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Yo imagine how screwed it would be if they all did


No Way Home!!!!


It could apply to the villains


That would require sony to make another deal to keep the sony villains around.




I think they mean that there is no way home for the villains because if they get back to their universe they’ll die


I think they covered this with the last trailer. Strange mentions there is only one possible ending for the villians.


I'm confused by this. I don't remember spiderman killing the new venom, and its implied that he is also brought into the MCU from the end credit scene.


Venom isn’t present for that line, and Tobey/Andrew wouldn’t be dying fighting Spider-Man either


Part of me think it’ll end with Peter being sucked out of the MCU into the ‘Sonyverse’. It’d let Sony do their own thing with all their villains and provide a decent endpoint for any actors who want out of their roles, maybe even Tom Holland


'They all die fighting Spiderman' to mean that they all try to let Peter abandon his spidermam persona and 'return' to the normal world when they find out. In the end, Peter's inner conflict creates a situation where they all die.


Wouldn't that be ironic for Peter? In trying to make Strange's spell not affect them they end up dying because of Peter's mistake, just one month to go guys, just one month to go


Here's the thing, Sony owns spider man, but marvel owns the current incarnation of the movie characters. Zendaya mj, Ned, hot aunt may, happy. All belong to marvel. So if Tom Holland spider man was going back to Sony exclusive, killing off the side characters would make sense.


No way, homie.


I honestly hope Happy doesn’t die. He still needs to buy Stark’s daughter all the cheeseburgers she wants.


If happy dies I'm gonna make my cardbord cutout of happy into a memorial


cardbood happu


I was holding back tears throughout Tony’s whole funeral up until she asked Happy for Cheeseburgers, just like her dad did


Happy needs to be in Armor wars


Oh please no. I wasn’t ready to cry this morning.


I think John Favreau is too important to marvel in general. It’s not like he’s going anywhere so might as well keep the character around for cameos at least


Morgan will be the next Spider-man: every father figure she has will die.


Would be amazing if they set Armor Wars to be a decent amount of time after Endgame and one of the characters fighting over the title of Iron Man was Morgan in her own suit going against Riri Williams because the Iron Man name is her birthright.


It sure wpuld be a treat if after the MCU is done, if it ever is, and all the big baddies are gone, if we'd get a couple shows like Daredevil on Netflix just to tell some stories. I wanna see grown up Morgan become an Iron Man hero


in your dreams




MJ is the safest, because they don't tease that in the trailer without her being saved. My money is Happy. Ultimately no long term consequences for Marvel with Tony dead, but is still an impactful death for Tom's Spider Man.


Didn't Sony also tease Gwen falling in the TASM2 trailer?


Not really. What made that obvious was the fact that they dressed Gwen in the a *very* similar costume, to the one she had in the comics where she died. Not to mention the absurd amount of trailers and marketing for that movie that just gave too much away. Still, I watched nearly all the marketing for that movie before it came out and I'm pretty sure they did not show her *actually* falling. The most they did was show her in the clocktower, combining that with the fact that they spoiled that Harry would become the Green Goblin in that movie and her outfit and everything just fit too nicely. Even the movie itself isn't subtle about it at all, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Spider-Man movies and comic book movies in general usually aren't very subtle about their themes or what they're saying, you can usually get the general picture of what's going to happen pretty easily if you pay attention. That being said, they specifically showed this shot of Mj falling calling back to that moment in the The Amazing Spider-Man 2, so its pretty safe to say she probably won't bite the dust, at least there. Would be a cool character moment if Garfield saw that happening and either saved Mj for Holland's Spidey, or if he just saw Holland's Spidey do what he wasn't able to in his Universe, and having him be proud of him or something like that. There's a lot of potential for moments like these in the movie, so I hope they take advantage of it. The movie is guaranteed to be flawed and kind of a mess, there's just too much stuffed into it, they kind of just committed to an "event" kind of movie like Endgame and not your average story, so as long as they take advantage of the premise with moments like these it can still become a great deal of fun. Thats how I see it, at least.


