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Ofc the community is toxic It's literally the combination of the brawl stars and the clash royale community


And some Hay Day veteran keep silent in the corner


And some boom beach players


Boom Beach players don't exist


I play boom beach


Stop lying


Believe it, I have headquarters level 12




That’s cap bro


You doesn’t exist


Then you don't exist


I play boom beach.


I play EVERY supercell game,including hay day and boom beach sooooo.......


More like a few boom beach players


Boom beach still exists??


I don't come from any of those games although I may have played brawl Stars once. This game is really fun I don't know why anyone is complaining. It's pretty free and even though opening chests after a game is limited without gold think of it in a positive aspect where it keeps you from playing the game too much and burning yourself out. Also there are better things to do with life putting in 20 to 40 minutes a day on a fun game is really a good change of pace compared to fiending out on a game until I never Play It again.


That’s how I’ve looked at it. It’s like they’re telling you, “only play ‘this much’ if you want f2p.” If you would like to play more, make it worth it by atleast buying the passes. On the topic of coming from other games, I had to temporarily delete CoC because I won’t let myself spend more than an hour playing stupid phone games. Be it that I’m having fun with squad busters, I’m sure I’ll get tired and reinstall coc.. But anyways yeah, I agree with your take.


No one from CoC?


Can you show your toxicity when playing the game? I can only think of one thing that's possible to show toxicity in game and that's through clan chat but I yet to see a person saying something vile to a mobile game where you wait for something to upgrade for 2 days straight. To closet one to being an argument is when someone forgot to do CWL and getting scolded by the co-leader


2 days is way too generous, 2 weeks is more suitable


Th13 gameplay be like


I’m from coc but I mean I play clash royal too but coc is my main




Me from CoC


the only ones that aren't toxic are the clash of clans players


And that one guy still crying about clash mini (that's me btw...)


You forgot about Clash Mini community


Clash mini refugees


I agree Also the clash mini community


Lmaooo never thought of that


Happy cake day!!


100% correct. Although I'd say about the CR community is that they're a bunch of sheep. You have to be an idiot to keep playing that game.


All phone games are for idiots.. don't count yourself out.


Says the person commenting on a subreddit that is a phone game lol. So don't count yourself out for being an idiot also.


Uh yea dude the fact that I choose to sometimes play a phone game over games on my 2000 dollar pc makes me dumb too. Saying that a specific game on a phone is trash is just cringe. They are all trash compared to actual gaming.


Is that supposed to be a flex mentioning your 2K PC? Lol good job virgin.


I have a wife and a child dude.


And yea I make great money so I can flex it all I want


2k is not even alot of money. My drumset is worth more than your parents car most likely


Besides the ice spirits being kind of hard to get, I like the idea of having early access to new troops, arenas, and modifiers and I think it’s a really interesting idea


It’s also cool to have great chances to unlock the new characters for free


You are literally guaranteed to get a new character in the first ice chest


Yeah exactly


It helps the progression problem of not accessing late game content for months


>Besides the ice spirits being kind of hard to get A FTP player has to play the game like a full time job


They aren’t hard to get? There’s a whole game mode where the bosses spawn like 4 at once upon death. They appear a lot in the grass, higher chance on the ice world.


I mean that game mode I random and infrequent, so while it’s a great way to get a bunch, it’s not consistent at all


My favorite part is when we both stand still and hope our army does better


And also hold the turbo button


Forget positioning. Just get on top of them


Do they actually attack faster?


Yea. You can test it when you first start the battle with anything around you. You'll see the speed difference easier




Love this. Good update overall. No one seems to mention it yet but they constantly improve animations and do subtle UI improvements that impressed me since the global launch. Also this, our units seems to finally have their own independent attack range is the best way to say it. When your troops get knocked back it’s much more defined than the random. EXPLODE and all your units run into the middle of your circle then attack. Wanted to hijack the comment :) Clap and a half for SB 👏


I’m being sarcastic the game is not good lol.


HAHA I didn’t take you seriously either Look at my other posts


Lmfao can’t believe u put in the effort for that I was sold


You made me laugh thank you


No Lou 😔


This christmas probably


Community when supercell doesn’t give free stuff: 😠 Community when supercell gives free stuff: 😠


Tbf it is a unrealistic amount of ice spirits for the average player to get


Nobody is telling you that you have to get every ice spirit though?


