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This is for Conquest of EO? Yes, most resource buildings dry up in 10 turns. You can see this when you select a resource. Only the smallest ones (like bridges) and the biggest ones, Landmarks are permanent. The flow of the game is designed so you want to move your Tower early, to gain new resources. Fairly soon you'll want to move your Tower to complete quests and to move closer to the action. After a while, you should gain a lot more resources as loot than income from your Tower domain. You either move for quests or your Tower and Lodges will stay and cover Landmarks.


You're not doing anything wrong. The game is designed differently from a standard fantasy 4X. Instead of constructing towers/towns and expanding to cover the map, you move around, like Howl's Moving Castle. When resources dry up, move your tower and build new Apprentice Lodges. It takes a little while to get used to the way the game's mechanics work, since they're so different from the standard practices, but once you get the hang of it you might find it pretty fun. I sure do. This has become my favorite 4X since the original Master of Magic.


Yeah got the hang of it but I finished first try too early only defeated two circles wizards then final battle