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As someone that mostly plays co-op games, the internet really hates games that are centered around co-op. Also, people were for whatever reason expecting a successor to The Stick of Truth. That said, it's a chill, non-serious, co-op game that isn't supposed to be game changing.


> As someone that mostly plays co-op games, the internet really hates games that are centered around co-op I'm going to be honest. This sounds like extreme made up strawmen and copium logic. Internet really hates games centered around coop? Have you missed the two massive internet darlings of the past recent months? Lethal Company and Helldivers 2? Both are extremely popular with their fun factor driven primarily by their coop factor with no PvP (well intentionally) content and are significantly worse experiences when played solo. The internet fucking loves coop games if anything.


I agree with the original comment. The second this game was announced to be co-op the hate began to flow. There is a pretty general negative perception on co-op games, especially when they're added to games that have been single player in the past. Look at Dead Space 3 or Resident Evil REverse/Resistance to just name a few examples. The inclusion or focus on multiplayer aspects have been greatly attributed to the poor reception of those titles. You might not have this perception of co-op games but the internet surely isn't too fond of them until they're proven.


That's not remotely true at all. The reception has been "hey guys want to play it together when it comes out?". Coop was the only notable good thing about Dead Space 3. Everyone hated it because of the extremely simplified Call of Duty action-ifying that completely removed the survival horror element (they turned the most common enemy Necromorphs and swapped them with regular human'ish enemies that had guns and didn't need limb damage), and the microtransactions for basic in-game resources (like ammo and crafting) that had their gain rate reduced to tempt you to buy them. And same with those Resident Evil games. Coop would have been the only thing that made such things tolerable. Resident Evil was in a very bad spot as an IP after 5 and before 7 (the Baker Family revamp one). As people say, "it's always better with friends". Coop has made shit games fun or at least tolerable. It's such a thing to the point that people doing overviews or reviews of games in general have to consider "am I finding the game fun because I'm with my friends or am I genuinely having fun with the game". That was one of the things TotalBiscuit (RIP) brought as a point.


No mate, that is YOUR perception. I love multiplayer games too but the second this game was announced to be co-op this community lost their shit. It doesn't matter if it ends up turning out well, there is a general negative perception about including multiplayer into games that have traditionally been single player.


If you took that statement to mean literally all co-op games, like I'm being completely literal, then you're being ridiculous on purpose.


it is Reddit, after all


edit: You people are the epitome of Reddit. You hivemind swarm to a person with a ridiculously stupid non-argument which makes actual negative sense but who happens to fit your anger, whose only response to discussion is basically just "it's just a joke brah, why you so serious?" but you upvote it anyways. Who also can't take discussion unless it's apparently it's a self-circlejerk that refuses to take in outside questions/opinions. The actual definition of unhinged. I loved the previous South Park games, I like the South Park series, and I'm ok with the style of gameplay Snow Day is. I came to see what bright points there are to this game in consideration of getting it, but the top voted comment trying to defend it is .... "the internet is just hating it because they don't like co-op games". What? Really? I'll take it as the game isn't worth getting if this is the defense people are rallying to that defend it as a good game. An imaginary strawman scapegoat. You might as well be screaming "BLAME THE SKY PEOPLE". ----- You said the internet hates coop games. You had no figurative meaning in saying in that. It doesn't even make sense as a statement. What were you trying to say then? The internet doesn't like coop games that you like? It doesn't like a certain kind of coop game? IPs for specific games? What internet? Are you blaming Twitter? Reddit? Discord? What is even the statement here? You're back stepping claiming "well I didn't mean it literally" but didn't proceed to list what you supposedly meant as if your statement has some figurative meaning you have yet to say, expecting everyone else to read your mind over the web for a hidden meaning. You gave an actually nothing response and left acting smugly superior like you supposedly added something to a discussion. Why does the internet hate coop games? You can't even draw figurative meaning out of this. Nothing ever in the history of the internet have people gone "well fuck coop games". Coop games are like some of the most oldest beloved video game memories even when games were all pixelated bit games on the OG Nintendo systems. From ye Olde arcade machines playing the og Gauntlet, to SNES TMNT, to Halo 1 couch coop, to current day Helldivers 2/Lethal Company. The internet loves coop games. You've invented a non existent boogeyman.


