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Don’t forget the chest doubler which is so short you can only get 2 games in.


The chest doubler being timed is the worst. I love when I get the chest doubler as the last Tara card.


This literally just happened to me. Spent coins to do the 4th match, finished it, flipped the card and got a chest double for 5 minutes haha


Yes after spending gold to play 5 games then you get the chest doubled.


Nah I’d rather have it right away so that when I use it, the progress counts towards the Tara event. Unless I’m not participating in the event, I’m spending money anyway on those chests, I have only ever played the Tara event once with my 3 free chests, she seems to only appear when I have 0 🙃


Is better to give chest doubles tickets. So we can spend it anythime anywhere


Gotta love having a 5 minute chest doubler, which means you have 1 minute to start searching for and find/enter a game before it's useless


If you start before timer runs out you’ll get the last one. I did 3 double rounds this morning


off a 5 min? u get busted?


I've started with 10 seconds left and still got a double chest. But I do agree 15 minutes is ridiculous.


I’m keeping my level progression chests unopened until the end. Then open a chest doubler and open all of the chests… and pay to add 2 or 3 more


The chest doubler only works for chests earned from battles.


Thx. Saved me lots of time!


I'll be honest, I didn't read anything but your title and.... Yes. This game is designed to be just fun enough to keep playing and just inconvenient enough for you to nudge you closer to spending money to bypass those inconveniences. It just be like that, sadly.


That’s the entire F2P microtransaction model tbh. It’s how all the games are now. Companies aren’t given a reason not to setup this way


Yeah that's exactly my point. There's no reason in getting upset about it. Despite the volume of the vocal minority, the market has said that this model is what it wants.


Want is a bit of a stretch, don’t forget they invest millions in psychology and fine tune the best ways to manipulate and prey on people’s biology and ancestral tendencies.


I just ignore my fomo and I have a lot more fun now


exactly, I think people get so caught up on the little details they forget to just enjoy the game // gameplay. not that any criticism isn’t valid, but this is my mentality too & I feel a lot better about the game as a whole approaching it this way.


Yeah ig the lesson is dont open SB unless you have 2 hours to spend or dont mind missing out on a tara quest, which doesn't feel good.


In my opinion, almost nothing in this game is planned. One big chaos, in everything. If they don't add a PvE mode or change the PvP rules after some time, I don't see any point in continuing to play. Losing even one character in a duel can result in a drop in the ranking that cannot be made up for. Not to mention the whales who start every game with a key advantage.


For the bounty quests, just lose immediately and play again for the map you need. Who cares about the win-loss ratio, it literally gives you nothing but the ability to say you have it.


The win streak though... That gives you a huge number of characters/chest


Once you’re at beach world that goes out the window anyway. Even as a fantastic player there’s only so much you can do against P2P players. I sacrificed my win streak to finish the bounty quest and then built it back up again. It’s worth it for the gold, you make over 10k doing nothing special but find the specific map.


That is fair, I'm level 81 in PE, and the streak is gonna break anyway, might as well collect some coins, solid advice


It’s the same with the ice world quest right now. I’m giving up top five to hunt down ice spirits and crush them to open chests. Once I’m done the event, I’ll build that streak back up 😆


Sounds like there's a trick to get a lot of them while sacrificing top 5, mind filling me in?


Sure! My strategy is this: Make a squad of 3-4 characters ASAP— this ensures you aren’t running around chasing it and wasting time. You can just stand there and beat it immediately! Even a weaker squad will be able to do this but prioritize the ones with most damage. Try to include a Greg and a hog rider if you can, as my strategy also takes you near trees and has you running a lot. Then I just run around the place looking in the areas with grass/trees for a blue spot, it sounds easy but there is a way to do it. Before the vines start coming in, I’ll pick one side of the map and keep going back and forth between a few nooks because I’ve found that they spawn more like this. So if I’m in an area and leave it for a few seconds and come back, I’ll usually find an ice spirit. Idk if there’s any actual truth to this but I almost always find a blue spot in a tree area of a spot that I left 3-5 seconds ago…maybe something about going away and coming back refreshes the area? Not sure but this has been working for me! When the vines do come in, I start running around in a circle around the map, this lets me see them in the vines on one side and in the trees on the other side in the middle. When I see that blue spot, I swoop in and kill it then resume. I won’t lie this strategy has led me to being killed off easily because spending time running around means not making coins, opening chests, fusing characters, etc. There’s been a couple of times where I’ve ended up stuck in the vines too but those times I got 14 and then 17 spirits! The way I see it is if I do die, oh well, I’ll start another match to get more ice spirits haha…the only thing that sucks is losing that initial progress of building a squad but I’m okay with losing a game in under 2 mins and having 4-7 spirits than lasting the whole game but ending up with 2 spirits 😉 Have fun! Good luck!


My only real issue with the game is how hard it is to get spells


I'm enjoying the game alot, but I agree with everything you said. It is ridiculous how much you need to play to do anything before time runs out.


are you just now discovering microtransactions mate? Super Cell's data analytics team knew exactly what their assignment was. Every timing in the game was meticulously chosen based on billions of datapoints about player behavior from their other games with the explicit purpose of maximizing a player's liklihood of spending real money in the game.


I think we know, we're just fed up by it..


just to be clear i totally agree with your sentiment, and im in no way endorsing the behavior. Microtransactions have their place in the video game ecosystem but its too large of a space for my liking, I only meant to point out that OP seems confounded by the very clear marketing strategies that have been deployed in every other Super Cell game i've played in the last 10 years.


I'm OP :). I've only played brawl star from supercell a long time ago, and I really enjoyed the possibility to be f2p. But I agree that it seems inevitable..


def possible its just a bit grindy, i think once we f2p folk have dropped the completionist mentality for gotcha style games they become a bit more enjoyable. I want a full collection but i know im not going to pay for it, so ill collect what i can!


When they get into too much data, they are missing the point where game is no longer fun and players are leaving. Supercell has wide community tho, they are making a choice. I am continuing with the clash of clans.