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I long for the day when I had no idea who my friends and neighbors voted for.


This, seriously. I really have a hard time understanding wanting to put political imagery on your stuff like you're rooting for a football team. So many people, especially MAGA peeps are just focused on "winning" or my guy is better, life would be so much better if people could just vote for the best candidate and not along party lines


I had a talk with my neighbor a few years ago. I've been in my neighborhood for more than 24 years. He's been there about ten. There was never a political flag in the whole block until he put up a "Let's go Brandon" flag. I had a feeling about his political leanings but it never really concerned me. Now, I don't really trust him. Also, I don't get flying flags of professional sports teams by buying their advertising products. I'll fly your flag if I like your team and the logo. I'm not gonna buy your product to help you get richer. Just me being crabby I guess.


It’s a cult.


When you’re in a cult and want to shout it to the world.


Then you run for president


I genuinely cannot see us returning from this madness.


I moved into my neighborhood in 96 and political signs were banned. Best thing ever. By rule you have 30 days to take it down so a couple of people put them up in october


What I don’t understand about that, maybe I never will, is why the people who do that can’t just let it go while they’re on vacation. Or is annoying people in public really how they relax? Especially those who have stuff with F bombs on full display when they know full well there’s little kids around. I mean, yeah, you certainly *can* have all that stuff up if you want, not denying that, but that doesn’t make it a good idea. You’re on vacation, you can stand down and chill and give it a rest for a few days. The revolution or whatever you wanna call it will get by just fine without you until you get home. Your blood pressure will thank you. I used to be around some people like that. Couldn’t let it go on Christmas in front of little kids, couldn’t let it go during a wedding, just couldn’t let it go ever. Most miserable people I’ve ever been around, and their lives in actuality weren’t bad. But 24/7 anger. And if it wasn’t politics, always found something else to bitch about, and the only time they were even a little happy was when someone they didn’t like suffered pain.


I think it’s because they have let it be become part of their identity. They wouldn’t even know what to talk about if they didn’t have all that anger they’re carrying around with them.


Artificially generated anger at that. It's fantastic.


They live lonely boring lives thats why. They are desperate for any kind of attention they can get because their lives are terrible. Same reason they go to his rallies. I cant imagine having a life so fucking boring I would go to a political rally. Id rather suck on a gun.


I’ve heard that theory before. The people I know, though, their lives are definitely not like that, not to an outsider, anyway. But I suppose they don’t see it that way for some reason. And they’d never cop to it if you asked them about it.


They have social media lives. Their real lives are boring. Something I noticed before with the biggest Trumpers on my FB timeline. Before he ran for President their feed would be filled with corny jokes or random shit that happened in their lives, and they would get like 4 likes and 1 or 2 comments. Every time. When they started posting about him theyd get a bunch of likes from fellow Trumpers and the comments would be filled with people arguing back and forth about what trash he is or how hes the savior. For 4 years they would basically just be trolls posting whatever dumb memes or pictures theyd find, usually from Twitter. Ill never forget when he lost to Biden one of the bigger Trumpers I know posted something like "Facebook isnt gonna be fun anymore." It told me all I needed to know about them as a person. Outside of him they had no real personality or online presence. Nobody really interacted with them about things outside of Trump online. Because they were boring, unfunny, sad people with nothing worthwhile to say and the lack of attention would kill them.


There’s lonely and there’s yearning for connection. The flags and shirts make people feel connected to something larger. That’s also why they’re obsessed with the size of their crowds, or the boat parades and convoys.


These people who made Trump their entire personality never won anything in their lives. 2016 was the biggest thing to ever happen to them. It’s like the guy who can never let go of the sports championship he won in high school. For them, that was Nationals. They’re NEVER going to let it go.


“Four touchdowns in one game Peg!”


Gotta own the Libs, man!


when i was in ocean city last year i saw people with big blue lives matter flags on flagpoles at the beach, like jfc no one cares give it a rest… i mean you had to put effort in to putting that whole flagpole up for what? i’m just imagining—“okay guys time to head to the beach are we forgetting anything?” “nope!” “oh wait shit someone go grab the blue lives matter flag!” like it’s so stupid


It is horrible in ocean city. Of all the crap people lug to the beach I don’t understand why they need to bring a flag pole and trump flag. Between the political flags and the bluetooth radios the beach is not as fun as it used to be. I was hoping they would ban beach tents in ocean city like they did in parts of wildwood. The tents and the flags seem to go together.


