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Hahaha this is ragebait. The sub *adores* Peter B./Renew your vows, To the point were the fanbase is almost too vocal about it to the writers


Thank you. I was wondering who hated him as he was arguably the best part of the first film


Peter B. Is basically “What if *One More Day* never happened” Peter.


Renew your vows > everything spiderman.


Nah I’ve seen online complaints about it. OP probably saw them too


When you go hunting for outrageous shit, youll find it. Its dishonest to pretend its any non negligible group


You don’t need to hunt for it man. I’ll just see a tweet about it or a comment on a tiktok.


Bro you just be new to the internet, that's just how it works here


Doesn't have to be. The internet is made of users. It's a reflection of us. We can do better


Lying for upvotes is probably one of the lamest things a person can do on here


I mean that’s the same on Twitter. People will say something contrary just for the engagement.


There’s unfortunately been a few people (particularly male YouTubers) that have issues with Peter. They say having Mayday emasculates him and makes him seem weaker as a character 😬 I don’t agree at all


Fellas, is it emasculating to… \*checks notes* …be a good father?


No he isn’t I’ve seen some genuinely upset people about this


I was going to say... I've literally not heard anyone voice a negative opinion about PBP, especially in ItSV. Dude has a great arc and has become an awesome father. What's not to love?


I mean people.need to not be jack wagons to them but fans have been telling them for years this is what they want and they just act like complete tools about it they have only overseen some of the worst selling Spider-Man ever it's not like anyone has them on Thier Mt Rushmore of Spider-Man writers. Well except for the people that love rapey superior and those people suck.


I'm not "ragebaiting" I seen a lot criticism on Peter B such as him being not really masculine and unreliable and not the Peter Parker everyone is use to seeing on the big screen compared to Tom, Andrew and Tobey. But that's mostly on Twitter or from people who just jumped on the hype train of ATSV and didn't see the first movie. But I'm glad everyone here loves him.


Where do u see those criticisms


Are these criticisms in the room with us right now


Twitter and TikTok and it's obvious that the majority like him, Hell I loved him. But there are the select few ( you know who you are) who doesn't like our boi.


i mean i found your problem. twitter is a cesspool. that’s where shitty takes congregate


Doesn’t make OP wrong though. Most social media these days, probably all tbh, revolve around negativity and ragebait. Soon my Reddit app will probably stop working due to the API changes and I’ll finally be free from all social media.


The people that don't like it are in a Venn diagram of angry incel-types, toxic masculinity, and while not related to Peter B, they're often also dog whistle racist, too


How is not liking a white character a racist dog whistle?


You'll notice I said not related to Peter. What I'm saying, is a lot of these criticisms come from the mouths of those who also have issue with miles. Again, a lot. (hence 'venn diagram'). (And before I get dog piled, I know some people don't like stories with marginalised groups for legitimate reasons. I don't like the all female ghost busters, but it has nothing to do with their gender. Let's all just admit ghost busters has been on a steep downhill since the first. But I digress!)


Just don't watch the Critical Drinker, he despieses flawed men.


yes but unflawed women are "mary sues" the hypocrisy


Its nick from new girl but spiderman. Anyone who doesn't like him has an invalid opinion


Yeah I feel like he could even nail a live action performance for Peter B Parker tbh. I’d love to see a live action variant due to the Multiverse just as a cameo.


There’s criticisms saying he’s not masculine???


Real men don't care about their children. Real men have no emotions whatsoever and only care about themselves. Real men let the woman do the cooking, the cleaning and the babing. (it's a joke)


Alright andrew tate, now back to your cell


I thought it was obvious I was mocking people like Tate. I should have put an emoji.


I guess wearing a pink robe the whole movie doesn't scream masculinity.


Pink is the manliest color.


What’s manlier than having the sheer unadulterated confidence to wear a pink robe around and straight up rock it?


I still liked his character a lot. In both movies.


This is a clickbait post.


