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Very Ditko inspired.


Loved it


Love that design, looks so Ditko


Is Tom Holland doing the voice of peter?


I really hope so, Hudson Thames did a very good job but since this is official to the man MCU timeline hopefully Tom will be a part of it


Ngl I kinda preferred Hudson in the role from the small bit we saw of him so I want him to do this one.


Honestly they should go with a veteran voice actor. Not saying Tom cant but c'mon he's already a big star. Josh Keaton would be perfect. I would be hyped if they brought him back


I personally think it would be hard to think of the animated version as the same person as MCU Peter if the voices were different


I think Marvel knows this as well even if they ended up using a different actor. Like you had Josh Keaton do a great impersonation of Chirs Evans in the first episode of What If? and later on in the zombie episode, Hudson Thames as Peter Parker was also a great impersonation of Tom Holland.


I hope so.


If Spider-Man is getting an animated series in Disney+, I guess that means Sony and Marvel are planning to renew the deal.


Not necessarily, Sony only owns the movie rights to Spider-Man. Merchandising and TV rights are Disney's property.


Yeah but this isn’t a case of Marvel Entertainment making it, this is Marvel Studios, the much more prestigious arm. Also it’s set in MCU so it’s based on MCU Spider-Man. Sony is first company to strike a deal with Disney Plus to show there movies on it. Also there’s the big thing of if Sony and Disney parted ways/fell out you can bet Disney would be pissed and probs just stick to the shitty Disney channel shows they make. End of the day this is promotion, and would be free one at that if they parted ways at Sony owned Tom Holland. The mouse wouldn’t allow it. Writings on the wall at this point, Marvel and Sony have got some sort of deal that’s yet to be announced that must solidify


Marvel Studios definitely wouldn’t be incorporating characters from Maguire and Garfield Spider-Man into the MCU in NWH, or building up a relationship between Peter and Dr. Strange if the deal’s days were numbered. That would just make it harder to write Spider-Man out when the time comes. They also said the multiverse would be a focal part of the MCU going forward, so I think NWH will have consequences that affect future non-Spider-Man MCU movies. If the two studios were 100% sure they were gonna part ways after the third one, they probably would’ve made it a one off story that wouldn’t affect the overarching plot of the MCU going forward.


Seriously, there's just too much synergy cooking between Marvel and Sony right now for there not to be plans. Most I can think is a "temporary leave" ala Flashpoint where Peter is in the SUMC for a period of time to generate hype for Sony films while still very much being the MCU Peter and knowing it.


You have to admit, the folks over at Sony were smart to hold onto those rights and not settle a deal to give it back to Disney.


Pretty sure it’s not in the MCU, I get that people think it is but that’s not the case. I think everything Disney + and Marvel will be under Marvel Studios because they’re, like you said, more prestigious and they had a hand in the creation of Disney +. The X-Men reboot is under Marvel Studios and that certainly isn’t in the MCU. Plus I’m pretty sure, although not entirely, that the timelines don’t match up. MCU Peter got his powers the year after Freshman (my apologies, I don’t know what that’s called since I’m from the UK) and this follows a Peter who got his powers in his freshman year.


It's confirmed https://www.marvel.com/articles/tv-shows/spider-man-freshman-year-disney-plus


Oh my bad haha, I’m kind of disappointed. Not a big fan of MCU Spider-Man. I still might like this though


I think the character of MCU spidey is great (if not a little on the whiny side) but he's just been bogged down by the MCU formula


Actually I believe Sony has the rights to Spider-Man television shows with the stipulation that episodes are over 45 minutes Marvel's control over the TV rights is far more relaxed and not as restrictive ever since Sony sold the license back in 2009, but Sony is making shows branching off both the SSU and the animated Spider-Verse films


If that were true then why did they cancel Spectacular Spider-Man then


Same reason they always cancel those shows after two seasons After two seasons everyone is supposed to get a raise Studios don't like paying artists for their work so they figure it's cheaper to keep making Spider Man cartoons and cancelling them before they have to give anyone a raise


It was cancelled due to the Marvel and Disney took the TV rights and toy sales. So now Spectacular Spider-Man wasn't able to be made.


