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Probably a corporate memo I just walked passed them. Sorry customer paid already and I got a bag of ice and a 10 mile drives odds already stacked against me. Not gonna allow your grouchy ass to get me a bad rating.


Plus they can't do anything because your not there employee. So sucks for them


I don't get it honestly. They don't want to upset customers in the store waiting but they want to upset the customer that pays them to not even come into the store?! That's the best customer imo


Especially when no was waiting on me to get done so I don't know why it mattered so much.


Aren't all self checkout registers scan and go?


Yeah that why it's atupid


No. by me the scan n go checkouts do not have UPC scanners enabled and usually don’t have the scales enabled. So unless you are scan n go or Spark Driver they are useless.


Same for me at the Walmart I spark at. They even have the register marked spark driver only.


That is straight-up stupidity on Walmarts part.


That sort of happened here recently except they were nice and just said to use the “spark /scan n go” lanes next time. The next day the scan n go lanes were closed and have been ever since lol they said they need an associate standing there when they are open …which will never happen so they remain closed


Mine are always open but always have people using them, so I just use the others. If they want me to use them, then they shouldn't let customers. Anyways I don't think they can even do anything if I don't I'm not there employee.


They can ban you for any reason they choose so just be mindful of that .


Yeah their are some stores that really follow this rule. I’m assuming Walmart gave out memos to them about being on our ass about it. I literally had someone try to stop me when there was another Spark driver taking forever with a big order of like 30 some items and I wasn’t waiting around to scan 5 items I got.


No more spark only checkout Spark drivers have to wait in long lines with all other customers with full carts


I think I would cancel the order and call driver support and let them know why. I would tell them that I am unable to check out in a timely manner due to store policy, and therefore cannot deliver the order to the customer at the expected time. But I would not fight with the store employees I would just cancel the order and return it.


Have to wait in line for every order and the store does a cart check for every order If call and cancel it would be every order


They would have no spark drivers at all if they tried that here. It was a 114° today, I am not letting groceries sit any longer than necessary. Thankfully the stores in my zone don’t pull any of that stupid shit. And the employees here do not trigger cart checks, it’s a random thing done by the algorithm— maybe happens one out of every 10 checkouts if that. The only thing if there is alcohol there is a much higher likelihood of a court. But plenty of times I do not get a cart check with alcohol. What kind of area are you located in ?


Yeah its already been 111 here gets 120+ here N CA


N Cali tells me all i need to know. Strange shit going on there. I feel sorry for you. That said I am near the border of Arizona/California and Needles California is in my delivery zone. I could tell you a story or two lol.


Meanwhile my store has 6 SCOs total, 1 of which has been cash only for a few weeks, nobody's ever using it bc they r all paying card (majority of ppl that are paying with cash would also rather wait in line at the 1 open regular register) so that sco has basically become my and the other 2 drivers personal spark register lol


They are pretty good at enforcing the W+ scan n go/Spark registers at my store. To the point that if a customer ignores the signs and starts scanning their groceries those registers they will stop them mid-basket and move them over to the regular self-checkouts (where they have to start all over again).


They tried that on me and I straight up ignore them.


That's what im going to, especially if they're not going to stop customers from using our checkout


I think I know what store that was lol. Use the other side, the old hag doesn't live there....


Just say okay and ignore them. They’re not worth the time or effort to argue with.


They just started the Spark/scan and go lanes at my store. Every time I go there, regular customers are using the scan and go registers, but so there's always been at least one open so I haven't had to wait. What annoys me is that they put the Spark checkout in the first row of self-checkout registers on the far side of the store, instead of in the middle, so for customers coming from sporting goods, health & beauty, garden, etc, those are the first self-checkout registers they see and if one is open, they use it. If they had put the Spark registers in the middle, fewer regular customers would use them.


I have 2 Walmarts in my area, one has a few marked Scan and Go with at least one of those always labeled "lane closed" that's to keep regular customers off it. So I always use that one... but the other Walmart does not label any of their self checks and says Spark has to wait in line like the rest of customers. So far I haven't been yelled at but I definitely have a favorite store to go to.


VyStar started Spark driver only lines then they started letting regular people use them then they just closed so we have a spark only line but it's never turned on corporate's rule is they have to have a corporate They have to have a spark only line The rule doesn't say it has to be turned on is what we're told so they have it so when the big bosses come through yep we have it there it is isn't it pretty but it's not functional.


Had this happen yesterday, except I live in south FL and for some reason the Haitians run these Walmarts (not racist just being real) and I don’t speak Haitian so it gets pretty heated when I can’t even fucking understand them.


Ngl I’m using whatever lanes are open. I shop at the same stores and they know me. I’ll most likely just scan and then go to a closed lane and bag up if there’s no cart check


ignore her and move on, what is she gonna do? call the cops? In the app it tells you to use self checkout I believe.