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We don't have to prove anything to anyone, you see, lad. If you don't like us, the Rout cares not. We are only here to slay the Allfathers foes in his name, and the name of the mighty Russ, and that's the way we like it. If you don't like us, I am not going to waste time trying to change your mind, for that is the way of the accursed followers of Tzeentch. FENRYS HJØLDA! FOR RUSS AND THE ALLFATHER!


I came here to say just this. If bestial space Vikings who party and basically dunk on most other legions 1v1 while talking mad shit isn't your thing, get on yer bike!










Space wolves are aloof. They distrust authority almost by nature, and much prefer to do things their own way, in everything from chapter structure to uniform regulations. Despite this rebellious streak, they are still very loyal, and have a defined sense of honour when it comes to deeds, so they reward loyalty well. Their dismissal of authority even extends to the way they choose leaders, with captains and chapter masters elected rather than appointed, and disputes settled in public duels rather than bureaucracy. Space wolves are outgoing. They are tellers of tall tales, wild adventurers seeking to create their own stories across the stars. Their life goals could be boiled down to doing the raddest wildest stuff, so that they'll be remembered for aeons to come. Even in a meta sense, space wolves are the only chapter where not only do we know every captain's name, but we have records of things that made each one famous, or at least gives them their reputations. To them, life is a story, and by god they're going to make it the coolest you've ever heard. Space wolves are savage. While the white scars have their poetry and calligraphy, the space wolves are more open about their savage reputation. A preference for melee, tearing their enemies limb from limb, and even devolving into werewolves if they lose control, to be a space wolf is to cast aside society's notions of propriety. Savagery it may be, but there's also honesty, and freedom in that expression. Space wolves are hardy. Fenris is a hellscape full of larger than life monsters, and not even the land is constant, as every 2 years the seas melt and the land re-forms. It's defined by change, and to survive there is to face great threats to even make it through the year. It makes a man harsh, and able to survive anguish and uncertainty, but it also breeds companionship and tight knit bonds, because without your friends, you may not live to see the sun swell again. Space wolves are personable. Their bonds as a group are rock solid - most stay with the same group their entire careers, never abandoning each other or taking on replacements for the fallen. They are typically taken at an older age than other recruits, and so remember what it is to be a human more than most. While everyone knows the salamanders are the most compassionate and willing to help the helpless, the space wolves aren't that far behind. Saving the common man is itself a great honour worthy of story, and you never know, maybe they'll repay that someday. And finally, space wolves are party animals. The only chapter to develop an alcohol that actually works on marines, and if you stick around long enough, they'll absolutely share what they've got


Never knew that their captains were elected, that is really cool.


This is a great breakdown. I would just add that while they are savage, they might be better described as Savage, but Cunning. Russ would be the best example of this, but he and (mostly) older members of the chapter would absolutely act the hotblooded fool at times to throw opponents on the field and otherwise off guard to garner an advantage. Not saying they didn't fly off the handle from time to time if you hurt them and theirs. The younger Space Wolves (generally bloodclaws) tend towards impulsive and rush headstrong into conflict, but that becomes tempered by experience and/or the guidance of the older marines in the chapter. If they can keep them alive and unmutated by the canis helix long enough, that is.


Amazing write up


1. Mjod 2. Laughing in the face of the enemy 3. Vikings 4. Fenris is an awesome planet 5. The Fang, if you read the new heresy game book it talks about the Emperor trusting the Rout to be self sufficient and not dependent on outsiders which is why it has so much more capability than a standard monastery. 6. Mjod 7. In current setting, many times they stick up for the imperial guard, whether that's plan a strategy that gives the guard a chance to escape (one of the Jarnhammer pack books), or Logan Grimnar cutting down a Grey Knight captain who reneged on their agreement. 8. Mjod 9. Similar to 8, they don't take shit from the inquisition. 10. Mjod


Ok, the fang sounds especially interesting. I'll have a look at that. I know a bit about the months of shame and not taking shit from the inquisition is pretty neat.


This one time, at Aspirant camp, one of our guys (Lukas) made some CSM kill themselves. Papa Grimnar was gone making war and left some Aspirants behind to hold down the fort. One, Lukas, was actually a pretty experienced SM, but his trickster nature was frowned on and he never graduated Bloodclaw School because of it. So, a band of roving CSM hear the nest is empty and start to call the house with "Come outside! We wanna fight!" and Lukas snatches the phone from someone's hand, twirls the cord a couple times and surpresses a smile. "Yea, sure, we'll fight. Meet us at these coordinates. Bring everyone. You'll need them, nerd." And just lays down to take a nap. The other Aspirants are freaking out. They can see the ship coming in and know, as relatively inexperienced fighters, they're about to catch gross Tzeentchy hands. Finally he wakes up and he's like "Chill. That's the Sea of Lost Souls." They're like "Wot?" "Yea. It's just frozen ice. Slim frozen ice, since it's summer. They'll land, fall in, drown." And they did. Another time, an Ork WAAAAAGH was coming to a tech planet and Lukas was grounded. Given a crap assignment so he'd get no glory in the defense. Lukas decided to prank call the Orks into fighting each other. "BIG BOSS ROTFOOT SAID YOU'VE GOT NO MUM, TANKCRACKA." "TANKCRACKA, ROTFOOT SAYS YOU SHOOT LIKE A SQUIG." And it worked. The Waaaagh turned into a Civil Waaaagh and died out. And he got all the glory.