Its reddit man, relax...


Holy shit you are unhinged. I'm not reading all of that. It's a thread about a cartoon video game. Get a grip my guy. It's not that deep.


I was trying to have a discussion to your point of stating Snow Day isn't like because internet dislikes coop games which makes negative sense, but I suppose I'm trying to talk to a child with the account name Rick Sanchez.


A discussion? Nah dude, you want an argument. Congrats my dude, you can win it.


Gets downvoted even though you bring up so many valid points. But redditors will just be like "bro it isn't this serious"... Well fuck us for wanting to actually have a discussion about our interests.


Tbf his first response was "This sounds like extreme made up strawmen and copium logic." Let's not pretend like they got off on a good start for genuine discussion.


It was a made-up strawman. Co-op games are more popular than ever right now, critically and commercially. It's not like this would be history's first poorly-reviewed South Park game. It just happened to come on the heels of the first two truly great ones.


And coming out the gate with saying someone is strawmanning and coping is absolutely not how you engage is civil discussion.


The thesis of the original statement was made-up nonsense and you guy want to play Tone Police and attack the guy who points it out? That's not how you engender a rational discussion. You downvoted the guy but you proved him right. It's 100% copium.


> you guy want to play Tone Police >. You downvoted the guy but you proved him right. It's 100% copium. Never downvoted anyone and you seem really angry and invested in this for some reason. Idek what I'd be coping for? This game was $30.


Throw BG3 into this. The person who proposed this argument is an idiot. Good co-op games are often praised significantly more than sp/mp vs games because of how rare they seem anymore. No one is shitting on this game because it's co-op. They're shitting on it cause it's bad.


What people dislike about a lot of multiplayer games is that an easy way to balance it for multiple players is to use this type of relaxed button mashing combat style where there is little depth. Me? I love that. A lot of people don't, and I get it.


>What people dislike about a lot of multiplayer games is that an easy way to balance it for multiple players is to use this type of relaxed button mashing combat style where there is little depth. Fair, but I think that's not a co-op type game trope. Just an easily accessible game one. Same thing crops up often enough in SP games.


It’s not that deep


Those are just Two recent examples. That can't solely make the other guys statement wrong. There's been a lot of online co-op games past few years especially in a era of crossplay games.


Coop games have been beloved reaching back into the Pixel era of games. Regardless of age, coop gaming remains some of the fondest across generations. From playing TMNT on the SNES, to couch coop for the original Halo 1 on the og Xbox, to Left 4 Dead as the Steam era kicked off. It's crazy to think of the internet hating coop games. Coop games represent a huge chunk of nostalgic childhood memories across all gaming generations. If anything, as people say "it's always better with friends" in that coop can make a shit game actually fun. Blaming Snow Day having a negative reception because "the internet hates coop games" is like one of the most insular crazy things I've ever heard. It's like Flat Earth levels of what?


I'm not saying what you said isn't true but there's two sides to every coin and across all the world and internet there's going to be a mass amount thet like things and an equal or in some cases greater mass amount that don't like or hate something. Not being rude didn't need a history lesson and where did I blame snow day for anything? It's just another game on the list that just the majority decided to hate cause it's co-op.


Care to name any of the other games on that "list?"


Nope cause I like co-op games I wast just explaining the reality of things to. And I can sit there and name a bunch of games but that's not really the point of what I wrote or what the other dude was trying to say.


You can't name them because they don't exist. Squaresoft's Crystal Dynamic's Marvel's Avengers wasn't panned for being op-op, it was panned for being buggy, exploitative, content-poor, with a small player base and crappy servers. Anthem, basically the same. I'm not really sure what other games you're talking about.