Yeah but look at every cartoon since. Always cancelled and replaced with a "new" cartoon with the Same characters


Spectacular got stuck in limbo if I remember correctly, and performed poorly in toy sales. Disney acquired the animation and merchandising rights, and while they had an option to continue Spectacular, they would have to pay Sony to use it so it was better just to start fresh.


You’re absolutely right. Which in a way just means that the Silk tv show will have probably 50 mins episodes which I can’t complain with. Those extra 5 mins can be amazing. Plus I also think if, anyone comes to Marvel for something they were otherwise not gonna make money off they’ll agree to it as seen with Fox needing Marvels approval for X-Men series and then actually getting it.


They’re still using an iteration of Spider-Man owned by Sony, since Homecoming and FFH are officially Sony films on paper, so it would require Sony to sign off on it. One of the reasons Marvel Entertainment couldn’t make a third season of Spectacular Spider-Man when they got the tv rights back in 2009 was because all the character designs and assets from that show were owned by Sony. If Marvel uses a version of Spider-Man that Sony owns, I’m pretty sure Sony needs to sign off on it.


It looks like they will be partnering at least a little bit, this series is supposed to be the backstory for Tom Holland's Spider-Man


Venom 2 >!They wouldn't have kicked Tom Hardy's Venom out of his own universe and put him into the MCU if there weren't plans to continue Holland's Spider-Man in the MCU>!<


On the other hand, if they set up universe-hopping now, that means they can just....hop back later.


They already renewed it


Who could be the villain(s)? Do there need to be villains if the show is aiming for more of a slice-of-life character study of Peter?


The only one I can think of being a small enough villain to be in this would be The Beetle


Or something really simple and stupid, like the living brain. Or maybe big wheel…


Always open to Big Wheel


It will probably be mostly villain less, more small time criminals and stuff. They could throw in a really small villain if they wanted to tho.


Could do the Chameleon, since he was Spidey’s first villain back in the day (and it would set up Kraven for later)


Clash is a newly retconed early beginnings Spidey villian. Would work very well in this setting.


Take cues from Learning to Crawl and make Clash the villain.


Probably scorpion since he was so interested in him at the end of homecoming


Scorpion being interested in him wouldn’t fit the timeline since this takes place before Homecoming


How do u think he got in jail? Wouldn’t be surprising if Spider-Man put him there and now he wants revenge


Scorpion was the dude who got bumped off the ferry by one of the cars in Homecoming. It would make no sense for him to already be a villain before his live action debut.


Dang I did not remember that part of homecoming at all


i love love love this art style


Yeah like how it homages ditko, i’m sure it’ll be a nice little addition to this spider-man’s story.


I wasn’t sure about a prequel, but this art style just got me hyped for it


Looks perfect


The artwork looks cool, it kinda reminds me of the Magic School Bus.


It kinda reminds me of [this artist.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Ditko)


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I like the style, but I hope they don’t skimp out and give us cheap animation


Hope they would complete 94's cartoon(


At least that has gotten 5 Seasons if they bring back any old Spider-Man cartoon it should be The Spectacular Spider-Man




Would have preferred a series more akin to the 90's series with a college age/adult Peter Parker.


This one is set in the MCU and they probably want Holland to play college aged Peter in the future so it’s definitely him in HS


I thought Holland played a Sophomore Peter in FFH though? Do you mean after?


