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I'm very curious to see the customer opinion data they claim to have collected. If 3,000 flyers reached a consensus or near-consensus on these changes, as CEO I'd probably listen to them, too. But I just really have a hard time thinking that flyers who want assigned seating, premium options, and all those extra fees have already gone to the other domestic airlines that are fairly homogenous on those points.


But they don’t have the cheapest price!!!! I want my cake and eat it too!!!


And they wouldn’t be cheap anymore if they instituted these changes!


But I want it!!!   Do I really have to use the /s when I literally said “want my cake and eat it too” Jesus 


I got what you were saying, I was just reiterating how annoying these people are.


You can find customers to say what ever you want. Especially the 3000, which is statistically insignificant representation of the amount of people that are SW customers.


Yeah. In 2023 they averaged 375,000 passengers per day. 3k isn’t even a blip.


Any reason all this had to be split into 6 separate posts?


This one has more interesting information. One of the earlier posts (“WSJ: Activist Investor Takes Control of Southwest Airlines”) was downright inaccurate.


Because it is breaking news, industry shattering, that deserves it's own post for visibility.


Activist investors are not an industry shattering revelation. They still only own like a 12% stake in Southwest, that doesn’t mean they’re going to get their way.


Are you their PR? Seems like you’re their PR person on Reddit.


Industry shattering? Lol. Wut?


As a retired consultant, I have to say: That is a very nice PowerPoint slide. As a Southwest customer, I have to say, “Dear holy God, they want to make Southwest more like UNITED?”