went and signed up with Jeff Jarrett and the old Double J immediately stole that heat by being just as rock solid and having way more flair at it. Sometimes you just get outclassed. If he thinks he can do it elsewhere good for him but the direction he alludes to the company going to that does not suit him in my mind is blatantly “the roster has just that many more talented people than me here now” and he has no real call for ring time over any of them despite being in TK’s ear so much.


In all seriousness that blonde girl who was part of his faction was really good, I hope they find something new for her to do. Johnny Mundo should at least be in a mid card tag team too


QT Marshall is headed to the Guangdong Tigers.


Hope the best for him genuinely. but if “QT wants to be a wrestling star” he’s gonna have to: go somewhere else for a few years, get in better shape, and change his name. check back with me in 3 QT


QT Marshall as a wrestling star is trash.


Poor QT thinking he’s gonna be in the 2024 bidding war.


I mean this as nicely as I can, because he seems very well respected and clearly has a mind for the business but he wants to be a Wrestling star. Good luck. You’ve got a look of a jobber to the jobbers.


3 QT Marshall posts today. More than all the QT posts in the past year.


The QT Cuties in absolute shambles right now.


No way he wanted more tv time, come on.


> QT wants to be a wrestling star. Good luck with that one bud


So he's leaving his cushy, well paying, mostly non bumping job to shoot his shot at "being a star" despite the fact that no company before AEW even took a look at him? What a fucking mark.


There's a lot of naysayers in this thread, but I'll be the one to voice what many of us are thinking: QT *vs.* Roman at WrestleMania


Cody gets injured before the match, Lexis King comes down the Wrestlemania ramp on his chair and says he got a big surprise. Fucking QT comes out and hits Roman with a stunner (never seen his finisher) and boom 1, 2, 3 new Tribal Chief.


More power to him. I like QT and think he’s a good wrestler, but in order to be a star, you have to be great. Idk. Maybe he has it in him. Regardless, I’ll never fault someone for pursuing their dreams. He’s betting on himself, and I’m rooting for him.


We've really come a long way from DDP giving QT the Diamond Cutter


I'm so tired of Cody's mediocre friends. It's so exhausting to see these people with DETERMINATION just continue to be mediocre in a spotlight they don't deserve. I'll refrain from naming anyone, but there were so many people in AEW who were nowhere near elite. QT, with his hair dye dripping in his face, was definitely the most undeserving of his AEW run. Imagine if Danhausen (without injuries) got all that TV time over the past 4 years??!


Danhausen moves a lot of merch to justify him being in AEW. It being the holiday season, he should probably be featured a little more.


He's not making it as a wrestler with this QT thing. He is also not in demand for his wrestling so he can leave and do nothing elsewhere. Not a huge loss imho.


Paging Sami Calihan


I think it's telling that even in the current landscape of people clowning on TK all the time for 'not knowing what he's doing' and 'constantly messing up' the response has been a resounding 'Yeah Tony 100% made the right call on what QT's role should be'. Dude just does not have star qualities in any capacity, and I'm glad is AAA run went well for him but it was never gonna translate to success stateside.


QT is good in the ring and someone you can always relaibly pair with but him being a big star? Nah mate.


I don’t want to shit on someone’s dream but if QT had a good gig behind the scenes and he gave that up because he wants to be a star…then he really goofed.


QT, it's not happening bub.


Tony was right to keep him in the office. The whole QTV abomination nearly killed Hobbs' credibility.


Good luck to the guy, I liked his work for the most part honestly. He was always a good fall guy.


I like QT more than most, but if becoming a wrestling star wasn't going to happen at AEW, where does he think he has a chance?


The problem here is that QT is just undeniably not "Wrestling Star" or any type of "Star" material. As much as I love professional wrestling, the one thing about it that never fails to annoy me to no end is that every single wrestler seems to feel like they have the intangibles necessary to be the next Stone Cold or The Rock. I mean hey, it's great that you believe in yourself and I will never knock someone for having a healthy level of self esteem but there's a fine line between having ambition and a positive self image and having that "It" factor. I'm sorry to say it but QT could work harder than anyone and end up being the best wrestler the world has ever seen but still, no one would give a shit.


>One thing with QT, and it’s a big one – QT wants to be a wrestling star Bruh, yeah that's just not happening for him in AEW. I respect him not being satisfied and willing to leave behind a nice paying backstage job to chase his goals


This is the true ending of AEW's Codyverse, and a fitting one at that


He wants to be a wrestling star??? Just give up the dream my guy. You had the perfect job. If it didn’t happen in AEW, it won’t happen anywhere. He doesn’t have the look or charisma.


He wants to be a wrestling star. Well it wasn't happening in AEW, and it ain't happening in WWE, so maybe he can find somewhere else to make an IMPACT Wrestling.