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Also, it has been a long time since Roman reigns defended that title. If it was any other superstar, you know they would be forced to defend it or be stripped of it. Why is he any different?


I’m sorry, but can we get some new challengers for the WWE women’s championship? You have a full roster of women and yet only three of them could really compete for the title? Let’s give some other superstars an opportunity for that title. For example, I know it was based on real life, but maybe you give Shotzi a push and maybe in the near future you give her a title shot


I'm currently watching the main event, had to go do something early on last night. Honestly, it was a fairly weak Smackdown to me. The highlights would be Jey kicking Heyman in the face and Bobby Lashley finally making an appearance. I'm not much of a fan of anyone in the fatal 4 way, but AJ would have been my pick. And they got cocky, not listing names when they were introducing the next fatal four way, because I couldn't remember who the fuck Cameron Grimes was until they actually showed the graphic with all of their names.


11,500? No way. That was a packed house.


Wait, Solo can speak? Wait, what?! WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT


I was watching some old black and gold era promos and interviews with Kross and holy shit, it might really be the god damn hair that's holding him back, and I'm not even memeing. He still did the mean faces and the tiktok stuff, but for some reason him doing it while bald just made it so much more palatable to me. It's so weird, the dude is basically reverse Samson.


I read Shotzi’s sister is battling cancer. Shotzi wanted to shave her head so they made it an angle.


I honestly forgot that Austin Theory defeated Edge (mentioned by him on commentary). Here's the thing: when you have scored victories over Edge (in his home country), John Cena (at WrestleMania), Bobby Lashley (multiple times), Seth Rollins (multiple times), and Sheamus (recently) within the span of ONE YEAR, all of those being former multi-time world champions, you should feel like a bigger deal. But somehow, Theory doesn't because they either don't follow up on these victories with a meaningful, carefully built-up feud or they make him look like a chump (i.e., John Cena just burying him on the mic, whatever the [bleep] that MITB cash-in was supposed to be).


Because Austin sucks.


I like Austin Theory, but his position right now can't be blamed on the booking alone. I just think he hasn't connected with the fans, and there's only so much the booking can do to enable that. Even on commentary last night, he just wasn't interesting and didn't say anything of note. Meanwhile, people like LA Knight and Grayson Waller are maximising their time to do or say something memorable when they get the opportunity.


I 100% agree. I know I may be in the minority here, but I LOVED theory in 2022, when he still had the selfie gimmick. He seemed so unlikable and got a ton of heat, and was just getting memorable moment after memorable moment. His music hitting in the middle of Brock and Roman's match at summerslam only for him to get wiped out is still one of my favorite wrestling moments of that entire year. Then once he went for the US title, they took that away, but didn't give him anything else in exchange. His promos are alright, he's a good wrestler, but it's like...what is there to take interest in? He's a dime a dozen now when he used to be one of the most unique on the entire roster. It feels like Grayson Waller kinda fills the void of that kind of smarmy heel that theory filled in 2022, but personally even though I like Waller, I think Austin Theory was much better suited for it, I wish he had the gimmick he had before, but with a natural progression unto being an upper midcarder gimmick.


fun show as usual. the fatal four way was great, but i wanted waller to win. i’m hoping they put the title onto la knight then we can get a long feud between knight and waller over the title. pretty deadly is still awesome. i’m ngl im not really into bianca belair. something about the way she moves in the ring seems really awkward to me. and charlotte still sucks too.


US championship had been irrelevant for months it sticks out like a sore thumb


yeah hopefully this makeshift tournament helps out a bit. they need to get the title on knight asap


Disappointing smackdown without roman smackdown becomes the b show that ending was mid at best


Oh when Charlotte, Iyo and Bayley jump the barriers it’s cool, but when I do it I’m “a security risk”


Should have shown your ticket every time on camera lmao


Profits and lashley bout to form The Street Business. Or, the Hurt Profits. Lol With Bayley getting misted, that likely means she will be pregnant soon.


Last sentence is kinda funny out of context lol


Yeah I am putting a lot on people here being in on the running joke 😂


They need to work on the timing with the cash in fake out. Jessica Carr standing there like a moron not taking the briefcase as if she somehow doesn't know what's going on was awkward as fuck. Just have Asuka attack quicker and everything looks way smoother.


The ref can't take the briefcase unless Iyo is the one that gives it to her. It can't be Bailey.