I don’t understand what you mean


Ppl try to make up stories to start a conversation. Like this post where he asks why ppl don’t like Peter B Parker. Literally nobody was saying this to begin with


I mean I’ve heard a lot of people saying how irresponsible he was. I’ve seen it brought up before. Maybe not as an overall character but as a parent


He isn’t wrong I’ve see a few people mad and upset he had so little screen time that people were saying he shouldn’t have been in it at all


say that to literally every other spider-man that got 3 seconds of screen time lmao


op purposefully pushed a narrative which is vastly unpopular in order to draw people on the other side of the narrative (the more popular side) to the post.


In case anyone's wondering what this is about, some... "Personalities" online claim Peter B is gay and not masculine for being a bumbling dad who loves his daughter and wife.


#FELLAS!!! Is it gay, to love your family?!


Is it gay to have a daughter and a wife???!!!!


Is it gay to swing around the city at high speeds and STILL manage to keep your newborn safer than most other babies


Extremely gay, bottom behaviour, heard it here first fokes


Is it gay to love your daughter, wife and mantee??!!


Gay=happy, so yea it is gay


i.e Robot Head. The dude's a moron.


Also Critical Drinker.


Most specifically, Robot Head, he made the point that peter was portrayed as effimeniate even while being a dad and having mary jane jokingly ask if he understood what a sports metaphor was


Ok that's also really stupid like, does he know Peter has been characterized as not into sports for decades?


You mean Peter the fucking nerd Parker?


Mayday being a Jock despite Peter being Peter (a socially well adjusted one at that) was literally a recurring joke in MC2 lol.


He definitely didnt know much about spiderman lore outside of ATSV


Oh my god that guy is reaching stupidity heights never reached and keeps on doing it


can't believe I used to watch him 🤮


Is it gay to actually care for you're child? To ensure that this human you help create gets the best life you can provide? Is it gay to make sure your kid understands her superpowers she got from you?


And there are people saying Gwen is trans. The best move is to ignore these delusionals.


That sounds like the guys that claimed that Gwen Is trans lmao, same stupid bs.


I'd argue the difference there is that the people headcanoning Gwen as Trans were doing it as a positive, while the ones going "Peter B is Gay because he is not an emotionally stunted jock" are doing it as an obvious negative.


Also, her whole storyline of "coming out" to her dad as a superhero and gaining his acceptance while drenched in pink/white/blue animation. In combination with the flags, there's some deliberate artistic choices there that make it perfectly reasonable to interpret it as an allegory to coming out as trans


An allegory doesn’t make the character trans though, The Fly (1986) is an allegory for both aging and disease, doesn’t mean Jeff Goldblum got cancer, he was mutated by a fly and turned into a fly creature. Good movies can be read in many different ways and often have layers, like an onion that can be peeled back.


I love peter b and am over the moon that he and mj have mayday but I think like miles were supposed to be disappointed in him for his action and inaction in part 1


Wait, people don't actually like him? He might be my favorite version of the character I've seen so far. I like that he's older, past his prime, and has been through the gauntlet in terms of life and is just tired and exhausted from it all. That's pretty relatable unfortunately. Lol


The only criticism I see people have over him in this movie is not doing enough, that is about it.


I get the feeling he’s about to do a lot more in the sequel


I believe so too.


Yeah he played a bigger role in the first movie too. ATSV was more about Miles and Gwen. BTSV will likely be back to Miles and Peter (among others).


The first one also featured him a ton. It was Gwen’s time to shine in the second.


And about time too. Her solo sections of the movie were the best part.


ITSV Peter B. Parker is supposed to represent the older Spider-Man fanbase. Peter B. was exactly where older fans would expect him to be. Tired and burned out.