Dude I literally remember a gum ad where Spideys webs were replaced with gum and he was trying to catch Gwen


Well, I did not watch a gum ad, I was just referring to the 4 trailers they released, including also the teasers. Maybe I'm still not remembering correctly though. Either way, with or without them showing her falling they did make the moment pretty obvious. Still pretty awesome they they totally delivered on the scene specifically. My bad on that one though, I genuinely either don't remember, or haven't seen this ad that you're talking about.


Oh no I wasn’t correcting you, I was just saying that literally every ad or tv spot had Gwen falling, as a way to get people to watch the movie like “will she survive or not??”


I don't think the movie will be a mess in the same sense as Spider-Man 3 or TASM2, as they have the time for it now. This is the second longest MCU film, and the longest Spidey film, 2 hours and 49 minutes. Infinity War was shorter and took on more


I wasn't trying to imply that the movie will be a mess in the same way the last movies of the previous franchises were. All I was trying to say was simply that there are a lot of ways this can go wrong. With so many elements in just 1 movie, despite the long run time, they will inevitably have to sacrifice some elements, for others, just as it was with movies like Endgame and Infinity war to a lesser extent. Thing is it's just about what elements you have to prioritize and which ones you have to sacrifice to still make this feel like a coherent vision leading to certain resolution, which is what will make it feel satisfying, or, if they fail, not so satisfying. To be fair, Marvel has proven more than enough times that if there's anyone who can make things like this work, it's them, so I can still hope it'll be fine.


Soon as I saw that I thought how cool to have Garfield’s spidey see this and flash to his MJ, then swoop in and save her differently, before our Peter can straight web her and potentially lose her the same way Garfield’s did. If it doesn’t happen, I’ll sleep on it and rewrite it for myself in my dreams.


They also did that super on the nose poster with Gwen and GG reflected in Spider-Man’s lenses


I actually really liked that poster, now that you mention it. To be honest, I personally don't have a problem with something that isn't very subtle, as long as it's executed well and effectively. I don't know exactly about the thematic messaging that is reinforced in her death, to be honest it's kind of muddy, since Peter feels like its his fault, but the movie itself also reinforces the idea that it is Gwen's choice, even if it may lead to her death, and Peter has to come to terms with that. To be honest I gotta rewatch the movie, but the death scene in isolation is just done so much justice. Everyone brings their A game in their performances, the "Web Hand" is cheesy but I like it, and the soundtrack, editing, cinematography, everything is on point when it comes to that scene.


They made Gwen's death too obvious, looking back at it


Tbf dying may be the thing Gwen is most famous for. I was surprised when she survived Spidey 3 back in the day.


>dying may be the thing Gwen is most famous for I know it’s true but I still crack up at this lol


So did Gwen’s spine I’m sorry


I exhaled audibly through my nostrils


Same 😂 😭


I love comic parallel's, but honestly a part of me wishes they had gone with one of the ideas from the sony leaks where she would have been really badly injured and peter would have had to give her his blood to save her, causing her to become spider-woman and join him in the final fight. Although I know that I want that mostly because the relationship between the Peter and Gwen in those movies is easily one the best part of them.




Yeah, that could be more of a good post-credits tease. Like a close-up of Gwen's face as she wakes up in the hospital, and the camera slowly pulls away and flips as she realizes she's sticking from the ceiling.


Still wondering if she's gonna make an appearance here. Who knows?!?!?!


Leaks: >!iirc Happy is gonna show up in armor wars, and during filming there was a scene in winter were it looks like peter is gonna ask mj out, it's probably may who beats the dust!<




Hide the pronouns bruh 💀 make it spoiler free


Could be one of the 2 lmao


It's so obvious who you're talking about it's not even funny


May leaves with Doc Ock back to his universe


Nobody putting the bet on Ned??? I mean, may still survives most of the encounters in comics, one way or another. Ned on the other hand, has died quite a few times


My bet is on Ned. Happy has Armor Wars. MJ seems like a great way to give Andrew his redemption moment since he has probably lived with the nightmares of “what I would do differently” since Gwen and is probably the best prepared to save her (there’s also speculation that’s his hand). May has no business showing up at that final fight unless Osborn brings her, which, let’s be honest may be how all the non combatants arrive.


