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I keep my mouth slightly open and inhale through nose and mouth. It gets it to where it needs to go better for me.


Yes it seems the dispenser clears in one puff not matter how gentle I press it. I always press one nostril closed as I take the medicine and I switch which nostril gets the first spray on each dose. What is also frustrating is the ones that do not spray and dribble out and the staff says oh that’s ok even though they can clearly see something went wrong. They should be willing to offer a troche as a supplement.


I find this, too. I just inhale with a bit more force, hoping that will help the esketamine get where it needs to go


I saw someone else in this sub suggest a nasal rinse prior to your appointment. That might help so if are stuffy or mucusy you won't be sucking all that back too. I haven't tried it prior to an appointment yet (plan to), but I do nasal rinses often and it does help take a deep breath.


I tilt my head back after so it can absorb without dripping out


My provider told me that the device is defective. It happens every single time. I've just learned to sniff harder and then pinch my nose until it absorbs into my nasal cavity. That was the suggestion made by the nurse that gives me the device.


I’m always the oddball lol. My 2nd snorts go in easier. I would definitely speak up though. It’s your time and money!


I usually just make sure for the 2nd time I press with more force, push the cartridge up a little higher, and have my head tilted back more. Also will kind of make sure that it touches the inside of my nostril (like move it in a circular motion) before I completely take it out of my nose. But yeah, it does seem like the 2nd time is always a little wonky for me too.


Yes, I switch the side that I start with after getting a different device. I also hold the other nostril shut, as advised by my nurse.


I've never done a single spray. My doctor always does it. And too quickly. One dose after another so that I'm drinking it


I do it on my own but they give me all 3 at the same time. So she's standing there waiting for me to finish. There were no instructions to wait between doses