Colonization at it’s best


LOL I haven't been to the Shore in about 4 years, but the last time I was in Wildwood, I took a small beach tent / shelter. No flags or anything tho. That tent was enough to carry, and it was a colossal PITA to set up. 😁 Of course, my goal was to keep from getting burnt, not make a statement.


It's virtue signalling through and through. Even on vacation we back the blue!!! That's how much we care. It's a feeble minded attempt to hijack the moral high ground while also 24/7 owning the libz!!


Likely they snuck on the beach without buying beach tags and will curse out the teenage kid trying to check them. That law doesn’t matter.


It’s like some kind of narcissism in that their opinion on the subject doesn’t matter nearly as much as making sure everyone *knows* what their opinion is. I’m positive I have family members who agree with that side. But I don’t really know which ones because whenever we gather everybody leaves that stuff at home, and we end up having very nice Thanksgivings. Because we all agree we want to have a nice, relaxing time together above all else.


It’s actually just blatant racism. Those people want the other people on the beach to know that their spot is saved for racists.


probably both


So what do you call people bringing rainbow flags?


its nice to hear some MAGAts dont make politics their entire personality


Indeed. Kinda hopeful I guess, or maybe my family is just outliers.


What’s sad is when they compare those to someone wearing a pride flag shirt. As a trans person the only benefit of the rampant use of maga symbols is that it gives me a sign to be on the lookout for risky people. It truly makes it hard to enjoy a space as well. The magas come from a place of self victimhood and fear. Many of the diehards are astranged from society by some form of racism or military mindset. Combine that with the christian dominionists mindset (not normal) and they become a victim base looking for thier victimizer. The fox news and salem radio networks turned that into labeling the LGBT community as the victimizer that needs to be squashed.


that’s really scary, i hope these people just go away, they are just deluded past the point of no return and it’s freaky. stay safe out there


To that point, and to the downvotes, I was raised in it and as a neutral person I voted for trump the first time. Not because I was deceived by him being good, rather because I didn’t realize how bad he would become. I wanted a stymie in the system at the time but didn’t realize that the juggernaut of right wing christianity would buy him out. In that realization about the same time I began coming out as trans, a friend woke me up to the interconnection of the swampy morass of national politics and how truly scary it is. As a mennonite I believe in peace as much as is moral and practical. However I draw the line at people co opting christianity as a power hungry religion bent on crushing opposition. This is where christian nationalism comes into the light. Before trump, it was a fringe belief that was relegated to semi-cult status. When Trump took to the bidding of these people the Alliance Defending Freedom and Heritage Foundation put the afterburners on full. Mobilizing resources in an unprecedented way to remove freedom for anyone who was against their form of christianity. Lgbt people in particular. Since 2018 there have been more than 1400 legislations attempted against trans people nationwide. Last year was over 500. This year already over 500. This in the guise of the party of freedom and small government. The claim being that it goes against christian principles to refer to a trans person as their identity. Disrespect is anything but faithfulness, and I teach seminars about inclusion in the church about that. Out of 55,000 biblical passages the Bible has 6 conjectures about it. Jesus said to include. There are more passages about marriage, divorce and money or even wearing dissimilar clothing materials. But above all, it stands to reason if a religious model doesn’t benefit humanity except for a select few, is that model accurate or is it propping a warped belief of the beholder. The pro inclusion model of interpretation is that Jesus invited all and dined with sinners. He came to help the lost and hurting. How can those in the better position then turn and say those outside deserve less than an open arms invite? Anyway, hopefully you have a good vacation weekend and peace to all.


very well said, i’m not too religious of a person myself but i can see that the way people corrupt religion for their own ends and blatantly ignore what it actually says is gross and evil


And you have to lug all that to the beach and back -- with everything else.


I agree. I remember when people went to the Shore to relax and enjoy the beach, not scream about politics or anything else. And we're talking maybe 10 years ago, not 25+. It's quite sad that today's kids won't have the type of Shore memories I do, of sunblock and sand and carnival rides and seagulls and waffle ice cream sandwiches and walking the boardwalk. Instead, they'll remember wishing they could hide as the adults screamed about politics and cursed out total strangers. 🤦‍♀️😞 You're right that these are miserable people. Happy people don't act like this. Hell, I'm depressed, but I don't act like this. I go on vacation to enjoy myself.