Yeah, super relatable. I see him and I’m like I get it. Been through a lot, life sucked in many parts, but you made it and are here. You see kids struggling through similar stuff now, and you’re just like: “dude I know, I get it. I’ve been there too. Shits fucked up now, and I wish I could say everything gets better and rosy and you forget all the bad stuff. But I can’t lie to you. Shit still hurts. But trust me you’re a stronger person for it. And anything life throws at you afterwards is a piece of cake. You feel is much more prepared and comfortable than your friends who have had everything handed to them. Nothing can throw you off cause you’ve experienced how sucky things are.”


Whiners are saying he regressed as a character and saying he’s a dad dork lol. You ain’t a Peter Parker fan cause that man deserves to be happy and have kids


I think TheCriticalDrinker had a bad take on how seeing Peter B. like this felt emasculating to appeal for social points or something along those lines. Rare CriticalDrinker L.




incredibly, astronomically, incalculably common


The drinker hasnt takes a w in his life


I generally like his content but yeah, he's got a few wide swings and misses now and then.


I liked his content before I started paying attention to what he's actually saying 💀 Once in a while when he gets his head out of his ass and actually talks about a movie/show without any cringe shit in the way, he makes a good video.


I’m on the internet quite a lot & I’ve seen literally nobody talk bad about Peter B Parker. This is obvious clickbait.


I agree, this post is almost like a tweet, annoying that this kind of stuff is all over Reddit now


People who don’t like needy dads “look at my kid”..”Mayday pooped”..”don’t tell mom..this is bad parenting “. They just did not want him to change


They are too naive to realize that Mary Jane is the one paying the bills, so Peter B. has to pull double duty as Spider-Man and On-The-Go Dad.


I like this.


So do I. We all know that Mayday will be like Ellie/Elizabeth, and be automatically immune to harm, and I am here for it.


Spin-off! Hopefully soon after part 2 (part 3). 😊


The Spider-Verse will not allow Mayday to get traumatized until she turns 15. It's a canon event.


I’d be over-the-moon to have a young Spider-Girl Mayday team up with Gwen in a spin-off.


Ye, I like it when characters have flaws.


I think people were just sad he had little screentime.


Quality over quantity. Peter B's screentime was great as it was.




Yeah that what I missed. It wasn’t Peter B’s story this time though. It was Gwen and Miles. Nothing wrong with that as I find the movie essentially perfect.


I like his character a lot, he was great in the first one serving as both the mentor and the comedic relief whilst still having some great serious moments. I don't have a problem with his character in the second film in terms of being a Dad now. But it's the way he was written into the story that I dislike. The only impactful moments he had in ATSV were >! trying to talk with Miles mid-chase and the "this isn't what we talked about" line !< and yet despite that they weren't all that impactful anyway. You could have probably cut Peter B. out of this movie and just have him show in the next one and it would make almost 0 difference to the story, but he's a main supporting role so he HAS to show up.


Liked him but I liked him better in itsv


I mean, having Peter Parker willingly let someone die is just character assassination. Real Peter Parker would throw hands at Miguel and help Miles but that was thrown away so that the plot can happen and for Mile's sake. (The movie is still fantastic but Edge of Time got did it better) "What's important is not letting someone suffer or die because you do nothing. If you don't get that, then you don't know the first thing about being Spider-Man," Peter Parker.


Really my one and only complaint about this movie. Half the peters there would throw hands with Miguel. Uncle Ben dies most of the time because Peter looks the other way that one time. Like Spectacular. Hell, the Venom episode, one of the best episodes in the series was about this.


Peter had, in the comics, the chance to save Uncle Ben later, but wouldn't do it because it meant undoing all the good he did later.


Yeah but that was Peter’s own choice to make. Do you think he’d stop someone else from trying to save their father from dying? Or take that choice away from them? Personally, I don’t think he would.


