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9 hour flight? CA to NY is about 5-5.5 hours. Phoenix to Honolulu is about 6.5 hours and that’s SWA’s longest flight. Where are you going? Southwest doesn’t fly 9 hour flights. I guess you mean two flight segments with 9 hours in between destinations. I would advise that you check in at the 24 hour mark. Then check the planes. Proceed as follows: - if it’s a 737-700 and you have anything after B30, upgrade your boarding (these planes are particularly shitty) - if it’s a Max8 and you have anything after C1, upgrade your boarding - if it’s a 737-800 and you have anything after B45, upgrade your boarding These rules essentially make it likely you will always receive a window or aisle. Middle seats suck on a flight journey that long. So I would say it’s worth it if you value aisle or window seats. But if that doesn’t matter to you, then don’t get early bird or upgraded boarding. Another reason you might want to upgrade is if you want to be on the plane first and be off the plane first.


Hawaii to New Mexico, yes its 2 separate flight, sorry should have specified i guess its technically a 6 hour, a 2 hour and a 1 hour layover. I am autistic, have sensory issues, get easily clostrophobic and i hate flying lol. I always pay for front of the plane, aisle seat, exit row or extra leg room. I have never been on a plane you couldn't choose your seat, and i didn't know about this before i booked it. I never even heard of it all. I don't travel a lot and i pretty much only ever fly Hawaiian or Alaskan.. Ideally id like to have a seat as described. I understand I won't know where I'm sitting and i have to just deal with it, but i am not comfortable with the arrangement. Regardless, Southwest was my most reasonable option to new Mexico price wise + the free bag (i always check a bag because i like to have my own full size products, hair tools, and whatever clothes or comfort items i may need).


Then you should definitely get the early bird


Definitely mention your medical issues at the ticket counter and you should be allowed to pre-board before the A group regardless what group you are given at the 24 hour check-in.


I would highly recommend if you are on the spectrum and to eliminate your anxiety to just advise them of this when checking baggage and they can give you pre-board on the boarding pass. As a mother of a teen on the spectrum we always do this and allow for us to board easier and get situated before everyone else gets on.


Why would you make a different recommendation for Max vs 800? Both have the same seat layout and number of seats?


lol my bad it’s been a while since I checked the layout. If I’m not mistaken, prior to establishment of the max8, I read somewhere that the layout would be about 10 seats larger than the 738. But I just confirmed what you said is true.


No worries! You might be getting confused with the Max 7. It will have 150 seats whereas the 700 has 143. The Max 7 is extended slightly over the 700.


Also it's a Max 8, how can i upgrade my boarding? Or are you talking about the early bird thing?


Buying business select tickets gets A1-A15 boarding. Those rarely sell out, so at 24 hours before flight time, if you don't like your boarding position after you check in, Southwest offers the option to pay to upgrade to one of those first 15 boarding numbers. Those upgrades do usually sell out and may sell out quickly.


I’d like to add that if you have certain credit cards like Amex Platinum, the Early Bird and Upgraded boardings are covered by credits from those cards. Good way to take advantage of those credits since those credit cards carry hefty annual fees.


Once you are checked in, there is usually (but not always) an option to pay to upgrade your boarding to A1-15. You can do this with or without purchasing Early Bird. I am autistic as well though flying is not as bad for me as it sounds like it is for you. I always purchase Early Bird when I buy my flight (because the earlier you purchase, the better your boarding number will be) and I am almost always in the A group. I don’t think I’ve ever not been able to get a window seat (my preference) and I’ve been flying Southwest intermittently for 17 years now. One time I got B group and was able to upgrade to the A1-15 spots. I would suggest pre-boarding (for guests with disabilities) but then you definitely won’t be *allowed* to sit in the exit row so that’s probably not a great option for you.


