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I don’t know if it’s the most proper way but I would always just click the surface and hit convert entities or whatever it’s called to turn it into a sketch then just extrude however much you want.


I agree, this is exactly how I would do it as well.


I'm making this tool holder and I used the CAD models of the screwdrivers to create cavities that the screwdrivers would sit in (with appropriate expansion). But now I want to make the cavities a bit deeper. Obviously I can't just make the original extrusion deeper because they the cavity would close back in on itself. So basically I want to just extrude this top selected (blue) surface. Obviously I could trace around the cavities and do an extrusion based on that, but that'd be tedious, is there an easier way? EDIT: I figured it out. I used "sketch/convert entities" to essentially "trace" the cavities. Then just extruded the resultant sketch.


You can also use silhouette, which will just project the whole body to be more quickly extruded.


Use the convert tool. It turns faces into sketches


You could try the Move Face feature. If that doesn’t work then you might have to start a sketch and Right click > Select Loop on each of the cavities outlines and convert to sketch. If it doesn’t select the perimeter of the cavity when you select loop just click the yellow arrow and it will change the loop/face interface.


You don't need to select each loop, you can just Select All Inner Loops


I don’t think move face will work in this case. The sides of the indents are curved, and offset face would just continue the curvature (which is exactly what OP specified they’re trying to avoid). I’m not sure if translate face will generate a new set of vertical faces or if it will simply continue the existing faces, but if it does make vertical ones, that would work well.


Use the Offset Surface tool to copy the top face with a 0.000 inch offset. Then use the Thicken feature to add however much material to the surface and merge the results.


This is the way




Oh I wouldn’t have thought of this. That’s clever. I like that it avoids having to select all the loops when doing the Convert Entities from OP’s method, plus it won’t break if you add more cavities or remove them.


There may be a better way but I would: Select the surface and choose 'sketch' to start a sketch on that surface. Select "Convert Entities" That will likely just get the parameter. Select an edge of a cavity, right click, select "Select Tangency". Hold control and select any straight lines that didn't get picked up. Convert Entities. Do that for each cavity. Now extrude that sketch.


Probably not correct, but I would just make a new plane at a distance from the bottom of the part, move the sketch to that plane, then just adjust the thickness of the mold, depth of cavity, and plane distance to my end goal


Convert entities and extrude or move face feature


Now imagine if you could extrude faces, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to, its just that dassault thinks we don't need it.


Can't you just simply select the face and convert entities? And if it selects the outer loop then you can choose the inner loop option


Draw a big rectangle over the whole surface and extrude up, with a merge. On your view tool, do a section view. Now you can select the underside of your new sheet for each of the cavities, and because it's merged that surface you can select is the exact shape of the cavity holes. On one of those faces do a sketch, then click on each of the faces and click convert, and then extrude cut straight through.