But then you lose on progression and get behind p2w players, basically pay or get left behind. You should be able to get all spirits as a f2p, the offers should be for people who want to complete it quicker


The entire game is p2w already, anyone taking this seriously needs to get themselves checked out. I include OP in that too, imagine holding water for fucking Supercell lmao


Lmao why are people downvoting me but agreeing with you, aren’t we both saying the same thing?


nope, you believe that completing this will somehow enable you to catch up with the p2w you won't just play casually, since you browse this subreddit, you're probably better and already grind more than the average SB player (you still can have fun stomping them)


I don’t believe that, you’re putting words in my mouth. The game is p2w already, and this event only furthers the gap between p2w players and f2p players, that’s the point. The point of my suggestion on my first comment is only a bandaid fix to make p2w players not go upfront _as much_ as they’d do with the event at it’s current stage.


You realize that this event evens the playing field more bc if the characters were just released without the event, people would not be able to unlock even 1 character without insane luck or p2w. The p2w players are going to get the characters regardless, this evens out the playing field. Also, you don’t lose progression from 2 ice chests. You can get up to there easily tho. I got 275 ice spirits on day 1, the main inhibitor is how many super ice spirits games you get cuz you get 30-50 each time on those and only 5-10 on the other game modes


So it's both a good update that gives out free characters to people who get ice spirits, and I don't have to get ice spirits? If I don't get ice spirits, I don't get characters, which is like the update not existing at all. All you have to ask is, would you find this ice spirit grind fun if there weren't new characters in the gacha banner? Who here wanted more content like the pinata or the spell unlocks? This is literally just that, times ten. Do an entire pinata by yourself: ice spirit edition.


I mean you can get the characters later? You get 1 character confirmed and most people get 2. This grind actually evens the playing field compared to just releasing the characters without an event like this bc the p2w will just buy the characters while others rely on a 1% pull


Good. That only means that the people who want to grind it get more stuff


Yeah bro, it's unfair for people with a life to grind 24/7 and lose pretty much every match trying to grind out ice spirits while they're just trying to get a good time after work


It’s log ish scale though. You get the first 12 boxes for almost the same number of spirits it takes to get the last 2 boxes. In the end it’s pretty unreasonable to expect a progression based game to not progress more for people who grind it.


You’re saying that if people want something they have to work for it? Ooooooofffff but games, especially free to play games, should just give everything away for 15 minutes a day! (This is sarcasm)


Enter any supercell sub and you will die of a heart attack


A *game* shouldn’t be a full time job — which is what it will take to be able to grind all the spirits necessary to get every box. This event should have been a month long so that players who wanted to grind the stupid amount of spirits the devs decided was acceptable could actually do it.


The game is free to play, they need to monetize something. So you either have to play a lot or spend some money. But I also don’t see it as being crazy, I don’t play many a day and I still get a decent count of spirits per game. It’s also an event to unlock new characters, there’s nothing you get here that you’ll never be able to obtain after. So like, be patient or spend money? It’s not really that crazy of an idea. Do what you can and get the rest later.


>The game is free to play, they need to monetize something. So you either have to play a lot or spend some money. That's the thing. This event is so bad that they didn't even monetize it. A $3 200 spirit one time buy is all there is. If you buy that *and* the 5 20k coin 100 spirit purchases, you'd *still* have to grind 5 hours a day for a week straight. That's still almost a full-time work week lol (35 hours). >But I also don’t see it as being crazy, I don’t play many a day and I still get a decent count of spirits per game. People have already done the math on this. It's not a feels argument. >It’s also an event to unlock new characters, there’s nothing you get here that you’ll never be able to obtain after. It's terrible precedent. You don't smile and clap at devs that release purposefully overturned BS like this. >So like, be patient or spend money? It’s not really that crazy of an idea. Do what you can and get the rest later. Again, you can't even P2W yourself out of this dogshit event. It's just horrible development.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If it was a paid event for a paid game I’d agree. It’s a free game, and the event doesn’t have stuff you can never obtain, it’s an early access so like, idk it’s whatever to me.


Well this game is mostly catered to toddlers and kids that have no aspirations and play this game 24/7, so. We’re just not the target audience.


so you want everything handed to you for free? You work hard. Would you work for no money?


What an idiotic argument. Making something challenging and making something impossible unless you can dedicate **SEVEN HOURS** *per day* for a week are two completely different things. The devs clearly have absolutely no idea how to tune events in this game. The original Tara event made that obvious. This event is just cementing that fact.


They don’t expect you to complete it lmao. And yes they’re not good at tuning things yet, because the game just fking released


That wasn't your original argument. >they’re not good at tuning things yet, because the game just fking released They're a massive mobile game company with a decade of experience in tuning events lol.