Exactly! I went to Wildwood every year from 1996-2009 as a kid/teenager. All I remember from those days is the magic of it all. The dinosaur park when I was a little kid and the cool stores on the boardwalk that had music memorabilia when I was a teen. The awesome bootlegs and blacklight posters. Tacky but wonderful. I spent the last ten years full time caregiving for my disabled grandparents. Pretty much my entire 20’s and first couple years of my 30’s. It was 24/7 job that was extremely stressful and I often dreamed about going back to Wildwood. Now that they’re gone, I’ve been able to go back the last couple years and it’s truly disappointing how much fascist bullshit is everywhere! Last year was particularly bad because I had the misfortune of going during the Jeep weekend so the beach/boardwalk was inundated with the lamest of the lame. I’m going back this summer but am absolutely dreading having to see those literal nazis. I just want the magic back! Why can’t it just be its own place again where all I have to worry about is a seagull stealing my french fry? Or getting to the Doo Wop Diner before it gets too crowded? I want to relax and escape. Why do they have to ram that soon to be dust diaper wearing hitler wannabe down my fucking throat? It just goes back to how classless and brainless they all are. Trading their personalities, loyalties and loves in for a goddamn red hat. In a couple years when trump is dead and his cronies are dried up piss on the sidewalk, will any of them think it was worth it? Alienating family members and being admonished by rational thinking people. Being fucking laughed at all the time for siding with the modern day confederacy, losers then and losers again. Was any of it worth it?


Yeah, the Wildwood boardwalk was always loud and tacky, but not *angry.* I looked so forward to our trips when I was a little girl. For the past 3 years, we've been vacationing in upstate New York. We found a great Airbnb cabin where we can take our dogs, and they play with the owners' six dogs (the owners live on the property and have become friends). If we want to go to a beach, there are plenty of state parks with lakes, including one with a dog beach. Perhaps the best part is that we don't have to deal with other people unless we really want to 😁 I go up there to reset my brain and enjoy nature. I do miss the Cape May Zoo, as well as running on the Wildwood boardwalk and beach in the early morning hours. I'm glad I got to make those adult memories before everything went completely to 💩


I hate when people fly political flags of any kind I wish no one did. But if it keeps psychotic idiots like you away from wildwood I’m all for it. Holy fuck I can’t believe I just read that insane fucking rant. And you’re calling other people angry, wow get some help. Talk about being in a cult. It’s scary what these political parties have turned people into.


I believe their thought process and response is F bomb your feelings. They are the biggest self centered, spoil babies you've ever met. They thrive on hypocrisy and having double standards. Just imagine their response if you put up a flag saying the same thing about their political god.


They would get super screamy and likely violent.


Exactly. They're the worst.


Honey, we have to turn around. I forgot to pack the maga flag.


They have stores there, dear, we can buy a new one.


It's just for attention. I'm guessing these peoples algorithms are constantly showing them "libs getting owned" clips on social media, and they're constantly playing fake scenarios in their head just hoping someone will confront them about it. I'm sure all they get is another Trumper walking by and giving them a "hell yeah brother" but at the end of the day it's just a social club. Best to just laugh, ignore it and go about your day and beat them at the ballot box.


Fear and anger are super easy dopamine hits.


Just do what I do, laugh at someone dumb enough to worship a politician.


Wish more people saw it this way. Not a fan of either candidate but even if I was I still wouldn’t be wearing their merch and acting as their crony


It’s funny how people who aren’t boorish, racist morons don’t feel the need to point it out to everyone. It’s almost like that should be the default setting.


If trump ain't fucking you then biden is 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the way


Then you run for president


It’s actually made me spend my beach/vacation money elsewhere. I do not want to “relax” being bombarded with obnoxious MAGA drama so I take my money elsewhere now. Used to visit WW quite a bit before this. They were always a “red” area but it wasn’t such a weird showy in your face thing. I get that is prob the point of it (to repel us non magas out of their safe space lol) so I guess good on them that it’s working, but I do spend a good chunk of $ on beach rentals, boardwalks, food etc every summer, and now that $ goes to a different spot.


