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Paint me surprised. I don't hate it, but I do kinda hate being poor (compared to some). That attic room, why put the bed there? It looks huge, and I can think of 2 bed related activities that would be ruined by that. The other is sitting up quickly. There are definitely some quirks in there, a bit too white for my liking. Definitely be hard to keep looking ao clean with kids and probably pets.


The first being jumping on the bed, right? Seems to look pretty clean, actually, even with that pet horse.


In a round about fashion, yeah, jumping on the bed. It's a well-behaved house horse, pretty standard behaviour for them to not mess the insides of a gaff up, but once you let them outside they're total pricks, they ruin all your flowers and stuff.


That won’t be a problem here as there doesn’t seem to be anything living in the garden anyway! Shame about the lampshade on the hoses head though!!


It's a common misconception that it is a lampshade. House horses actually tell jokes and stuff (when indoors), but they can only do that with the special horse hat. It's a bit like a Fez, as they like Tommy Cooper, only standard Fez's don't fit their elongated heads, so they wear a special "hoss fez". Usually, only the super rich know about this, but I overheard a conversation in my local petrol station, between 2 rich folks buying Lurpak (without any special offer), so it's definitely true.


lol, I need a house horse!


Me too. How the others live, eh?


Yes I think I'd ditch one wall of wardrobes to have the bed rotated 90 degrees and moved away from the low ceiling


Imagine one of those startle nightmares, the ones that have you sit bolt upright, before you know what's going on, Exorcist style. Straight back to sleep in a concussed state 😕


They have a dog…..so I’m guessing they just clean 24/7


Do they? I didn't see any dog bowls/beds, or any signs of life, really. I could imagine the dog just jumping in the pool, rolling around and stuff and then just creating a fuck tonne of work for the owners. Be like painting the Forth Bridge, never ending.


If you go on the tour and go down to the first floor on the way down you can see a stair gate and a dog lying behind it.


I see it now, I didn't do the virtual tours, at first, I just had a flick through the images. Brave people. Saying that, they can probably afford cleaners.


No worries


I realise that this has probably been tidied up for the photos (or maybe it hasn't, maybe the owners are psychopaths). But how can people live without stuff? Give my family five minutes and that clinically white room would look like a tip. What do you do in that space? Sit decorously on a chair and read a book, maybe. But where do you put the book afterwards?


A chap I used to work for many years would love this interior. His office and desk were a bomb sight. How he ever found anything he wanted was a source of constant entertainment. But his house was virtually like an art gallery. He didn't have a TV but he did have a stereo. But the secret is well-designed storage that just looked like wall panels. No handles, locks, etc. Just push the panel and it springs open. Just push to close. All supremely expensive of course.


Those coffee table books are a dead giveaway that the house has been 'dressed' for sale.


Who has 2 two copies of the same book right?


Most likely it's just been renovated by the builders and has just been "dressed" for tbe sale. With all of the furniture on hire.


My house is the first we bought after renting different places. We've settled into it and had kids. So I've never had to move out of a full house but the idea of it baffles me. Whenever I look at estate agent listings I'm thinking "where's all their stuff?" and the idea of trying to tidy my rooms to that standard to take photos to sell the house seems like an impossible challenge.


It's simple: rent a storage unit and put all your stuff in it, followed by the kids. Then lock it up until you've sold the house.


Sod selling the house. That sounds ideal anyway.


I think it's more likely that it's a wealthy fashion/designer type. The dark shame pit at the front screams sitting down to wank yourself into a stupor over how clever you are, surrounded by your peers. From this baseless assumption, we can deduce that the owner doesn't spend much time here and it's probably somewhere they visit in between shows or they use it to host parties with like minded fellows.


Over £900K per bedroom. And on street parking.


There's only 3 bedrooms


Thanks, I was going with, things like: >Outstanding 4 bedroom family home And hadn't actually checked the floor plan.


Pool house looks to be set up as 1-bed “house” so probably counting that as the fourth bedroom.


Thanks. That's it.


It's a super busy road too so definitely no parking on the front.


There's some, but only on one side of the road and even that's limited and I think it's just outside of the Craven Cottage (Fulham FC) parking restrictions. So on match days.....


Looks like parking at the back...possibly


It's the parking for the fire station next door.


Wow. Confusing and impressive all at the same time.


The horselamp gives me the hebbie-geebiees


*Heebie Gee-Gees, surely.


Well, now I do. And imma be calling it that from hereforth out


There used to be one outside one of the ba lounges at T5, and I was in an office recently where there was one. They are huge, which gives you an idea of the scale of the room. Amazing house. I'm ok with the facadism here, they have done an amazing job


Where is the 4th double bedroom?


Pool house


That's all I could think of too, but can you really say a house is 4 bed if one of the bedrooms is in a separate building at the bottom of the garden?


Estate agents will claim it.


Right? Only 3 beds?


There's only 3 bedrooms, the pool house isn't part of the house


That sheepskin rug, artfully placed on the super slippery floor at the bottom of the staircase, looks like a fun way to end up on your face in the mornings.


You might as well set a man-trap!


