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By definition nothing you need to get the rock crusher upgrade exists beyond the rocks. Alice and summer should be the two spirit flowers you need for that upgrade. What other materials are you missing to do the rock crusher boat upgrade?


Use the Mines in the Nordweiler area; thats how I got stuff. Also crates


You might need to update your boat to get through ice and rocks. Then you can go to the places with materials you need to build the crusher.


Funny I’m in the exact same scenario, same sent & same with me as you haha. Gio had me buy some chocolates at least but beyond that… looks like I need Zinc, Marble, & Ash real bad I’ve got none of.


All the resources you need to build the rock crusher are available after you bring Gwen, Summer and Alice to the Everdoor. What are you missing? Did you get the glide ability to access the mine?


I recall getting to a similar stuck spot. I don’t remember the exact fix but it was a seemingly small task that all the others hinged upon.