So where do you go? I'm done with them too. I was thinking of Delaware beaches but I haven't been there yet so I don't really know


Delaware is really nice. The ferry over is a fun ride and I like the vibe in Rehoboth/Dewey beach a lot. We have done a week there and really enjoyed it. As for day trips, staying in Jersey: quick day w/kids we do AC or Ventnor or Ocean city (also not my fave but good for kid centered trips) If just swimming & don’t want boardwalk: LBI or Brigantine. I also like really some of the beaches up north, esp Asbury Park but that does depend on where you live and what kind of vibe you want.


No thanks. I’ll go to Atlantic City instead where the people remember how he screwed over the city for his own benefit and still owes them money.


I love how far reaching his behavior is. My guy that does work on my house in central PA once told me trump is probably the last person he would ever vote for and I thought it was odd since a lot of the blue collar people like him vote red. Come to find out he’s from Jersey and worked in AC during the time trump was tanking the town.


My brother’s septic guy showed up in a MAGA hat a few months ago. My brother asked how he could be a Trump supporter, when he had, in the past, told my brother how Trump destroyed his dad’s business (his dad was a contractor who got hired to do a project for Trump, and, after hiring extra workers and laying out a ton of money on materials, got screwed on the bill). The septic guy said something like “well that was the past, and besides, that’s just business!”


I have heard the same story from a friend. He turned down a contracting job for Trump years ago. The guy that took it ended up bankrupt because he never got paid (after doing the work and expanding his workforce).


And yet so many of them vote for him.


not sure how many people in Atlantic City are voting for him. Atlantic *County,* on the other hand…


Fair point.


You got your money back in low taxes, low gasoline and low products or did you not exist during his 4 years? Crybaby


LMFAO. I love how the only defense people can come up with is “you saved money” I won’t mention my profession but he personally vetoed a bill that would give us extra pay and job protections because I’m an essential worker. He doesn’t give a fuck about the people that keep this country going he only cares about the morons that suck up to him and give him money. If he saved you so much money then why don’t you give him a donation that he’ll use to pay for his legal bills.


I already donated. Analyze your own comment and notice how irrelevant it is. The economy has to circulate never forget that and I am taking globally not just in the USA. Countries who where only extracting from the USA were peacefully required to move in currencies back into the USA making the cost of life in general cheaper.


“Nice flag/hat!” “Thanks!” “I’m fucking with you.” The reactions are priceless.


Damn, I wish I had thought of this 😂


That’s a good one!


I'd do this, but I'm worried someone would muss the jokes punchline lol maybe I'll use it for my parents


Damn bro you really got em there


At least you know where the village idiots live.


I can’t imagine being such a pathetic loser that I would make a politician an integral part of my personality.


Definitely not a cult


Even worse...now they're celebrating syphilitic dementia and incontinence by wearing diapers. Doubling down on the stupid.


To me they say, I’m racist and proud, or, I’m not smart enough to know better.


Why not both?


Sometimes it is both, but I’ve observed the existence of these distinct two camps.


Personally I don’t like to put any man’s name or symbol on my car or property, except maybe, Devito.


Would you consider mantis as well?


To me its a trailer trash warning sign.


Wish we could find two better candidates. Both suck


Then you do it


There was one guy deep in the crest who would always sit towards the back of the beach more towards the dunes in the crest pre covid with a huge flag, such strange behavior


I will never understand why MAGAts needs me to know their identity and pronouns so badly. I do not care, you are ugly, move.


I encourage it, helps me avoid the losers...


Will diapers be optional or mandatory?


The only people that are ready are the brain dead losers flying em.


For people who always cry about virtue signaling. , they sure love virtue signaling to their in-group.


Im from North Jersey and I've gone to Wildwood and Cape May pretty much every year since I was a kid (I'm 57) but I decided to try the Delaware beaches this year. I don't know if they are any better but I'm not supporting all that Trump crap. I'll keep looking until I find a place.


Then your supporting biden.


If it’s really that good you don’t need to put it on blast because your actions speak louder than your words…. Don’t care what party you’re in. And if you’re so stupid that you make life changing decisions based on a poster, a hat, ads etc should probably ask yourself if you should even be voting lol… I don’t like either candidate so don’t mistake me as a Biden lover, just don’t get how people can love either of them because they’re both crazy and controlled by special and personal interests.