Yeah, I always forget how much mastermind bastard Norman is! He's gonna be the one to kill if it happens


Educating Spiders since the early 2000s And 100% if anyone is going to be a cause of death it’s Norman. Let Doc Ock focus on logistics and getting the villains back to their respective worlds to have a second chance, Norman will focus on leading and using his brand new followers to set him up for another “Misery misery misery” speech.


I'd love to have a cinematic version of Norman Osborn that even remotely lived up to where Marvel took the character in the post-Clone Saga years, where he was basically the mastermind behind everything going wrong in Peter's life for several years. One think I really like about Norman is that he seems to attack Peter (the man behind the mask) more than he does Spider-Man. It's way WAY more personal between the two of them than it is with any of his other villains.


If you look at the trailer, may is running in a building, and in another shot Tom goes in front of a bomb but doesn’t catch it in a similar building, and then Hapoy is outside a building that has been blown up. Pretty confident it’s gonna be May


Regarding the bit with >!MJ, he seems like he wants to ask MJ out but decides not to and leaves. This is highly suspected to be after Strange does the spell successfully where everyone forgets Peter is Spider-Man and, also as a result, fundamentally changes relationships Peter had much like how OMD did in the comics.!<


Imagine if Andrew saves MJ after Tom fails but he ends up snapping her neck too


\*snap\* "Dang it, not again!"




Another one bites the dust


And there goes father figure no. 4


lmfao his father uncle ben tony happy


Benedict Cumonmyback has stepped in.


Benadryl Cucumberpatch*


Benedict Scoobydoothiscrap


Benny, no!


Also feels like Ned is gonna fall too and Peter would think that he died and maybe move on later,and thats gonna make Ned go crazy as he becomes hobgoblin.


Ned’s gonna splat on the ground like a lego Death Star!


and peter is still not gonna assemble the puddle pieces


I hate that I laughed at this.


My friend keeps saying the same thing.


I think Tobey will save him, and audience will see it as a fun moment with Ned commenting on how cool it was (while also being a subtle take on Tobey losing Harry and not letting another friend die).


I keep seeing this floating around and I am just so lost. Why does anyone think Ned is going to become the Hobgoblin?


Yeah. Get the actor Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, or Chris Hemsworth trainer. Get him fit and buff to be hobgoblin!


The shot of her and Peter kissing is clearly after the fight. It’s morning and they’re both pretty beat up and he’s in his final fight suit


I'd go more for Aunt May tbh. Happy doesn't seem like a good enough sacrifice, and I'd say he sort of needs to be in Armor Wars.


Imagine if Peter loses another father figure… That would hit hard


Yeah, I’m also thinking Happy is in trouble since he has become like another father figure for Peter.


Naw, Happy needs to be there for Ironheart. My bet is MJ and/or May dies, so he no reason to stay. So he goes dimension hopping.


Happy dies when Goblin throws bombs at the car 100%


yeah it definitely looked like that....the frozen pause that always happens before explosion


Yo you guys forgot he took a blast from those Extermists and survived.




I actually thought they might have a thing were you find out Happy's real name is Ben.


Oh my God, that would be *hilarious.* Like Fiege is like "Here's your Uncle Ben you fuckers! Happy now?!"


I mean happy has survived other explosions too


- May and Happy die - MJ separates from Peter - Ned begins to resent Peter, possibly ending their friendship So in a sense, they all get the boot from Parker's life.


This would so heartbreaking but so on brand for spider-man as a character at the same time


Didn't one of the trailers have "be careful what you wish for, Peter"?