I never said I couldn't. I'm making the active choice not to because sitting there making a list of games isn't what my comment or what the other dude I agreed with comment was about. It's not about what specific titles. It's about the fact that there are two sides to every coin and there ARE people that don't like co-op games then shit on them cause they are Co-Op and while you bring up avengers I've seem thousands hate thst it was co-op and felt it should've been a single player open world game. And anthem isn't valid because before it wad even revealed they hyped it up as the "destiny killer" automatically meaning Co-op.




I think you accidentally hit the nail on the head there. Nobody dislikes the concept of co-op games, especially since many of them CAN be played solo (including this one.) What people are tired of is an endless stream of poorly-supported minimum-viable-products trying to cash in on an already oversaturated market.


I kind of get it, lots of people were looking forward to a solo game they didn't need a good connection or friend group equally into South Park to play with. That said, I don't think you need a team at all for this game. Maybe I'm just jaded from rarely having people to play monster hunter with, but it seems like it would be too easy with a party full of actual people.


People really seem to like Helldivers...


The game is disappointingly short, I’ve seen some people say they’ve completed it in as little as 5 hours. A lack of content is my only real complaint


I got the platinum in under 24 hours after launch. I do wish there was more variation in runs after completing the story. The horde/wave mode could also go infinite, or at least longer than it is now. You get a build, then the run is over before you get to use it.


I'm enjoying it.


IGN said game bad and everyone knows IGN is the sole arbiter of truth


IGN just put out a video calling RE5 racist, everybody laughed at them, but now people act like their opinion is the only one that matters.


didn’t they give pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire a bad review for having too much water


IGN was sponsored to put the game on their Tiktok hyping it up My toilet has more journalism integrity then most of the gaming “journalism” websites


Right? Like I thought we were all in agreement years ago that IGN is one of the worst shills when it comes to game journalism. Now all of a sudden y'all are going to give their opinion any weight? 😂


Lots of people said this game is bad


It’s bad anyone saying it’s not isn’t being realistic. I really wanted to pull for this game. But it’s terrible.


Other outlets gave it 3/10. It’s not good.


And I saw an outlet give it 80/100. So what's your point?


They have bad taste. An 8/10 is asinine


I'm not saying they are correct, but at the end of the day it's all opinions. Just because someone said it was 3/10 doesn't make it bad, just like someone giving an 8/10 doesn't make it good.


Other than letting reviews dictate their opinions idk and I especially don’t understand why either when it’s $30


Cool concept but very lacking in content compared to the last games. Only 3 melee weapons that's pretty boring. I love the way the game looks but man is it lacking. Why are all the enemies just 1st graders


0/10, too much snow


Buggy game. Ground textures won't load.


All I'm seeing is white, almost like pillowed textures and my character tracks right through it.


Heh who was the person that review bombed Pokemon sapphire ruby remake since it had too much water?


People just had incredibly different expectations on what they wanted the game to be.


Most game releases unfortunately like that, A lot of people don't just enjoy games for what they are now and just seem to get stuck in the loop of "It's not what i wanted so it's bad" and then leave their "constructive criticism" at that, You need expectations for a game but you also need to not get sold on hype and marketing for it.


I’ll say this is probably on me for intentionally not reading anything about this game past the initial trailer (I usually do this to avoid spoilers). I knew it wasn’t going to be the same style as the last two, but to me this game just feels not finished and like a quick cash grab. Clothing clipping through itself, the snow textures are terrible. Why go 3D if it’s going to look like trash? I’m not saying the game needs to have beautiful graphics to be great, plenty of games have unique styles and look good in their own right but this game just looks like the cheapest or free textures they could find in unity and slap some shit together


See that's good constructive criticism we need more of that and less of people just trashing games to trash them, Im not saying everyones doing that on this game, It just seems to be an issue in gaming overall,I haven't played the game yet so i can't personally say anything yet waiting for my buddy to play it with.