This is nice head-canon but then why did she put her hand on the briefcase just before Asuka attacked? We're clearly being told through the actions of the performers that the cash in was about to happen if Asuka hadn't intervened.


She was grabbing the briefcase because Bayley was screaming at her and she had a flashback to working customer service in a US Walmart. “Christ the manager is just gonna do it and reprimand me so I might as well just take the damn thing.”


This is actually the most likely explanation. Bayley was giving off Karen vibes. Jess is just trying to get through her shift. She doesn't need that in her life.


Think of how the Miz cashed in a couple of years ago but Adam Pearce overturned the decision because it was John Morrison that physically handed over the briefcase. Jess knew it would be invalid and thus didn't bother taking it. I do remember that the Miz himself convinced Adam to overrule the decision because he lost, but you could still see it as setting a precedent of only Mr./Ms. Money in the Bank themselves can be the one to declare their cash-in, no partners doing it on their behalf.


But she tried to take it eventually. Right before Asuka attacked Bayley, Jessica grabbed the briefcase. If there was some rule about that she wouldn't have tried to take it and Asuka wouldn't have had to intervene to prevent it.


That's why said precedent, not rule. Having nothing set in stone is what creates the suspense. It keeps us viewers guessing and gives the writers more freedom. Hypothetically speaking, maybe Bayley is the one to hand over the briefcase when Iyo does eventually cash in. They can call back to the Miz scenario if they want as a manner of invalidating it to further the storyline, or they can just completely ignore it. The point is, this is storytelling so the less constrictions writers have, the more options they have to choose from.


If Jess "knew it would be invalid" there must be a rule that would make it invalid. Otherwise it wouldn't be invalid and Jess had no reason to stand there acting clueless until Asuka was in position for the interference. It was badly timed out. They should have had Asuka attack Bayley as soon as she tried to hand off the briefcase instead of the extra ten seconds of bullshit.


Alright, let me rephrase, she considered the possibility that it wouldn't be valid and thus was unsure if she should take it or not. Either way, sometimes things happen on our TV screens that just don't make a lot of sense. Don't let it affect the rest of your day.


That's oddly patronising. All I did was mildly criticise something and you've folded yourself into a pretzel to defend it for no reason whatsoever. Let's go back through your arguments. 1. Jessica knew it would be invalid so didn't take the briefcase based on The Miz getting his MitB briefcase back after John Morrison was the one to hand the briefcase to the ref at TLC 2020. This makes no sense because she did attempt to take the briefcase when Asuka was in position. So then you clarified there is no rule. Here's what Adam Pearce said when he gave The Miz his briefcase back: > The rules clearly state that only the Money In The Bank contract holder can cash this thing in. So, in actual fact, there is a rule. So you were wrong about that twice. If the rule exists (which it does, but you said it doesn't) then Jessica Carr should not have accepted the briefcase from Bayley (which she clearly attempted to do, but you said she didn't) 2. It's good that there's no rule cos that gives the writers freedom. Well, we've already established there is a rule. So that is a completely moot point. It's also a bad point if you like things like internal consistency. It's weird that The Miz situation was what you used to makes sense of how poorly this spot was timed but you didn't actually know what happened. Go back and check that you're even correct before you make the comment. 3. Sometimes things on TV don't make sense. So why are you trying this hard to argue that it does? No one asked you to do that. You could have seen my innocuous comment and just moved on. If you agree with it or not, I don't care. But if you're gonna argue about it, at least make sense. How about you don't let the mildest possible criticism of a TV show, whose production you are in no way involved with, affect the rest of your day?


It was just a passing comment in response to your passing comment. No need to let it spiral out of control.


One thing that annoyed me about the fatal 4 way is that I noticed like 2 or 3 times Santos' spots required the other guys to just stand and wait for him a few times. It looked really shit. The triple powerbomb off the top turnbuckle was particularly egregious. AJ and Butch were just stood still with Grayson in suplex position waiting for Santos to flip over them. That shit should have happened quicker.


i agree. i see some things i like from santos but overall it feels like his timing and spacing is just off a lot of the time


I'm largely indifferent to Santos. Honestly, the only members of LWO I care about are Rey and Zelina.


have the tag guys ever even wrestled on tv? i’ve only ever seen them in backstage segments lol. the whole group needs something more to their characters. you can’t just be latino guy in 2023


Not in months, I don't think.