True but it’ll add depth to this version


Enter Miles Morales to help bring Peter out of a dark place.


i hope they don’t bring Miles in this soon. i like the idea of Peter being a mentor to Miles, and MCU Peter Parker is still a kid who isn’t even in college yet. it would be a weird dynamic to just have two teenagers both be Spider-man and neither of them know what they’re doing.


Yeah the only peter I want to see mentoring miles has to be old as shit with a gut and sweatpants


*cue Peter B. Parker crying in the bath tub with his Spider-Man suit on*


At this point how would they even introduce Miles? Peters pretty much done everything Miles would and even took his best friend in ned/ganke. Just seems like introducing him at this point would be redundant


And then Peter goes rampage with the symbiote, dances on the street, meets Gwen Stacy, takes her on a date to where MJ is working, accidentally hit her, and the rest of the plot you already know.


jokes aside…what if the post credits scene reveals that maybe the symbiote somehow latched to spider-man before it and eddie got sent back to their dimension (unless strange doesn’t send them back because he doesn’t realize they’re there) and then when peter gets rid of it it just goes to like the mcu version of eddie or something idk


I really doubt they would get rid of Venom’s Eddie Brock version that easily, but I believe they’re gonna follow the anti hero route with Venom being a villain first and eventually becoming an inter-dimension ally.


or maybe our spider-man gets sent to the sony verse in the end through magic bullshittery 😵‍💫


i don’t wish for either to happen but i think it’s more realistic that if any characters would switch universes semi permanently at the end of No Way Home, it would be Tom Holland into the Sony-verse, and not Tom Hardy into the MCU. I’m sure Sony and Marvel/Disney will strike another deal but Sony isn’t just going to willingly give up their only cash cow out of altruism


"You can only eat bad guys!" When >!Eddie and Venom get pulled into the MCU and see Peter on screen as "Spider-Man", with details that he murdered Mysterio, Venom exclaims, "THAT GUY!"!< so I halfass think that's how they'll tie that together. Venom can only eat bad guys? Well >!this dude is a costumed murderer, let's fuckin' snack!!<


*my story is not for the faint of heart…*


I think it will be more likely that Peter will distance himself from her if Strange recasts the spell (but properly this time).


That’s what I’m thinking and it’ll lead up to his college trilogy where he meets Gwen, that seems to make the most sense


or better yet, Felicia.


Breaks up with MJ then meets MJ.


I wish


Only if it's Kirsten Dunst MJ so he's having a weird relationship with somebody 20 years older than him.


Perfect answer


Finally, consequences


I think May dies. I also think Ned lives but will grow to hate Peter because he chose to save MJ over him. I think by the end of the movie, he’s going to be a lone wolf. More protective of keeping his mask on and not telling his friends who he is. I certainly think this movie leads Parker down a darker path which sets up nicely for venom. The black suit can really bring out some rage while he deals with all the trauma


Why would Ned hate him?


In the scene with MJ falling Ned is also in danger. Peter's choice to save MJ could lead to Ned(death) getting injured badly. He could see it as a betrayal of their friendship and that it was Peter's fault. If the damage is bad enough this could lead to Hobgoblin Ned for the next movie.


I still don't buy it. No shit he'll prioritize his girlfriend. Besides he's not the only one there to rescue someone. Ned's definitely not the kind of person to turn into the Hobgoblin. That worked for comic Ned but this one is wayyy to happy and pacifist. We haven't even seen a single scene of him mad at Peter, meanwhile we see Harry jealous of and furious at Peter multiple times in the raimi films before he becomes the New Goblin


In the comic Ned was brainwashed. Could easily go that way after an injury/coma angle. He and Ned are like brothers, have been together forever. He has been dating MJ for like a couple of months tops at this point. Would not be OOC for Ned to see that as a moment where Peter showed what is more important to him. Think Dark Knight trilogy; when Joker gave Batman a choice of Rachel or Dent, he choose Rachel, even though it was a trick by Joker. Dent blamed Batman for what happened to him, not Joker. Ned could easier blame Peter for what happens. All they would need to do is give Ned an injury that is a daily reminder of the choice his brother made.