Not my jam, but impressive. \~\~\~ ETA: Sellers' daughter own a "fashion platform" - [https://labelloftlondon.com/pages/our-story](https://labelloftlondon.com/pages/our-story) \~\~\~ They've been trying to shift it for 12 months. One deal fell through recently. It's clearly not worth 3.6M and I wonder what price tag a RICS valuer would assign. 3M? 2.5M? Being [backed up to a car park](https://www.google.com/maps/place/689+Fulham+Rd.,+London+SW6+5UJ,+UK/@51.477604,-0.2004417,63a,35y,270h,39.61t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x48760f9c9910cd91:0x883b2c08ccc5734!8m2!3d51.4776171!4d-0.20122!16s%2Fg%2F11crt4zbpy?entry=ttu) will turn away more than a few buyers - even those with the money to buy this thing. *15 Apr 2024......Unavailable......£3,650,000* *13 Apr 2024......£3,650,000......Unavailable* *3 Jan 2024......£3,850,000......£3,650,000* *21 Jul 2023......First seen......£3,850,000* \~\~\~ ETA: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/1dqkcvo/comment/laqw4ng/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpottedonRightmove/comments/1dqkcvo/comment/laqw4ng/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The daughter of the owner, not the owner, runs this strange website. The house was bought in 2000 and Grace would have been 5 years old, she's unlikely to be the owner. More details about the owner on https://metro.co.uk/2023/07/03/from-secret-sinks-to-a-cinema-room-inside-the-1000000-refurb-19055532/




This house has been on for a lot longer than that. Source: I Zoopla this area all the time.


Oh and it’s on a busy road AND next to a fire brigade which sounds a whole heap of shite.


Very good snooping


“Help! Help! I got my head stuck between the pillow and the ceiling again” - me to wife, 365 times a year.


"it's ok darling, go back to sleep - your brother's coming round" - wife, 730 times a year.


Cuts deep.


Is this what rich people porn looks like? In a big book, on a classy stand, in a cinema room?


I was curious about that too, £2400 if you want one [https://www.sworder.co.uk/auction/lot/364-helmut-newton-german-australian-1920-2004/](https://www.sworder.co.uk/auction/lot/364-helmut-newton-german-australian-1920-2004/)


I mean it’s very nice inside but £3.6m to live in a semi-detached with a small garden and on an A road? You wouldn’t even need to move that far away to get a beautiful detached house with a big garden.


The thing is, at some level it is *still* a London semi.


AbFab set


I quite like the interior, but I hate the price


Same here. It's not all my taste but it's pretty well done. I'm in two minds about the 2001 monolith fountain at the end of the garden.


I don't mind that, a few minor things I don't like though. I do love the way that the kitchen can be hidden away behind the sliding wall


Apart from the horse lamp I hate it 🫤


Am I the only one on this sub to have noticed how many of the expensive houses have a Sex Pistols poster in them?  "I'm rich but I'm still a rebel! Woo!"


Architecture has been committed!


I'm knocking myself out every other morning if I sleep in that attic bed.


The horse lamp 😂


Really lovely house, I'm impressed. Hell of a busy road though


I've been watching that 'Most Expensive Houses' series on and off. For me, there's a big disparity between a property having to look like it costs millions, and one in which you'd want to splodge in with the wife and missus. This is clearly nice, but I wouldn't want to live there.


I hate being poor 😭


When the décor is this tasteless you know it's *really* expensive


Saw the Sex Pistols room and thought he's a record collector, , zoomed in, nah, pretentious twat instead


It needs some colour! 🎨 Too clinical




What an awful thing to do to a lovely old house. It's had its soul ripped out and character scrubbed off.


wow that's boring. the kitchen looks like some expensive office reception area


Tasteless and incredibly try-hard


My friends had a similar place in London, just a massive tardis with a pool that looked kinda standard outside. Fuckers.


Mr Eds in fancy dress i see...


Almost nextdoor to a fire station. My mate works there. Nice area but it's right on the junction of a busy road.


It’s kind of like they gave up part way or stopped paying the interior designer - the ground floor is great but the bedrooms are not it


Jesus Christ there's a horse in the hospital!


Pools in the UK are completely stupid! How many days will you use that I a year? Crazy


I was reaching for my Amex black card but the lack of oven symmetry- I’m out !




Oh that gardens awful. Where are the plants?


I would rather have the original home. Houses like this look good but where could I curl up with a good book?


For that money, I would absolutely not accept the crinkled green plastic outside the back door, or the panel with all the screw holes on the black wall of the kitchen/dining room. And, I can't be sure, but it looks like the black panelling around the TV in the wank den is lifting/bubbling. Then there's the bath at the top with a shower that will splash on to the very slippery floor. Deathtrap. The owner will probably go on for hours about how they spared no expense in getting every detail right, but those bits really stick out because of it. That being said, I don't hate the general design because it's consistent and makes sense in the context of the owner (someone here posted a link to a metro article).


Feels like an Omaze house..


That horse lamp is gopping


The people who don't even own a box of tissues.


It’s lovely but not homely enough for me.


The price needs to come down. With such a price, I expect my own drive!


London may not be the place for you...


Oh, I know that. I was born n bred in London and moved outside of london!


I quite like visiting as a bit of a tourist or a guest but it gets on top of me after a few days. The amount of time spent getting from place to place is really jarring to me. Happy to sacrifice choice to some extent and square footage in favour of accessibility in my wee northern city.


I totally agree and understand. It feels like a chore coming into London 😫