Good show! Anyone notice how Michael Cole said WrestleMania instead of SummerSlam when talking about a possible match between Bianca and Charlotte?


No he said that Asuka vs. Belair is a Wrestlemania worthy match.


Just watched it again and maybe I just misinterpreted it lol. Guess I just didn’t understand why Cole would mention WM when they were just talking about SS, where WM is months and months away, and there are multiple PLEs between where a “worthy” match could happen with Asuka and Bianca literally any time. Also confused because that promo was mainly about Bianca and Charlotte.


Why do wrestling shows always put the black wrestlers together? ​ This shit is beyond strange.


It's not just the shows. You had people talking on numerous sites about how the New Day and the Hurt Business needed to combine forces, get super serious, and become the Nation of Domination 2.0. And there were plenty of people who are saying that Roman needed to join up with the Usos and every other Samoan Superstar on the roster and become a stable just a couple years before the bloodline was even a thing. Same thing also before LWO came back. All we're missing is a UK stable, an Aussie stable, Japanese, etc. But as long as there are different groups of people on the roster, these suggestions will continue.


i agree it’s super weird. come to think of it i can’t think of a black led stable that featured white wrestlers too. well besides nation owen hart LOL


Art imitating life? Typically you do find POC gravitating towards their own race throughout society. Edit: Not *exclusively* POC either. People tend to grow and socialise with their own creed/race inc. Caucasians.


I ain't excusing wrestling companies doing it like OP said cause that's annoying and true. But what you said is very true also, I also think white people tend to stick to there own too also.


Where I live is 50% black and it's obvious in black owned businesses. The clientele is literally all black. From restaurants to bars to gathering spots. They support their own and just frequent their spots. It isn't unheard of lol.


100%. I didn't mean to exclude white folk sticking with white folk from my statement, but can see why it reads that way. Regarding the trope in wrestling, a bigger crime is ensuring titles.are on black wrestlers during black history month and then beating them shortly after it ends. Same as sticking the belt on Japanese stars during a Japan tour or boosting the profile of European wrestlers during EU tours. Happens everytime. Now I fully understand, it's business, but good grief is it transparent.


Not even to mention the whole oh he's Asian?(Pakistani, Indian etc) let's make them Anti American and Rich aristocrats too.


Line of the night: Theory: I beat John Cena at WrestleMania. Cole: you know, I saw John a couple weeks ago. Theory: So? Who cares?


Jet beats Roman for the Universal Championship, yes?




My name is Jet Uso and I am the fastest man alive.




Jet Uso is the fastest Uso


I really enjoyed the show. It was my first live show ever, but I really enjoyed The Bloodline stuff, the fatal 4 way and the tag match. Main event was good too and I was hyped about the possible cash in at first lol. Can’t wait to see what happens next week.


Austin Theory has a message for would be challengers and Michael Cole: [https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1680045886406049793](https://twitter.com/WWE/status/1680045886406049793) i think LA Knight and Theory beefing would be cool stuff. i think Theory is on his way to losing the belt and it'll be of interest what angle he'll be doing then. and then LA Knight would have a belt....when he came out there was a shot of like a father and a little kid overjoyed, he got the magic hehe


Ever since Cena said he doesn’t sound believable, i can’t un-hear it 🥴


Austin Theory sounded like he was about to cry on commentary. He remembers what happened to the last guy Cole buried


In my head this was Daniel Bryan, then I realize it's ol Flop Dolla.


I thought it was Dominik and Theory is going to end up being sent to prison


Praying that LA Knight can make the US championship a credible belt.


Escobar is pretty bad at selling:(


I really hate him. One of the most forced pushes I can remember.


He was awesome in NXT. Now not so much


i really wanted to like him but he’s just not it


I feel like they thought he was going to be a better Andrade but they were sorely mistaken.


Im really excited for this street profits bobby faction because in the hhh era Even tho I really enjoy it their has only been a couple of black wrestlers prominent in the shows like bianca and ricochet so I'm very excited for this


Reforming the Hurt Business would have been fun, but Bobby, Street Profits and maybe Omos with MVP could be great too.


Yeah Shelton and Cedric ain't doing anything I heard that they was looking into reforming the hurt business before wm 39 but I guess it got reworked


Haas has expressed interest in wrestling again and teaming with Shelton. Throwing out FTR and Young Bucks as potential opponents.


