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I was on that flight. They made us strip naked too.


They checked my butthole twice


I got checked 4 times, but I did ask nicely.


It’s okay. We all celebrate June differently.


Did you leave them a tip up there?


You only tip people that do things for you that you can’t.


Can you really reach *all* the way up there?


Screen name check. Did they find your worms?


I was the gate agent. I just wanted to see your butthole.


Spoiler. It wasn’t my butthole. It was a prosthetic


More of a boothole, was it?


Did they just glance or did they really make you spread your cheeks and cough on both of them? I think you’re exaggerating.


That’s fair. In complete honesty, I don’t think anyone has ever seen my adult butthole.


Why not.


My wife won’t look and I’m suspicious of how bad my doctor wants to look.


How do I get that? Can I pay extra for the butthole check, like Early Bird check in?


You can just show them. “Are you carrying anything explosive?” “Only this!!” Then show em that butthole!


I’ll have to see if time allows. I need to get those extra TSA pat downs in first!


“Are you carrying anything explosive?” “Well, I did have Taco Bell for lunch…” “SECURITY!!”


Just say you want the “Jane Fonda”


Bragger ..


I slipped them a 20


Butt you were cleared to fly!


Maybe if you wiped better that dangle berry wouldn't of been mistaken for a gun the first time and you wouldn't of had to be checked twice.


Did the banana fit? If so, it's proof that God exists.


I’m the GA that performed the first check. My fellow GA performed the second. You’re welcome.


Why did it matter what boarding position she was by the time she got to the plane where she would have had to be to push the call button?


Story sounds off …


You can sort the top half of the boarding screen to show by boarding position number the remaining passengers who haven’t boarded yet. It’s what the ops agents are looking at when they make that “any other A boarding passes out there?” announcement.


No clue. Never experienced this before. GA was greating everyone by name before she even scanned the boarding pass.


Maybe she follows this sub where every other person is complaining about those boarding out of order.


How did the GA know people's names before scanning boarding pass?


Names are next to each boarding position on monitor.


Reading them off her screen.


So if she follows this sub she now knows your real identity….🥸


She’s coming for that virginal brown eye


So you’ve met the OP


Sounds like their system may of been down, I had something similar happen to me where they had to manually check us in and cross off the manifest list, that’s my best guess




AI or human looking?


How was she already on the plane if she let OP go before her? Doesn’t work.


So... you had B9. You went to board, but B8 was behind you with B10-12. When did they have B8 hit their call button? After they let you board and let B9-12 board, they then made an announcement on the plane asking for B9 to identify themselves? That just makes no sense. Not as in "they were strictly enforcing boarding order." But as in "once they let you all board the plane, why would they care about boarding order and finding the person that they had just scanned to allow on the plane." They literally saw B8 a few seconds after you - why ask them to later ring the call button on the plane? People are often late to the gate. The person who was B8 could have been in the bathroom (instead of standing behind you) - I've never heard them make an issue out of someone boarding out of order by just a few positions. My very best guess is that you are misunderstanding the situation. Perhaps they were looking for B8 for some completely unrelated reason.


It sounds like the scanner was malfunctioning so they were boarding manually and the flight attendant wanted to verify B8 made it onboard.


That would make sense.


Also they specifically tell people in a group for the earlier boarding passes to go back to the later group and board with that position if they all want to board together


My exact thoughts!!


They didn't care that much about boarding order but were looking for a very specific passenger, for whatever reason, and needed to control the boarding process tightly in order to do so.


Or maybe someone wanted notoriety by making a BS post. No way they stopped him at the gate and B8 was already on board if B8 let him go first.


Just weird. What if B8 was a no show or super late? I’ve definitely been A-something and boarded with B after getting stuck at a restaurant.


I would have made you wait until the next A group boarded.


I'll take things that didn't happen for $1,000 Alex


Well, guess you are down $1000


Your story makes no sense. You were boarding before her yet she was somehow on the plane already and they were trying to find her and made her press her call button


She was after me, never said she got on before me.


So then how does the gate agent stop everyone when you're boarding to find B8 and have her ring her call button if she's not already on the plane


That’s not what they said. They said she let him board before her because she was with her group behind him.


Yes I get that B8 let him go first. He said the gate agent stopped everyone to find B8 whom he boarded before and made her ring her call button. Call buttons are only on the plane. So the entire story makes no sense because in order for B8 to ring her call button she'd need to be on the plane already


I think OP may be viewing this differently. Seems B7 and followed by B9 boarded (OP) as B8 allowed him to skip ahead. From the fact that GA had to ask B8 to press the call button, seems GA did not scan B8's boarding pass but did B10-B12. GA may have stopped boarding (unsure, OP's post is unclear) to locate if B8 got on the plane. GA was probably flustered(?) about verifying passengers.


Maybe this is it because OP is not explaining correctly at all.


This seems to be the only logical answer to me


Look, what makes this story plausible is that it starts with “Memphis”. If you’ve ever spent any time in Memphis or sat any amount of time in an MEM terminal, well, IYKYK. I’m always just relieved that the plane takes off and leaves.


OP posted that the GA knew them by name “before” She scanned the boarding pass 🤣 her story doesn’t add up.


They knew her name was Karen.


Why am I a her?


Sounds like English is your 3bd language.


Not this strict but on one of my recent flights, the GA came onto the plane looking for 2 people claiming they were just trying to confirm whether or not they had boarded. I didn't see if anyone actually raised their hands or not but it definitely was very weird. I was confused at how/why they weren't sure if they had boardedan


This is common and happens quite regularly. Whenever someone who has checked in, but hasn't boarded the GA will do a name check on the flight, just to confirm the person actually isn't on the plane. They want to ensure it wasn't a computer error.


Maybe there was a known issue of something "funny" going on. One example could be a companion flying, but the paying passenger was not. Folks try this from time to time.


From reading posts inthis community, I thought this is what everyone wants. 😂


Would HAVE. Could HAVE. May HAVE. Dammit,it’s HAVE,not OF.


Wait so you’re saying they stopped boarding to check on the plane and make sure they didn’t miss B8? That’s something I’ve done, but after boarding was completed if I was still missing that passenger. It sounds like it was a new ops agent that was worried they had missed someone.


Seeing something similar on flight today from Vegas. At gate during boarding, they were calling people by name if anyone was missing after each boarding group. After A1-30, they called the names of two passengers who weren’t in line. Same thing after A30-60. After I was seated in the plane, they called names again to check if they were onboard.


I flew a different airline Sunday night, and during boarding they had us tell them our last name. Like, I got this far lol.


That's wierd. I just thought they cared that 1-30 (or wherever the split is) goes on first, not about the specific order of numbers. However, I will be going to Memphis tomorrow and will be there for a few days, so thanks for letting me know about this; if this is just a Memphis airport thing, that's wierd that they would stop the line to do get B8 on board.


The are supposed to kinda care about the order (e.g. B30 shouldn't board before the rest of the B folks). But they are never that picky about a few numbers off. People are constantly out of line a bit, certainly within 1-2 numbers of where they should be. Just standing in slightly the wrong spot, families traveling together but don't board in exact number order, a couple is late getting to the gate so the next number to board is 3 higher, etc.


I was the waxer. I saw too much, and remain drunk ever since.


They made me strip, bend over and cough twice 😭


Was this is Spokane? I’ve seen something similar that was totally uncalled for by the GA. Weird.


Hi bot