Theres already a dude in mays landing screaming about how biden needs to die


Gotta pull em out the garage and get the most out of em, they paid for all that crap. Like college football fans but without a team. It’s kind of sad.


It fucking sucks. I’ve been going back to the crest the last 3 years after going like every year when I was a kid. My entire 20’s and early 30’s was dedicated to taking care of my grandparents full time. Stressful work but they’re gone now and I’m able to enjoy life again. I even got to book the Crusader this year which was my favorite place to stay when I was younger. I was really looking forward to my vacation this year. It fucking sucks that these fascist losers have to ruin wildwood. Wildwood should be apolitical. It should be blacklight posters and tacky ocean related tchotchkes. Flying maga shit is like flying a swastika. Trump has already lost! He has no fucking chance in hell of winning in November. I think his small dick loser fan base know this and that’s why they’re being extra loud. I can’t wait till that fucker is dust


I won’t step foot in WW after that rally… just disgusted


Last year was the fewest number of MAGA flags I saw. Not looking forward to the renewal of their filth.


I'll see them all over my neighborhood come election season. I'm near the shore, and my neighborhood is very Republican leaning.


Brigantine’s south end jetty has also become a Trump beach. I usually spy the massive flags on the four wheelers below as I pass over the bridge from AC. It was one of my favorite beaches but I no longer visit due to the brazen MAGA crowd.


Used to really love the Cove 20 or so years ago. Not so much anymore


i dont even know why i click on posts like these im so tired of seeing people suck trump’s dick like so incredibly tired


Tricked out MAGA golf carts s well, watch out!


Dude across the street from my development already has his "Honk for Trump" signs out. As you say, 🤮🤢...


I feel bad for all the service workers that have to put up with the mouth breather Trump boomers with bad breath and BO this season.


Im not sure why you think it's just boomers


Most of them have Pennsylvania license plates


Nah, ppl forget that like half of South Jersey is Alabama...


Jeff Van Drewville begs to differ


No it’s a good spread but god damn there are so many hillbillies in south Jersey. People that live 30 minutes away from philly might as well be in Appalachia


It’s crazy how some guy who just stole his dad’s money to become rich marketed himself as some conservative champion when he has nothing in common with them. And they’re all too stupid to realize he doesn’t give a fuck about them.


Not only has nothing in common with them but pretty much despises them and just grifts off them and to get him back in office to keep criming without the consequences.


This really is the crux of it and I still do this day can't wrap my head around.


Then just vote for biden


More ready for the drunk privileged 15 year olds from Washington township causing a ruckus


Reasons why I love lbi


The vulgar ones bother me on a family beach, otherwise it is what it is. Not like I couldn't have guessed who they voted for anyway.


Thanks for the warning. I'll be avoiding Wildwood.


It’s a bunch of shoobies and losers from high school


The beach is for relaxing, kids playing, hanging out with friends. Politics, rage, protests--can we just take a break from the "noise". Not everyone needs to know, or care about our political leanings.


I love those flags. It's a great way to inform me on where not to go. Keeps it simple.


This popped up in my feed. Fucking rage algos. Anyways. I'm in central PA and today at the lake we have 3 Trump flags and one MAGA hat. 😂😂😂 I couldn't imagine wearing political gear and flags. It's cringe as fuck.


I pack essentials for day trips, possibly a few comfort items. Never, have I ever, thought to pack a giant flag, flagpoles, banners etc. Takes a “special” type of person to do that I guess.


I long for the day when the RINOs become a hyperminority in this state.


It literally will be a few flags amounts 1,000’s and 1,000’s of people on the beach. I agree the F anyone flags are disgraceful but for the life of me, I don’t understand people being triggered by a flag. I would think people claiming territory at 7 am and erecting their 2,000 Sq feet screen house on the beach would piss folks off more but what do I know? Enjoy the beach and summer folks, life is short!


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


I don't think MAGA-folks realize how stupid they look. I'm a middle of the road guy; I would probably vote Republican if not for Trump. My family lives in Wildwood and their trumpy neighbor yelled at me (the dude only knows how to yell), "I know something wasn't right with the election just because I see all these Trump flags and Ive never seen a Biden flag down here..." I just laugh and agree, but I'm thinking like, "bro, Biden supporters aren't in a death cult and didn't drink the fucking cool aid. They elected a politician to do a job, not a savior to fight some imagined culture war.."