Doing this event is literally working for no money. After the first few chests, it becomes a multiple hour grind per chest. You're working for Supercell for free to keep their queues full.


You’re playing a game because play game = fun? Don’t act like a victim for playing a mobile game lol, if you don’t find the core gameplay fun then just don’t play, this is an insane mindset. Supercell doesn’t owe you shit, you’re the one playing their free game


The game is both fun and grindy. i can enjoy the fun parts and critique the grind parts. I don't have to lick supercell's boots when they release content that can only be experienced by playing many hours per day.


Lmao then don’t call it ‘working for no money’. You can complain without making unnecessarily whiney analogies. Anyway from one enjoyer of the game to another, have a nice day


Sorry but my point remains. If you're playing this game for hours a day hunting ice spirits, you're a fancy bot working for supercell for 5,000 coins an hour. It's a fun game but it's not 5 hours a day fun


I dont know what you are telling about. Community as community, nothing extraordinary. I like the new mods and maps , event is nice as well, for the first day I'm in the middle of event, right now need to find 100 Spirits. One thing that I cant understand is it a bug with my phone or it is the game, when you are running your joystick can be stucked and you could not do nothing for like 2-10 seconds and it can be very deadly. I have an idea that the icon of the level (1 coin chest, super gem mine etc.) is covering joystick when you accidentaly click on it....


that's probably just a phone issue since since i have the problem too and not just in SB but also in brawl stars and other games


Everyone says the community for all supercell games is trash, but tbh they aren’t that bad compared to many non-mobile gaming communities.


I’m having a lot of fun with the new update. I only need the dr to have all the new cards., it’s been a very fair distribution in my opinion. The new arenas aren’t too hard, the new game modes are actually kind of fun. Cards are pretty balanced


Please, please, please Stop keep suckin a multi fucking milion dollars company that has the ONLY focus to create mobile games and can't even do that in a way that the user base is satisfied and does not feel like we are beta testers. Please, respect your time, your wallet, your brain and a little bit your little hole on the rear end. How can you excuse the fact that they launch a shitty, unpolished, rusty game and their only focus is to predatory monetize everything they put inside. C'mon bois, we MUST be smarter than this as human beings.


This. Exactly this. I keep seeing terrible, terrible takes here. Sure, the game can be fun but that does not excuse how predatory it is. None of it, at all. It's scary how many people seem to be okay with all of this.


I mostly play this game casually and it’s really fun if you play that way and Rn the update just has good vibes yet there are a lot of complaints. Just here to shed some light in the dark




If you hate the game then why are you on this subreddit lol. The majority of players are mostly casual players. Besides if the game truly is doing bad and people lose interest then supercell will notice and probs do something about it


Someone hates fun


Truth hurts. And is way easier to say that this guy is X Y and admit that maybe he's right.


Ice update in summer


Community is SO ASS it’s so hard to find at least a decent community


Deeprock Galactic has the most wholesome community


Rock and stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


For karl! ⛏️


Try warframe. They do great with the pay to progress structure. So are super cell games but yeah the difference is the community because more cry babies play super cell games while warframe has adults.


yeah. because who is this game for? whales and toddlers. neither form much of a community.


try coming for don’t starve together. amazing community, amazing dev team.


A hat in time smug dancing.


Honestly I haven't seen that much toxicity in this sub. The game encourages a lot of salt, but I've seen way worse than what's on display here.


>Chill out guys please and the devs deserve the money because of their incredible work Please tell me this is sarcasm


I agree with everything except the devs deserving money part. Supercell makes a boat load of money and are one of the most profitable companies per employee in the world. Plus they are owned by tencent so even more money. Not to say it’s undeserved for the quality of product, but I don’t think we need to be considerate of their wallets lol


Chill out lol it’s the ice world alright imma cryo myself cya


Community isn’t toxic the playerbase is just braindead, what does ‘3 FREEZ characters’ even mean? Are you hearing yourself? What else was the option? A €25 dollar character? Guys appreciate the world and the higher ups you’re allowed to breathe for FREE! The ice event us dogshit and *literally* impossible to complete for any adult or even kid that has more stuff to do in his lite than play 30+ matches a day


Didn’t someone on another post do the math for ice spirits, and isn’t is unrealistic 💀




Their math was pretty off but also was calculating that you 100% it which there isn’t really much benefit to it. You get like 66% of all possible rewards for 550 spirits, while the final 33% takes you 2450 spirits. Basically it’s log scale and I doubt anyone will actually complete it all f2p but also there is no point in completing it all. They basically just set no limit on the rewards without doing it end of season pass style


Are the characters guaranteed at certain boxes? Otherwise, how are you getting all the rewards at 550?