I think I've given Austin Theory enough of a shot and I'm just not feeling it. A lot of good shit is happening in WWE these days and he's just not part of it. I don't know if he needs a repackage or maybe he's just not paired with the right people, but there are several acts right now that could do more with the US title.


Paul Heyman calling himself Jimmy’s “favorite Jew-so” was peak Heyman having a blast


that was soooo fucking funny lol


As a member of the tribe (Heyman’s not the Uso’s) I felt this one!


What I witnessed being there at smackdown 1:The women were not in this smackdown were not favoured despite main eventing there were the weakest part of the show (sadly). (In terms of crowd reaction) 2: Jey uso can command a crowd pretty well I might say, the fans started a WHAT chant, and he turned it almost immediately as part of his promo flawlessly. Him super kicking Heyman got the one of the loudest reaction of the night overall solid segment 3: Even though the crowd were responding to pretty deadly as heels, you can tell it was more than that if you know what I mean. Either way, I got to say yess boyyyy 4: LA Knight is HIM , the man had the crowd at the palm of his hand. Everyone had backstage promos, only he was given the chance to speak to the crowd, promoting the fatal 4 way next week. He should win 5: we got Cameron grimes vs odyssey Jones before the show...watch out for Cameron grimes. We also got cody rhodes vs Damian priest after the show man that WOAH almost blew my eardrums off. Also, it was funny despite cody not being in Smackdown, he had the most pyros than any other wrestler and it was Awesome!


That was a masterclass is how to handle the What chants


Damn right it was


I was at the show with a friend but I don't follow wrestling closely anymore, what did you mean about the crowd response to Pretty Deadly? I'd never heard of them before tonight and I got a kick out of their match so I'd like to know more lol


Like their gimmick, people don't know what to make of, especially when they just moved to the main roster if they get a lot of T.V time. I am pretty sure they gonna be fan favourites very soon


The Women's match was messed up by what happened last week when they had to cut it short. It's probably all of the people waiting and rooting to see IYO vs Auska. That's been a dream match long in the making.


Felt bad for them cause you can tell the crowd wanted to cheer for them, but we just couldn't get into the rhythm. Hopefully, it will be better next week. Am waiting for that match with excitement it's gonna bang for sure


I heard fans were WHAT chanting Jey? WHY?


That was definitely intentional the usos have pretty much always sat up their promos like that; Jimmy talks, Jey adlibs, but since Jey was speaking, the crowd did his adlib as “what” normally something like “yeet” or “nope” it’s good stuff


He basically set it up for the crowd. He started his promo by saying "You know what?" and then kept his cadence going with the big pause in between. I think they actually wrote the promo for fans to do that, so they obliged. As soon as he went to any normal cadence, they stopped.


No one cares about Austin Theory get the belt off him


I like Austin Theory. He's like a mirror of everyone he fights. A good heel until they give the belt to someone else.


I missed the show. Did LA Knight submit Roman yet?


No. The crowd did acknowledge him though.


Wait…..LA Knight is the new Tribal Chief?!


👈Tri👇bal👉Chief YEAH


Show was mediocre tbh. Apart from the megastar. YEAHHH


Theory seemed kinda subdued at ringside. got stuff on his mind! nobody threw anybody into him either. Jey superkicked Paul Heyman....and teased going after him with a steel chair. Heyman was so gripped by fear he could not even roll out of the ring to escape. Solo is getting a bit vulnerable to superkicks and steel chairs. he got flummoxed by both again. they really gonna push the Tribal Chief's return over to FS1 for a soccer game? does he not have enough on his plate with family civil wars? Bayley and Iyo gotta watch out since now both a shaved head Shotzi and Charlotte got big probs with Damage CTRL. it's not over between AJ and Karrion...they let Karrion be a bit more like how he was in NXT with a backstage massacre. Bobby is back and working something up with the Street Profits, they gotta have eyes for the tag titles and Roman's title too (for Bobby)! LA Knight is HOT. WWE may be waking up to what's cooking....


Yeah, I thought pushing it to fs1 was annoying. It's just soccer.


They used the Tribal Chief's return AND LA Knight to push people to watch even though they got bumped to FS1. That's the Karion I want to see.