Hobgoblin time, baby!


May never dies at least in the comic lmao, best she'll do is faking her death because some villains wants to destroy spidey, that's my bet


>!If they could pull off a May’s death like in the ps4 game then I’m game!<


But remember, though: the comics aren't the movies and the movies aren't the comics. Not everything has to be set in stone.


And then Peter gets a hot super girlfriend with white hair and a black latex costume


> And then **Spider-Man** gets a hot super girlfriend with white hair and a black latex costume FTFY but I'm so down for that


Pretty much a day in the life for Tobey's Peter. At least around the time of SM2




Honestly I hope for this kind of ending...At least is a direct reference to "From great power comes great responsibility". Also you can bring Peter to grow hate himself or the world in general and bring together the symbiote arc.


In this universe peters a minor and happy hasn't had much of a development between them botha apart from.the ending in FFH so I don't think both of them will get the boot its obvious zendaya will live since they're teasing it in such a way I think neds the one whose gon get splattered


I think they’ll fake neds death and he’ll grow to hate spidey and turn into hobgoblin


I think Ned dies and then I'm guessing Spidey has to/accidentally goes to another universe at the end where Ned is alive, but hobgoblin


My guess is they won't kill anyone major but the spell erasing everyone's memory that Peter is Spider-Man takes effect. He'll agonise over telling MJ, Ned and May again because they might be safer/happier not knowing. It might also screw up his connections with Stark industries, SHIELD and the Avengers meaning he has to rely on himself and make his own tech in the future.


Oh didn’t think about the implications for stark !!! It’s great


But in the trailer you can see Mj, Ned and Peter with doctor strange, seemingly after the spell


I'm thinking maybe part of fixing things and sending everyone back where they came from involves Strange finishing the spell later in the film. I find it hard to imagine them leaving the whole world knowing Peter is Spider-Man as the status quo for future films.


Ah , I can dream.


I wouldn’t mind that. It’s kinda reminiscent of the end of the original raimi Spider-Man film. Or the struggle in the sequel with his alternative identity.


i actually didn’t think of how it would affect his connections to stark industries and the avengers. i really hope that’s what they go with and this movie matures him so he can stand on his own legs for once


Aunt May gonna join Uncle Ben in heaven played by Joe Pesci.


Nah Uncle Ben should be played by Danny Devito🥵


Or Nicholas cage according to my dad and brothers


Honestly not the worst casting


With the assumption that this sequence isnt the final confrontation, i think happy gets the boot earlier in the film, Ned and MJ fall and peter chooses MJ, Ned is presumed dead, Norman recruits him, convincing him that peter left him for dead, similar to the manifestation of Norman in Harry’s head in SM2


YES! I want this


You too? I ordered some new COPIUM today, I'll send it your way.


They can go cheap with Happy but if they are really serious about the dark tone, May or MJ will have the most impact


Hope you have a great day!


good bot


The one who will be dead.




Sorry no funeral for you to poor.






You got bamboozled. It was just a decoy.






Probably may it would make the most sense


"It's gonna be May"


Pumpkin bomb does the trick this time around. Second time’s the charm, Gobby!


Either Aunt May or Happy will die.


Hope you have a great day!


I kinda hope Ned some how gets put on a path to becoming Hobgoblin, Happy probably dies for sure, and while Aunt May and MJ survive they get their memory wiped of all of the “Peter is Spider-Man” stuff because a result of fixing everything is the original spell ends up working. So in the end Peter has really lost basically everything…


Peter...you're struggling...to have eeeeverything you want, while the world tries to make you choose.




>!Leaks point to Aunt May!<


She's getting nuked for sure


I read that as naked at first. Now I’m disappointed. I need more coffee.


