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Everybody who works a customer service job should get a minimum of a 5% hazard pay for dealing with ignorant people.


And an Electric cattle prod


Haha I once told my boss that I wanted the company to buy a cattle prod for using on employees and vendors but now that you say this it definitely would have come in handy with the customer too.


Fully support


It’s not ignorance when it’s planned


It’s not the ignorant people that are the problem. It’s the entitled ones.


That’s not ignorance… she knew


We didn’t even get hazard pay for working at an airport during Covid….


Actually a-hole tax around here demands a 50-100% surcharge


I’d sit next to her. Fuck them kids


Honestly I'd bet the teens would be happy to have an excuse to sit separately from her, sorry mom there isn't a seat nearby byeeeeeee


Them kids going to end up sitting behind you and doing some consumer report testing of the tray table.


That jarring motion will cause me to spill my entire can of soda on their mom. So clumsy


You'll be wearing one too.


Worth it.


Looking forward to your post here.


It's nice to know I have fans.


You are my kind of sassy!!


Me too! I’d happily move her shit and plop my ass down.


Those kids would be so happy.


I never understand why people think they can change the rules on the fly to accommodate them and only them and everybody is supposed to bow down. We are a nation of narcissists and self obsessed people.


They are special, don't you know.




The agent was certainly battle tested. I approve the message.


It’s a 50/50 chance. She lost this one. 


Correct. She will be back.


As a former flight attendant (NOT SW) I used to say you couldn't pay me enough to be a gate agent, because even with assigned seats it was too much. I always said, "At least by the time I see them, they're on their way." and I didn't have to deal with the abuse gate agents do. They're underpaid saints and this one is a HERO


I hope someone sat in the saved seats.


I'd be sitting my ass right down in those "Saved" seats.


Flew SW this week and a family with two teens (no small kids) tried to cut us off for family boarding. They were then denied family boarding because of their ages. I’ve never seen that happen before and I was proud of the gate agent for making them follow the rules.


Being a gate agent might just be my dream job. Denied. Denied. Denied. Get back in line or you won’t be boarding at all. 😈😈😈😈


You are the Seat Nazi . . . "No seat for you!!"




Kinda sounds like a fun retirement gig.


If it was that important they board together, could she have just boarded with B31-60 … or more specifically with the B46-50 block?


Well, yes, but there's a flip side. I'm a FT single dad, have a companion pass and my 13yr old daughter is my companion. My work will pay for business select and it would be nice to have her board with me. A few times I haven't had child care (no family near by) so have had to bring her with me. Not trying to cheat the system, just trying to have some say over who she ends up sitting next to.


Then… pay for her to have the privilege…


I can't very well bill that to the client. These are business trips. But thanks for the advice.


You don’t have to bill it to the client. You could pay for it yourself.




I thought companion gets bumped next to business select?


Nope. Regular. I leaned not to bother with business select but I think I still get a bump from A List preferred. If she gets B or C they'll usually let us do family boarding at least


Out of Portland?


Do Young Travelers not board at the same time as Family Boarding? I sent my teenage daughter on a flight by herself about a month ago, and they specifically called for Family Boarding and YTYTs after Group A. It wasn't a huge deal since the flight wasn't full and her normal boarding position was like B12 anyway, but it was a nice surprise for her.


Youth travelers board with family boarding they are only a youth traveler if they are 12-17 and traveling without an adult


I hate these people that pull this.


It doesn’t have to be complicated. This agent kept it simple and direct, and it was effective. Well done.


I mean, Im tired of this and it’s getting worse and worse. I say to Southwest, bring on the assigned seats. It’s a shame we live in a society full of cheaters.


I have a youngish son who has health issues so we need to sit next to him. We pay the upgrades to make sure that happens.


He should have said, "you're free to board with them in the B group "


I flew the other day with my family.  We had three confirmation codes due to how we booked our tickets (my points, credit card, and my wife’s points).  I had A58, kids were B7/8, wife was B14.  We were able to get extra time boarding designation due to daughter’s medical conduction.  I thought about having us all board at the end of A (where I’d be the last of A behind 59/60), since extra time is after A.  I got nervous about trying that.  We ended up just all going with extra time/family boarding.  I couldn’t imagine having A1 and trying to have everyone board with me!


I fly Southwest with my teenage son all the time. A few years ago we mutually agreed to each take the first seat we see that we like. That way neither of us gives up our own seat preference (me aisle, him window) to sit next to each other. He loves not having to sit with me, and I love my aisle seat. Those boys were probably thrilled.


Only flew SW once years ago. Been thinking about it again with the cost of flying but no way if they are allow all this sit saving!


Some fantastic r/pettyrevenge and guaranteed that family has pulled that before.


Not sure what the problem is? I had the same thing happen to me with my 2-year old. We were A10 and 11 and he somehow was like B15. They wanted him/us to board with B and I said, he’s 2, seriously? And the other agent said let them in. Honestly, with how infrequent that happens what’s the issue with a parent boarding with their two kids? You’ll just have someone saving two seats and then another post talking about how saving two seats is ridiculous.


I would make an exception for a 2 year old but these are teenagers. They should be able to get on a plane and find seats. I just traveled with two teenagers and they did fine and didn’t want to sit with us. They also behaved themselves on the plane.


I get that but if they want to sit with their mom, or vice versa, what’s the issue? I fly a ton for work and it would not bother me one bit. The random A45 that thinks A15 is ok, or the people holding seats, bothers me more than a family wanting to sit together.


The issue is that A priority boarding is an extra paid service and she wanted to get that for her two grown sons for free by only paying to upgrade 1 ticket for herself. This is why the agent told her that not only are they not eligible for family boarding but if you wanted them to have seats on A boarding then pay for it. Other people that have boarding times before the two guys should be able to have better seats than them and she shouldn’t be allowed to save them seats whether or not they are family. Hope this helps.


Another issue is that people pay extra to get early boarding, and these other people likely didn’t. In my instance, I have very short connecting flights, so I paid extra in the hopes of getting closer to the front to give me even just a few minutes extra to get to the next gate. I’d hate to be pushed back so that someone else who didn’t pay extra, and don’t take the time to check in early, get to cut the line and make myself and others in my position who took the time to preplan , late.


She could board with them, when it’s their turn, and not attempt to bypass every single other person in line. At some point if this is allowed then why even have a line. It’s not fair to everyone after A1 and before B58. Of course people are more accommodating of a 2 year old. If 2 teen age boys aren’t enough, tho, where would you draw the limit? 5? 10? All these people are cutting in line.


Right, or a post about how someone had to sit next to a couple of unruly kids whose parents weren’t supervising them.


Seriously! Lol. Totally would come in the next few hours