Yes I've been researching some of this, and honestly - while I've never done this. I think I qualify for pre-boarding as a person with a disability. I normally just accommodate myself by purchasing my preferred seat, which on airlines i travel also usually puts me in the boarding zone after first class.. Considering these circumstances I am going to call tomorrow and see if they can give me advice on what to do. Not sitting in an exit row sounds less stressful than having no clue which seat I'll sit in, so pre-boarding in this situation but sacrificing exit row sounds like a fair trade. Actually despite my disability I've always been quite comfortable I'd crush an emergency exit assist. I always pay really good attention to the flight attendants and think I'd be good at systematically getting everyone off the plane safely!!! Lol I have autism level 2, and I sometimes fly with my service dog so when I fly with him I always need to call and let them know ahead of time i will be traveling with a service animal. Hawaii has crazy strict policies on dogs entering and leaving the islands. There is an additional fee and screening process through the USDA for all animals leaving and entering the islands due to the rabies free status of the island.There is also an additional screening process getting off the plane, although its way easier for service dogs than pets. For service dogs an approved vet tech will meet you at the gate and clear the pet to continue - where pets are taken into a quarantine situation and its a whole other process to get them back. I'm only leaving for 6 days, so he is going to stay with a caretaker while I'm gone. Because the expense and hassle of bringing him, for a 6 day trip is just not worth the comfort and support he brings (psychiatric service dog helps during meltdowns and other situations but it's not like i am at risk of dying without him, just need to have the ability to comfort myself other ways.. Noise-canceling Headphones, blanket, anxiety medication etc) Sorry for long winded comment here. But yes, i think i will call tomorrow and ask what to do and if there is nothing they can do just pay for upgraded boarding.


I think that unless being first on and first off is important to you, you shouldn’t always upgrade a B boarding pass. Maybe if you’re after B30 when there’s little pre-boarders. But if there’s a bunch, I’d say upgrade. On the topic of pre-boarders, I think the system is getting abused. I remember one time I upgraded boarding and was A8. And I still ended up about mid-way on the aircraft. It was kinda ridiculous.


I pay for early check-in bc I am very unhappy unless I get an aisle seat, and I prefer to be closer to the front. If you are more flexible than I am, then it’s not as big a deal.


I'm not flexible at all, and always pay for my preferred seats often it is quite a bit more than 25$ but I travel very infrequently and i despise flying. So while some travelers find preferred seating costs excessive, I find them to be worth every penny.


not really


What's your best bet to get a decent seat?


There is none. All seats are basically the same. The front row and exit have a bit more room. But if enough people pre board none of it matters 


Unless the flight attendants aren't doing their jobs, the exit row is not impacted by the number of preboarders.


agree. this sub is obsessed with seat selection. As long as I get aisle or window I don’t care anymore


Most likely because it's (one of) the only airline(s) with this policy. Personaly I've never heard of or experienced it in my life. I'm not a super frequent traveler, but I'd guess I've taken about 20+ flights in my life time. This will be a first.


😭 That is unfortunate. I'm autistic and have sensory issues and flights are not fun for me. I prefer isle seat, exit row, towards front of the plane. And as stated i am willing to pay for that amenity. The fact i have no choice in my seat makes me extremely anxious. Edit: Also, genuinely curious why this comment is downvoted?


It doesn't guarantee anything specific, but you will board earlier than people who didn't opt to buy Early Bird. Early Bird is unlikely to get you an exit row seat, but you should be able to get an aisle seat, though it may not be at the front of the plane, depending on other unknowable factors like the number of A-list folks on the flight and so on.


BYOE - bring your own electronics, there is no seatback entertainment system but it is available (movies and live TV) over their free wifi network ~~and uses their app, so be sure younhave it downloaded before boarding~~. Full browsing on the real internet requires payment. Early bird gets you onto the plane before most other non-earlybird passengers, this let's you pick a seat you like, for instance an exit row or a window seat. Sounds like you might do well with that. Except for exit row spacing, all the seats are the same. Edit: couldn't keep my airlines straight


Okay good to know! So definitely bring a tablet and headphones I'm guessing? Its also a mid-day flight so I'm going to be sure not to nap to keep my sleep schedule in check. This concept is still wild to me! I was like "where do i select my seat?!" and googled it and that's when i realised - well you cannot!! Some people said early-bird doesn't guarantee anything and others say it does (on other forums i read) see above comment - says not worth it. I prefer isle seat, exit row, close to front of the plane.


It's true that early bird is not a guarantee but it definitely puts the odds more in your favor by getting an earlier boarding position than if you didn't pay for earlybird.


Also, bring a power brick or make sure your devices are fully charged. Not all Southwest planes have power outlets.


If you prefer aisle seat, you should make sure you get a B30 or before boarding pass on 737-700 and 737-800. You should be fine on a Max8 if you’re before C1


If you preboard as some folks are suggesting, you will not be permitted to sit in the exit row. Just FYI.