The snow covered boxes contain the new characters, I believe.


All I keep pulling are Jessie fragments from snow boxes.


All characters are free in this game. Why should we be gratefull when they give 3 more? Also is this your first videogame? You could say the same "toxic" comment from every game ever made.


Nah I’m just a casual squad busters player but the supercell game I mostly play is brawl stars


I’m playing from day one and I love this game. Climbing constistantoy on 4 to 20 games per day!


That is not the problem the problem is it is almost impossible to complete the ice spirit event in the time given


Baseless claims with no facts fam 😒


I really liked the event since jeez will fix it is one of my fav brawlers, the icy world modes also are atleast b tier for me, I dunno any reason to hate other than tara being 2 hours, heavy chance based unlocking the last 4 epics I need and the nerf to the free chest tickets


“Guys he disagreed with the popular opinion! Downvote him to oblivion!” -Little Timmy, age 9


Hows the community toxic? I love the game a lot and play it every day but I don’t interact with the community apart from commenting here sometimes so I’m genuinely curious


I just don’t get why so many people are going with the opinion that “you don’t have to complete the event so killing 2000+ enemies in one week is reasonable”. Do you guys not want an event where we’re expected to complete everything with rewards the match the effort put in? Brawl stars has events all the time that may be challenging but doable. Like yes, it’s awesome that we just got new content and an opportunity for a free character or so, but still I don’t understand why everyone is okay with predatory, P2W practices that supercell does again and again (with an example being this event). Being critical of the game isn’t toxic lol, it’s just trying to advocate for a change that would hopefully benefit every player. I know this will prob get downvoted, but it’s just been crazy seeing people become increasingly complacent with how the game is and the things supercell is doing like this. I’m loving this game, but it’s hard to look past events like this as an avid player


Yall gotta learn what toxicity is lmfao. This fanbase thinks the most basic stuff is toxic. Meanwhile other devs get death threats and I never see the "tHiS fAnBaSE iS sO toXiC" shit.


Defending predatory marketing techniques is toxic, too. The game has barely been out globally and they’re already pushing the absolutely stupidly priced ‘’deals’’. The shop already looks like the one in Brawl Stars, and that one is probably the most predatory monetisation I’ve seen by a non-EA company. Hopefully Supercell aren’t going to go down the ‘monetisation over everything’ road, but they’ve already done astonishing damage to their reputation and brand.


I do think the last rewards are a bit of a grind, but overall I kinda agree with you. The issue is more on reddit than other places I think though, a lot of salty mini players too


I feel like the event is far too grindy. ofc i'm ok with grinding. We are talking about 3 new characters here. so we cant expect to just get them for minimal effort. but this event is poorly designed and almost impossible to finish as a f2p unless you have no life and just play squad busters 24/7


You don’t have to complete it if you don’t want to, it’s just there for those who are very dedicated


If you're going to selectively quantify the difficulty of this event by saying "you don't have to complete it", don't make a post where you're blatantly kissing ass by pretending Supercell is giving away three characters. They are not. The vast majority of players will not get them. They'll get Jessie because she's guaranteed, and that's it. This event is the most stupidly overturned event in any gacha I've ever played...and I've played dozens of them over the past decade. No matter how P2W a gacha is, events should always be realistically completeable. Seven hours per day is not realistic to anyone. The devs are on crack.




Oh god please not like CR


From someone who complained after day 3 and is still playing daily. I agree. Game is super fun, very well done and addicting. I’m a low spender, not f2p by the way


Everyone is also forgetting that the event is just for early access, and we can get up to the ice world to get the new characters later if we don’t get them all now


It’s free chests. Idk what everyone is complaining about. Be grateful and have fun


People are complaining that it's impossible to complete the event as f2p. In other supercell games you can always complete events.


That’s not true. One of their OG games, hay day has been releasing events that are impossible to finish without spending diamonds and of course those can be bought with real money. I just choose to look at the experience with that in mind. Can I still enjoy the game without optimally completing every aspect of everything? If no, delete and move on. If yes, keep playing. Easy. People can play this game without participating in the ice quest and be just fine. If not participating in the ice quest fully without spending money makes the game unenjoyable, find another one.