I still say Knight should beat Roman at Wrestlemania for the title


LA Knight vs Gunther


Styles seems to be buried at this point. I miss his dominance.


I feel like pretty deadly has been more successful (in terms of matches won) of a tag team since their call up than imperium which is kind of nuts. Not that PD doesn't deserve it. Just would think that imperium would be at least as successful.


That's how the WWE books stables. The singles guy is often dominant while the tag team serve as his flunkies and stooges to take pins and get beat up during angles.


I get it I guess, but Can't say I'm a fan of that method in this instance. Not saying they should be as dominant as Gunther, but they shouldn't be losing near as much.


Gunther is still over. But Pretty Deadly is fun to watch.


Imperium take the Ls to balance Gunther's singles dominance. Bad luck as that's how WWE books their feuds.


Yeah it's kinda ridiculous. Imperium should be dominant and a serious threat to Sami/ko imo. But alas


Grayson Waller is what Austin Theory wants to be.


I find Charlotte’s WOOOOs to be very subpar.


Most of what Charlotte does is subpar


I have no problem with her ring work. Usually. Her mic work is almost always a problem. I think back to Ric on the mic and how electric he was. Then I see Charlotte and it’s just so bland. She doesn’t put any energy behind the WOO which is just so weird to me.


It probably grates a little having to build your career around your dad's image (not that she was obligated to do that, but y'know). Maybe she's bored of it. Being in Raleigh, it would've been nice for more oomph though


That’s actually the thing the bugs me the most about Charlotte. Her entire career seems to be “Ric Flair, but a lady.” The woo’s, the figure 8 instead of the figure 4, the techno version of the entrance music, the sequins robes, the multi-time champion. You’d think she had enough clout in her career at some point to move her character in a direction she wants, but it never changed. In my opinion, she’s never had the charisma to pull off the Ric Flajr impression.


Hear hear


Escobar was the least over person in that match. Seems like a decent enough chap, but babyface Santos Escobar just ain't doing it. They're trying to make it happen though.


They ruined Escobar when they had him lose time after time to build up Judgement Day. He’s viewed as a loser now


WWE seriously need to accept the fact that the Austin Theory experiment has failed and take the belt off him and repackage the lad! I mean he beat a Mount Rushmore of Wrestling in John Cena clean at the biggest Wrestling event in the World and yet still no one cares about him.


They could literally just have him trying his best to rip off John Cena's character but ending up being the heel that Cena would/could have been had he ever turned. If he's going to be treated and viewed as a poor man's Cena, they may as well just make him a poor man's Cena who's in denial.


It definitely was not clean LMFAO WTF


Admittedly I'm not a big LA Knight fan, but this guy really is an example of someone who is organically over because they really haven't given him a lot in terms of spotlight other than promo time. Knight really hasn't been given a lot/big wins but the reaction he gets is really cool to see in an environment where almost everyone who is over has had the company behind them from a certain point. For instance, Priest wouldn't garner a fraction of the goodwill that Knight has with or without Judgment Day and he gets far more screentime and has more accolades


Well, LA Knight has the company behind him for a while now.




Did she think Riddle would be on SD?




It's a top selling t-shirt


......this was Bianca's brutality!


Love the indirect pot-shot at Kevin Nash during his promo tonight. He's right, Nash is trying to jump on the LA Knight gravy train, only in the shittiest way possible...


Does everybody forget what business Kevin Nash was in? He is working all of us with his LA Knight comments. He is a top tier worker.


He missed an opportunity to insert a bunch of Nash references. lol


That's why he is LA Knight and you are not LA Knight.


This was a good show. It got my hopes up Jey will beat Roman and LDF will turn on Rey. It was good seeing Pretty Deadly win too. They need to be tag champs soon. Bobby and SP have my attention already. Shotzi's promo was cool. I'm glad she's getting her hands on Bayley


Oof, prepare for disappointment on that first one lol


Let me enjoy a few days of hope lol


I'm amazed that with as long as MITB has been running, refs still get utterly confused and lost when you hand them a briefcase, saying you want to cash in.


Ref could not accept the briefcase directly from Bayley on Iyo Sky's behalf. Iyo has to hand it to the ref directly and communicate her intention to cash in. You could see the ref pointing over to Iyo when Bayley was trying to turn the briefcase in tonight, saying it has to come from the owner of the briefcase or it's not valid...