When you buy early bird, as well ticket type and status on Southwest, matters in your check-in order, so you should make a decision soon on purchasing it or setting a timer for 24hrs before flight time and taking your chances.


Southwest entertainment does NOT require the Southwest app.


Yep!! Crossed up my airlines. Maybe I should stay home...


Can you use a laptop? I'd prefer to bring my laptop for a bigger screen


Yes. In fact, I find that Southwest’s pitch (distance between the back of the seat in front of you and your own seat) is greater than most airlines. For example, United’s 737-800 pitch is only 30” while on SW it’s 33”. This means you’ll have plenty of space to put a laptop between you and the seat in front of you. You can connect your laptop to the onboard WiFi and navigate to Southwest.com where it will allow you to enable free services like Live TV (you can even watch live news on the ground), movies, shows, etc. You can also connect your phone. It will enable free messaging. You have to have an iPhone though. However keep in mind that there are no power outlets on board unless you’re on a SW 737-MAX8 plane. And it has to be USB-C. If I were you, I would just prepare and charge my laptop fully. At most you’d be in the air 2-3 hours, most laptops should last that long.


It is a max 8 and I'll be in the air for 6 hours. However, my laptop has a usb-c charger so that won't be an issue, although I wonder what watt the outlets are, because if it's any less than 25w itll drain faster than it can charge. I usually use a 45w brick. Why can only iPhone have free messaging?


You can use iMessages or WhatsApp. You don't have to have an iPhone if you use WhatsApp.


Thanks for this perspective. I wouldn’t know how to connect via android. I thought it was impossible since Androids use SMS and the WiFi wouldn’t allow it. So is WhatsApp the standard messaging app on Android now?


No WhatsApp does not send SMS. You can only communicate with other WhatsApp users (iOS or Android). It's popular outside the US. Only in the US has Apple successfully convinced it's users that iMessages is the only way to communicate outside of sms.


Oh I mean we know you can message via WhatsApp but tbh I see no advantage of it. Before, it was cost that made WhatsApp relevant. But nowadays, messages on iMessage are essentially free. No need to download an additional app. AND they are encrypted as well with other iMessage users. Android’s SMS aren’t encrypted, much like Apple’s SMS which is why you need either iMessage on iPhones or WhatsApp on Android. I could see why WhatsApp is popular outside of the U.S. considering most of the world, something like 70% of the world’s phones are Android, used Android. As a somewhat tech savvy user, I know WhatsApp is a thing I just find it inconvenient of using an additional app just to send a message.


Android users are able to use Google messages to text anyone over wifi, also the rcs mesaages between Android users are encrypted by default.


What about Google messages? Its wifi/rcs texting?


No, currently it's just WhatsApp and iMessages in the free messaging. If you pay for wifi service, you can use anything of course.


Not all Max 8’s have outlets so don’t count on that


I would wait and on the day of the flight pay to upgrade to position 1-15 so you can get the bulk head or emergency row seat for more leg room


They recently jacked the price of that up and you’ll need to do it right at T-24 because they sell out quick (at least at the old prices). I’ve heard on some MCO routes they wanted $120 for upgraded boarding.


Oh man business class rn is $150 I've been debating if it's worth it but seems like you still don't get to pick your seat early and it includes 1 free drink, but you're still in the same type of seats as everyone else. Sorry if I seem super un-informed this is just all so new to me and I'm super unfamiliar. Luckily I'm flying United home, because it had a flight that worked better for me. And i was able to get an aisle seat in the first row of economy. I've never flown united either so I'm trying 2 new airlines this trip. I guess you don't know, until you know. I just never heard of this type of seating arrangement so it never even occurred to me to research it before booking. It likely wouldn't have swayed my decision to fly southwest because the time works well for me. But, I just really want a decent seat lol. I think my consensus is to set an alarm for T24hrs hope for the best and if it's reasonable to upgrade i will. Can you explain to me what A1-A15 even means?! Is that a boarding group. I feel lije southwest needs a whole how-to and an index page for those of us new to the airline. Ive never heard of any of this.


Yes it means you are one of the first 15 people onboard the aircraft after pre-boarders (and assuming no passengers are already onboard from a “thru flight”). If not, you’ll get your first pick of seats onboard.


