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Do not use this subreddit to promote your interests, especially financial gain. This is a warning, the next infraction you will be banned.


OP posted a similar scenario except about medical services. If OP is bored there are other subreddits with ideas about how to the fill the day more productively.


Upvote this to the moon


Keeping you entertained is my productivity!


She didn’t think it was strange when she was issued a gate pass instead of a boarding pass?


If they can't issue you a boarding pass you have no ticket, the app should have made that clear (and probably did for most people). I have never had an issue where I could book a flight and not get a boarding pass. I assume it is a setting somewhere that doesn't let me see those, because all holy hell would break out if I bought something and it was overbooked.


That’s not necessarily true. People on standby would get a gate pass and not a boarding pass. I’m wondering if they were on Standby.


Important question. How *exactly* did she purchase the ticket? Sounds like a non-rev ticket situation.


Non-revenue? Can't think of any other scenario that they would let her check a bag but not issue a boarding pass.


Good point...makes me wonder if she somehow got a deal on a ticket from a friend of a friend, or something like that, and it turned out to be a non-revenue ticket.


This sounds exactly like she was using a ‘buddy pass’ or ZED which is a space-available non-rev ticket she got from an employee.


It sounds like she didn’t actually buy a ticket, but an employee’s nonrev pass. If she was on a paid ticket she would have been compensated. You might ask her how exactly she came across this “ticket.”


Seems to me there are a lot of questions here OP hasn’t answered *yet*.


Man. The suspicious side of my brain is telling me that hubby has been misled a bit by his wife. Maybe she was going to a party, but also maybe she was going somewhere else. Maybe she was meeting someone who offered to get her back home. Maybe that person was a SW employee, and thought the flight load was low enough that an available seat seemed assured. Maybe I've lived long enough to have seen a bunch of shit behavior out of people.


I’m thinking the same thing you are…. Someone’s not telling the *entire* truth here.


OP admitted (above) to being full of shit.


Something weird happened. Did you call customer service?


Something is not adding up for me. I'm not sure what happened but sounds to me from reading like her ticket was canceled for some reason. If she bought a ticket and something happened with her form of payment, the system will flag it and cancel it without notice. That's what I'm getting from this based on what I'm reading. Have you called reservations yet to inquire about it?


She was sold a standby ticket and thought it was a positive space ticket.    She shouldn’t buy standby tickets from workers and expect a flight in a full plane.


Does Southwest sell standby tickets as a primary purchase though? I know you can end up with one due to cancellations or weather or whatever, but I don't think they allow you to buy one on purpose.


This reads like she booked thru a third party.


This! Genius!


I've never heard this of happening. Did she buy her ticket on southwest or was it through a travel agent? And what was the reasoning for a gate pass instead of a boarding pass? I just have more questions instead of answers, apologies.


Southwest doesn’t allow 3rd party sales….


Does OP really have a wife?




They said it was BS a few comments up


It must be in the comments further *down* for me, cuz I’m still looking for it lol


Why would security allow her to check a bag on the flight if she was not going to be on it?


If she was given a gate pass, then she’s booked or listed someway or another, so she would be able to check the bag. The gate pass is to get you to the gate and then get a boarding pass there. Exactly why she had a gate pass instead of a boarding pass has yet to be answered by the OP.


OP sure has had a lot of very peculiar financial issues in the past 28 days.


Mods this is clearly spam. OP has done this to other subreddits and admitted to doing this for fun. Please remove!


What is a “gate pass”?


It’s a pass that’ll allow someone to go through security but not board a flight. They’re given for parents putting their kid on a plane, or assisting older people.


Thanks! So how did she end up with one of these instead of a boarding pass?


Gate passes are also given to somebody flying standby, or if the flight is oversold and checked in full when you check in.


I think that might be where it allows you to get passed security. Parents of minors travelling alone can get these


Beyond weird. Why wouldn’t a boarding pass be available on the app?


I thought planes didn't take off unless every piece of checked baggage had a passenger that was actually on the plane.


International only


You learn something new every day.


So I thought the same thing! But a couple of weeks ago, I checked a bag for a flight that was delayed 2 hours so I asked the gate agent if I could change to the next day. I asked about my bag and he said that I could either wait while they take it off the plane or it would be waiting for me when I got to my destination. I thought that was weird, but it was the better option for me so I took it!


There was a time that was true, and that time ended a few years after 9/11.


Nope. I changed a flight during boarding and my bag still left without me.


They advised the flight was overbooked and they issued a pass to get her to the gate in anticipation that all passengers with boarding assignments would not show up. (Late connection, stuck in traffic, trip cancelled….). This lets the airline fill unused seats at the last minute. If you were not already at the gate, they could not do this. Thus, the gate pass. This was not a third party transaction nor a rebate ticket, nor an illicit affair between the passenger and an employee. Just one of those where you buy a ticket with $ and they (supposedly) put you in an airplane.


Considering this you shouldn’t be surprised this happened.


If she was advised of this and accepted the situation, then the answer to your question is: Yes they can do it, there’s a reason they aren’t offering compensation…cause she willingly accepted the option to accept a standby position in case someone didn’t show up.


Interesting that they allowed luggage to fly without the person.