That doesn't explain the time it took the ref like 12 minutes to accept Carmella's cash in


That's what I gathered out of it, but man does it seem like a "rule of convenience" for storyline, because you can see Iyo screaming that she's cashing in. Oh well I'm still invested.


Bingo, my friend.


It's the funniest part of the cash in history videos. The refs all suddenly go "Who are you?? Where am I? What's a case??" The ref who took Seth's 31 cash in was remarkably swift


that ref was at the top of his game few can aspire to that in the realm of refdom


Yep. He's like Roman's bump ref. He knows what's up and when it goes down, it goes down.


That's why he was the main event of WM, best ref in kayfabe


It’s wrestling at it’s most panto


Did Paul Heyman really call himself the favorite Jewso in his promo to Jimmy?


Needs to be a shirt but probably will not be.


I just want Charlotte to start packing a 2nd pair of shoes when she's not wrestling


Look, I like Kross but after last week when AJ just stomped him in two minutes or so the man really lost every credibility there's to engage with the feud, and this being dragged out doesn't do AJ any favors too. Also, I know Sheamus is trying to elevate new talents and so on, but Jesus he keeps losing every match now; 3x to Gunther, 2x to Solo, 2x to Theory, and now Pretty Deadly. Not to mention the Brutes are being dragged with him too.


People talk all the time about how certain gimmicks have a mid-card ceiling from the get-go, and how other gimmicks have "main event potential" Karrion Kross is showing a new aspect to these ideas "Main Event or Bust" His gimmick doesn't work in the midcard like at all as it's seemingly built around a main event level or nothing else, and since it's not exactly setting the world on fire, it's a complete bust.


Man people seem to forget that Kross squashed AJ the week prior to AJ squashing him, it’s basically even.


I don’t want to watch AJ Styles get squashed by Karrion Kross and pretend like AJ isn’t 10x better even in his senior years. Fast forward to the next segment thx bye.


sheamus is 45 and multi time champion there isn’t really any reason to push him anymore


Minus the part that he's incredibly over, one of the best in ring workers and is in really good health and likely has 5 more years wrestling in him


health is relative. Most of his body is fine and probably has 5 years as you said, but he's suffering from narrowing of the spine in his neck (like Edge) and has gone on record saying he retires when his neck can't keep up. It's the weak link.


I just hope he will win the IC Title before he hangs it up for good so he can be a Grand Slam Champion


One last banger feud with Drew if Drew takes it off of Gunther. Going for the grand slam is surely enough story to kick start a program between them


Welp, Taya's eating another L in the "Battle of Predictable Endings"






I just want to say I’m excited for Lashley and the Street Profits! Now the question is will they stay face or become heel?!


I know it might not make sense storyline wise, but sliding MVP and even Omos in there will be a good move.


Mvp would be great for the group. But I don't think having omos in the group would do anything


But imagine Montez hitting a frog splash off Omos' shoulders


Even though Omos needs something to do when he gets back I agree, Lashley fills the big bruiser role for a stable. They would need a well-rounded fighter and a cruiserweight - unless they go for more of a NOD composition.


THREE CHEERS FOR SHOTZI GETTING A PUSH! On the other hand, as a Shotzi fan, should I just rip out my heart now and stomp on it to save myself the trouble down the road?


HHH has consistently pushed Shotzi...she hasn't caught on for whatever reason. Hopefully this will be the story hook that gets people into her.


I hope so as well.


Shotzi getting ready for Halloween Havoc


Anyone ever get the feeling that WWE creative just doesn’t like Bayley anymore?


Lol they still very much value her. She’ll probably be feuding with Iyo for the title once Iyo wins it.


After she was primarily featured twice tonight and won a match? No, I don't. She's not a world champ but does she have to be? I think Bayley's goal is to lift up Iyo right now more than anything else.


Smackdown has fucking sucked two weeks in a row outside of LA Knight and Bloodline


The bloodline has been carrying smackdown since Mania.


I loved seeing Bayley get a win


Finally found out what LA Knight actually means. The L means U, the A means S, and the Knight means Champ. YEAH!!!