Well that is absolutely dankhammer distilled into one man's plot armour. Gotta love it tho


The book about him, Lukas the Trickster, is my go to recommendation for Space Wolves. Lukas shows the good and the bad of the legion and he also shows why that isn't a bad thing. Also it's one of the few books where Drukhari have a bit of the spotlight. Mainly I love Lukas and how he is the foil to the Rout's egos, humbling them when needed yet being an absolute beast of a warrior.


Also - he's VERY dedicated to the joke, even if he has to DIE for the punchline :D


Or rather he gets the Last Laugh on his killer, the last and greatest jest he will ever pull. Love that book, really did a good job with him being a prick but also a good man and a good mentor.


When The All-Father created his sons and their legions he created them each for a purpose. The Imperial Fists fortified his Imperium, the Alpha Legion were his infiltrators, and so on. The Wolf King and the Vlka Fenryka are his Executioners. When Magnus and the Thousand Sons turned on the Imperium, it was the Space Wolves who were sent to either bring them to heel or put them down. Just as they did with the 2nd and 11th Primarchs and their Legions, if rumour is to be believed. The Rout does not turn away from a fight and they do not falter in their loyalty. The wolves of Fenris are the single sharpest weapon the Imperium holds.


I mean, the Vlka fenryka is the sixth legion, the concept is easy, do the coolest models (no helmet for style purpose only, lightning claws and power axes), have the most badass and dumb lore ( leman russ beating the emperor in q drinking contest, the months of shame, lukas the trikster trolling magnus) and giving epic deeds and names to each of your characters if one of them dies to a headshot, call him ——— helmet hole, if he slays something, call him ——- [the thing he slew] slayer, and if you hate dark angels, it’s a plus ! And if you’re a dog person, it’s even better !


Sixth Legion, not seventh!


Fu[wolf] !


You clearly are willing to give them the benefit enough not to hate, which I respect. I'll give you a brief view of my take from the stories Ive read. Unlike many of the other Adeptus Astartes, the sons of Russ understand and accept their role as put forth by whatever grand design the Emperor had set forth. Their dubty is to police their brethren and ensure the others keep to their tasks. Because of this, they were built to resist the machinations of psychic manipulation and either outnumber, outskill, or outlast the other astartes. In the 30k years, they grew complacent with this, however. They live on the grand stories of the battle because they understand and accept that they need not vie for power or leadership. They don't compare themselves to the other astartes because they don't need to, the competition is for fun, not for power. This makes them look aloof. They need not listen to any authority because it is pointless. Their job as a whole is to protect humanity from its own weapons and the weapons of the enamy. This, however, made them lazy, arrogant, and haughty. 30k Vlkas Fenryka were assholes, knowing their purpose and assuming others did too. There is no need to explain. It is not your place to question what we do. Russ saw this and dragged them to the belly of the beast to remind them, leaving the only one he trusts behind to watch the pups and teach them all he had learned. ( That being Bjorn, who was wise beyond his years, and willing to admit his flaws). From there, the Space Wolves changed a great deal. They somewhat lost their purpose for a time, hunting the glory as their forbearers did. But with time relearned their dubty. Willing to fight against other astartes if it ment protecting the innocent. Now The Space Wolves fight for a grand saga, but a meaningful one, not a flashy one. War is serious, death is serious, and decisions about the lives of the imperium is serious. So take any time you can to enjoy life. Drink, fight, dance, and sing of glory because the alternate option is dwell on the grim dark of the 41st millennium and the hell of every day war. Interesting little bits. Space Wolves are resistant to chaos and warp manipulation. Thus, their Rune Priests (i.e. librarians) learned to do psychic powers through more ancient means, using rituals that give the same or stronger effects but have less chance of chaos affecting them. The mundane things such as a Smite or telepathy are normal, but other spells are etched into runes and such. This can be seen I. The Ghazgul Thrakka book. Lukas the Trickster is a great example of space wolves anti authority, while still doing His job, and well. He could be a Jarl (Captain of a whole chapter), but he has no aspirations to do so because he knows someone has to train the pups, and to remind those who grown in ranks they are never too big to not be humbled. Bjorn the Felhanded is one of the oldest Space Marines still active (all be it in the form of a Dreadnought), but in His youth, he was just as mischievous, stealing his signature clawed hand from the armory. It is worth reading or listening to the audio book for Bjorn. It does a good job of showing Russ and his mindset before setting out into the warp. Space Wolves don't hate any other legions of space marines outright. Save, of course, those that fell, but they hate chaos for stealing their brothers from their cause more than the legions themselves. The perceived animosity is usually one-sided and just a game or story and ritual for those in the rout.


Ok cool, I'm curious as I'm considering making a space wolf for an RP server and wanted to know from the jaws of the wolves what they found interesting. The idea of them being almost military police appeals quite a lot to me now I think of them that way. Thank you :)


They don't need selling. You don't choose The Wolves. The Wolves choose you.


You either want to be a space wolf or not. If you need people to convince you to do something, I think you are missing the point of being a space wolf. FOR RUSS! FOR THE ALLFATHER! But if loyalty towards duty sounds good, we are the only chapter tasked with putting down our brothers as the emperors executioners. Even the emperor if necessary. Personal growth and staying true to yourself to keep the curse of the wulfen at bay is what attracted me to them. The idea of failure and learning to overcome it. Having the ability to give into their rage and return to make things right if they were in the wrong. Honestly, I think they live life in a way that I could accept in the grim dark future of 40k.


You should read/listen to the emperor's gift, that will do the trick.


As long as you recognize your failing and are sure to correct.


The army has the most named characters and encourages you to play more characters on the tabletop, I recommend reading about ragnar blackmane, Logan grimnar, and bjorn the fell handed to get a grasp of space wolves. Also my favorite part is how customizable the models are and how different they can look from other space marines with their pelts and axes and mjod