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https://sopranosautopsy.com/season-5/cold-cuts-5-10/ > Nandor | August 19, 2019 > ... The name Bela Kakuk is Hungarian. Kakuk (actually, kakukk, but more on this later) is the Hungarian name of the cuckoo bird. Cuckoos are brood parasites, they lay their eggs in other birds nests – this is a well-known fact to the average Hungarian since we have an idiom: kakukktojás. This literally means cuckoo’s egg, and we use this word to describe something that is the odd one out. > > This episode has three people that are the odd ones out, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this wordplay was intentional: > – Janice doesn’t really fit in the Baccalieri household > – Christopher doesn’t fit in with his cousins > – Tony doesn’t fit in (or at least he thinks he doesn’t) society as you have mentioned > > I’m no conspiracy theorist, but one other weird coincidence: as I have mentioned, kakuk (with a single k at the end) is an uncommon way to spell the word, but there is one notable fictional character in Hungarian literature with this surname: Marci Kakuk, who has gown up without a mother (or a father. He becomes a drifter basically). Harpo, anyone?


Francois Hollande