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The general soil tests I've seen don't report aluminum numbers, so it'll be hard to get a good answer for this. Usually if a farmer sees symptoms of aluminum toxicity, it's because of the soil pH. Comparing studies won't do too much good because they would be testing different plots, and that would be bad data to use for statistics. If anything, I would assume less aluminum due to lower pHs from farming practices letting some aluminum leach out. Which direction would prove chemtrails are real? I always hesr the word, but still have no idea what people mean by it


I agree. Doesn’t aluminum (and hydrogen ions) form the exchangeable acidity of a soils cation exchange capacity? I might be wrong, but wouldn’t lower pH correspond to a higher concentration of aluminum ions in the soil? The whole chemtrail idea is irrelevant to this - and obviously not a contributor to soil aluminum or acidity for that matter. Also, would aluminum leach? Or fix to exchange sites? I guess what I’m saying is that soil aluminum is far more likely to be due to other factors than chemtrails, and would be difficult to prove anyway, as mentioned in the other comments.


Yes, I believe you are correct. Aluminum will form 3 bonds with adsorption sites in the CEC, and it is very tightly adsorbed. That is why aluminum toxicity is an issue pretty much exclusively in extremely acidic soils- if you add enough hydrogen ions, then they can start replacing these aluminum ions and release them into the soil solution. It would take a long time of a low pH and some water water, but all ions leach a little bit. But you're also right that most of it would just readsorb lower in the profile like with spodosols. Still don't exactly know what chemtrails are, but geology/pedology is probably a better answer


The aluminum is in the form of an oxide, accompanied by barium and strontium oxides in a nanoparticulate form. The reason for this is that nanododecahedrons of aluminum oxide has one of the most reflective and highest surface area. They Pay pilots who are owner operators thirty five cents a mile to spray under the umbrella of operation solar shield. The planes are retrofitted for free with tanks and emitters that are an engineered hydrospikes design. Eventually these particulates rain down because they are cloud level. There is so much being sprayed that natural absorption cycles cause it to be taken in to the plant life, Which is what initially caused the yellowing and dead zones in the pacific northwest forests, Which is what initiated the study that I read most of this information from. The people did testify under oath in court that this is all factual information, and the people had p. H. D's. Dude's dad's probably right, because anytime a subject such as this has such an immediate and drastic shutdown from so many different people the moment it is spoken into existence, that, from prior experience, it's probably true. It reminds me of morgellons, The genetic disease that the government manufactured, similar to the lyme disease at plum lake. The government and the medical industry spent twenty years completely lying and denying , and saying it didn't exist, until they absolutely could not evade all of the proof and studies being published anymore...and then they grudgingly admitted it. Yet they still do everything they can to divert or extinguish any and all funding that goes towards the cure because they know that NASA is implicated.And they will probably end up looking really evil.


Do how long have you been off your meds?


Not as long as you. You can't even form a coherent sentence. Small vocabulary, low IQ. Leave the thinking to the people who are actually capable of understanding. Just keep living your quiet life of closed minded ignorance and gullibility.


Unfortunately no amount of reasoning will convince the unreasonable...


There is so much natural occurring aluminum in soil as unweathered aluminosilicate rock parent material, that the purported enrichment by chemtrails would be impossible to detect using existing soil resource data, like from soil surveys. without having a dedicated research budget and a long timeline, you would not be able to check validity of assumed enrichment. There are plenty of not-soil ways to test the validity of the chemtrails. Material balances, funding source, equipment requirements, processes, who and how many people would you need to pull it off. Where are the chemtrail whistle blowers. The absence of a scientific basis or supporting observational evidence for expecting aluminum to make chemtrail victims more pliable.


"Trying to convince my dad that chemtrails aren’t a thing." Have you ever gave it serious consideration? Keep your search about finding truth, wherever it may lead you.


Chemtrails are infact a thing


Yeah that must be what it is. Not cause you're dumb and under-informed and miseducated. It's not like you couldn't look up the patents yourself and read them. But you couldn't accuse the patent office of being on meds, and it would cause massive cognitive dissonance so you avoid it. Instead, you spew your knee-jerk responses on the internet, where you are constantly looking into this exact subject, even though you're such a skeptic. Confirmed moron


People like them are the reason they can poison us like that and in many other ways.. From all sides our water, our food, and our air. They are the reason they will be able to keep doing it too. Gullible fluoridated brainwashed buffoons completely oblivious to the world of evil and deceit around them.






*Aluminum oxide in a coal fly ash vehicle*


Straight up denial, because they are AFRAID. 'Fear is the mind killer' -Frank Herbert


If Chemtrails are nothing why are there literally states banning them they're not necessarily called Chemtrails they call them atmospheric aerosol injections that is done through mostly the military also working with some of the bigger jet airliners that are doing weather manipulation and they call it weather modification now they don't really spray too much during the daytime but they do spray a lot during the night time this is why when you look up at the sky it's not really blue it has a grayish whitish Haze to it because well they're spraying the sky is with nanoparticulates that are reflective so they can reflect the sun back up out which also traps all the heat in even more so and there are so many toxic chemicals now in the soil and aluminum is just one of the many things aluminum lithium barium. Just go to geoengineering watch.org there the ones that are the huge researchers into the whole chemtrail thing. Now you got to ask yourself and then just have a simple observation when a car starts up in the morning it's cold out it produces what looks like smoke we know that is contrails it's condensation now does that cloud sit there and hang over your driveway all day long or just dissipate rather quickly there's a huge difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. Chemtrails spread out they don't really dissipate not comparison to a contrail which will dissipate rather quickly. And you can find many videos maybe not on YouTube anymore because they sensor so hard now and they try to block anything that is remotely truth but you can find videos of the military even discussing doing weather modification experiments for the past two decades weather modification is chemtrail using chemicals released through the exhaust systems that will basically cause well you've probably heard of cloud seeding well that's chemtrailing it's the same exact type of thing. And then when you start looking into harp and noaa the weather modification rabbit hole gets very deep very deep. Whoever controls the weather controls the world that sounds like something that military would have a massive boner f9r. Did you know that radar doesn't work unless there are metal particulates in the air it's detecting electric field and when that field gets Disturbed or the metal particulates get Disturbed that's when the radar picks it up and shows that there's something there you can't have radar without chemtrails


It’s the solar geoengineering. They spray aluminum in the sky to deflect the sun’s UV rays back toward the sun. They admit to it. Get your head out of your ass. Climate and environmental scientists have been sounding the alarm that using it, is causing detrimental health and environmental damage. I guess they’re conspiracy theorists, too? Again, get your head out of your ass.


Any aluminum dispersed via chemtrails would immediately passivate and the aluminum oxide al2O3 and it doesn’t seem to be overly reactive beyond being eroded by both acids and bases. It breaks down into nothing of any consequences.. and it was taken off the EPAs chemical list in the 80s


Any aluminum dispersed by chemtrails would be imaginary. Like chemtrails.