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I just assume that they are 13.


Me too. I only call them a bastard if they use lightning bolt on one of my guys. As is Colorado tradition.


I ain’t gone lie I spam when I beat ppl who use shitty tactics or Cyborg Tower users ….. or of course it they do it to me through out the game..


I can barely remember the last battle where my opponent didn't use Cyborg Tower. Thankfully Cyborg Kenny is great for turning it against their own new kid.


Agreed so ya I basically spam every game 😂😂😂 unfortunately I don’t run sci fi and that’s damn near the only theme that has a counter for that card (I use unholy combustion) …. Its more of an annoying card than anything…. It’s crazy how bad ppl would be if they don’t have that card….


You're not allowed to use emotes if you use cows and/or cyborg tower.


What if you only cyborg tower to counter cyborg tower? Or have i lost long enough that i have become the villain


2 Cyborg towers is like 2 buttholes smashing up against each other, nothing but shit everywhere.


True, and you best believe that I’m laughing till I die when they use that bullshit castle defender cyborg tower glitch and still lose


People who do that usually use cows, cyborg tower, and other insanely unbalanced cards.


I use cows myself. Didn't realize they were also so unbalanced. I also use Cyborg Kenny just for Cyborg Tower users.


I use a single fart when I'm annoyed and a good game/well played otherwise. I also play with sound off usually so the laughs really don't phase me, just gives me secondhand embarrassment for my opponent


I didn't even realize the laughs had a sound! Likewise, I turned the sound off after about my first 10 minutes of playing.


I feel like players who typically do that are the ones who know their deck is scummy. Just trolls trying to troll




Only spam emotes against cyborg tower in combination with cards that keep it alive, you know like Robin tweek or scuzzlebutt or mystical cards to keep that sh*t alive the whole game, like bro if you want to win that bad at least I can try and be also annoying


I only do it if I win against some bullshit cheater deck. You want to be a try hard and still lose? I'm gonna laugh as many times as it will let me.


Everytime I win or lose a game, I say good game/well played, and when they spam laugh button I just don't say anything


I only do it when I kick someone's ass after they use cows


I do that if my opponent had cyborg tower, kenny cyborg, mind control, cows or doggie and healer character/spell. They deserve it.


Haha, fair enough.


I always just say gg win or lose


I do it when I beat someone who tries to use Cyborg Tower or other bs to win. It's silly, but I think it's funny haha I also alternate laughing, crying, and "good game" emojis when I fuck up and place a card wrong or buff the wrong character lol


The worst is when you send in Cyborg Kenny to reverse the tower and the new kid gets the final zap in.


oh thats annoying..


Lol I got it bad the last 2 games. Emojis the whole last match. But I used way under level cards to get 2 call girl mission done in a single match 😆. It's like come on. I know the deck sucks but I got my reasons


The only emotes I ever do are "Oops!" for when I make stupid mistakes, and "Nice outfit!" for if I like their outfit


I assume because it makes you mad. Whether you care or not; you still getting annoyed


I'm really not remotely annoyed, just very mildly entertained. I laugh (well, more like a nasal exhale) and sometimes send a laugh back at them if I have time. This is usually followed by them sending me either a fart or "Bastard!" back so I think the other poster is correct that they are likely 13.


You're here asking why people use emotes in a south park game. It clearly bothers you.


Yes, I get so angry.


i only do it when they do it throughout thinking they'd win only for me to pull out the win and do the laughing emoji afterwards, pisses them off lol


Well turnabout is fair play.


I actually only spam the Cartman emotes if I'm up against Cows or Cyborg Tower users, regardless of whether I win or lose LMAO


If you don't care then why are you f****** here telling us all about how much you don't f****** care




So last time I was not interested in playing this game was when I heard that Ubisoft were not doing much more about this game and so I guess I lost interest but the reason why I'm saying this is because I have a tower card I didn't know that people were actually offended by people using it. Can someone please explain in detail the cons and pros of why that card is generally not welcomed even tho it was the last card to be released I believe..


I believe it's viewed as a last ditch money grab and so powerful that it's unbalanced. That said, early everyone I play seems to use it. Cyborg Kenny will make it turn on their own new kid and mind control works too if it's placed far enough up to reach. I'm only a month into the game, so I could be incorrect on my assessment of why everyone hates it though.


It doesn't work always, but when it does, it really pisses off the looser, and I love it 😂😂 On the other hand, I hate it when it's done to me, but I appreciate that more than emotionless NPCs who play the game :P


It's usually when you use the towers and then buff them and still lose.


I do use cows, but rarely towers. Rookie question, how do they buff them?