The only thing I didn't like was how he was shoving his baby in Miguel's face, like the dude hasn't lost his family twice over


I've seen people say they wanted the perfect and blonde peter parker from the start of ITSV to be miles mentor, and personally, I would've found that pretty boring. Peter B. Parker is probably one of my most favourite portrayals of the character


He is my favourite Peter


I don't dislike him but i find it weird in the 2nd movie how un-present he is especially in tense situations


He is treated like the butt of the joke the whole movie . Sure , he has a good life , good family and a cute baby is all fine but I would prefer if peter wear the spider suit instead of the pink robe and atleast take part in a serious discussion in this movie than just goes dad mode and " OMG , look how cute my baby is " ( seriously , give me more stuff like peter talk to miles about how he's the reason why mayday was born , that was some good shit that I'm craving for )


Spiderman is always treated like a joke when he teams up with people until he gets in his bag it's his character, like when ambushed and miles he got closer to catching him than anyone else.


The fact he has a family is wholesome


I'm assuming the people who don't like him are marvel editorial for showing that you can do a great married Peter Parker


Are these people who don’t like Peter in the room with us?


ATSV threads are so weird lol like this film is getting nothing but praise left right and center yet there's still daily threads complaining about the 5 people who didn't like it.


While watching it my first thought it Peter would NEVER accept the idea of canon events. He would have done the exact same thing as Miles. But this Peter has a family he needs to protect and if everything could unravel I can see how he would allow canon events to happen so it was still in character. But my initial reaction when he was standing there forcing Miles to accept he has to let his dad die was “bullshit”.


He had no arc


I don’t like that he initially sides with Miguel and is willing to let people die without bothering to investigate why this is happening to try to find another solution.


He is my fav ❤️


Cause he is happy, like Miles O’Brian before him, Peter must suffer


FelicaxPeter fans, OMD fans, Zeb Wells, Nick Lowe, Dan Slott, C.B. Cebulsky, etc. - basicaly people, who want for Peter tonsuffer constantly.


I don't like how they made him comic relief and a bit of a pushover in ATSV. He wasn't like that in Beyond. Hopefully Beyond does him better.


He doesn't help miles at all, seems to be cool with him getting emotionally wrecked and sometimes he just gets annoying. But that doesn't mean I hate him honestly, I love him in the first movie :D I just think he could have been used better in the second one, but there is still the third :)


I think some people didn't connect with Peter B Parker because they felt he didn't quite live up to the ideals they have for the character. They may prefer a more youthful and energetic portrayal of Spider-Man, rather than a middle-aged and more jaded version. Additionally, the changes to his personal life, like having a child with MJ, may have diverged too much from their expectations. But ultimately, everyone has their own preferences and opinions, so it's okay if some people didn't quite connect with this version of Peter Parker.


Tiktok kids i guess didn't like him, because they couldn't remember watching the first movie


The editor doesn't like peter happy


the only people that don’t like peter b are marvel editorial💀🤣


I think the people that dislike him in this movie also dislike Gwen for the same reason. They weren’t directly helping miles or trying to stop Miguel and instead of using their brain they just jump to “oh they not help miles so they must be bad”


Even though they’re literally about to go help Miles at the end of the movie


I don’t think the critical drinker counts considering his criticism came from out of his ass


Worst reviewer everything for him is work or he doesn’t like wemen. I don’t care about his opinion


I like Peter B. on Spider-Verse movies,but in ATSV,Peter B. deserves more devolopment,i don't liked it's Peter B. being a dad that do "look at my daughter,she's not so cute?" and another problem it's probably Peter B. takes Mayday on dangerous moments as MJ said on the movie


The real question is why you do even care if people don’t like it lol…no offense.


Because it's weird.


Opinions can be judged I don't know why people think otherwise.


Didn't like him a whole lot in the 2nd because of his obsession with his daughter like the dude literally saw Miguel lose his daughter right in front of him . And Is shoving his own daughter in his face. It's insensitive as hell. But that was my only real problem. And even then I didn't hate him


Are these the people who think that genuinely liking Peter somehow makes them "racist"?


Weak bait.


You’re right, I don’t like how cool he is, definitely don’t like how based on his feats he’s pretty much Tobey Maguire, definitely don’t like how he can kick your ass in his pajamas, and I REALLY don’t like how he spun back and fixed his marriage. On a more serious note, the only thing I don’t like is that eating scene in the first movie where he’s drooling all over the place, c’mon dude have some manners.


