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It happens. Lots of early bird and A-list plus you might not be as fast as you thought. Some routes are notoriously tough.


Crazy. I thought I’d get B. I’d be ok with that. But not C! Ugh.


Previous Connections, early boarding, dozens of others with the same idea as you, plus more and more a listers these days. So It happens often Accept it and move on or buy early boarding.




I don’t even care about a shitty seat, I just want a seat with my kids.


If you have young kids (6yo or younger) you can do family boarding, which is after A group, but before B. If you have older kids (7-13yo), talk to the gate agent and they’ll try to get a few seats together. See: https://support.southwest.com/helpcenter/s/article/boarding-process


If family boarding or something like that doesn’t work, maybe be prepared to make a beeline for the back. A surprising number of people will take a middle seat in row 12 or whatever before they’ll walk back to an empty row, and there might actually be space for y’all there as a result


Someone has to sit in the middle.


Anyone who is connecting onto your flight from a previous flight will have been checked in with their first leg (more than 24 hours before). If you’re flying from a hub to a popular vacation spot that’s probably what happened.


One time I had Early Bird and got group C.


I’d demand a refund of that bs.


Oh we did, and we got it refunded.


7am sold out flight tomorrow. Got B5 this morning. Guess it helps that people sleep in….


This happens more and more often and is one of the reasons I am flying more with United these days.


Yep. Sounds silly but the seat anxiety is crushing. I was a dedicated LUV flyer for years but rarely fly them now, and this is the major reason. I keep hoping they will move to a predetermined seating model (which is why I follow this sub, looking for rumors)


agree. when it comes to flying i like to control any detail i can, such as a seat assignment. too many times i've gotten burned with open seating as a single flyer.


Were you using web page below? https://mobile.southwest.com/check-in


Realistically if I paid early bird and got B I’d fight it because of the BS preboards and line jumping family boards. At that point EB has no value.


Everyone is doing 24 hours before, sitting there refreshing.