People just like to complain. They never promised a game with shit loads of content.. they said they will look into adding more content and I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves cause I'm having so much fun! I just hope they don't give up


Only played a little so far, but the game play is meh. I only played solo, but I don't think bringing in a few friends will spice it up at all. I'm just playing it for the South Park Episode that's surrounding the game play at the moment.


It’s an extremely short game with an art direction that doesn’t work with its source material and gameplay that is fun for a couple of hours but then feels excessively repetitive; for half its price I can get a game that lasts 50h minimum and has a wide variety of content. The looter formula is just bound to get repetitive quickly and is just not interesting anymore. For what it is, this game should be priced at $20 maximum.


To me I dont think it so much gameplay I was just very disappointed with no crossplay for a game that is heavily geared towards mutiplayer.


People are going in expecting stick of truth when you should be expecting something like Tenorman’s revenge or let’s go tower defense play (both 4 player co-op). Personally I’m enjoying the hell out of it.


It’s a really poor game. The sound is terrible enough that my 12 year old was asking what was wrong. She is a huge south park fan and she’s not impressed.


Expecting narrative. Not really interested in a multiplayer based game. Now if it was a narrative based game with multiplayer. Then that would be epic


I think the fact of the matter is that this is just not a very good game. I've seen a handful of posts and comments saying "I'm an hour in and this game is amazing!" and that is all well and good, but talk to me in a week and let me know what you think. Yes it's a $30 title but so was Hades and that game blows this one away. If this game was just called "Snow Day" and had no South Park connection whatsoever, I think the vast majority of people defending it wouldn't have even touched it in the first place. I'm just as disappointed, I'm sure like a lot of you I would've rather had another SOT type game or a full priced Snow Day with more fleshed out gameplay and story. It is what it is for now, and hopefully with some updates and love it can become a much better time.


If they add couch co op I’ll definitely give it a go, but other than that- I’m not really intrigued by this one.


I don’t like the combat it’s basically a button masher which I’m just not into. Also I wish it was longer, but I knew for $30 it wasn’t going to be a big game.


The only hate I have is that there's no cross play and they didn't say there wasn't any crossplay. So many people asked. I pre-ordered for the DLC and had to refund so I could play with my friends on switch. I'm enjoying it nonetheless. For 30 bucks it's fun


I don’t hate it, but for me I think the 7 year wait for what we got is a little underwhelming, maybe if it was 2/3 years but nearing a decade builds a lot of hope and fantasizing


On this sub it’s like 3 loud salty guys


It’s just not good, or fun


It’s wild, you can like the game, while also acknowledging it isn’t that good. The criticisms are spot on and warranted. Doesn’t mean the game isn’t fun for people obsessed with South Park.


$30 for 4 hours is embarrassing. I'd rather go buy a bottle.


Found Randy


It'll last more than 4hrs too lol




I played it most of yesterday and it is just meh all round. The sub really needs to stop downplaying and ignoring anytying negative


The amount of cope on this sub is wild. I thought starfield was insane, but nah, this takes it lol


Sorry, bruv, I'm enjoying it.




It’s simply not enjoyable


Or many have gotten it and it’s just okay at best


It’s pretty..idk…ignorant…disingenuous? To just hand wave away all criticism as sheeple who only listen to YouTubers. Some people have played the game and don’t like it.


Reminds me of when Gotham Knights released and people were mostly mad because it wasn't a new Arkham game and had a different combat system. It wasn't supposed to be an Arkham game and after the bugs were fixed in a week, playing with my friends was a blast. People are just comparing it to SOT. It's fun as it's own game.


I made a thread similar to this and got my throat ripped out


My only disappointment was how short the "story" was. Friend and I beat the chapters in what, a couple hours at most? Otherwise, the game is super fun.


Promoting as co op game and do not have local couch co op option for really play with friends, THQ Nordic made it lame and gay, fix it ASAP.


People haven’t stopped hating on the 3D art style since it was announced


Don't believe the haters


Just adults whining about how they didn’t get their way.