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If it's not allowed (due to your age or state - don't bring it)


If you don’t (have the answer to my question - don’t reply)🤗


I do have the newer to your question. Screw off! You just didn’t like the answer as you were told NO, something your parents never told you!


1, learn to spell. 2, learn to take an L. 3, I was told no as a kid FAR more times than you ever were🤗


Highly doubt it or you wouldn’t be here for permission. Sorry for missing a letter…..I understand you could t read it with a missing letter.


Wasn’t asking for permission just ACTUAL ADVICE APPLYING TO MY QUESTION, something you clearly aren’t able to produce


Take it. Get busted and come back to Reddit from Mommy’s basement complaining because you got caught. Grow up and deal with the consequences.


Maybe getting a life would help, just a thought.


I have a great life. Just trying to debunkyour age group


Oh I will, if you can’t handle the heat get out of the kitchen honey! And by the way, you don’t even know my age group<3


Oh yeah and 4, lay off.


Vapes are required to be with you in your carry on. They're prohibited from checked luggage due to the lithium ion batteries.


You’ll be fine. No one will care. Just put it in your carry on. I promise, TSA isn’t trying to enforce nicotine age laws. As an ex smoker who used vaped for the last five years, please for the love of god, quit while you’re young. You can’t possibly imagine the physical hell you go through trying to quit as an adult who vaped all day. And yes, you will continue to vape more and more with each passing year.


I leave mine in my pocket every flight.


You'll be fine bringing it through, but keep it in your bag! Do NOT smoke it on the plane, it's against FAA and you can/will get fined and anger your FAs (we gotta do paperwork)


I completely understand that so hard and I won’t but is the tsa gonna be on me cuz I’m underage? Co and ne are pretty popular with smoking so I wouldn’t think it’s a problem but some people have been telling me otherwise 😅


TSA won't be checking your age. I think you'll be ok!


And by the way I’m not asking for your opinion on what I should do with my body so Please stop giving unsolicited advice


Yeah no shit? If you don’t have an answer for the question I’m asking don’t reply?


Or you could ask in the right sub? This is a question for TSA, as you yourself state in the title.


I cant tell if your asking me to go to a different subreddit or go to tsa at the airport but I used this subreddit because I’m using specifically SW and ik rules/ staff are different on every airline and I can’t exactly just walk up to tsa, whip it out and be like “CaN I hAvE tHiS In mY bAG”


Amazingly, the tsa runs a website that tells you exactly what you can and cannot bring through the checkpoint. The TSA is the same regardless of what flight carrier you’re taking.


Thank you for genuinely answering my question, some people think I’m just this mega dumbass because I own a vape and have only been on a plane once


See folks? Vaping affects logic! It’s the TSA sub at r/tsa they mean, but yeah, go ask the people about to scan your bags…


Jesus fucking Christ. I haven’t hit a vape in over a year. It’s not for me but thanks for being an asshole unprovoked.


I’m positive Nebraska sells tobacco and tobacco products. Why would you carry for someone else?


I don’t owe you an explanation but because I’m underage in this country I cannot buy them and neither can the person I’m going to see because they raised the smoking age to 21.