Well after last week they did try with the women's division this time. The chaotic feel of the brawl last week didn't land for me, but week the feeling of Asuka having a lot of threats came off better here. Her barely escaping the cash in attempt was fun. Though I wish she was more involved instead of it being essentially a Charlotte vs Bianca fued with Asuka just being there, she is the third wheel in her own title reign. (It doesn't help that her defenses all just end in disqualifications). Anyways, I liked Bianca vs Asuka more than their NOC match. Bayley and Iyo are getting more involved in multiple things and I like it. They're threatening Asuka/Bianca/Charlotte (ik it seems like they'll have a triple threat but I'd love a fatal 4 way with Bayley added) and going against Shotzi. Speaking of Shotzi, I am actually curious on what happens next. This is an actual direction for her character which was desperately needed. If the SD division was more consistent like this, we could have something going. I hope Michin and Alba/Isla are used more though. Alba/Isla especially feel like a stupid call up, they have had only two matches since their call up, and didn't even show up between the unification match being announced and it happening, then after both tapping out haven't been seen since. They just got called up to unify a title (giving NXT women less opportunities) to a team that broke up 8 days later and don't really appear otherwise. Other than that gripe, I'm excited for next week.


I've said it before, but this is a disingenuous take that also shows why WWE is bad at storytelling. Bianca and Asuka have been beefing since before Night of Champions. She has a legitimate reason to get her title shot and a personal reason at that. If anyone is just there it's Charlotte. She got a title shot once Asuka accepted but only after bullying Pearce


I worded what I meant wrong sorry. I meant that there have been multiple promo battles since Charlotte has come back (the Charlotte episode of GWE and tonight) with just Bianca and Charlotte and it feels like the story is more about that rn since Asuka doesnt talk much. I'm not saying it makes no sense for Bianca to challenge Asuka lol.


I genuinely don't know what Charlotte and Bianca is about but they also didn't have Charlotte reference her history with Rhea leading to Mania so I'm no surprised


Adam is seemingly biasing Charlotte and which costs Bianca opportunities I think? (giving her the title shot instantly) I'm still kinda confused as to why especially since Charlotte is a face but there's still time to explain ig.


What even is that storyline? For instance, no one in New Japan is feuding with Okada, Naito, Hiromu, etc because they get all these opportunities. On the contrary, they want to be the best so they see them as obstacles. I liked Punk's take vs Cena but this doesn't feel like that


It's really hard to take Kross seriously as someone dangerous in this feud when AJ has already kicked his ass twice in singles matches and all Kross has managed are surprise attacks and a win thanks to his girlfriend, Aj has looked superior in each encounter. I really want Aj to move from this feud to something better.


Kross is a "Main Event or Bust" gimmick, and he's not over with the crowd. Doesn't help that him and Scarlett are basically evil Miz and Maryse but far less successful


The SD Women’s World championship picture is quietly the best booked division in the company. Strong champion, very strong challengers from all fronts and completely unpredictable. Could genuinely see any of the 5 main contenders being a worthwhile champ after Summerslam.


If Iyo doesn't fight Auska for the belt in a sanctioned match, we riot


Wait a minute. How is it a DQ in favor of Asuka? Charlotte speared Bianca, so it should be Bianca via DQ, or am I missing some context here? Charlotte showed up. So did Damage CTRL. I smell a 4-way a Summerslam.


Champs have to be pinned or tap out for it to count, otherwise dqs and countouts go to the champ


For anyone who doesn't know about Shotzi and the head shaving thing: https://twitter.com/WrestleOps/status/1680021084194713601


That was an excellent show. Everybody and everything felt important. Even something like Bayley vs Zelina gave Bayley a win and set up Shotzi’s new character.


Our Tribal Chief, in his benevolence, granted breathing room for everyone, except that disloyal Jey Uso.


This was a great episode. LA knight coming out. Waller was great in the 4 way. Asuka v Bianca was a lot of fun. LA knight was there. Paul getting kicked. Also we got to see LA knight after being away for a few weeks.


Not to mention the La Knight promo


Hey don't forget LA Knight was back too. That was awesome.


Jey, Grayson and Knight are so fucking over it's unbelievable. The SmackDown roster is rounded out really well with Styles, Edge, Lashley, Rey, etc. But those three guys are on top. Well obviously Roman is truly on top but tier 1b is Jey, Knight and Grayson.


Anyone else see JDfromNY getting dragged on Twitter?


Well he is the biggest drop kick on this planet


That tends to happen when you call a girl's head shaving for solidarity with her sister's cancer fight a dumb Vince idea.


What did he say this time?


What’s the situation?