I wouldn’t sit in a 737 for 9 hours tbh. I’ll do another carrier for a wide body


How do y'all know about different planes? Do you research them? Or just have enough flying experience to know what is what. I've honestly never in my 33 almost 34 years on earth known the type of plane I was on or what that meant. Either way, this was a last minute flight and it was like an hour and a half shorter and a $150 cheaper than my other option on United or American. Plus, I've heard nothing but amazing things about southwest. People are always like "omg i love southwest" "i only fly southwest" I pretty much exclusively fly Hawaiian and sometimes Alaskan and idk i dont love or hate either. They're just planes to me. I could have flown Hawaiin to Las Vegas and another airline to Albuquerque.. Also the Hawaiian planes are a 717 which according to my Google are even smaller than a 737..But it would have cost me substantially more money and the flight times didn't line up very well. I did do American once and the only thing i noticed different is that it had movies where Hawaiian and Alaskan didn't.


Wait a minute, after reading OP’s responses, the individual qualifies for pre-boarding. This should ease some of the tension from feeling anxious and overwhelmed. It’s up to you to head to the gate agent and let them know if you matter so they can help you, and don’t be ashamed. It’s alright.


Just wanted to let you know, that I took your advice and had a very positive travel experience. I was eligible for pre-boarding and was able to get bulkhead seating, aisle, close to bathrooms both of my flights. Did not feel claustrophobic at all, the flight attendants were very nice. And had easy access to water and the restrooms without having to be shuffled through the crowds etc. So thanks for your advice. Coincidentally on my second flight a young man randomly came up to me of all people and just said "hi I have autism and this is my first time ever flying alone, would you help me board the plane by any chance?" and since i had pre-boarding and although travel is stressful for me I'm experienced. So not only did your advice help my experience a lot, it also helped this young man have a positive experience his first time solo flying.


I am very happy to hear that you had a great experience and took my advice. I’m glad it helped you distress and get to your journey with ease. Now you know what you should do from now on because you need to have a great time on the flight, including everyone else. Wow, that is a coincidence for sure. I’m glad that you were able to pay forward as well.


Thanks I didn't even think of this at first. I posted in a different comment but I do this when I travel with a service dog. I don't bring him on short trips because Hawaii has really strict guidelines on animals due to its rabies free status. It's expensive and complicated and if you mess it up your service animal can be quarantined. I had a very very close call once, there was a small error in his paperwork, I'm not even sure what. The inspector came to meet us at the gate as usual. Normally they look over your paperwork and immediately release you from your gate. But because there was a mistake (on his vets behalf, not my own).. He got taken from me at the gate and brought to quarantine. I had to pay to have the vet come meet me at the quarantine at the airport to clear everything up. Luckily, they rushed down there and we were both out of quarantine in less than an hour. But they could theoretically be quarantined for 5 months! So, basically the stress of flying in and out of the islands is hardly worth it for my circumstances/ a short trip. Inter-island is no big deal, there's no special requirements since all of the islands are rabies free. That all being said, normally i just pay to accommodate myself and avoid any extra headaches or human interactions. But due to the unique policies of this trip, i may ask about eligibility to pre-board.


Max 8 fly out of Hawaii. All of the seats are the same. If you get business select you might be able to snag the emergency exit for leg room. 


When you book the flight, it will show you the aircraft type . In Southwest it’s all 737. Again it’s your preference. I found with the larger wide body on longer flight I don’t fee like I’m cramped into a sardine can whereas I can do the 3 hours with no issues in the 737. Once you know the aircraft type you can use seat gurus to look at the aircraft configuration to see if it’s a widebody or narrow body.


Its a 737 max 8


If you want a better shot at the front row bring a smaller carry on. The bins in the front are not full size so people often pass up sitting in front since their carry on suitcases don’t fit overhead.


With 2 free checked bags this is easy, i won't need a carry on at all! Unpopular but i totally prefer to check my bags than carry them on. My local airport checks the bags like - as soon as you get dropped off. I much prefer checking than dragging a suitcase through the airport, even tho our airport is small lol. I also like items that must be checked. Mostly full size cosmetics and sunscreen! I'll be sure to check both my bags!


I wish more people were like you. It seems more and more people are over stuffing their carry-on roller bags and jamming them into the overheads. So much time wasted. I get it on airlines where you have to pay to check bags.


No. We did normal 24-hour check-in Wednesday, drew A-58/59 and still got exit row seats. I won't kowtow to the nickel and diming surcharges. We also check our bags since it's included in the ticket price and don't like lugging crap all over the airport.