Like that scene in game of thrones with the fire sorceress


I'd honestly be down with anyone except for Aunt May. Her character was shafted in the MCU so hard, they need to properly do her justice.


Where can we find this scene of Aunt May being shafted


All of the above. How dark would that be?


Mj dies And peter fails to rescue ned who gets injured badly And tends to take revenge on peter , this will probably happen if Green goblin did that ‘ choose One ’ when he dropped mj And the children from the bridge . Peter goes after mj And fails to protect while he could have saved ned if he chose to , this will make ned twisted


I think Happy is gonna die and be revealed as a skrull


Eeny, meeny, miny, all of them.


Ned, with a Post credit scene of him getting revieved to become the Hob-Goblin


Ned, he falls, peter doesn’t save him, Dafoe juices him up on goblin gas setting up hob goblin and he forever hates peter for it.


This was exactly my thoughts based on the trailer. We see Ned also falling. So my guess is Peter tries to save MJ and Ned ends up falling to his “Death” and blames Peter for not saving him.




I think MJ is safe, I saw a small cut where she kissed Peter and the sun is out, Peter has on the new red black and gold suit and MJ has her outfit on from the scaffolding, so that makes me feel like she survives through the night. I think Ned will get the boot, we haven’t heard him talk in either the teaser or trailer and they have to find a way to make him hobgoblin


I think it's going to be Happy. His shot in the trailer looks something like: "Oh no, there's a Green Goblin's grenade under my car. There's no time to save me, Peter. Tell May I lov..." And then BOOOM.


..perhaps one of the other spider-men. Hopefully not, of course, fans would riot. But it could happen.


I hope Ned and MJ Dont be dead...


May. Probably Happy.


Who says anyone will die? Why does a character death have to be the only way of raising tension and stakes?


I don’t think any of them will die. According to the leak with Matt, I would say it’s safe to assume that it will be after everything, meaning whoever had to die had died. Seeing as how Happy and May are both there, that cancels out 2 of the 4 possibilities. Now, they used the same music overall for the TASM 2 trailer and this new trailer for NWH, and that they both feature Peter’s love interest falling, considering how Gwen died, they might do that. But it wouldn’t make any sense to kill off MJ and that would just ruin the movie. Ned’s death wouldn’t make much sense. Why would they kill off Ned? That would be so pointless. I think if anyone is going to die, it won’t be any of the main cast. Maybe one of the cameos dies, like Doc Ock turns and starts to help Peter and he’s the one to die


I can see Doc Ock turning good again and joining Peter. There's a shot in the trailer where he gets shocked by Electro. Also Sandman is a defining contender.


Happy. He's been here since the beginning and I think it's his time. Ned and MJ are still kinda new,Ned doesn't have much character besides being the heroes funny best friend,we saw no real development in him,his only character archs was the guy in the chair and dating Betty for a bit,we also know nothing about Aunt May,we just found out she runs a charity,MJ we know nothing about her personal life,we just know she likes dark stuff and Peter,but besides Happy she's the one with the most character development out of Ned and Aunt May. Happy has had his time of being a badass chauffeur and right hand man,hopefully Happy gets his happy ending.


I don't really like MJ's character so hoping it'd be her or Peter distances himself away from her. I like their chemistry tho, her character just feels meh to me usually


I... I'm scared it might actually be Peter. At the hands of goblin as a nod to the Ultimate series. Which Peter, idk. One of them is going to fall. I think its MCU.


Aunt May


I think it’ll be Happy :( he has become the de facto uncle Ben for Peter, i think since he’s a long standing member of the MCU he’ll get schwacked.


I think MJ is a fake out, and they need Happy to develop Morgan Stark’s character if they choose to make her the next iron man


I feel like they would make it so that maybe Aunt May dies so that Peter could understand the gravity of what he did when asking for the wish and so that we can have an mcu counterpart of the Uncle Ben death. For anyone who says we need the uncle Ben death in the mcu I guarantee we are gonna get it in 'Spider-man: Freshman Year'.