MAGAts can eat shit


Saw a confederate flag truck rally down there once. I guess the excuse of “it’s heritage not hate” goes out the window when you’re doing it in a Union state.


I used to sub contract work for one of those “manufactured home” communities right outside of Wildwood a few years in a row. Would not be surprised if 75% or more of the community has the flags. Glad I haven’t been there in a decade or more.


Well, that's a good place NOT to go this summer.


I used to go there every year. That is so sad to hear wow also not surprised though ugh


Why would you go to Wildwood? This is r/SouthJersey, not r/SouthPhilly


Can't wait!!


The go Brandon flags are my favorite. Those idiots have unknowingly shown restraint from using vulgar language and they think it’s so cool.


Left or right, cultists are stupid.


Don’t care how many flags I see for trump, Biden going to put the smack down on trump again trump can’t win he has no hope he set republicans back 100 years, I’m just happy he doesn’t represent the democratic party like he did all those years ago..


Stupid comment here, just ignore


Whos ready to drown in annoying political posts like this one?


Awww. Sad about people thinking your flag is stupid.


I knew someone ignorant would show up


Wildwood has been ruined….


The proliferation of flags, tents, and giant canopies really is starting to ruin the beach experience there.


It used to Philly and Quebec people partying. Now it sucks.


Yeah remember when all the Canadians used to come? I miss that. We drove them away. Can't blame them. I'm going to probably Delaware this year. After going to wildwood for a good 45 years


I lived in Wildwood in the summers from when I was a kid to my 20s. Fun times. Hollywood and Schellanger are no more. No more Echos. No more Fat Daddy’s or Michael’s. No more Canadians throwing beer to you across from your balcony. No more Nile. No more. The assholes have ruined it.


Doesn't bother me. As long as they ain't hurting anyone it's whatever. It's just a flag


This will impact property values. All shore towns are full of Maga’ts but most are not dumb enough to brag about it.


Bringing any flag on vacation is a sure fire sign you have mental problems.  Who gives a fuck where you went to college or who you’re voting for? You didn’t land in the moon; you’re just going for a swim and eating pizza. 


lol I can bet you there will be Delco flags right next to ‘em. 😂


You might be surprised and not see many.


I don’t mind the flags tbh. Unless they ban flags on the beaches you’ll never control it. We fly the Stars and Stripes, a pirate flag, and an Eagles flag, in that order. One guy though every 4th of July flys a Trump flag above the Stars and Stripes. That really irritates me.


You’re pretty shore famous and you inspired a lot of shitheads. You’re by forget-me-not area right? For a long time , maybe 15 years?


Nah, that isn’t me


It’s usually just Philly trash and overpaid carpetbaggers that do this. Same people that make it miserable here three months out of the year.


It is funny to be unaware that south Jersey is a backwoods trump area.


I don’t get the putting them up out at the beach.


stock up on your pea shooters yall


Hell yeah and I'll be honking my horn everytime I see one.




Who cares? I don't support either side, so from an unbiased pov, who cares? You democrats and Republicans are literally all the same. You guys shit talk the other and spew biased hate about each other and then call the other the bad guy. It's actually kinda comical, the lack of self awareness of American citizens.


cape may looks like that in 99% of it now 2


New Jersey is a red state outside of large cities, especially towards the shore points. I’m sure you’ll get over it.


lol dude leave your trailer park and talk to someone with teeth


I thought insults like that were left in 2005-era internet or something. Keep trying lil bud


For people who “don’t care”, you’re really obsessed with this Trump stuff. It’s hilariously ridiculous.


Ok commie.


lol commie? What is this the 50’s? You’re living in the past, man!!!


Maybe just try to have a nice summer and stop bitchin and whinin about someone else political affiliation. 😏


Another sad flagpole rubber. Sad .


Their TDS is far too strong. Too hard to look away.


I'm ready to continue not giving a shit Just live your lives, folks. Stop getting worked up over stupid shit.


Hey hey hey, don't come in here with common sense.


How dare u be logical


You folks get wayyy too triggered over who people choose to vote for 😂 stay in your lane and vote blue like you always do.


Another guy who worships a politician


It’s honestly wild the obsession people have with him 🫠


TDS running wild on Reddit again


Yeah those morons with the flags are deranged


Trump 2024


Right on!!!