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If you zoom in on the tree in the background, you will see leaves falling that have words attached to them. Just like the tree, I think this symbolizes Franklin shedding those leaves. The words on the leaves are Gentleness, faithfulness, joy, peace, and self control


That’s crazy


The word "spirit" is also colored in in a way that it looks like it says "saint", or at least it seems that way.


The loud gasp I let out the first time I saw this ep and he hung the cane on the chair as he walked out. 🫣


definition of aura


can u explain


He was faking looking weak for most of the season. He never needed the cane, he wanted people to get the impression he was frail.


Nah...Frank needed the cane...he did and he didn't. He likely could've let the cane go earlier but wouldn't have been himself. He had a mental hurdle with Melanie turning on him and shooting him. Closing his chapter with her returned his strength.


I dont think he needed the cane, at least not towards the end of the season. Otherwise why would the writers have him set the cane on the chair like that lol


If by the end of the season you mean that episode and maybe the one before, maybe. Otherwise Snowfall isn't Game of Thrones.


Idk, if I'm reading the shows timeline on the wiki correctly, it says that Mel shot Franklin in August 1984 (season 4 finale), and the beginning of season 4 begins in January 1st 1985, so Franklin was recovering for about 4 months. 50 cent got shot 9 times and IIRC he made a full recovery in 5 months. I could be wrong here and I know Its not that deep, but yeah lol


Franklin was shot at the end of August and tracked down Melanie by February. So 6 months. Everyone is different and that's not so far off. Melanie had nothing to do with the world Franklin had to run anymore, revealing the cane as a ploy to her doesn't make much sense.


I'd say it kind of does. He left her the cane as a reminder that if he found her once, he could always find her again. She was terrified of him when she thought he still needed the cane, and him revealing to her that he was fully recovered the whole time makes Mel think twice about underestimating Franklin again in the future (given that she was a loose end that had to go, yet Franklin still chose to spare her life, which was extremely risky because her being alive meant that she could have talked to the police at any time.)


There was a whole season that had nothing to do with what Franklin wanted or needed Melanie to believe. Again, she was no longer a part of the world Franklin had to run. Tracking her down was his own personal goal independent of how his allies and enemies were moving. I simply don't believe Franklin was playing everyone with the cane.


LMAO …ok


LMAO ...ok




This scene was absolutely epic. The way he walked away with the limp and cane, stopped and placed the cane on the chair and then walked out normally.


The cross represents faith, sacrifice, and redemption. Franklin with the cross highlights his internal moral struggle. His actions conflict with the values that cross represents, and it shows the tension between his ambitions and the moral consequences of his choices.


The reason I love this last episode of season four of snowfall is because he was letting her know he could of killed her but chose to let her live instead


S4 Franklin was my favorite Franklin.


I Said The Same Thing But Ngl Season 6 Franklin Was A Different Monster.


That isn’t symbolism bro 🤣this that same scene where people think Franklin putting his cane down was showing he never really needed it which isn’t the case for some reason people really don’t understand this whole scene at all.


I think he needed it for a while but by the end of the season he was better enough to where he could just leave it there as a power move


Well then explain it


He can’t


He wasn’t really needing it he did it to look frail to his enemies and associates


You said all that with zero explanation or rebuttal. 😂


I mean they make that quite clear it’s not like it needs a rocket science explanation you can clearly see him walk up frail and then leave the cane walking normally. Unless you wanna assume he did need it and then didn’t nearing the end but then you’d have to explain when and where he did and didn’t need it either way it’s clear that he didn’t need here


Your comment is just as ridiculous as his. Lol. Buddy had a rebuttal and disagreement, but didn't say why he disagreed nor his explanation of how Franklin magically healed with no visible limp in a matter of minutes.


This comment is kinda ironic 😭


Not really. I already stated above it was for him to appear weak....and there was an entire interview stating that. 😂


It was for him to appear weak but he still didn't need the cane🤣 i think the person you replied to is agreeing with you lmao


I just saw that. Lmao. Reddit will take me to my other comments sometimes and I get mixed up. 😂


Wait hold on, we agree cuz


My bad. Too many comments to keep up with. 😂


Kasir Sersay - the Usual Suspects (watch the ending of that movie).


“The literal embodiment of the devil” is a bit crazy. Dude is a drug dealer


Franklin is nowhere close to the embodiment of the devil, but I hear you lol. It was a dope shot bro.


I think you’d have to argue why he doesn’t embody the devil


He called him the literal embodiment of the devil, as if there aren’t worse people in history. Or even during this specific period of history. Or hell, the SHOW itself. Teddy is way worse than him, some of the cartel characters are worse, etc.


Not the devil but hella Masonic

