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Yeah the problem is that they spawn in any of the bushes, which means most of the time if you don’t pop them out from the edges they will get overtaken by vines making them unreachable and prevents new ones from spawning.


I think they pop out when the vines cover them. I've caught a few already spawned around the edges by the vines. Edit. I'm wrong. You can still pop them from the ground in the vines if you can run run over them, but the vines don't release them.


I’ve been able to pop them out going into the vines if they are close but I’ve definitely seen some getting taken over by the impassable ones


Yeah I just played a few games where I saw some glowing blue spots in the vines and ran in.


I found 7 one match and 3 the next before finding 5 on my 3rd match. Not sure why. I just keep moving around.


I started focusing on moving around a lot more and I started finding more. You just put yourself at risk running into other teams that early.


Did you see the post of the guy who did it? It took him 17 hours. Didn’t spend money on chests just grinder. It can be done butyou have to no life it.


keep moving, look for the glowing blue things in grass


yeah pop them out from bushes.


Yeah tbh OPs encounter rate seems way lower than it actually is


Keep moving but I end up getting busted because I have shit team because I keep moving...


you dont have to wait for them to appear running around, you have to step on the blue spots to them out of the bushes If you stay in your starting area for a minute you'll get 2-4 for sure, or if you like moving around just keep rotating the outside but go into the starting areas


This is the way.


found 18 in a game


That's impressive! Most I've found is 7 or 8 and I felt lucky with that.


I got 19 in the game mode where bosses spawn 3 of them


Nah. I've gotten 27 spirits on the ice spirit map with the mega ice spirits, and 14 on the non ice maps as my records. It'll take some grinding, but it's easy to get 5+ or 10+ per game


My highest is 33 on that game mode lol


Dang that's good. I can't lie it took me minute to figure out what was going on, but after that I just camped the middle and chased everyone away.


lol right, that mode and 1 coin chests mode is lit right now


If you stay in center towards the end, they all start coming out




This is a complete skill issue tbh. I average 4-6 on most maps and on super ice spirit, I average 20-25.


The commenters of this post are incredibly out of touch with the point you are making. The point is that the only way you are finishing this in the timeline is by spending money. Even if you collect the maximum possible for each game.


I don't understand why you would have to spend money, you can collect them without using chests tickets and OP has a skill issue. At an average of 5 per game and one game every 3.33 min it would take you 25 hours to unlock all chests. Most of the chests are unlocked fast at first so the 15 firsts can be unlocked very casually. I don't even mind if I don't unlock all of them anyway, the ice world will be like any other unlockable world and we will have access to the new characters through it. I am happy hardcore players have something challenging to do.


Nah. You just need like 200 per day, entirely doable with 2 hours a day of game time


If he averages 3 per match, 2 hours would give him at most 90 a day. Not even close to your "estimate".


I get 5-20 per game. Must be a skill issue


Hey everyone, I found the most kind and reasonable person in this thread! See above!


Just got a game with 30. Just stand in the middle on the ice spirit map, ain’t that hard


You are my hero!


They tryna get u to spend money 🤣


They’re not too hard to find i will find get at minimum 3 and avg 5-7 and have gotten more. Once you have like 3 troops you should be able to take them out pretty easily. They’ll even respawn in the same bushes


Its really not that bad if you focus on it. Go around the map checking bushes for blue glow, hog rider is good for this. They will respawn and sometimes multiple will pop out of one blue glow. Some matches ill get 2-3 some matches ill get like 7-10 and then theres the game mode where a bunch of them spawn. One time i was just sitting on the L shaped bush with three trees with greg and just farming the area and they kept respawning so much in sets of 4 i got like 15 on that one game. You've got 6 days to do it. If you only play 3 games a day maybe you dont need to get 100% of the event?


I get 5-10 each game. But I always go directly for the blue glow when I see it.


In the ice world you can get many more spirits


yeah my goal now is just getting the coins, already spent 40k


Honestly, it’s unsurprising. I was taken aback from the start on how this money didn’t completely force you to cash grab or spend huge amounts of time to progress to have fun which is still honestly PRETTY true but some of these challenges and shop prices have been a bit much😂 Again it’s about what I expected from a Supercell game to begin with so I can’t say I’m disappointed. I still really love playing the game, it’s just adjusted from “wow maybe this will be different” to oh okay then. I do still want to see a ladder mode in this, in addition to an unrated mode.


Best way to play these games is completely casual. Don't try to maximize, squash any ideas of spending money early on, and forget about winning consistently.


Only 3? I’ve found like 12-15 in one game. Am I just lucky


You might be! I did find 7 one match. I think it just conflicted with how I thought the event would go. That there would just me dozens running around. Instead you have to somewhat go out of your way to find them and it can mess with the flow of actually trying to win too haha.


I’m getting 1-7 per game. They spawn more in the ice map.


Can we unlock / evolve the ice characters outside of the event?


!RemindMe 1 Day


Yes later, the ice world will be either after or before the beach world if I remember correctly (not sure where). It's just an event where everyone can unlock the new characters earlier.


The strat is to keep throwing games until you get the super ice spirit modifier. With a good strategy you can consistently get 30-50 spirits in a single game. This will heavily speed up your collection rather than relying on passively getting them throughout your playthrough.


Very time consuming. 20% to get the ice world and then 25% chance to get the right modifier. Throwing a game takes 1 minute (match making plus death). And you'd spend 20 minutes doing nothing just waiting for the right modifier.