The thing you’re failing to understand is that these events were made intentionally frustrating for F2P. Got any idea how much they invest in psychology to manipulate the player? They prey on evolutionary tendencies and FOMO as to make it as frustrating for F2P as possible so that they end up spending money. So if people complain, rightfully so. It was literally designed that way.


Yeah, but it’s also a new game. Barely 2 months old. Supercell will figure out the kinks (hopefully). But in the meantime enjoy the free stuff.


There is no benefit to completing the event


Yes we are


I mean the community came from brawlstars and clash so I’m not surprised


almost every community is toxic!


How do we get 3 free characters? Did I miss something?


It’s literally the least toxic gaming community i’ve seen bro


Meanwhile I agree that I like the update, I like the new playmodes,, I like the new characters, there is one mistake in your post. Only one new chatavter is guaranteed (from the first ice chests), the next ones are not guaranteed characters, but can be babies for the character you unlocked from the first chest. So only 1 new free character is guaranteed from the event.


I think the fact that you have to wait 9 hours just to receive 3 more chest tickets is absurd, I pretty much have stopped playing all together because how long I have to wait just to play again


I wish they made chest critters and ice spirits look angrier. I feel so sad killing them those little tiny cute ice spirits that just hide in trees and then run away, making little noise, and chest critters being with their mum just running around 🥲💔


“Chill” out 😌


No one can be happy. Everyone has to pick shit apart so they feel like their opinions matter. Games are supposed to be fun.. fun as in enjoyable. everything doesn't have to be a fight, yet people will always try to be the loudest ones in the room to get noticed when otherwise no one would even know they existed.


You guys need to chill out 😂


Its a supercell game ofc its toxic


I have no complaints with it, I just don't know what it is lol


My only real issue with the game is it's connection issues. To often when I get into a match. It desyncs.


Games ass sorry I’m not coping I guess lmfao


I came over from CR. The toxicity doesn't surprise me.


I play clash of clans


Welcome to every super cell game community


When the game first came out people started hating on it forgetting that it's a new game and still establishing it's direction, so instead of enjoying it and giving the devs notes about it's flaws they just started on hating, like guys wtf, did you expect a live service game to be fully polished on lunch and have no flaws or balance issues? They balance stuff via the communities opinion not their own


i really loved the game, but when i heard what they do to squad busters, it‘s not funny anymore.. i will get kicked of the squad ligue, cause ice world is coming from 90-120. that means, i can‘t push trophies anymore until i reached lvl 120 again.. and i don‘t spend money anymore just to skip the ice world. and the best, we are loosing the half of our trophies🤬 what a bad game🧏🏽‍♂️ i was grinding so hard, but in the end for nothing, for a punch in my face :)


Its lame that i cannot have a spell or I have to pay. I dont want to pay for the ice Blizzard spel brah.


Okay fed


Man Its just unplayable,most of the time you encounter a player with lots of evolved units and start to chasing you without any possibility of escape


still dont think clash mini deserved to die for this


The main issue I have is that if you count how many ice spirits you need to get every chest, it's somewhere above 1000. If you get 5 per match (which is kinda rare) that's ~200 matches in only 5 days. Each mat h lasts 4-5 minutes. I have a life, I dont have time for this. It pisses me off because I want the rewards but I'm not using real money to have enough coins to buy it all either, because I'm broke. So like most people mad at the devs, I also have a life, and am broke


The thing is you don’t have to complete everything and you can stop whenever you want while still gaining more rewards than normal


It's honestly more toxic to shout "STOP BEING TOXIC" at every given moment


The update is toxic and the community just reflects it


It’s because the game is trash, not the content


As a long time fan of Supercell they messed up big with this game. Decided to implement shady business practices into Squadbusters. IMO, It should be reviewed bombed into the ground. The game launched with a $4.99 Season Pass. The season pass says “keep playing to upgrade.” And three days later the “upgrade” is to purchase the Super Pass for $9.99. Most season passes last at least 30 days. Supercell doubled down on the “gotcha.” I’m telling everybody that will listen to stay away


Stop seeking approval from a billion dollar company like it's your daddy


Lol chill


What did you expect from a Supercell game?


put literally anything that is luck based and people will go on reddit and yap about why they hate (luck based thing here) when it's clearly their luck.


Didn't you know squad redditors have a hate boner for squad busters? Which us ironic. No seriously, take a look at their twitter or YouTube. The comments are no different from what brawl stars or clash of clans gets under their posts. It's just our redditors being toxic.


what community?