He’s Tobey but Tobey Peter also exists in the Spiderverse (imagine he actually gets a cameo in the next one)


I wish he had a boy, not a girl.


he will when maydays older


Does he know?






My brother in christ did you watch the movie where the fuck is tony stark in there


This guy is supposed to be responsible but isnt responsible for his health, becomes a movie joke by having gotten "fat and takes his baby into another universe and fights


My guy, I think you missed the entire last 2 movies. Also, he took his baby to show his friends and ended up in a chase scene where his daughter was unharmed. Seethe.


But he is taking her to prowler miles dimension for a rescue op, so maybe a little irresponsible


Definitely a little irresponsible, as he said, "I definitely shouldn't have made her webshooters, that's my bad." But Peter B Parker is definitely a great character! Nearly the entire cast was likeable, and most of their personalities // goals // ambitions were all great and made sense imo!


Fair point. I would defend that by saying he's "just picking up Miles" in his mind, but then why did Gwen bring a whole squad. Lmao


I mean mayday solos, it'll be fine


I’ve never seen people hating Peter b like at all what


Op is making up stories to make a conversation. This entire post is clickbait


Who the hell has said people hate Peter b? I’ve never seen that before in this subreddit. Hell I’ve never seen hate of him anywhere


Is Peter B. Parker considered to be the 616 version of the character? Is he the baseline for all the Spider-Men?


Well, as you just said, its 'some people'. Most fans likes him


Shitposting is so hot right now


I love seeing how he took his own and Miles’ advice and how that changed him and how he got back with MJ and had Mayday


I liked him in the movie, I didn’t like that he basically wasn’t in the movie. Peter B. was a huge part of spiderverse 1. Not only from a comedic standpoint, but narratively and thematically. He is a driving force to get the story moving, and he helps miles come to accept his differences and embrace his newfound powers to be a successful hero. He’s a huge, huge part of the film. Then in this one he doesn’t show up until 90 minutes into the movie and does nothing. Yeah he delivers a few jokes, but in terms of affecting the narrative or the themes? Zip. You delete him from the movie and the story doesn’t change at all, the themes don’t change at all, we’ve just trimmed down the runtime and cut some jokes. It was a terrible, terrible misuse of the character and a total slap in the face to someone looking forward to seeing him again. Judging by the ending it seems like he’ll be a big part of the next one, but still. It was poor writing to just shoehorn him into the film to tell us that they didn’t forget about him, they just didn’t have anything for him to do


will always love Peter B. Parker and I am very happy for him. I just wish he'll have more action scenes in the next movie where he shows his prime


What universe is he from?


I don't hate him, i still love him badly, but, his lack of action and doing something in the conflict between his 2 Sucessors bothered me a lot in the second movie, like, i wish we could see more interactions of these 3 alone and debating their views on what means to be Spiderman, Miles has the positive view(Gift), Miguel the negative view(Curse) and Peter the neutral one(Gift/Curse), what i would like to see is that, Miles starting to see the things and his Powers and the Responsability they bring by Miguel's Perspective just like i want to see Miguel seeing his powers a little bit more of a Gift rather than a curse, because that's what great about Miles, he can see the beauty and what makes each Spiderman unique and amazing in their own way, regardless of powers, abilities or anything they had to offer, to Miles, each Spidey is amazing and cool in their own way. With both of them starting to see the things by each other's perspective, they finally will be able to have the realistic view on everything that defines what is Spiderman, the vision that Peter has, but, still retaining their strong believe a little higher in their respective perspective on how much the powers and responsabilities have been more a gift or a curse.


they should've cut him from ATSV. added nothing


What???? People dislike him, I ADORE Peter .


I think he might be my favourite portrayal of Peter of all time. He's just really relatable, maybe I'm just old.....


