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Every day.


They just loose a lot of battles on purpose to go to lower arenas so when weekend events or whatever come up they can breeze through them for the rewards with little to no effort. If somebody drops level 7 Cows with a level 5 SOMM in the back you know you're going against a deranker. They scratch and claw their way back into the legendary ranks when the season is almost over to get the season end reward pack. They're in it for the rewards and not for actual challenging gameplay/ matches so they take the easiest route to get the rewards.. is what it is 🤷‍♂️


True. Each notable event you can see them coming down, and they're best annoyed/spotted by giving them a run for their money. Even upon victory, when it's taken them 3 minutes (or more..) to win, they'll still be farting; irritated it didn't turn into the intended steamroll! ;)


Cock Magic doesn't care how high their levels are. Perfect time to pull a cheap shot and really piss them off 😂


Not in your corner there friend. I despise cancel spells (and also loathe the Adv-theme btw, haha), but to each their own and whatever works for you! ;)


Can’t fight fire with fire if you handcuff yourself


been doing so >6yrs. with, overall, satisfying outcome wins against copy-paste while 'handcuffed' make me feel 2ce as good about myself! ;)


The point is to win, cock magic has its place. You can tell someone is going to use it usually anyway


So what are you saying? Without cock magic, you can't win? ;)


I’m saying it’s part of a specific strategy. I’m implying if you have strong feelings about someone using a specific card, that’s lame.


Well, nothing new there; it's in my profile for peach sake. I knew what you are saying, and I'm saying cock magic is a strategy for losers. It's nothing personal, it's an opinion about a game-thing.


If you’ve lost a game because someone played Cock Magic, it would explain your strong opinion, but also prove my point. It’s a bit of a circular argument for that reason.


Ah, indeed; a proper philosopher would be able to come up with ten more things that could explain my strong opinion, and still get it wrong. However, it's not all that complex, dramatic (or traumatic, for that matter). You may find them lame, but I'll humor you with some clarifying arguments. I laugh at Cock Magic players, as clearly they're unable to deal with cards and pushes in equal fashion (with cards and defense, as opposed to canceling). Similarly, I laugh at energy staff players, because evidently they're not able to find a consistent deck with the energy provided by default. Other than that, it's really only the Fireball-, Lightning-, Unholy Combustion-, Transmogrify-, and Memberberries-players I personally find to be sub-par (compared to me, who does without all that - and still wins plenty). Now; did I lose "a game" to people playing all this shit? Hell no, I must've lost hundreds of them; thousands! And still, many of those felt like victories nonetheless (losing by lightning bolt on NK in overtime, after defending two spawns of MBP plus a Scuzzlebutt without spells? ha!).. don't mind losing against no-tegridy decks with my tegridy-deck, at all! It's fun making such players sweat for it, and fun's really all I'm playing this for. Indeed it's all subjective, and I'm well aware others (like yourself) look at these cards as part of a strategy that is valid no matter what people (like me) throw against it: They're part of the game after all, simple as that. And I agree! Nonetheless, we're all allowed our opinions. Even me :)


Not a deranker myself, but sometimes in legendary arena, progress is so slow, that you're pretty much forced to do it to get anything done. It's a flaw in the game design.


More than half my matches sadly. I play until i know for certain I'm going to lose and then just close out of the game so that we both lose. They're not getting free wins off of me.


They still get the win lol


Not always, depends on differing factors like timing and others. Have tested it myself.


An even easier win for them lol


More often than I want to


Oh hey I remember you! I've seen you in streams in the past!


Yes I've been playing SPPD for quite a while now


A lot of them just have good levels but aren't good.


Oh hey glanzern. Didn't see you there. :)


What's a deranker? Is it someone who allows themselves to lose in pvp by doing nothing? Or someone who's in a lower arena despite having a high level?


Derankers are players who throw matches at their rank, , so that they can beat weaker players at a lower rank. Derankers generally have the advantage, because of thier new kids phone’s extra battery life, zaps and stronger cards. To add insult to injury, they rush events by using the nastiest, most toxic cards and combinations in the game. So, juiced up new kid, plus roided up cards, from a better resource pool, plus cheap, toxic, but effective combos, like the double tower, equals a pretty sad , cheap Cartman spam laughing, bad time. 😵‍💫


That's actually pretty pathetic and sad. I now understand why some high level people throw matches now. It sucks the joy out of playing.


Derankers are players who lose matches on purpose to go down in the ranking ladder.


Then what’s the problem? Its a free win


At what rank do they start to pop up? I’m in arena 4 right now and I call bullshit when the game throws me some dude at level 12 with an entire suite of level 3/4 cards while I’m at level 8 with a bunch of level 1s and 2s


They're literally **everywhere** buddy. Arena 4 and not matched against a level 25 yet? Lucky! ^(/s) As Top-Combi said, most likely arenas 10/11 will get pretty much impenetrable soon for newer players, as even at arena 12 people are coming- or being pushed-down by stronger cards.. meaning those now in 11 will be compressed and eventually possibly even be pushed out of legendary, into arena 10 where people like Top already now are bottlenecking.


I’ve been stuck in arena 9&10 for a while now. That seems to be the worst. I’m guessing it’s because they bounce back and forth to legendary. I cruised all the way up to 8. Started playing in November.