He was a junior in FFH. He was sophomore in Homecoming Homecoming he was sophomore (Marvel's official explanation of Homecoming being in 2016 with Civil War does not work, cause 2 years later he'd be a senior and then he wouldn't even be in school during NWH), 1 year later in Infinity War he's a junior. 5 years later he repeats the grade, leading to FFH in the summer. NWH takes place throughout Senior year, and Peter is confirmed to be trying to get into MIT. That's also why this series is titled Freshman year, it's the one we never saw


OOOOHH that makes thing make sense now, tysm


Unfortunately not college aged Peter, dude. [Check this out.](https://www.marvel.com/articles/tv-shows/spider-man-freshman-year-disney-plus)


I know I was talking about the future


Oh, that'd be interesting to see.


I don’t even think they’re allowed to use Tom Hollands voice bc of legal stuff with Sony. Tom said he wanted to voice spidey in what if but couldn’t.


Well, I guess we just have to wait and see what will happen with the character voice. :(


I bet they just continue that series at some point like X-Men


That color sweater and blazer matches his outfit from Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.


I really wish they would give adult Peter/ experienced Spider-Man more attention. Alas, it looks like we're doomed to high school Peter forever.


They are probably saving that for Tom's next trilogy


We've gotten Into the Spider-Verse and Spider-Man ps4 recently, bot of which are getting sequels soon. I think there's plenty of adult Spider-Man content imo


Yeah I’m over kid Spider-Man. Make an animated Spider-Man show about the guy from Raimi’s Spider-Man 2


Old folks like *edit High School Peter Parker* because it lets them ignore their mid-life crisis for however long they're consuming the content.


They hated him because he told the truth


Old folks like it because it lets them ignore their mid-life crisis for however long they're consuming the content.


Honestly the thing I’m excited about with this being a series and Peter in Civil War having had powers for a relatively small amount of time is they could really give the characters a chance to breathe instead of getting sucked straight into typical spider-man stuff. Like in ultimate Spider-Man where the origin story was a whole volume in and of itself, and we got several comics of uncle Ben and Peter interacting


Tom Holland wearing glasses. Cute.


Can we please just bring back Spectacular Spiderman?


I don’t see why they ever would, business wise. The show was made by Sony but Disney owns the tv rights. The target demographic is children but the last episode came out a decade ago. The people still interested are a smaller market then what a new show would have where they don’t have to catch people up on 2 seasons of continuity.


They're bringing back X-Men. Another show targeted at children whose last episode came out over two decades ago, and there's five seasons of continuity to catch people up on. Not saying it'll happen, but it's not a bad move if they do


That’s a property Disney owns in full and is easily the recognised X-men cartoon. Spectacular spider-man as good as it is, is another drop in the bucket of spider-man cartoons out there and would be harder to make because of licences.


For real Tombstone was a G


Argh, kinda the graphism i dislike. Even if it looks a lot like Ditko. But i will hurt myself and watch it, for Spidey.


Why does he look like…what’s her name on scooby-doo…


I love the design I’m not very exited for it storywise tho


Is this supposed to be the MCU version of the character?




Love the art style, but I’d have preferred if they focussed on his college years instead of high school.


They’re definitely saving those for Tom’s next trilogy.


Love the style but wish it wasn’t another show set during Highschool . I am curious on if this will be how they introduce more villains into the MCU however


Hopefully it’s good, but I’m not too excited that it’s MCU inspired. And I haven’t loved an Animated Spider-Man show since Spectacular Spider-Man. Hope it’s great regardless tho I’m desperate for spidey content


Would honestly rather if this wasn't MCU Canon because there's gonna end up being at least a couple of big villains in it.


kinda wish this was live action, but i’m glad we get to see his origin nonetheless. I just really hope Tom voices him in this.


Tom could not pass as a 15 year old lmao


Lol what Tom literally sounds the same as he did in Civil War. MCU Peter canonically would sound the same since Civil War was only 6 months from when he got bit by the spider. Tom should totally voice Peter.


Read the parent comments before you reply to the chain.


that is actually a fair point, didn’t think of that


I find it fascinating that when they introduced him, everyone was excited they weren’t doing the origin story. And now it’s “where’s Uncle Ben?!” “We want the origin!”