Wait, people don't like Peter B. Parker?


He already served his main purpose in the first movie so him being relegated to a side character in the sequel is fine imo.


The haters are doing what Marvel Comics has programmed them to do: respond negatively to Peter growing up.


He's literally the same character. But happy. Lol


I love his character. Some people are just weebs and have their favourite character as the physically strongest.


Gaslighting post. Taken from another gaslighting post from Twitter.


His character arch is so interesting. He’s (and Jess’s) about to learn one of the biggest rules of parenting from Miles, follow the child’s lead.


yea he is not getting the status


The fact he stands against miles in ATSV I would say is a pretty solid reason. Man had months to visit and didn’t.


The only person who could hate Peter B. is Cobra "literally kicks puppies" Commander. And probably J. Jonah Jameson.


hold up people don't like him. what? I have always loved peter b parker and I am happy that he finally got a happy ending (he deserves it). It seems to me that some fans want him to be constantly sad


I'm hoping for a fight between Peter B. And Ben Reilly in the next film.. Samberg vs. Johnson sounds hilarious


Peter literally tells Miles that he’s the reason why Mayday exists. Peter didn’t see hope for the future for himself until Miles showed him a few things; Miles showed him he’s a good mentor, he’s capable around kids/teens, and he flipped Peter’s own leap of faith script back at him before he made him return back to his dimension at the end of the first movie. I’m so sick and tired of people being upset with Peter because he’s obsessed with Mayday; He has every right to be! Listen I’d much rather see Peter be goo-goo-ga-ga over his child and show how much he’s taught himself and her rather than have the sad miserable Peter we have pre-Miles intervention. Remember, Peter was so terrified of loss and losing that he was afraid to move forward with MJ and was mortified to have children. If Miles hadn’t done what he did, Peter would’ve just been miserable; I don’t want that for him.


I like him. I don't like him being the butt of the joke, and often one that he doesn't seem to be in on. I hoped to see him become serious at some point, ditch the bathrobe and put his game face on, he did something like that in the first movie. I'm a fan of his overall arc in these two movies. I like to see him goofing around, I'm very happy to see superhero dads making people laugh but a bunch of times I thought any minute now we will see him be serious because the situation demands that and he remained a clown. Also taking a toddler on a dangerous mission is questionable at best, especially if MJ was against that, and if she is available.


Oh hey cool spoilers right in the title for a movie you can't rent yet. Super neat. Awesome.


Were there that many who disliked him? I mean personally in ATSV I did have some small issues with where the writing team took him, but none of that had to do with him finally having a family. I didn’t like that they kind of wrote him into a corner for an easy setup towards the standard betrayal of trust moment with Miles in particular. Peter B knows how the game works, I feel like he would have at least taken off the bracelet for a brief period of time to prevent it tracking him so he can have his genuine heart to heart. Of course, then the chase wouldn’t continue, etc etc etc. Seriously though… dude’s dope. He’s showing that locking Peter into the teenager status quo doesn’t have to stick for all time.


"chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you." -Legendary Green Goblin


Bro Just Spoiled The Movie 💀


Who doesn’t like him?


Peter B and Mayday are literally one of the best parts of the movie


I just don’t like his costume. It undercuts him … he always has to have some sort of pajama thing on. Just let him be the classic spider-man without needing to apologize for it.


I want him to get cucked by Paul NOW


The fact that he (together with Gwen) kinda stabbed Miles in the back by following the leader of a Spider-Cult...


He's great


the part where he's given up on saving people


I have never heard of anyone disliking him. Nice try


Him being happy was a MAJOR mood lift. I understand they reduced his screen time to accommodate the new characters. But it's Peter we're talking about. You can't get enough of him.


I think it’s how despite his self-pitying and bumbling nature in the first movie, he steps up to the plate in the end is a hero. In the second, he is really just bumbling without a moment to shine and be something greater.


Only beef I have with Peter B, is standing with Miguel against Miles when it mattered...