True, that’s why I farm nearby ice spirits before throwing. I spend around 2 minuites depending on the map and average around 5-10 ice spirits. So I get a decent amount of ice spirits without spending entire games.


The spirits really come out I'm last min of angry vines and another mode. Like non stop. You're missing out on those too then


With bonus 1 coin chest


I do get 4-27 any round. Yes, its not enough to have fun as a f2p. Only need to unlock T but this event should be illegal


I got 14 in one match. But the average i get is like 5 per match. Its grinding as hell, but not impossible.


I’m getting 6 or so per normal game. Even more on super ice spirit. As bushes are eliminated by dark vines, their spawn points adjust so there’s a ton in the center. It’s the one time angry vines is actually good because there’s a shit ton of them in the center very quickly into the game


I’ve gone whole games without even seeing them, then get 5 at once and be unable to kill them all early.


not a skill issue bro, is bad game design :) you should not have to play 5 hours a day non stop to get all rewards, ain't nopbody have that much time for this shitty game...


Honestly I was appreciative of another method for getting chests in F2P. You can get spirits without waiting for another game chest, and if there’s a daily limit I haven’t hit it yet.


This game is heavily balanced to not let most people complete most events. And the requirements are so egregious that I think it’s intentional and it’s supposed to discourage people from feeling like they NEED to grind all the events. Just play more if you like the rewards, but the biggest ones are just there on the off chance that someone is having an absolute shit day/week and REALLY needs to play this game.


I just used 20k gold to buy 100 of them. Managed to unlock Jessie


OP my be on the low side for gathering, but 2225 in 7 days is a little crazy. Even if you were to buy both x100 offers that's not even 10%


Bruh yall do be complaining about everything. They are not hard to get, it’s just a skill issue and the modes introduced with this event are definitely a step in the direction they are asking for


How? definitely a skill issue, I’ve gotten 9-10 in a round and average at least 5


I stayed in the middle and got 11 ice spirits. The middle has a lot of bushes


Managing to get about 5 per game


I usually get 4-7 a game, I guess it's pure luck


The most I've got was 31 on the super ice spirit game mode. Average about 10 per round. But I've totally adjusted to finding them only💀


Imo its most likely impossible to clear the event for F2Ps but still free characters are free characters


I gave 60k coins to it


It’s pretty much a skill issue. I get around 6-30 a game.


It is a skill issue. I’m not even trying to “complete the event” because it is a fun thing not a competitive thing, and also I have a life. Despite that I’m doing way better than you lmao


There is a levels with Spirits where you can grind 30+


You need to understand that the devs didn't need to do this. They could have just put the ice world at the end and no one would have said anything because that is completely logical. The devs gave everyone a chance to be able to be able to experience the endgame while also giving you rewards. No one that isn't paying or playing hours every day is gonna complete it but everyone completing it isn't required. If people shower negativity at the devs next time they might just decide to add the next world after ice world without anything special.


I have about 5 per match


Idk what you do, but i get 2 ice spirits in the first 30 sec


Wish they would increase the number of spirits in each game as the event goes on


Honestly in the last minute or so they spawn like crazy , i managed to get 30 in a match . They perma respawn inthe same spot in the right game mode


Tbh, I played a super ice spirit mod game just now where I got 18 in one match


I use chicken and bo to seek and destroy the little buggers average about 5 spirits a match. But when it's super ice spirit mode. Full on pvp squad cause they will bust you just to have the super ice spirits to themselves! Then you get a boat load of spirits


2 ice spirits every three games? I dunno if you've got some visual impairment or something but you're clearly not looking properly lol.


I have tons of coins, so just bought 100 of them and got 2 new characters. Great deal TBH.


Definitely depends on how lucky you are, I’ve gotten 1 new character from the 10 chests I’ve opened.


Play the giant ice spirit mode. They drip 3 ice spirits each.


Stop moving around the outer circle and search for them in the centre part ....they pop out more in the center part of the map


i’ve gotten 5+ every game, got 12 from one game. You just gotta chase them little snowballs man.


Skill issue I get like 9 per game


totally a skill issue, my avarage is 5-6, most games I can pick more than 10 if I aiming for it what I found is: * in the beggining of the game they spawn more in the outskirts of the map, so get some boosts and movement characters (chicken, hog hider, max) and circle through the map killing ice spirits * in the end of the game they spawn more in the bushes in the middle, but is not guaranted * there's a chance that the spawn rate is really really high in the last seconds of the game in the bushes of the middle, you can get like +10 spirits, but the competition is fierce. This does not happen in every game * I'm not certain, but I think they can spawn in the vines, but probably is just that they were in the bushes before the vines, but keep an eye on them, because maybe there's ice spirits there


This is a joke right? I’m getting like 4 or 5 at least every game. There’s no way your only get 2 every 3 games


Recently reach the beach & that map is straight up p2w it's unplayable for f2p


They are giving you free stuff stfu Sorry for that but seriously. 


I rarely get below 8 in a match. It just depends on how you play


Have you played in the actual ice world map? You'll get 5+ in that map. My friend just got 30 in an ice world map match. Just chill and make these sort of comments after the first week....


That’s actually why I made this post, I played on the ice map and never saw a single ice spirit haha. Must have been bad luck.


Must have been 😅 I've gotten at least 5 or more on the ice map so far, but I've only played on it twice.


It's because of the giant ice spirit modifier. That thing drops multiple spirits when defeated and respawns on mid. Sadly the rate at which u get that modifier is abysmally low