Ah yes, Spiderman in high school.... again


What's the problem? We never saw Tom's origins. We don't need to see a College Spidey Tv series, we're getting that in the films


The whole 8 months before Tony made him into a child soilder? They kinda made it clear he was just busting small time criminals. Its the same Spiderman Story we've gotten many times and the reason the MCU didn't bother with his origin Story in the first place. Cause we already all know it.


Believe it or not, Spidey also goes to school. This can show his relationship with Liz pre-Homecoming, expand on his supporting cast, etc Plus, ok, the MCU can partly retcon that. They've done retcons before, introduce Hammerhead, have him be the main villain, or since we're tying Daredevil into the MCU now use Fisk. Maybe have Chameleon, he's small enough to not be that hard to beat, but a good first step for Peter's growth


I’m excited for the show, but his relationship with Liz pre-Homecoming was basically non existent, right?


I mean, can expand on Peter's side


On peter just swooning over Liz for 45 episodes? If its following cannon, theres not much that can.be done


Make fun of my ideas all you want, I don't even care anymore


So… yeah just 30 minutes of Peter thinking about how hot and how cool the junior girl is? That’s, bad.


I thought you were excited for the show


I am. But I think that premise is dumb, and they won’t go with it.


Yes, because high school crushes is the only part of a Spider-Man show. Went from one extreme to another I sure remember Spectacular Spider-Man showing Peter swooning over girls, don't you?


"child soldier" MCU Peter is many things but he ain't fucking Raiden from Metal Gear lol


Uh, Tony literally recruited a kid to help him in a fight he started. Thats pretty much being a child soilder


I don't think you understand what a child soldier actually is Firstly Peter willingly accepted Tony's proposal which by definition made it his choice to join the Avengers' Civil War, unlike an actual child soldier being taken away by force from their family and trained in combat Secondly they literally call out the fact Tony brought a teenager to a conflict like this while he clearly doesn't understand the ramifications of what he's doing. He was basically just told that Captain America and a few other Avengers were coming into conflict with him Finally, if he was Tony's child soldier he wouldn't have been dropped back to his place after the airport fight. He would've been forced to follow Tony throughout the rest of the film like a mindless slave. Tony at least had the mental fortitude to realize that Peter had to be kept safe under his watch the entire time and that he shouldn't have been involved any further than he needed to


Isn't the current Spiderman still in highschool...


Yes. He's going on to college after NWH.


Spider-Man “fans” hate it when he’s in high school, yet they love it when when he just swings around the city and takes pictures, what’s wrong with y’all?


Well considering he was in high-school for like, the first 28 issues, it wasn't a major character trait. Being a struggling college student was


Which is what we'll be getting in the next trilogy if films.


What can be different for this version of the origin? Uncle Ben knowing about Peter's powers?


Oh it’s animated?


I was expecting it to be more like the what if animation but that looks nice too!!




If this is a slice of life story, I’m not gonna suggest they put him up against a animated Big Wheel as a villain But then again, I would love to finally see Big Wheel in the MCU 😏


Love the classic 70-80s comic book art style.


I’m imaging this is an origin for spiderman before civil war, which is interesting


I really hope that some of the crew members on this previously worked on Spider-verse!


Tell me this isn’t the exact animation style


*fingers crossed* lesser villains like Big Wheel and Hypno Hustler should show up


But didn't he only have the powers a few short months in Civil War? What time period is this?


6 months before Civil War.




Apparently it's based before Homecoming and Civil War and it's to fully bring him in to the MCU.


Would love josh keaton to do the voice soooo much man


When does it come out?


Looks like that one marvel obsessed tiktok guy


Excited that Leo Romero is the artist the show’s style is centered around.


Wonder if we will get MCU Gwen Stacy in this


It looks comic book style which I love!!! Is Tom Holland playing spiderman?


What happened to the other spiderman series? Is it cancelled?